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Penny is offline
Old 01-16-2008, 06:00 AM

Originally Posted by silent.assassin
No wai, hands and feet are easy peasy when you get used to them. Ears are the hardest. You don't know where to scribble them. Ever. Like, I try drawing them really realistic looking...and it comes out all awkward. I try NOT to draw them.

I know! Ears are illogical. They seem so arbitrary. Just random twisted little peices of flesh. I keep making them too small.

akemicchi is offline
Old 01-16-2008, 10:47 AM

I used to have a lot of trouble with bare feet and manly hands. Obviously I'd just put shoes or socks on the feet, and it'd be okay, but for the hands... I just left them to looked like girl hands, even for the manly guys. :D

Then one day, I got tired of seeing the hands and feet, and said, "I'll do better!"! I examined a lot of anatomical reference pictures for about 3 days straight (but re-examined them throughout the month), and took notes and stuff. I doodled a bit and tried to apply what I learned. I guess something finally clicked in my head while I was drawing, and I was able to draw it a lot better than I was able to.

Most of the things I have trouble with are usually solved by some sort of accidental revelation I have while doodling. XD; Practice really does make perfect (or, rather, better) for me.

Now, I'm having a terrible time with ears. I hate them so much. No matter how long I stare at reference photos of ears, I can't seem to figure out any consistency. XD;

Reiny is offline
Old 01-19-2008, 01:54 AM

Most artists would probably say the hands and feet. xD

They're so difficult!! Because they're completely different on everyone and they can be in so many positions. Darn fingers and toes. xD

Heirii is offline
Old 05-25-2008, 02:55 AM

hands are most definatly the most hardest thing to draw. They have so many curves and you have to get it just right! and if your drawing guy hands they have to be so huge and if you don't give them big hands the whole picture looks distortioned it's horible... I DISLIKE DRAWING HANDS!:drool:

Kaelin Devereux
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Kaelin Devereux is offline
Old 05-25-2008, 10:28 PM

definately hard drawing the hands and feet.. for me that is *sweat drop*

Ciroen is offline
Old 05-26-2008, 03:41 PM

Hands are definitely the hardest part to draw for me. I can never get the proportions right; the fingers either come out too long and spindly, or too short and stubby. >w<

I reference off my hands most of the time, but for some hard poses I sometimes reference other pictures. I've been trying not to rely on them so much though, so I practice drawing hands at school...mostly by drawing my classmates hands when I'm supposed to be taking notes. xD

But this site--{Click!} Is great for hand references on the web. <3333 (you might need to click around on the menu to the right to find the hands.)

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Quisik is offline
Old 05-26-2008, 09:24 PM

Yeah I agree with everyone. Hands and feet are very difficult to draw. But I draw hands anyway because the poses I think up always include them x'D So yeah, I'm improving with those.

I also find shoes very difficult o__o I think that's 'cause I'm never bothered to draw fullbody ^^;
Clothing folds and perspective are other things I've been having trouble with lately too.

Oh wow yeah that is a pretty neat site =O

Last edited by Melody; 06-30-2008 at 12:19 AM.. Reason: double post

Sequined Messengers
Sequined Messengers is offline
Old 05-28-2008, 06:12 PM

I find the shoulders and where the arms join the torso to be the hardest part to draw, I always seem to get the widths wrong unless I have a model or reference picture...

Hands and feet are okay for me, they used to be tricky but I've got used to drawing them now.

Ariel is offline
Old 05-31-2008, 09:41 PM

A lot of people have trouble with those parts of the body (I do), but you won't get better at drawing them if you don't draw them all.
At first, I had trouble drawing bodies, so I wouldn't draw anything past the shoulders, but I learned how to draw bodies when I started going to college. Of course, they don't always look right, but I try!

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Silverbleed is offline
Old 06-01-2008, 04:18 PM

Feet and anklets. The hands ain't much of a problem really...
But I've always had trouble with the feet...

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Shelbyrockin is offline
Old 06-01-2008, 11:43 PM

Hands and feet are the most difficult. And side views, too.

kuro_ame is offline
Old 06-08-2008, 08:59 PM

hands and feet
usually me just draw boots on them as circley blobs
and hands ... well lets just say me hopes for the best


Dreamii is offline
Old 06-10-2008, 07:11 AM

I am bad at drawing the hands, feet, and sometimes eyes....

The hands I draw most of the time, but it looks too skinny when I draw them, I am getting really good at it though! <3 The feet that I make, um...I am not very good at it...^^;; I just make them a rectangular curvy feet...haha. X3 And the eyes that I have problem with is when I have to make them the same, or when my person looks a different way, I have to change the other eye...

AlikaMorein is offline
Old 06-14-2008, 01:51 AM

Definitely hands and feet. XD But I think most people are like that.

