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yiesha is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 07:03 AM

chroma > nyaaaa *eats chroma* i cant stand cute people, i just love to eat them too much XD <333
awww~~ i am so glad to hear that *o* <3 ganbatte!!!


bell > wah XDD sankyu <3333 *chases after to take them back* XD


momo > i bought some sushi from sushi king today, wuv them all *o*
*givess some to momo*
lolx true true XD
and yes, you are right. we are sisters anyway, right? shrug* so hard to satisfy our ownself /rolls
i bought some new bangles today. they looks like yurui's
i hope they have more of them in store. i wanna collect until i got same amount with my yurui -crazy XDD
fufufufufufufu so tired XD <3

yiesha is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 08:19 AM

mene seems extremely empty today it's scary o.o;;

yiesha is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 02:37 PM

okie. new dolls again xD

my oc shiro with an updated look. well, he's quite new, so i havent finalized. i think i'll stick with this for awhile. decided to make the ear not white color, cuz too much white color kinda em..not so fun /rolls

Belldandy is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 04:10 PM

I like California rolls <33

Hehe I have a very short attention span to things I don't like too xD

@Yie - Nuuuu you can't have them back, I want to keep them!! :3

Such cute new dolls.

yiesha is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 04:57 PM

bell > i wonder how california rolls look like. it sounds like bread to me D:
oh? then you like it after awhile? XD
noooooooo nooo keeping~~~ *brings her mafia gang to seach bell house*
sankyu <333

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 05:16 PM

awwwwww sooo cute! love your new OC doll! its adorable the clothing so cute! and hairstyle beautiful!!! cute cute cute! *pinches its cute little cheeks* awww and all the other dollies on that base last two pages so adorable too! cute cute! hahah and yes it seems after my group saw how you made Kyrylo all beautiful, every single one of them wanted also <3 hahah *comfort Yie* attack of the faerie orders!

oh i see i see, humm i don't think there are any games that people play that much like RO over there for you, here. maybe WoW? lots of people play FFxi also.. and another type of game (the ones that do on board game) Dungeons and Dragon or Descender. kekeke i play descender ^.~ a lot of people play RO too i think? when i was in uni almost my whole class taking Japanese was also playing RO? but maybe we were all just gamer-nerds?

yeah it sucked that they all cancelled on us, they could of at least had the decency to call.. but noooo they didn't *kicks them* and then ren was all sad because he had such high hope. but we went to mum in laws and had fun with his siblings <3 and next day we were supposed to go to renfest with a friend also (he ended up cancelling too.. we were so mad) but we had a good time anyways!

ooo and i got this really cute nifty outfit (though they don't have any example picture online) so I'm going to try and draw it and then prolly my new OC will wear because it looks SO cool.. and essentially new OC is me >.>; lol just changed name a bit cause it isn't avatar.. YAY get to draw myself (or try) lol muhahaha

Momo4ever is offline
Old 04-23-2007, 09:07 PM

Originally Posted by yiesha

momo > i bought some sushi from sushi king today, wuv them all *o*
*givess some to momo*
lolx true true XD
and yes, you are right. we are sisters anyway, right? shrug* so hard to satisfy our ownself /rolls
i bought some new bangles today. they looks like yurui's
i hope they have more of them in store. i wanna collect until i got same amount with my yurui -crazy XDD
fufufufufufufu so tired XD <3
YAY Yie bought Sushi today. I wish I could have gone too WAHH.
*Eats all the sushi Yie gave her*
Yes Yes your so right we are sisters so why wouldnt it be the same for both of us.
OH Thats one of my favorite of your OC's heheh Yurui
I bet they look awsome Yie Yie.
Yeah I hope you get some more too Yie You gotta show me one day what they look like.
Wahh Hows come Yie is tired. Momo is so Happy today Heroes comes back on TV

@Bel they have Cali roll where you live??
Your telling me I always here you say you hate homework and always put it off

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Drache-Lehre is offline
Old 04-24-2007, 12:02 AM

