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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by MYV rocks View Post
oh, that's good that you don't have work! XD is this guy the one that you like? ;D <3

yah, it does clear up your sinuses! XD; but be careful haha. too many of the spicies can get you stuffed up again D; do you use those herbal ointment thingie, too? like vicks, for example? those things can help, too :3

improvising is usually the best <333 oooh, i had no idea on that hair fact XD thanks! no wonder my hair doesn't seem to grow as fast anymore D; may be you can get both wigs? XD; i want to see pictures once you do dress up!! <333 what are you planning to use for the blood? ;D

Well, there is kinda a new guy from work though. >< He is really cute and all. He went up to me and started talking to me. I tried to be away as much as possible during that time when he first came. I was too shy to talk to him.

Yea it could happen, but there is always blowing your nose. XD I do not use any ointment though. My mom is like, you should put vicks in your nose. I am like, umm no because that will bug me.

I actually have both wigs. XD Could not pass a good offer on them. I am not really a picture person, though I do like taking pictures though. I will try to see if I can take a picture though. Well, the vampire thing, I will plan that for next year.

@ Glammy:

I guess my body is totally opposite from you. I guess it has to be genes from your parents because my mother looks so young. Glad it effected me though. XD

wasabii is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 12:09 PM

Originally Posted by MYV rocks View Post
YES, I KNOW!! i fell in love with the white creamy one i told you about when i went to ycon last year XD; went with a few friends and they introduced me to that and i was like... /OMG FOODGASM TAT; <333

hahah~ YAH!! if only you had the power to make dreams come true though TAT; /infinity money, pls!

OHHH i see~ yah~ no wonder i'm not familiar with it XD; i think i may want to give mac another try.. lol i just didn't have any good experiences with it (they always crash on me TAT i have this black voodoo casted on me or something that causes any mac i touch to die lol). those kind of matching games are addictive~ i downloaded this matching one, where you shoot this square to match other squares or whatever to clear off the stage XD; it's for the cellphone though D; and i forgot where i got it TAT; wish i can share with you~

hahah~ yes, that happened to me, too, while in uni XD; i think the worst thing for me to study is pretty much... have a study buddy. i can't do that. i'll always end up talking XDDD;;;;

&quot;why slash how you did it in your art&quot;? :O you mean why you do slash in your art? XD awesomemenpr0n = hawt :drool: so it's not too bad now~ just a few more to go! YOU CAN DO IT!!

i suck HORRIBLY at minesweeper! omg XD;; i just learned a few tactics on how to play it, but i always die XD;; i think you can find some flash tetris ones that you can download? XD; somehow? XD; i d/l some .swf files for tetris before, but unfortunately, they're mostly really... sucky TAT;; i haven't heard of Stac before, actually :O

OOOH, i see~ XD i live in indonesia XD jakarta, actually. so our timezone isn't TOO off XD
man that would be such an awesome superpower, I would love love love to have that XD

nuuuu, no coming near mah mac, it's so pretty, it doesn't deserve to die! Plus I've only had it for a bit over a week, it's all neeeeew
ooo, I've played a game similar to that before, they're so fun!

I think the worst thing for me when studying is... anything that is not study related, I get sidetracked so easily, it's ridiculous!

lol not actual slash... I just write slash to indicate /... meaning why/how XD
I don't think the school would be too pleased with hot guy on guy or girl on girl action in my art, I have nekked ladies though XD
haha, I'm soooooo close to being done with highschool forever :D :D :D

yeah I suck at minesweeper too, I rarely play it, but it's fun sometimes XD

wheee similar timezones, I love similar timezones XD

*stretches limbs*
I'm freeeeee!!! XD

MYV rocks
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MYV rocks is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by Glammy View Post

I normally like the pt1 size, but not one a black background. My eyes’ies hurts us


We finish in mid spring and sit exams early summer. So it’s generally the same, just sounds different because of the whole hemisphere thing.
I think.

I know what I want to do, I just have NO IDEA how to do it. I’m a complete n00bcake when it comes to organizing my life. Particularly in working out universities and how to get there.

You’re welcome~ <3 Uuh. Around December 21st, depending on the entries and whatnot. I might move it back if my life is screwy at that time as it’s looking to be :gonk:

My dad thought I as having a crap time so he bought me ice-cream :> He’s nice, but then yells at me for leaving coffee cups around xD Gaaaaaaaaah. Rocky Road. Marshmelloooows.
IWANTWANTWANTWANT. Gosh I wish we did Halloween here. :<
I’ve been playing around with Verren for a while now (as in, a week or so). He’s changed a butt load since it was originally created during an exam for a creative writing task. He’s kind of just evolved like some kind of freakish mutant…thing that’s becoming one of my ‘proper’ OCs’.

