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Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:26 AM

(Okay sorry if this dosen't make sense, I'm just going off what boo PMed me.))

Yukina smiled and took one of the rice balls. She walked through the house and found Haruka reading. "Hey." She said sitting down besides her.

Seer Of the Future
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:29 AM

Kyo smiled softly and his eyes softened. "I know... Thank you Satori..." he said softly and realized how close they were. He backed up repectfully and looked into her eyes. "Negi waites..." he said softly knowing he would stay to just make sure she wouldn't loose her temper. He led her to the door and looked at her greatfully. He was happy he could talk her into being nice.

Saravi Boo
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:34 AM

Haruka put down her book and smiled at her house guest. "I thought maybe you went to sleep." She said slowly, "Have you decided what you think of the idea of moving in here with Yuki and I?"

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Old 01-22-2010, 05:44 AM

She sighed and followed him out. It figures he didnt like her like that. She knew it was pointless. She walked back to her chair and sat down.

"Neji You may do what you wish. I am done with you."

Amorphous Metal
The Metallic Sage
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:56 AM

"What!? That's it!? All this pomp and circumstance? The posturing? The... The... That's really it?" Negi couldn't believe what he was hearing but then he noticed the sullen cast to her features and her red rimmed eyes. Against his better judgment his heart went out to this fragile child and he imagined what it must be like to have all this thrust upon her at such a tender age. "Is there something that I can do for you Satori-sama? Are you well?" He moved toward her, ignoring the glare from the hulking tiger and knelt before her. "If I may? I could prepare a medicinal tea passed down through my mother's family. It's a well guarded secret recipe known only to myself now. It's not a cure-all but it could soothe you greatly."

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 01-22-2010, 06:12 AM

"I'd love to, it seems like it would be fun." She said taking small bites of her rice ball. She loved rice balls, she just wasn't too hungry, but it seemed rude to her if she didn't eat what was offered to her. She smiled and read the cover of the book. "Is it interesting?" She asked.

Saravi Boo
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Old 01-22-2010, 06:23 AM

Haruka glanced down at the heavy textbook she had been reading. The cover read: Psychology and Social Dynamics Within Closed Societies.

She shrugged, "If you like psychobabble." She happened to like reading psychology texts, but she knew it was weird for a girl her age. She then liked to secretly apply her knowledge by analyzing the people she encountered. She had filing cabinet in her room with notes on all the other juunishi, though some files were sparser than others. Satori got a drawer all to herself.

She eyed the last rice ball hungrily but felt it would be rude to ask Yukina for it.

(OOC: I know next to nothing about psychology irl so please don't call me on any of this. lol)

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 01-22-2010, 06:35 AM

((No Problem.))

"Oh, that seems boring, sorry that was rude." Yukina said looking back up at her. She noticed that she was eyeing her rice ball. At first she felt greedy and had the mental image of herself screaming MINE and running from the room, but instead she held it out to her. "Here, I'm not hungry." She said smiling with her eyes closed.

Saravi Boo
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Old 01-22-2010, 06:49 AM

Haruka shook her head like any polite Japanese person was trained to do. "No, those were yours. I had two already." She admitted reluctantly. She switched the topic of conversation back to her choice in light reading. "I'll read just about anything. Manga, novels, magazines...Textbooks keep me occupied for longer though and they are a lot more interesting to me than the magazines." She didn't have much use for makeup tips or dating advice, even if she had been pretty, dating was almost out of the question for a cursed Sohma. "They give me a lot to think about." She said slowly.

She didn't know why she was explaining her reading habits to the dog. She just felt like they should get to know each other if they were going to be roommates.

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 01-22-2010, 06:53 AM

"Oh, I mostly read Love novels, I'm home schooled so I've read all the required textbooks, plus extra. I've never really liked school." She said laughing. "Are you sure? I don't want anymore." Yukina said offering the rice ball again.

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Old 01-22-2010, 07:08 AM

((Kyo forgot about Lexi T-T))

Saravi Boo
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Old 01-22-2010, 07:08 AM

Haruka caved, taking the proffered snack with a small bow. "If you're sure. Thanks." She smiled and took a bite, chewing slowly. "I like learning. I don't care so much for school." She paused, "Though you could say the school doesn't care much for me either." She shrugged.

She knew that her idiosyncrasies would not have been ignored by the school administrators if the Sohma family hadn't made some very handsome donations to the school. Being constantly absent or late was bad enough but adding in her split personalities and the suspected arson in home ec; if she wasn't a Sohma she'd have been expelled ages ago.

(OOC: Oops...Maybe we can assume that Leiko untied you after Kyo left? She was left sitting there with you after the sparring got interrupted)

Last edited by Saravi Boo; 01-22-2010 at 07:11 AM..

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 01-22-2010, 07:37 AM

"Oh, I got taken out of school after I got hugged by a member of the opposite sex at school. It was humiliating, and we had to move to a new town where no one knew me. And in order for it not to happen again, the people who raised me just decided to home school me, so I'm already graduated from school." Yukina explained with a thoughtful smile.