*sneaks on in for a few moments and without them looking tackles both Yie and Ji-chan then starts roughin' up their hair* >D

yiesha is offline
Old 04-24-2007, 03:19 AM

thank you jitsu chan! <33333 lolx. but but all the fairiies are beautiful. i feels blessed doing them~~ getting commished to draw such beautiful characters are always my happiness~~ all thanks to kyr and you *o* <333

it's so trueeeeeeee!! i mean, it's birthday! have some heart, right? poor ren. it will break my heart so bad if people say they forget my birthday, i mean, if i got the party and all setted up some more D: D: *pats you both* i am glad to hear you still have a good time though! <3

wah wah!! take the piccu of it, or draw would be wonderful. i would love to seee!! *o*


momo > *watches momo eats* XD <333
true ne *o*
lolx. you always give more luffs to her! XDD but cant blame you, since she's my fav too (tries to change my avi hair, but not last long, love the yurui lookalike hair more) <33
okie dokie! when i got the fullset, i will take piccu of those

wah. everyone watching heroes. yie want to watch them too, i think it's here too. or not. not sure. but very familiar~~~ but i always dunno when it's aired at here..hmmmmm needs to check on that~


> awwwww you sneaky sneaky little girl!!! *falls after gets tackles and chases after*

Zurie is offline
Old 04-24-2007, 03:51 AM

  • What base have you been using for the last few dolls you've posted? OOO:

yiesha is offline
Old 04-24-2007, 04:13 AM

oh. it's the same with the front page. from but the side died. wish i would've saved all the bases from there, or found their new website D:

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 04-24-2007, 07:13 AM

oh yay! thats neat that you like doing the faeries *snort* cause i think there is another girl thats trying to save up a little bit because she likes the dollies and wants to get one as well ^^; hers is same general color as Kyrylo, but much much mre yellow ^o^ so purdy.

yar it was birthday, and they has been talking about coming for a long time, thats why i was so so angry. Ren was so excited because for ONCE seemed like people remembered.. and then that crap happened and he was so bummed out *comforts her baby* it blows.. im really mad at his coworkers right now.

kekeke i drew it earlier today and am inking it now.. and i will prolly get picture taken in it soon because i really really like the outfit ^o^

*gnaws on DL*

yiesha is offline
Old 04-24-2007, 08:31 AM

lolx. yeah they are really fun to do cuz they are all so pretty! the only prob to yie all the time is yie ish not so good with wings. /rolls. aww..i think i saw that one <333 a girl right? so pretty <333 she could come and bid at my auccie too if she really want. the bid is low. she might got it at cheap =3

awww poor ren D: i would be too if i were you. i mean, breaking the heart of people we luffs = </3

wah. cant wait to see it! *o*

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 04-24-2007, 08:44 AM

kekek you and your sneaky auctions *goes to investigate* sneaky sneaky sneaky

mmm auction #1 im bidding on that i really want to win is over in 22 hours! *is eyeballing like crazy*

ho yesh! baby FINALLY fell asleep! took only 4 hours! crazy baby!

yay in a few hours i go out to apply for jobbies all day again ^^;; wish me luck!

yiesha is offline
Old 04-24-2007, 08:54 AM

lolx!!! but maybe i'll stop doing auction after this. will go back hometown and settle things off. i have been trying to run away from rl problem actually. that's why trying to be busy. (that's explain the number of dolls count i did for past 2 weeks @_@;; ) cuz when i am not busy, i will start to feel so down and all the prob come again -stabs them-

wah. what auction are you bidding? at here or gaia? *o* -wants to win jimy auc but dunno when it'll end. >o<;;

wah wah! but baby is unpredictable. where did he sleep right now? no more under the chair, yes? XD <3

wah. good luck!!! *o* interview or something?

shosho is offline
Old 04-24-2007, 12:27 PM

Ah! omg, yie! those dollies look so adorable! The ones, I mean! X3 <333 Shiro looks so cute~ Ooh, and good luck in the auctions, Jitsu! *A*! <3 Gambare! /too poor here to bid XD;

yiesha is offline
Old 04-24-2007, 01:17 PM

thank you so much shoshi!! *o* lolx. why there's no good luck for meeeeeeeeee XDD *pinches shoshi* XDDD

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Chroma is offline
Old 04-24-2007, 07:49 PM

Ooh, new dolly looks great. 8DDD

Coincidentally, I was about to force you to make a doll auction yesterday.o3o
-=luffbids=- >w< <3

Zurie is offline
Old 04-24-2007, 10:11 PM

  • Jishin's bases? Y'mean theeeeese? xDD
    I got lucky one day. >w<

bana is offline
Old 04-25-2007, 02:25 AM

*sneaks by*

how's my yieluff?? :o
I need to start coming to menewsha more, damn gaia cinemas D:!