:hifive: TWINZIES~!! Generally just clean when I don’t have anything to read.
And I draw when I don’t have anything to clean or read. I’ve done so many drawing things this past month while I’m meant to be studying :’O
But uuh. Not really. We’ve had to read a lot of Jane Austin and Shakespeare that I just don’t enjoy. My Grade 8 book was good (Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden), but I’d read that already. That book’s made me so paranoid D: and my grade 7 book assignment that I got to choose the book my self. I did The Vampire Armand by Anne Rice. My teacher was so confused by my oral presentation xD
Mostly I just look up stuff on amazon and either buy it there or go hunting through our mini library here (I own a lot of books @__@)

Aaaah. Mine doesn’t do that, but I know why they do that :/ it’s got to do with a gland in zee anus that gets blocked up for something. Vets can fix it, but it’s kind of gross how it’s done (hand up cat/dog’s butt, massage said anal glad, said anal gland released blocked up hormone in the form of a stinky discharge). Or worms. It could also be worms D’X
…I listen to to much science show in the radio :gonk:

Mo is moody. Some times he’s all “LOVE ME OR DIE” and other days he’s all “LOVE ME AND DIE”. And if I even dare to try and get the burrs and stuff he gets stuck in his fuzz, I get completely OWND. I have so many scares on my hands from him :U

I’ll probably double major now I think of it :> Particularly if I get into the university I really want to go to. That have AMAZING facilities for pretty much everything.
XD I know. It can be all CSI: Glamz or something. But uh… criminology is actually more analysis. Like what they do on Criminal Minds (if you watch that), but without the huge amounts of field time.

I dunno. These ones are all “WITH 95% LESS SUGAAAAA” and stuff. I like to present they’re healthy xD

I posted it in the ‘preview items’ thread, so it might be up there some time ~<3 I kind to see what a couple of items look like my self (some of the shoes in particular).
yah~ i don't mind pt1 size, just not in black BG XD;; omai~ what color are you using~? so nice and golden kind~ :drool: :drool:

well, when i say "summer" i meant it more like june/july thing XD; september, from my past experience, was actually the start of the school year or something :O so graduation would be before then XD;

you're only 17~ XD i'm 26 and still a N00B how sad yah~ TAT don't be like me~ what do you plan to do for your life? be an awesome and stylish boa+aviator sun glasses detective??? /hopeful. and you can work out the universities thing, right? :O i don't know what they'd call it in aussie, but i know in the u.s., there're those colleges that kind of help you to get to universities thing? like you take them before you go to universities? mainly just the general classes that you'd have to take anyway in the uni XD; and then you continue to university? :O not sure if they have.

awww~ TAT; i see~~ that's so soon TAT;; /long list. and and i hope you'll get your life unscrewed TAT; /hug

your dad's so sweet! XD; ... /then read about yelling part :gonk: next time, before you go have crappy time, make sure it's neat XD;;;

yah, i wish there's halloween here, too TTATT; they only celebrate it on the 'elite' part of the city, actually D; but even then, it's only like.. going to clubs and little parties or whatever XD; no trick-o-treaters lol. :<

omg, i actually want to take some creative writing class~ TAT; but over here, there's hardly any such thing! TAT;;; the indo education system, unfortunately, doesn't really focus on those ;__; but it's cool though~

and Tomorrow When the War Began sounds like such a... horrifying book for an 8th grader /shock! i actually haven't gotten into the anne rice series yet~ XD;; may be one of these days, i can have my friend send me the a copy of the series from the states TAT;; haha your teacher must've thought... "o... k-kay... that's... very nice... any questions, class?" lol

omg, really~?? i didn't even know about that gland thingie! THANK YOU! i plan on going to the vet tomorrow to give his annual immunization, but i'll have to have him checked first TAT; i thought he might have worms, too, but not so sure since he sitll has his appetite! and not like he was constantly having diarrhea. only when he's pooping, sometimes it's all liquidy. TAT; lol. so nice to be able to talk about poo without the eww TAT;;

hahaha, i've got scars from dominic, too XDDD; each week, at least a new one. the ones that would heal, sometimes open again because he'd bite/scratch on the same spot XD;;; what do you do when mo does that to you? do you spank him? i usually spank or flick dominic's nose. or sometimes just yell loudly. he'd flinch XD;

i watched a few episodes of criminal minds once or twice before, actually. but not so sure XD; actually with CSI, the REAL CSIs don't do the field work stuff XD; they're more of the analyst type, too haha. jerry bruckheimer kind of made it all COOL NERDS W/ GUNS thing

and yah, the shoes, i agree! they're kind of too dark to really see D;
Originally Posted by Sakura_Madison View Post
shosho, who is ace?