CirceNix is offline
Old 06-14-2008, 02:28 AM

I don't have any problems with hands. I use to have trouble with feet, until filled almost an entire sketchbook with feet drawings. Sometimes they still give me trouble, but not like they use to.

Ghost Pony
Ghost Pony is offline
Old 06-15-2008, 04:33 AM

The waist and thighs!
I always end up making male thighs thin and feminine, while female thighs are either too large or just too disproportionate. And the waist...Oh gosh, someone just end me now if I can never get those right.

I draw fingers in a sort of bony fashion, so there's really no trouble. I imagine them like crooked branches of a tree, and eventually smooth them out to some desired effect. And the feet have always been relatively easy for me. While girls in class were doodling eyes and getting "oohs" and "ahhs", I was drawing hands holding balls and fruit.

I can never get the mouth right. That's the hardest part for me: the mouth.

There must have been some sort of memo mixup.

Reinel is offline
Old 06-29-2008, 09:08 PM

Ahaha, I sometimes have trouble drawing body proportions in general. But a long time ago, the hands were annoying.

Basically, I used a mirror on my desk and my left hand to draw whatever hand position I wanted. It was tough the first few times, so I also drew a mechanical sketch (somewhat like a robot hand, with all the joints showing). And now, I'm perfectly fine with them. xD

Kieran Haines
Kieran Haines is offline
Old 06-30-2008, 01:18 AM

I have no trouble doing the upper body, but once it gets to the waist down. Ugh.
Everything just goes downhill from there, and the legs just look awkward. It's like they don't fit in with the upperbody.

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Rehanni is offline
Old 07-07-2008, 11:08 PM

Definitely hands. I try to discipline myself to draw them, but sometimes I give in and put them behind the back.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...

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Melody is offline
Old 07-07-2008, 11:37 PM

Rehanni- I used to do that with hands, but after a while I just started practicing them and just them. They still don't turn out awesome all the time, but it's better then just having a character standing awkward with their hands behind their back. XD

Yellow Bean
Yellow Bean is offline
Old 07-11-2008, 05:29 PM

I have the most trouble drawing long hair and hip/thigh area(as in, I have trouble drawing where the legs start). I also seem to be unable to draw the waist/legs at a 3/4 view. :| Hands and feet are fine, really. Sketch out a circle for the palm and make sure it's bigger than the wrist. But I mean, after you get over that part, you're gonna whine about drawing a body from top view or from different angles... XD With that in mind, I also have trouble drawing bodies form those angles. Actually, I have never tried because I wouldn't know where to start. :3

Anyway, for me: hair = death

Cuz I can't seem to make it look natural. XD ... Er, and yes hair is part of the body I guess. x3;;!

0__o is offline
Old 07-11-2008, 06:24 PM

For me, hands are a little harder to draw, along with feet, but I do my best to work with them O_e
Here, I'll show you.
What really gives me a pet peeve is proportion Dx
God, if the scale isnt right then I get thrown for a loop.

This one demonstrates proportion, I am honestly happy with her features. They are smooth and the flow well with her pose.

This one demonstrates that if you really wanted, you could do a damned good job.
I made this one about 2 years ago for a gaian commission.
So yes. >>
Thats my rant on whats hardest for me xD

iEdward is offline
Old 07-17-2008, 07:24 AM

Gah, hands, feet...sometimes legs and noses. Out of no where I started to stink at noses! O: Ah well. But deffinatly hands, my art and english teacher are always saying out the hand is the hardest part of the human body to draw...I used to shove hands in pockets, or make cheesy little square fist looking things! xP But I'm improving, not by a whole lot....but I found a few guides somewhere that are helping.

I remember this one hand I drew, that I was kind of proud of...I looked at it one day and there were six fingers! Well, five fingers and a thumb, but saying six fingers is easier! xD

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Existentialism is offline
Old 07-20-2008, 09:30 AM

Hands and eyes are definitely the hardest for me.
I try to practice but I don't really see any improvement XDD

I just draw them chibish :3

Volucria is offline
Old 07-22-2008, 10:58 AM

Toes and normal human ears. They never look like I want them to look. >_< Needless to say I prefer drawing creatures with non-human feet and ears...

Curly hair (the doll-like big curls kind) is also frustrating.

Edit: OH! I forgot to add clothing folds. They're not really a body part, but I hate them with a passion. I can't fold cloth for the life of me, unless I take reference pictures of how the cloth is supposed to drape around the body... but I cannot use a camera at all times, so most of the time I'm stuck with an imagination that can imagine anything except clothing folds.

Last edited by Volucria; 07-22-2008 at 11:02 AM.. Reason: Forgot a part of my message


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