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Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 06-30-2016, 12:00 AM

UPDATE: My significant other is coming back to my state now! He is on the train with his business partner :) Hooray!!!

June 30, 2016 - My significant other is in yet another meeting. What was silly was that it was supposed to happen at a specific time and place, but then they rescheduled it to a different place and an hour later.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 08-12-2016 at 12:54 AM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 06-30-2016, 01:50 PM

July 1, 2016 - I was studying all night and went to bed at 5:15 am last night and somehow my body decided to wake up at 9am this morning. So I got some work done and then went to my meeting but then I was so exhausted that my body napped on the couch for almost two hours...I don’t like naps because they mean I didn’t sleep enough. Which is true, but still. I will need to start adjusting my sleep schedule and stop straining myself so much.

July 3, 2016 - I got to spend time with my significant other and his friends yesterday who were visiting from out of state. They are hanging out again today but I am not joining them. I have a lot of studying and work to do before Wednesday, when I have my next meeting.

July 4, 2016 - It is 10:50 AM right now. How is my significant other not awake yet o.o I might have to make some wake up calls.

I made a wake up call but he had just happened to wake up so he picked up and we talked for an hour and now we are each doing our own work.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:12 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-02-2016, 12:53 AM

July 5, 2016 - I am still not done with the work I had originally planned to finish by tonight...and it is already July 5th. No more July 4th fireworks happening outside from the neighbors' front yards. It is 3:24 AM. My goodness. I am so tired. Okay I should really get back to work or go to sleep. I guess sleep should be the better option. My significant other went to sleep about an hour ago. Somehow he does not have insomnia from staying up really late. I know I am sometimes insomniatic...if that is a word. I don't know.

July 6, 2016 very early morning - I am almost done!! Just four more questions need to be done for my meeting tomorrow. I am going to try to finish these as soon as possible, and maybe I will have time to watch a movie or something?? I don't know. We shall see. I am getting tired too, so I might also just head to bed early tonight.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:13 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-03-2016, 04:54 PM

July 7, 2016 really early morning - What a wonderful day with my significant other, even though it was technically less than half a day. I got to visit his office, meet a couple of his friends, get dinner together, tell stories, and bond even more. I miss him already, but he is leaving for another state tomorrow. Back to where he usually is when he is not visiting my state for business or personal purposes. But he is coming back in two weeks for more meetings, so I look forward to seeing him again. It is amazing how well this long distance relationship is panning out so far. It's not like we haven't had a pretty small share of bickering but we really do care for each other, support each other, and help each other whenever possible. And I like that we have a bond that is emotional and not just physical, and realistic and not just imagined.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:14 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-04-2016, 01:52 PM

July 7, 2016 evening - My significant other is on the bus now. We exchanged a few selfies haha after he told me there was someone on the bus who was taking dozens of selfies of herself sitting in the seat. I suspected that maybe she was snapchatting with someone, sending photos back and forth to each other because those only last for 10 seconds.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:14 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-04-2016, 08:25 PM

July 8, 2016 - I have been cramping the entire day so far, but fortunately it has been relatively mild. So just uncomfortable as opposed to painful. My significant other has arrived safely where he is attending a conference after being on two airplanes.

---------- Post added 07-08-2016 at 07:13 PM ----------

My significant other had to wait a long time for his turn in line at the hotel but since he stopped responding all of a sudden, I think it is finally his turn. He had to stay up really late in order to board his flight, and while he did get to sleep some on the planes, there was a layover so his sleep had to have been interrupted. I hope he can get to his hotel room soon so that he can finally put down all this things and just rest for a while.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 08-12-2016 at 12:54 AM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-05-2016, 06:27 AM

July 9, 2016 really early morning - My significant other is in a different timezone so no sleeping at the same time as we sometimes try to do. Or at least, I try to do. He kind of just sleeps whenever he needs to since he is currently busier than I am and has to stay up really late, plus he has had to travel all over the U.S. for company-related things, so I am sure jetlag has something to do with his inconsistent sleep schedule as well.

July 9, 2016 - I guess my significant other is not awake yet because he has not responded to any of my texts, haha. But it is time for him to wake up!!! I wonder how late he stayed up last night if he is still asleep right now. Silly significant other.

UPDATE: He ended up renting a car with his friend and then they went to two places to go sightseeing and he enjoyed them both, which was nice. I have been to both of those places that he was sightseeing at today.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:15 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-06-2016, 01:04 AM

July 10, 2016 - It is almost 1AM in the morning, so I guess it counts as the next day. I am super tired and will be going to bed very very soon. For some reason, my significant other has not returned my good night, but then again he is busy sightseeing right now so that is alright. I know he will see the text eventually.