I have never seen him before.
that's because ace is so 1337!!! XD;; always in hiding. ... under my armpit TAT;

/give ace a shower

Originally Posted by wasabii View Post
*dances through thread*
woooo, muuullleeessss

(forgive her, she doesn't get out much)
YOUR MULE IS SO CUTE XDDD; Mine usually doesn't get out all that much either XD;;; i kind of want to earn candies and stuff here, too *3*; double the pleasure!
Originally Posted by kemii View Post
This textwall thing sounds fun xD Il have a go~

I have three main favourite types of candy: rock candy, chewing gum and gummy snakes. I'm not really sure whether chewing gum counts as a real type of candy, but I really love chewing gum so yeah. I especially love mint chewing gum: in fact I'm chewing some right now! 8DD; My second favourite flavour is peppermint. Peppermint kinda reminds me of toothpaste though. And while I'm talking about chewing gum, iluverylongtime...I guess it kinda fits in, because I love gum that lasts for a very long time? 8D
Onto gummy snakes: I dont really like gummy lollies that much, but an exception is made for snakes :D Mainly I like the sour type, but I like normal worms, just not as much. My favourite colour of gummy worm is orange. My favourite brand of gummy worms are either Allens for normal or The Natural (Aussie only) for sour~ I dont get to eat gummy worms much, though :< Healthy eating and an attempt to cap my weight I guess.
Oooh, and now rock candy! Rock candy has to be my god of the universe. It lasts a long time, its sweet, it has purteh pictures on it, it has many flavours, it lasts a long time...its omg so so so so SOOOO nice 8D My favourite flavour is either watermelon or strawberry. The only type of rock candy I dont like is musk- eww. And you know those big hunks of rock candy that are from the ends of the candy when they roll it? I always wanted to eat one of those but I was never allowed to get one :gonk:

Wow. O_O
YAY!! omg, your neon blue against the white on replying so painful to my eyes XDDD;;; <3 WELCOME TO THE TEXT WALLING - O - D00M!!

rock candy? :O i don't think i'm familiar with that one XD can you tell me of some brands? or is that what they're called? hahah.

GUMMY SNAKES ARE YUM! they're as good as the yummy gummy bears! XD psh, i count gum as candy ;D i usually like the minty kind XD;; but when i used to live in the states... my ABSOLUTE favorite was... wintergreen ICE BREAKERS. the breathmints. i pop those things like CRAZY holy crap. my friends would tell me that my breath was so fresh that it was... inhumane XDDD;;;;

hahah i love how you incorporated that word in the text! XD <3 you get 100g! yay <3 as for gummy snakes again, i'm actually not fond of any artificial ORANGE flavored stuff XD; orange candy, orange syrup, orange gum. TAT; but i do love the real orange! XD but YAY for healthy living!!! do you eat lots of veggies and fruits? *3*
Originally Posted by ace View Post
ya b-but the skin... has only one girly mouth? I'm sad and disappointed )))))): (unless I didn't look hard enough. mene is too slow for me AND THIS tiny bold white font and black background /omg)

you aren't looking too bad yourself, love /eeeeeeeeeeeee /eats all your candies and brain
YEAH, i know XD;; i just noticed that hahaha. no imagination, ya? D; like.. wth. ZOMBIES AND CORPSES CAN BE HAPPY, TOO! haven't they seen CORPSE BRIDE? D; haha it's too slow, yah TAT; and and, tiny white font, too XD;; i know your pain TAT; that's why i change color font XD;; which i should probably do for the first post,too haha. is this color too bright? if it is, let me know~ and help me choose~

/shock @ brain loss D;!!!!



Friends of the mules.
Syaoran_Li is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 12:32 PM

*runs around in shosho's thread*

Yup yup yup! I am always hyper but cool at the same time.

