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Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 06-26-2010, 08:58 PM

Lyron looked around, wondering what he should do do break the ice...
''If you're not going to drink your orange juice, I'm going to steal it you know.'' He said, pointing at her glass with a devilish glint in his eyes. Somehow he didn't like it when another was depressed, and Lirael.. Well she was just way prettier laughing.

I am extremely sad :|
Applekisses is offline
Old 06-26-2010, 09:03 PM

(So cute!)

Lirael smirked and shook her head. "You're just going to have to get it from me if you want it." She stuck her tongue at him, before taking another sip of her juice. "Mmm...yummy!"

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 06-26-2010, 09:08 PM

Lyron shrugged.
''The next time you're leaving your drink allll aloone in that big glass, I'm going to steal it without warning. Just a warning that I won't warn you from my side, you should be thankful instead of showing me that impulsive pinkish rude toungue of yours.'' Lyron said, a big smile on his face.

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Applekisses is offline
Old 06-26-2010, 09:13 PM

Lirael giggled softly. "Oh really! Maybe I should put my tongue down your throat then!" She covered her mouth, laughing, obviously joking around with him. "And maybe I should dump the juice on your head! Oh no! No! It's too good." She took another sip, showing off how good it tasted.

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 06-26-2010, 09:18 PM

Lyron shook his head.
''Down my throat? And what if I swallow it? A moving worm like thing in my throat, the idea only!'' He laughed, a smile playing his face as he looked at how she demonstrated how good her drink was.
''No, it would definitely not be worth my money to get drenched by it myself. It would suit better on your hair though, want to try?'' He said, putting a finger on his chin as if actually thinking about it.

I am extremely sad :|
Applekisses is offline
Old 06-26-2010, 09:24 PM

If only he knew what she meant by shoving her tongue down his throat(XD). She pouted, innocently. "Now, I'd get sick then. And I might get so sick you'd have to pay for my medical bill." She smiled and poked his nose. "The juice would give you some color, on that old man hair of yours!"

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 06-26-2010, 09:29 PM

Lyron thought of this for a moment, though pouted childishly when she poked his nose.
''But I paid the juice already, paying the medical bill would your turn.'' Lyron said, a big smile on his face, showing the slightly more pointish canine teeth than those of a human's.
''And it's not my fault you want to shove that tounge of yours down my throat, rather than be satisfied with my mouth.'' He grinned, figuring opening his mouth now would be a bit too perverse for his own liking. The male twirled his 'old man' hair for a moment, pouting again.
''But it's white, that's different! I can't help it that my hair is awesome.'' Lyron said, giving her a 'handsome' overdone smile, of course meant to not look charming.

I am extremely sad :|
Applekisses is offline
Old 06-26-2010, 09:38 PM

"Your lips are probably bad company sir. It's kind for a man to pay for medical bills." Lirael leaned forward, sticking her tongue at him. "My hair's more awesome! And It's softer too!" She twirled a lock, smirking at him, invitingly, without knowing that it looked like she was trying to seduce him.

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 06-27-2010, 10:09 AM

Lyron sat backwards again, enjoying the sun a bit.
''Considering you want to put that tounge of yours down my threat, I'm sure you'd meet my lips either way. Though my teeth wouldn't mid meeting your tounge either. Lets come to the conclusion that shoving your tounge down my throat wouldn't be useful.'' He said, a finger in the air, acting like he put back a pair of glasses down his nose again.
''Honestly, how many more times are you going to stick that tounge out to me? And I never said something about your hair right? Mine's awesome, yourss more awesome... But mine's not old man hair, else yours would just be sllightly better than that.'' The elven male grinned, closing his eyes for amoment... To find Lirael awfully close to him the next. His eyebrows went up, narrowing his eyes, looking/staring he didn't know, in those green eyes of hers.
''Miss Lirael, you're very close, and acting very... Provocing. I doubt you know what you're doing...'' He simply said, going away a few inches from her head in the hope of not breathing in her face...