I used up the Incense that I got for reaching Level 5 in Pokemon Go. So far, I have caught 45 pokemon in just my house alone, caught 15 unique pokemon species, and seen 16 species (because I saw an oddish but it ran away when I tried to catch it). I have not been leveling up any of my pokemon because I don't really know how to do that yet. So I am just using up all of my pokeballs catching random pokemon that pop up on my screen. And then eventually, I will go visit one of those pokestops and whatnot to buy more pokeballs or level up my pokemon or trade in some for candies or something. I wish we could keep all of the pokemon we catch, but I see that we can only keep 250 of them at a time so I will have to let some go eventually.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:15 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-07-2016, 03:15 AM

July 10, 2016 - Morning

So I am trying to adjust my sleeping schedule so that by August, I will wake up naturally at around 8am. This morning, I woke up at 9am naturally, but my body was still sleepy so I ended up sleeping again and then getting up at a little before 10am instead. I have a lot of work to do in the sleeping department...I really do need to adjust my sleep schedule.

---------- Post added 07-10-2016 at 02:35 PM ----------

All I ate today so far were yogurt raisins and some milk.

---------- Post added 07-10-2016 at 04:57 PM ----------

Okay, for lunch I had delicious congee with salmon and vegetables, and I had it with leftover sausage and cauliflower and half a cup of milk

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:15 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-07-2016, 08:55 PM

July 11, 2016 morning

I got two tiny bites today. I am pretty sure at least one of them is from a mosquito. Fortunately they are both pretty small. I have been successfully hiding from mosquitoes this year so far until now so I just hope I can avoid any others

July 13, 2016

My significant other has five presentations today at a conference and I wish him the best of luck in his endeavors. I have studying to do. I also have to figure out what I am packing because we are going on a short trip somewhere soon

July 16, 2016

Every day I realize that my significant other is even better than I thought he was the day before. He is so loyal to me and passionate about the things he does and so dedicated to good things. I admire him a lot and am so proud of all of the things he has done and that he will do in the future, near and far

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 08-12-2016 at 12:55 AM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-08-2016, 06:22 PM

Hooray, Emilio gave a shout out to another one of my threads that I created!

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:16 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-09-2016, 04:09 AM

July 17, 2016

My significant other is presenting at another conference today but he will be back in my state later in the week, hooray!! and we will be hanging out this weekend yay that is wonderful *is excited* ahhhhh I have to figure out what we should doooo. Well I mean, it is enough for us just to be physically together but hey, since he will be in my state again, we can take advantage of that and see if any cool events are happening or if there are any fun things we can do together.

---------- Post added 07-17-2016 at 05:55 PM ----------

Oh also yesterday, I had blood in my poop and I have no idea why...

Thank you Emilio for spotlighting another one of the threads I created <3

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:16 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-09-2016, 04:24 PM

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:17 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-10-2016, 04:00 AM

Friday , July 1, 2016 - Fact of the Month
Saturday , July 2, 2016 - Summer festivals
Sunday , July 3, 2016 - I'm wishing for
Monday , July 4, 2016 - Lights
Tuesday , July 5, 2016 - Sights
Wednesday , July 6, 2016 - Sounds
Thursday , July 7, 2016 - Summer Sizzler
Friday , July 8, 2016 - Summer Recipes
Saturday , July 9, 2016 - The last song I heard
Sunday , July 10, 2016 - Junk food
Monday , July 11, 2016 - Menewsha Items
Tuesday , July 12, 2016 - summer headwear
Wednesday , July 13, 2016 - s is for
Thursday , July 14, 2016 - vacation goals
Friday , July 15, 2016 - how does that work?
Saturday , July 16, 2016 - thrift shop
Sunday , July 17, 2016 - countdown
Monday , July 18, 2016 - gone camping
Tuesday , July 19, 2016 - imagine a camp story
Wednesday , July 20, 2016 - mountains
Thursday , July 21, 2016 - bonfires
Friday , July 22, 2016 - hot or cold
Saturday , July 23, 2016 - ___ makes me MAD
Sunday , July 24, 2016 - sand castles
Monday , July 25, 2016 - under the sea
Tuesday , July 26, 2016 - what's in my iTunes
Wednesday , July 27, 2016 - the news
Thursday , July 28, 2016 - workout routine
Friday , July 29, 2016 - easy hairstyles
Saturday , July 30, 2016 - solar power
Sunday , July 31, 2016 - solvent green?