Lilim is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 12:42 PM

*Looks at all the long posting and signs* >_<

MYV rocks
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MYV rocks is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 12:45 PM

Originally Posted by Sakura_Madison View Post

Well, there is kinda a new guy from work though. >< He is really cute and all. He went up to me and started talking to me. I tried to be away as much as possible during that time when he first came. I was too shy to talk to him.

Yea it could happen, but there is always blowing your nose. XD I do not use any ointment though. My mom is like, you should put vicks in your nose. I am like, umm no because that will bug me.

I actually have both wigs. XD Could not pass a good offer on them. I am not really a picture person, though I do like taking pictures though. I will try to see if I can take a picture though. Well, the vampire thing, I will plan that for next year.
awww~ why too shy? XD are you guys around the same age? just talk to him hehe. i'm sure he'll see your beautiful charm <333 do you guys work in the same office/department/area? :O

haha, as much as blowing the nose brings relief, in my opinion, it actually is only temporarily TAT; i actually put the vicks in my nostril XD; helps me tons in breathing~ i actually love the smell of it *Q* <3

awww, i see~ so this year, you're not dressing up as anything in particular? D; you look really cute in your picture in your exchange thread <333 so you're photogenic! shush!
Originally Posted by wasabii View Post
man that would be such an awesome superpower, I would love love love to have that XD

nuuuu, no coming near mah mac, it's so pretty, it doesn't deserve to die! Plus I've only had it for a bit over a week, it's all neeeeew
ooo, I've played a game similar to that before, they're so fun!

I think the worst thing for me when studying is... anything that is not study related, I get sidetracked so easily, it's ridiculous!

lol not actual slash... I just write slash to indicate /... meaning why/how XD
I don't think the school would be too pleased with hot guy on guy or girl on girl action in my art, I have nekked ladies though XD
haha, I'm soooooo close to being done with highschool forever :D :D :D

yeah I suck at minesweeper too, I rarely play it, but it's fun sometimes XD

wheee similar timezones, I love similar timezones XD
XDDD yah~ if only there's infinity life/money cheatcode for RL XDDD; i won't have to work and be all /rolling around all day/time and do whatever i want. ahh, wishful thinking is the best. kind of D;

hahah, XD i don't want to ruin yours! D;! do you have the powerbook/ibook/macbook? XD; i forgot what they're called, but i think they're quite different? lol oooh, new~ mine is already almost 2 years old now XD; my VAIO D; i think without realizing it, i'm such a sony junky XD; even my cellphone's sony ericsson D; <3

SO DO I! OMG! side tracked is no fun TAT; that's why i'm so slow even in producing my art. like, i'd be drawing or whatever, and then i'd start thinking of something in the middle of it (a song/story that i saved in my laptop/etc). i'd go to that thing, and the next thing i knew, it's already like 5 hours later and i'd suddenly be playing a game TAT; and i go /omg man!!

OHH hahah XD i see haha. i think for love/beauty conveyed in art for school, it's okay. just not like flat out porn XD; (even though it IS hot. cannot deny >__> lol). are you planning on going to work/university? :O

what time is it currently over there? :O it's 7.42pm over here

@ sharon/sakura:
XD <3 so cute!


okay, by the way, one of my favorite shows is starting soon XD;;; SO~ after this post, i'll be back in an hour or so. i'll be clicking around for the apples XD but other than that lol not so much XD; will be back later! <3 feel free to reply/chat/text wall with each other~ <333333333

Sevi is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:00 PM

Shoshoo~! <3
you have meevs on your siggy >3<
Myv lover forever :heart:

MYV rocks
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MYV rocks is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:02 PM

SEVI~ HIII~ it's kind of old though XD;; and omg.. i think they're not showing the show and replacing it with something else D; durn it.


wasabii is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:02 PM

Originally Posted by MYV rocks View Post
XDDD yah~ if only there's infinity life/money cheatcode for RL XDDD; i won't have to work and be all /rolling around all day/time and do whatever i want. ahh, wishful thinking is the best. kind of D;

hahah, XD i don't want to ruin yours! D;! do you have the powerbook/ibook/macbook? XD; i forgot what they're called, but i think they're quite different? lol oooh, new~ mine is already almost 2 years old now XD; my VAIO D; i think without realizing it, i'm such a sony junky XD; even my cellphone's sony ericsson D; <3

SO DO I! OMG! side tracked is no fun TAT; that's why i'm so slow even in producing my art. like, i'd be drawing or whatever, and then i'd start thinking of something in the middle of it (a song/story that i saved in my laptop/etc). i'd go to that thing, and the next thing i knew, it's already like 5 hours later and i'd suddenly be playing a game TAT; and i go /omg man!!