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Old 01-22-2010, 07:52 AM

((hmmm well let's wait a bit until she get's on to reply))

Saravi Boo
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Old 01-22-2010, 08:01 AM

Haruka nodded, she could imagine how terrible that must have felt though it was an experience she had avoided. "Yeah, well about the only good thing about having a face that looks like this," She gestured vaguely to her scars, "is that nobody at school wants to get close enough to hug me." She smiled sourly, "Most of my classmates avoid even looking at me unless they think I can't see them and the only boys who have ever tried to touch me were a couple of disgusting perverts who thought I'd be easy prey." Her grin turned slightly more dark at the memory, "Let's just say neither of them are likely to ever try anything like that again."

She caught herself slipping into her dark persona and closed her eyes. She ducked back behind her curtain of hair and took a few calming breaths. When she pushed her hair back again, she was back to her usual calm, easy going mannerisms. She finished the rice ball, though it had gotten slightly squished when she got upset. It still tasted better than anything she could make and she wasn't about to let it go to waste.

"I hear them whispering about me." She told Yukina quietly. "They try to guess whether I was mauled by a bear or in a car accident or an explosion....those are some of the nicer theories." She shrugged, "They are all better than the truth so I don't complain much."

(OOC: I have to go to sleep. My eyes are refusing to focus.)

Last edited by Saravi Boo; 01-22-2010 at 08:12 AM..

Ember Mist
"an individual with an inordinat...
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Old 01-22-2010, 08:24 AM

((Kk..I'll answer in the morning.))

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
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Old 01-22-2010, 01:31 PM

Kyo smiled at Satori and then at Negi. He settled hismself to Satori's right and closed his eyes. As soon as he was done here he'dhave to release the monkey. He smiled though, happy to know Satori was getting better. She may seem mean but she wasn't... He looked at Negi evenly and smiled when he offered Satori the tea. "I think it would be good... Don't you think so Satori?" he asked looking at the girl he had known all his life and smiled. But his head wouldn't stop replaying the moment they had been so close. Did Satori feel something more?

Dear Lelie
I'm like a firework.
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Old 01-22-2010, 02:06 PM

Suddenly, Leiko was alone, again. It was common for her to be alone, but for once in a long while she felt lonely. Then she looked over to the tree to see the monkey still dangling. "Oh, Kyo," she muttered under her breath shaking her head. The rat strode over to the tree and looked to Lexi. "I think you've spent enough time up there," she giggled looking at Lexi. Reaching up Leiko couldn't exactly get the knot Kyo had tied. It also looked expertly tied. "One second," she said quietly. Rushing back into the house she grabbed a knife. "Just stay still," she warned the monkey. Reaching back up she cut the rope that tied Lexi up then caught her in her arms. Setting the monkey down she smiled. "Now, don't scare anybody, go ahead and have fun," she grinned to the girl. Then patted her softly on the head. Walking back over to the house she wasn't sure what to do. Leiko headed to the back to a lit garden and figured she could sneak in one more practice. Keeno wasn't here yet... that worried her greatly, and everyone else seemed occupied. Gently she began her dance after slipping off her booties.

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Old 01-22-2010, 04:49 PM

As soon as Lexi was down she followed Leiko "Oh thank you for letting me down" she smiled "For that I'm going to let you know that you might want to check your bed before you sleep tonight... so you wanna help me prank Kyo to get back at him... com on you know you wanna... the rat is a trickster in nature... you can't deny your nature."

Dear Lelie
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:20 PM

Leiko was surprised the monkey already had another prank planed for her. "I think my ancestors pulled enough pranks for me to satisfied, but I could distract him for you if you want," she smiled at Lexi. Then she nodded. "Thanks for letting me know there' something waiting for me in my bed.," she laughed. The rat never had been a prankster when she was younger. Just had a nasty temper and got into trouble with god a lot.

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Old 01-22-2010, 05:23 PM

Satori nodded her head.

"Fine but if you try anything I will string you up by your toes and let The monkey do whatever she wants to you."

She laid her head back and relaxed a bit. She was not doing very well at all.

Sigoru hopped about and then getting bored decided to go in and see what punishment Neji was getting. She knocked on the door and then walked in sitting next to Kyo.

"Hi guys."

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Old 01-22-2010, 05:48 PM

Lexi nodded "yeah I'm going to put a venomous snake in his bed... hmm I think a cobra will do nicely... I can easily get one too." She smiled wickedly... she could be scary when you crossed her but nowhere near as scary as god could be. It could be that she may have picked up god's temper but who knows. It may just be the throes of puberty as well. "So it would be helpful if you could keep eyes away from me for a bit"

Saravi Boo
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:54 PM

(OOC: I'm back now. Just waiting for Ember to post.)

Dear Lelie
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Old 01-22-2010, 06:09 PM

Leiko shook her head. "I said trick him... not kill him," she answered with a giggle,"Don't snake kill people? Why not just a little gardener snake... it won't bite him just scare the life out of him?" Of course if Lexi said no she would warn to check his bed. She didn't want someone's death on her hands. "Did he go see Satori? Maybe I could find him there," she grinned to Lexi. Hoping she would change the snake to a less deadly one.

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Old 01-22-2010, 06:13 PM

Lerxi laughed "That's why I'm going to the pet store... none of the snakes there can kill you... cause all the venomous ones are defanged"


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