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:24 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-10-2016, 02:08 PM

This was the first avatar I ever made that was inspired by my significant other.
  • The red outfit is because I was wearing a nice red sweater on the day we first met in person.
  • The white cow represents my significant other because cows are important to us.
  • The metal gate and ground represent the place we went on our first and second dates.
  • The tree and the flower on the ground represents the plantlife that were growing at the place we had our first and second dates.
  • The purse is because he asked me if I ever carry a purse.
  • The blue sky background represents that we were in an elevated place, plus the fact that it was very sunny that day.
  • The kiss thought bubble was because well, we kissed :D
  • The sandals are because I wore sandals that second time.
  • The handheld sparkler represents that his birthday passed.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-28-2016 at 01:20 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 07-11-2016, 12:35 AM

July 21, 2016 - I had blood in the toilet bowl again after pooping. I paid close attention and I think maybe my poop was hard so it made a cut as it went down and it was sore inside my rectum after for a little bit. I don't know. I might have internal hemorrhoids. internal hemorrhoids would make sense. I been pooping with my legs elevated to lessen the pressure but I guess it is not enough. I was going to eat some celery but I think it is moldy because there are some white fuzzy things growing on it. it’s normal to poop blood if one has hemorrhoids. I’ve had dilated veins on my anus before from pushing poop out too hard which is why I now try pooping with my legs up. If you go to the doctor, they insert an anoscope 3-4 inches to look inside your butt. depending how severe, hemorrhoids can go away on their own. The swollen veins I had before on the outside came and went depending on the poop. I need to soften my stool though. next time I see the doctor, I will ask about hemorrhoids.

Last edited by salvete; 07-21-2016 at 06:20 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-11-2016, 02:57 PM

This is the second avatar inspired by my significant other.
  • The white cow is, as always, representative of my significant other.
  • The handheld sparkler is the closest item I could find to fireworks. I was very excited to see fireworks in my neighborhood and took several videos of them to show my significant other. He had also bought fireworks before when visiting a friend in another state.
  • The red, white, and blue outfit, as well as the red and white picnic blanket, are Fourth of July colors. This was my Fourth of July avatar.
  • I liked how this particular background looked like the night sky with flecks of fireworks near the top.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-28-2016 at 01:20 AM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-13-2016, 05:52 PM

This is the third avatar I made that included my significant other.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-28-2016 at 01:20 AM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-16-2016, 05:32 PM

The Three Dreams - Part 1

July 21, 2016 - Okay so I had three dreams last night and I need to write them down before I forget. One was about the bathroom, and one was about shoes, and one was about a party. The dream about the party led somehow to the dream about the shoes.

First, there was a huge dance performance that I was in. And someone in the audience, SS from my school, had to choose to kiss someone on stage. It just so happened that his girlfriend was next to me in the dance line so he pretended to look around as other people were cheering to kiss phone, unaware that he was taken, and then he ran onto the stage and kissed his girlfriend.

Later, for some reason my friends from right now and my friends from high school and summer from college as well wanted to have a party for me in the same venue as the dance performance. They started decorating it with photographs of me and my friends as well as even be be pictures of me. I also remember streamers as decorations. And my friend from high school SC was trying to give me money like a lot of cash for some reason but I refused and said he could help with the feast if he wanted. And a lot of the photos were Polaroids.

Then, for some reason I was in my high school again and there was an elevator that was not there before. And for some reason I was looking for my friends from right now in that place. And for some reason we were trying to decide on a time for the party and the elevator buttons were the time options instead of the floor options. So there were four elevator buttons.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:11 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-17-2016, 05:54 PM

The Three Dreams - Part 2

So there were four elevator buttons for each of the four timeslots. One was like four to 5:30 PM, for example. I texted my significant other to see if he would be available that evening, because he is usually so busy, but if he came, then I would be able to narrow down the time options. And I wasn't sure what option to press because I didn't know what time the party would be.

And before I could decide, my high school mentor suddenly appeared. Well I guess that made more sense because my high school mentor would of course be in my high school setting. So I decided to get off at the same stop as he was.

And for some reason it opened up into a very high walkway with snow in a lot of places. I was wearing these highlighter yellow shoes sneakers and they became soaking wet by the end of the walkway. So once I reached the end I took them off and walked around in my socks hoping to get my feet a little more dry.