OHH hahah XD i see haha. i think for love/beauty conveyed in art for school, it's okay. just not like flat out porn XD; (even though it IS hot. cannot deny >__> lol). are you planning on going to work/university? :O

what time is it currently over there? :O it's 7.42pm over here
sigh, if only *fantasizes*
I have a Macbook, it's the old version, but we bought it new, my dad's too cheap to fork out for the brand new version XD
I used to have a Powerbook, it was about 3 or 4 years old when it broke, the lid snapped off XD sooo I couldn't use the wireless because the antenna is around the screen, but I got a new one, so yay!
lol sony, VAIOs are pretty... not as pretty as macs though XD

yeeeaaahhh, that's why I'm incapable of producing anything more than a quick sketch digitally. I just get so bored and can't be bothered finishing and then there's something fun to do! XD
when it's for school it's during lesson so there really isn't much else TO do, not that I don't manage to get sidetracked by my own brain occasionally XD
it's easier to concentrate when it's something hands on

lol I would so draw nekkedness and slash for the hotness... if I were capable of such things without some intense references (by which I mean someone to sit in front of me in the right position so I could copy XD), I can do female nudity in a very stylised manner from mah imagination, but no complicated poses or such. Perspective, nu uh XD

yeah I'm going to study Visual Communication at Uni, and I have to get a job too... siiigh real life, I just want an extended version of school holidays... forever XD

it iiiis
currently, 11:30
I really should be off

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sayuri_nitta is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:03 PM

Hi again shosho *wiggles in and tries to warm up fingers and toes*

My toes especially, I feel like such an old woman, I've actually got chilblains because my feet have gotten so cold these past weeks - they are damned painful as well *ramdom ramble* =D

persistantly missing
Glammy is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:08 PM

:changes font size:
xD It's uhh. #B58965~ I think I sampled it from a picture I was using in my forum text on Solia. I dunno. It was just in my auto format...thing~ xD

yeeeeaaah. But if it you look at it season wise, june/july is American summer, where as October/November is Australian Summer. SO Kids finish school in December here normally (but graduating seniors finish in September), so we still finish at the begining of summer and have the holidays off.

...I just confused my self completely >:O

:"O yeeeeah. I turn 18 in January~
I planning on doing either a Bachelor of Fine arts & Art Education which would let me teach art in highschools OR (if I get an uber high final mark) Criminology to be come a RAD aviators at night and awesome serious stare detective/nerdy crime analysis chick.
I think I've pretty much worked out the university thing. I'm just stressing about paying for it since I don't understand how the government funded....stuff works :/ I'm shite at numbers/math so all the 'if you're doing x amount of class in university times y amount of years divided by the awesomness of your course, you pay $1000' just doesn't make sense to me. I'm going in to see one of my teachers tomorrow to get them to explain it to me though.
And uh.
Sort of. We have highschool which you do from when your 12-17/18 and then most people either go to university the year after. University is the big bad education thing that gives you all the smarts to be able to do stuff like teaching and doctoring.
I don't think we have anything like college. Maybe TAFE? TAFE is sort of an alternate to university since it doesn't require you to get a certain exam mark to get in, but is a bit limited in what you can learn.

Wellp. It'll probably get pushed back until mid January with the way my life's going. December is getting so busy for me @o@
+ if people need more time I'll just add on an extra week/month/months xD

haaa. He just gets grumpy if I use more then one coffee cup in a day. Which is a little hard when he counts my mother's coffee cut as mine as well.
He's just a little picky about certain things xD

No one does halloween here at all. We've got the same 'posh parties', but other then that. nadda.
I've always wanted to get dressed up for it though :sigh:

Our Lit/English class here has a required unit where you need to be able to do creative writing. It's only tiny, but it could bring your marks down a heap if you don't know how to do it~ @o@

I read Tomorrow when I was 11 maybe? And then year 8 I would have been 14/15. It didn't bother me so much then, but these days I get so freaked out by stuff. I'm a paranoid little child I guess. Military fly overs make me nervous xD

She was an awesome teacher so thought it was great that I was going a book that was a little different...but would have loved it if I did something a little more 'age appropriate' >:D The Vampire Armand has quite a bit of heavy material I guess~
I actually did have to answer questions, but the really interesting thing was that we had to do our presentation 'as one of the characters from the book'.
So I was up there with vamp. make up pretending to be Marius.
Many LOLz were had.