Belldandy is offline
Old 04-25-2007, 03:52 AM

Originally Posted by yiesha

bell > i wonder how california rolls look like. it sounds like bread to me D:
oh? then you like it after awhile? XD
noooooooo nooo keeping~~~ *brings her mafia gang to seach bell house*
sankyu <333
They still look like sushie xD

Oh nooo but I want to keep the dolls, you can't bring the mafia in my house!!


@ Momo - Yes, they do.

I've actually made some before ^_^

xD You know me to well, I sure do hate homework and am neglecting some I have to do too!!!

But I usually get it done the day before it is due, I can't help but procrastinate!

yiesha is offline
Old 04-25-2007, 05:03 AM

chroma > thank you *o* <3333
really? omg i can read your mind!! aint it scares you at least a little +_+ /kidding lolx
sankyu neeeeee >o<


zurie > omg it's jinshin's dollies!!! i want to get back all those. they are like jinshin and pauline at previously. i think they cant afford to continue their webbie, so it left just like that (since i saw most people who use the same base link to the dead site anyway ToT ) and and the base i am using is not jinshin's. it's by pauline. /nodes nodes but but, i love both nonetheless. eeee if you ever found any more of pauline's work, tell me nyaa so i can link back to her more approprietely? thank you zurie <333 omg i love that snow drop base! *o*


bani > wah!! i cant get to meet bani on msn today ToT
i dont understand about the cinemas thing D: D:
but but bani here more is really loveeeeeee *chuus you*


bell > wwhatt sushiiiiiiiiiiiiiii *stares at her dolls and starts to get hungry herself* lmao.

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 04-25-2007, 04:37 PM

awww i hope you get everything fixed that you dont like/ it sucks to be in an area where you dont feel welcome and it doesnt feel like home *hug* im sure things will get better soon though ^^

oh i was bidding on 3 auctions on gaia, lost one, won one and the other isnt over yet so waiting on that one. hoping to win that one also <3 kekeke and the two i won last night was for full body shaded pencil and another for full body ball point pen ^.^ going to get Kyrylo and Bijou done *squee*

hahah yeah the baby tends to sleep where ever he feels like it >.>; he's a little monkey ><; smelly monkey!!!

yiesha is offline
Old 04-25-2007, 08:58 PM

i know. D: D: tomorrow will go back hometown. i hope the monitor is all good and all /rolls. thank you ne , jitsu. you are so uunderstanding ToT and and! kukico accepted my request to art trade ToT soo kind <333 all thanks to you for giving me confidence! *Snugs*

wah so many auccie! yie at gaia is soo poor D: so no auccie bidding for me /sob. wah. so many nyya? who is the artist? must be so love ly *o* <3

rofl that smelly monkey is cute though. *o* such nauthy one even only at lil age ne <33

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 04-25-2007, 09:08 PM

omg hahah thats great news! your going back home where you will be more comfortable! no more unneccesary stress! yay yay! thats so great!

hahah and i was certain she would be interested! you have such cute cute cute art and she loves cute things <3 <3 <3 *throws confetti* thats so neat that she agreed, how lovely <3 she will draw your male OC so sexy <3 <3 which one did you want her to draw *curious curious*

oh i show you examples of each of her work (akanekun) pencil shaded < > going to get of Kyryllo and ball point pen < > going to get of Bijou <3 awwww and maybe i should try to bribe you on gaia >.>; lol

hehehe and yes baby is stinky and trouble maker some times, but still cute most of the time.. just takes a little patience is all.


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