I am extremely sad :|
Applekisses is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 11:28 AM

Lirael pulled back a little her cheeks getting red. "Sorry...Didn't notice that." She scratched the back of her hair, awkwardly and sat properly again, not really being so close to him. "You still want my juice? I don't want it anymore."

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 06-27-2010, 11:52 AM

Lyron looked at her, wondering what caused her bipolarness... He sat a bit more forward, looking at her rather intensely.
''Are you sure you're okay? Maybe you need some rest...'' He said, worry very evident in his voice.
''I don't know whether it's a female thing, or a human thing for all I know, but you don't seem okay. You don't have a fever do you?'' He asked, not really knowing sure how to handle this... Situation? Female? Ugh, whatever was the damn cause.

I am extremely sad :|
Applekisses is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 11:58 AM

Lirael shook hear head. "No...I guess I just need some rest." She sighed, thankful that he did not know that he was the cause of this whole situation. She bit her bottom lip, looking around the place, except him. Myrr...Lirael wanted her to come, but not even half an hour passed.

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 06-27-2010, 12:06 PM

Lyron looked at her in worry, but igured she couldn't use a staring person right now.
''You wouldn't happen to have a house somewhere around here?'' He asked, somehow it wouldn't be surprising for a person of the organisation to have a house in the kingdom. Actually it made sheer sense. He and Myrr too had one, but not in town. Myrr had made one of earth bending at an open spot in the forest. Next to a lake, s to be honest, it was perfect. They just didn't use it many because of all the missions.

I am extremely sad :|
Applekisses is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 12:13 PM

Lirael looked at Lyron and nodded. "Yeah...It's just a few blocks away...But I don't want to go there now." She pouted, looking up at the sun. "Don't we have to wait for Myrr, here? And plus I don't want to waste day light."

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 06-27-2010, 12:26 PM

Lyron sighed wearily, a small smile on his face.
''Either, considering there is sunlight, you should drink enough. Else you'll turn dizzy too.'' he said, not really knowing what there was left to say honestly. Heck, he wanted to yell to myrr she should hurry up for whoever's sake. Ah right, Lirael's. He was sure she'd hear, she's a sound magician and an elf...
''Okay, but as soon an Myrr arrives you're going to rest, I'll drag you to where ever your home is if you won't coöperate. Understood?'' The elf said, dead-serious. Though he didn't understand himself why her safety bothered him so... It was logical but wasn't he giving her special attention here? He shrugged of the thought, though of course it would arise soon enough again.

I am extremely sad :|
Applekisses is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 12:33 PM

Lirael frowned at him and shook her head. "I'll run for the other direction then, if you're going to drag me." She smiled, not really sure why though. Then she pouted again. She drank the rest of her juice, and sighed afterwards. "I don't like to be forced to sleep...I miss out on everything. I wish I didn't really have to go to sleep, but I'd have to use magic so that wouldn't happen...and that'd make me more tired."

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 06-27-2010, 12:51 PM

Lyron chuckled.
''If you're able to run I'm sure I won't need to drag you.'' He said, wondering why he felt a little little bit disappointed... Because it would have been funny? He likes fun, don't mind thinking he's a grumpypants... But still he would have liked it for a bit more than just fun.
''You shouldn't skip on sleep though, it's important for your growth. And once your body matures it's easier to wield and hold your magic in control, or at least Myrr says so. But then again, that's because she's unstable...'' he sighed, wondering where the hell the little witch was.
''You áre going to sleep. If it would make you feel better me and Myrr... We'll just do something unimportant in the meantime.'' Lyron said, now again wondering why he gave this particular female so many... Attention.

I am extremely sad :|
Applekisses is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 01:00 PM

Lirael shook her head. "I don't need to be stable with magic, I just can't use big magic when I'm tired. I don't think I'm unstable with the lack of sleep, I just do the weirdest things with some people." Well not really some people. More of only around him. She glared at him, once he was serious about her having to go to sleep. "No! I want to know what the hell happened to my parents and I'm not going to sleep until I find out now!" She covered her mouth and looked away, she wasn't suppose to tell him that. "Forget that I said that," she mumbled.