Yeeeeah. Worms might make them eat more as well though, since the parasite would be taking all the good stuff that food would give Dominic. And yah. Liquidy poo is never good. Either he's eaten something nasty or has el'wormies.
...does he eat his own poo/ the poo of others? 'cause that's also a sign of the worms.
The gland thing is really common in dogs, but I don't know how often it happens in cats.
It'd still be good to ask your vet. :>
I'm only a nerdy child who pays to much attention in biology xD

eeeeh. yeah. that happens to me as well. I haven't gotten as mean on my fingers recently because I wear a lot of rings, but the back of my hands and up my arms is a bit interesting.
I usually get at him since smacking him would probably get me bitten again. If I can get hold of him without further injury I usually grab the scruff of his neck and chuck him out side/ out of my bedroom if he's in there.
He hates it since he's fat and heavy xD

I loves me some Criminal Minds. Mostly because of Spencer Reid.
He's a awesome little nerdy boy @3@~~ <3

yah. I've met a couple of the forensics gals from around here and it's WAAAAAAY not like CSI. They get around in blue jump suit looking things and be all boring and whatnot xD

yah. And I've found shoes look awesome in the little thumb nail and then not so on the avvie ;__;

I'm going to bed noa~ <3
Probably be back on tomorrow, but I need to do some history study first D:<
enjoy your shoooow~~~ <3

wasabii is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:14 PM

(will probably pop back in a few minutes anyway, fell free to hit me should that be the case)

Rika Crab
Paprika is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:15 PM

Since no one is on and totally new convos will most likely start i assume textwalling about spoonfed topic is okay? XD Rika needs chats @_@!

ANYWHO, My FAVORITE candy would have to be: Reeses. Any kind of them it doesn't matter (EXCEPT THE M&M type ones, they suck...a lot and I don't know why but I hate them they just don't even taste right at all...they are more of a peanut butter thingy than Reeses...I know that's what Reeses is supposed to be but it still has its own totally unique flavor rofl, so yeah...Reeses Pecies = suckage...and I don't like the colors D< ) Anywho, theres just something about the taste that I can't get enough of rofl, be it in the cream or that totally amazing version of reeses called fast break (its a chocolate coated reeses + nougat bar... /sloober ) I was totally obsessed with the uh, crap whats it called, the one with the nuts in it XD;; and caramel <3 thats good too....(no not snickers, I am thinking of a type of reeses bar LOL )

My brother in law also loves reeses (by the way shosho iluverylongtime even if this was done already I had to put it in ROFL), I think hes just an overall peanut butter freak XD he had this giant reeses egg that was about...half a pound ALL BY HIMSELF IN LESS THAN AN HOUR and was throwing up for the rest of the day (snicker)

When I was younger I used to be totally obsessed with Snickers, theres just something about peanuts and caramel that's just oh so good (which makes Payday bars amazing too, or is it Babe Ruth? I cant remember which is which) i need some candy XD

On a side note in a related but unrelated matter, I want to know...whats your favorite? Candy Corn or Candy Pumpkins? And if you like Candy Corn, do you like the Brown/Orange/White ones or the Yellow/Orange/White, why? This is something that always makes me curious, some people say the ones with brown have a totally different taste while other people say it makes no difference at all.

(Is that text wall ish enough? To start with XD I am sorta new to this >_> I tend to try and not wall too much since peoeple seem to zone out and :drool: after the first two sentences (or globs of text in the case of my poor grammar and structure) lol

Last edited by Paprika; 10-28-2008 at 01:19 PM..

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:18 PM

hey again guys O: I'm still trying to watch heroes after like. 2 hours XD;; It's taking forever to buffer Dx

anyway, what's up? ^^

wasabii is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:19 PM

wheee Heroes, what site are you using?
(lol, as predicted XD)

Rika Crab
Paprika is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:21 PM

/slaps train

BAD XD!! You should be sleeping >>;; Something i didn't do very much of D:

Guh, i never really watched heroes...not so much a tv person and i go to bed at like 7:30-8pm my time so i miss all the good stuff anyways (gotta wake up at 3:30am daily @_@ )

I tend to just watch cooking shows in the mornings if i go veg out on the couch lol

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sayuri_nitta is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:24 PM

*attempts to text wall*

I'm going to try but I don't often, my rambles aren't long enough usually to be considered a wall of text.