There was a building nearby so I walked inside to see what it was. I forget what it was exactly but I came outside again shortly after. And that is when I saw from a distance that someone was taking my shoes and putting them into a bag, a plastic bag. I must have gone out but different exit then the entrance I went into the building because I was a floor above where that shoe taker was.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:11 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-19-2016, 03:20 AM

The Three Dreams - Part 3

So I started yelling that those are my shoes those are my shoes. I went to find stairs to go down floor and meanwhile there was a guy on the lower floor who ran towards the shoe taker.

Somehow I had the foresight to grab my device to prove that those of my shoes. Even though I don't think I actually have any pictures of my shoes on my device. But in my dream, I did. When I reached the shoe taker, the other guy was there already. I said that those were my shoes and I had photographic proof of it. So the shoe taker showed me the shoes in his bag and somehow they were completely different shoes. So I said oh those are not my shoes…" but fortunately the other guy noticed that there was a plastic bag sitting to the right of the shoe taker. I opened it to find yellow highlighter colored shoes and said those are mine. I offered photographic evidence but the guy believed me. Hooray!

And for some reason, dream logic made it so that I had another pair of shoes on. They were white sneakers and I suppose they really should have been my socks that were still a little wet but anyway, I took those off and put them into the plastic bag and took the yellow highlighter colored shoes out and put those on instead because for some reason They became a little dryer. And the guy ended up being the manager of the place or something like that. Both the manager and the shoe taker were East Asian.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:09 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-21-2016, 05:49 PM

The Three Dreams - Part 4

The other dream was that I was with my dad and we had to go somewhere together but we both need to use the bathroom. But there was only a girls bathroom / a women's bathroom available. So I went to the bathroom while he watched our stuff.

And meanwhile, I scoped out the place to see if there would be some way he could also use the bathroom. I walked deep inside the bathroom and there was a row of doors that I thought would be good. The one on the far right was filled with supplies and the one all the way on the left for some reason did not have a toilet in it. But the two between them had toilets.

So after I used the bathroom, I went back to my dad and told him so he could also use the bathroom. I have no idea why I would dream about these things.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-21-2016 at 06:11 PM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-25-2016, 01:37 AM

July 24, 2016 - Yesterday was a great day with my significant other. We got to see each other for the first time in what always feels like forever. We got lunch together, beverages together, strolled through a shopping mall together, hung out at his place for a bit, I got to meet his mom for a really short bit, and then we got dinner together, and he came with me on public transportation to deliver me most of the way home before heading back. We danced to some music and did other coupley things. He is a pretty great dude. We like being around each other and making more memories together, which is pretty cool and great :D

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 08-12-2016 at 12:55 AM..

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-26-2016, 02:59 AM

July 25, 2016 - I had a dream a few nights ago where I was back in my high school cafeteria getting food, and there were two people from my high school there. It was one of my best friends at the time and one of the popular guys who went to our high school and also went to college with her. We all ate. I think there were bagels, so I assume it was breakfast. And there was something about the guy shedding minuscule skin cells or smelling like something or something?? I forget.

Symphony of the Night
Symphony of the Night is offline
Old 07-27-2016, 03:33 PM

July 27, 2016

So I made this avatar inspired by my experiences with my significant other.
  • The white cow represents our mutual love of cows, so it is kind of like he is by my side in this avatar.
  • The teapot and teacup are because of the tea we drank on the first date.
  • The table reminds me of the table at Starbucks where we sat the last time we hung out.
  • The stack of bricks in the foreground reminds me of the steps we climbed so that we could sit, which was on my bucket list.
  • The white top and the blue skirt kind of resemble the colors of the dress I was wearing the last time we hung out. The dress had many colors on it, but white and blue were part of it.
  • I was wearing a bag with a red orange strap at the time, which is represented by the dash of red that happens to be in that top.
  • I am wearing headphones with a musical note because of the singing, listening to music, and dancing to music we did. Additionally, because the last time we hung out, we went to check out some wireless headphones at a store.
  • The background with the blue sky and blue ocean is because his apartment window faces a large body of water, plus the fact that we talked about how the sun helps us make vitamin D.
  • The lightbulbs are because of his story about his mom and the lightbulbs in their house.
  • The cake is because he said I need a cake for my birthday.
  • The metal gate is what I used before to represent the place we went to on our first and second dates.
  • The surrounding green leaves are because I was telling him about how one of my best friends from college loved that color, plus there were vines at the first and second date location.
  • I am wearing the medal of totally epic win because I feel like he is a winner.

Last edited by Symphony of the Night; 07-27-2016 at 03:47 PM..


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