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 06-27-2010, 01:11 PM

Lyron now looked more worried than ever, but figured when she would say he should forget that... That he would... Forget that he wants to say something about it, or actually forget to use it in one of his arguments.
''Okay... Well I'm sure the librarians and keeps and the guradians of those archives and whoever else only let in mentally stable people, Lirael. You should get some sleep. Gosh, I have enough of this sleeping battle with Myrr everyday, are you going to start too?'' He sighed, ''Females are the most troublesome willing to be sleep deprived creatures in the world... And I ewon't let you become one. You áre going to sleep.'' He growled, obviously serious, looking at her intensely (oh great, how lovely isn't he?).

I am extremely sad :|
Applekisses is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 01:20 PM

(:) ) Lirael looked at him shocked and was about to slap him, when she stopped. Dropping her hand she shook her head. "Why are you caring about me so much? Goodness...Fine, I'll go to sleep once Myrr arrives." She sighed and crossed her arms, frowning. "Why do you men have to be stupid all the time!?"

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 06-27-2010, 01:28 PM

Lyron laughed, placing his elbows on his knees resting his head in his hands, looking at up her though.
''Because you are not feeling well, yet you don't want to fix yourself up a bit maybe? Or maybe because I just have that caring for girls instinct? That one is because of Myrr if that were true.'' he laughed, a handsome smile on his face.
''We're born stupid so females have a sentence to be said when something isn't going as they want. Thanks a lot for agreeing with me on this point though.'' he smiled, sort of proud. The man sat back wards again, looking around. The little girl should arrive soon...

I am extremely sad :|
Applekisses is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 01:36 PM

Lirael rolled her eyes, disgusted that she was being friendly with this arrogant bastard. She was being in denial of her feelings for him now, finding that it was not a good idea to waste her time with him, when her feelings seemed to get stronger. She poked his ear, wrinkling her nose. "Nice ears, dude."

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 06-27-2010, 04:32 PM

Lyron took a sharp intake of air through his nose, holding back a sound he didn't want to be heard, covering his mouth. He slowly removed his hand and gave her a small smile, hoping she wouldn't try that again. He must have look slightly disorientated... If not a lot.
''Thanks, I guess. Nice normal ears, insert whatever modern name there is for a female here. Please don't call me dude... It sounds dumb.'' He said a bit awkward, breathing just the slightest bit faster... Gosh, he wasn't prepared for that, when did he drop his guard again? He looked slightly annoyed with this thought flashing through his mind, maybe he was a bit too relaxed around her?

I am extremely sad :|
Applekisses is offline
Old 06-27-2010, 04:50 PM

Lirael looked at him fascinated. She didn’t know elves had sensitive ears. “Why does dude sound dumb? What should I call you then?” She giggled softly. “Mr. Awesome hair? Lyron? Eh-too boring…Hmm…Cutie-pie?” She giggled again, this time poking both of his ears at the same time.

Entertain me. Be unique. I chall...
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Old 06-27-2010, 06:09 PM

Lyron laughed, though hoped she wouldn't continue poking... When she started talking normally again he actually had a small hope she dropped it.
''My name? Some weird word that you think would do fine for me? Idiot maybe? Everything better than 'dude'.'' He groaned, obviously not really happy by the idea that he was called due or something... Somehow it had a weird ring to it. He pulled faces when she started naming up names, and laughed at the cutie pie part wondering what part again of him was cute. When she poked both his ears though... His hand moved to his mouth once again, gritting his teeth, breathing heavily through his nose, sure not to let anything come out of his mouth... Honestly, was she asking for him to let out something he'd regret? This thought sure enough made sense.
''Don't no... more... Please.'' He said, between heavy heavy breathings, looking at her with half lidded (lusty XP) eyes through downwards bangs.


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