Hmm favourite candy (or because I am English, favourite sweet). It's hard to say really, I mean I looove dark chocolate, the bitter kind. I just had a mini bar of the Green & Black's organic dark chocolate, about the bitterest I've ever had. I think Galaxy dark chocolate is my favourite though.

I like sweets when I haven't had them for ages, like right now I have a craving for a Wagon Wheel, those are so old now. I like Caramel's, Wispas, Snickers, I like Mars Bars sometimes (can't eat those cold, they have to be warm), Milky Way, Twix on occasion. I like the fondant cremes in all flavours (orange, mint and original), I think I basically like most chocolate things heh
After Eight Mints! Yummm

Things I've never tried: Candy corns or pocky

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by wasabii View Post
wheee Heroes, what site are you using?
(lol, as predicted XD)
as predicted?! xDD
I'm using watchtv, though there are a lot of different sites I use, it just depends on which loads quickest for me at the time xDD
Originally Posted by Paprika View Post

Guh, i never really watched heroes...not so much a tv person and i go to bed at like 7:30-8pm my time so i miss all the good stuff anyways (gotta wake up at 3:30am daily @_@ )

I tend to just watch cooking shows in the mornings if i go veg out on the couch lol
I don't watch TV either D: one of my friends got me hooked on heroes though so I keep up with it online XD; otherwise I don't watch tv either x__x;;
3:30am? how do you do that? XD;;

wasabii is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:27 PM

aarg! I'm going I'm going!!

as predicted, I am not asleep XD
I've never used that site before... I tend to use whatever site I can find that has it and is not megavideo XD

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sayuri_nitta is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:28 PM

Looove Heroes, the 3rd series is making my brain go 'whut?' every episode though lol

Rika Crab
Paprika is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:38 PM

Originally Posted by sayuri_nitta View Post
*attempts to text wall*

I'm going to try but I don't often, my rambles aren't long enough usually to be considered a wall of text.

Hmm favourite candy (or because I am English, favourite sweet). It's hard to say really, I mean I looove dark chocolate, the bitter kind. I just had a mini bar of the Green & Black's organic dark chocolate, about the bitterest I've ever had. I think Galaxy dark chocolate is my favourite though.

I like sweets when I haven't had them for ages, like right now I have a craving for a Wagon Wheel, those are so old now. I like Caramel's, Wispas, Snickers, I like Mars Bars sometimes (can't eat those cold, they have to be warm), Milky Way, Twix on occasion. I like the fondant cremes in all flavours (orange, mint and original), I think I basically like most chocolate things heh
After Eight Mints! Yummm

Things I've never tried: Candy corns or pocky
You should totally attempt to try both of those things. Candy corn is such a sickeningly sweet candy its just something you gotta get! I've always had them XD Like since i was little and stuff...then i found out about candy pumpkins when i got older and now i prefer those for some reason o_O; they don't taste different, could be the size i think i need to make my BF let me buy some when we go grocery shopping LOL we don't normally buy candy XD;;

And i wouldn't really call pocky a candy, its more of a snack. Its just a cookie biscuit thingie dipped in chocolate or other flavors. I myself have tried korean/japanese regular chocolate pocky. And I also tried japanese strawberry, which is my favorite flavor thus far XD It doesnt even really taste like strawberry...its just good and something fun to nibble.

Wow, i absolitely HATE dark chocolate. I can eat it just fine but i really am not a fan AT ALL of the bitterness of it. I LOVE milk chocolate though (like most people) thats my favorite type of Lindlt chocolate ball too <3 I also like white chocolate but i can only have a little of it because it is so rich and sweet it easily makes me feel sick...when i was little my sister melted a ton of chocolate and made a huge chocolate christmas tree for me and she frosted it with white chocolate frosting and used chocolate chips as the ornaments...i hate two bites and i felt so ill @_@ it was really good but man that made me feel awful...i couldn't eat much chocolate for a few years after that lol

After eights? My Nana/Bapa have tons of those at their house! I used to sneak some all the time lol. they have this HUGE drawer in the sitting room stuffed with candy @_@ My Bapa ALWAYS has a jar of raspberry hard candies that have a raspberry jelly center (they are so hard to find except for at like fairs) and during christmas he goes through boxes of ribbon candy (at least he used to) that has to be one of the prettiest candies i have ever seen in my life, and they have such nifty strong flavors too! Its a shame they are so breakable seems they have awful companies (around where they live) that ship the candy because msot of the time half the box is shattered @_@ it never used to be like that at all D: they were always so perfect.

Another nifty candy that i always liked is the candy cigarette, they are such a bad thing to pretend to be "using" but the candy has such a gross but good flavor and they are fun XD i love how it turns pink on the end if you touch your tongue to it as if the cigarette is lit up!

Rootbeer barrels is another good one, but old too. <33 havent had those in ages either @@;;

Originally Posted by CrepsleyKabob View Post
as predicted?! xDD
I'm using watchtv, though there are a lot of different sites I use, it just depends on which loads quickest for me at the time xDD

I don't watch TV either D: one of my friends got me hooked on heroes though so I keep up with it online XD; otherwise I don't watch tv either x__x;;
3:30am? how do you do that? XD;;

My boyfriend has a couple of newspaper routs for extra money and they have to be delivered by a certain time so we have to :P its really fast and easy (although during the winter its fooking cold as -30°c sometimes...but its nice during the summer XD;

We see bunnies on peoples lawns every morning, they're so cute! Sometimes they get brave and just sit there thinking we cant see them so i am a dork and i call them stealth bunnies >_> i just get the batman theme in my head...

nananananana nanananana STEALTH BUNNY!! XD

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:39 PM

wasabii- Ohhh xDD What time is it for you?
that was my first time using it too. I usually try cucirca first, then if it doesn't work well or if the sound/video aren't synchronized I google "watch heroes season x episode x (or I'll put in the title of the episode if I know it) online" and it gives me a few decent results XD;;;
Yeah, megavideo sucks x___x;; it always gives me ads too >__>;

sayuri- Me too! xD And yeah, I don't like season three as much as the other two, but these last two episodes have been good imo, so I'm hoping they'll continue on the right track.

EDIT@Paprika- Ohh so you deviler newspapers then O: I'd HATE waking up that early, with a passion XD;;; at least it's over with quickly? XD;;
Wow, that's freezing o____o;;;

aww stealth bunnies! XD *steals them* :ninja:

The Lover of Red
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Old 10-28-2008, 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by MYV rocks View Post
awww~ why too shy? XD are you guys around the same age? just talk to him hehe. i'm sure he'll see your beautiful charm <333 do you guys work in the same office/department/area? :O

haha, as much as blowing the nose brings relief, in my opinion, it actually is only temporarily TAT; i actually put the vicks in my nostril XD; helps me tons in breathing~ i actually love the smell of it *Q* <3

awww, i see~ so this year, you're not dressing up as anything in particular? D; you look really cute in your picture in your exchange thread <333 so you're photogenic! shush!
Well, I work on the third floor and he works for Loss Prevention. I have no idea how old is he because age can trick us sometimes. XD Me have a beautiful charm in real life... might not be that way.

Wow, and I though putting vicks in your nose was bad... To me, it does not feel right though. I just put it around my chest area. But, I can breath though and feel a bit better at times.

Yea, not really dressing up as something though. But, at least I am dressing up for the wonderful day. XD That pic is so old though. I should update the picture, which I am too lazy to do though. DX

Well, I am going to be playing zOMG! on Gaia. I got the head start ticket and taking advantage of it. Only cost me 27k and I was very lucky to have got it at that price. Vendors always get their items cheap. XD

Nice text-walling with you, shosho! Look what you got me typing, like a lot of words are here. 0_0

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sayuri_nitta is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:43 PM

I have to wonder how many more unexpected plot twists they can throw in *tries to remember what number episode they are up to over here* I forget lol

I don't even think they sell candy corn over here, I've never seen it. I have seen pocky, just never really been tempted to see what all the fuss is about.

Ooh Lindt chocolate! I love that <3

Rika Crab
Paprika is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 01:44 PM

Yeah but its what two hours of work a day for about $1500 a month? its not so bad XD it covers rent and more and he also has his job too so yeah lol

monies! I'm totally getting a widescreen LCD monitor in a month or so ....cant wait!

Mmm stealth bunnies XD;; they are was hilarious this morning there were two on this one persons lawn and the noise of Josh's (my BF's ) truck driving up near them made them go

amagadamagadamagad AMAGAD /runr unr unrun STOP AND STAND STILL

and when they did that the first one stopped faster than the second so the second one kinda ran into the first one, causing the first one to be like

AMAGAD WHATS THAT /jump super high into air out of suprise

it was so funny i was laughing for like 10 minutes after XD;;


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