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Martel Irasia
Martel Irasia is offline
Old 04-23-2010, 01:56 AM

Taykayo just got to school, he always liked to be early because it gave him time to think and sometimes even work on homework he hadn't quite finished yet. He sighed as he sat down, he had no homework to do, unless he counted studying for the Biology exam that was coming up soon. He didn't really want to do anything with that at the moment, but just being at the school was keeping his mind preoccupied. Considering the dangerous dreams he'd had lately, and all in one night, Taykayo figured he was better off thinking about school. At least for now, he didn't want to think back to the night. Too many strange and horrible things had happened, but they were real, and Taykayo could no longer hide completely. Not when others knew what he was.

Saravi Boo
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Old 04-24-2010, 03:36 AM

Yukina caught Hiei nearly dozing off in a sunbeam on the porch. It would have been rather cute, his face looked so peaceful, but she was all too aware of the danger sleep presented to her brother so she hurried to wake him. She laid her hand on his shoulder lightly and shook him hesitantly. "Oniichan, wake up please."

Hiei blinked red eyes open slowly. He hadn't been asleep all the way but it was a close call. He nodded his thanks to Yukina and forced himself to stand up, swaying slightly as he did so.

Yukina caught his elbow to steady him, letting go as soon as she could tell he had his balance back. She had never seen Hiei so visibly exhausted and it pained her greatly. "Hiei-niichan?" She said hesitantly, pressing on in a rush once his bleary crimson eyes met her own similar pair. "When was the last time you slept well?" She frowned. It didn't make sense, if the deadly dreams just started the night before, Hiei shouldn't be so drained. Even taking the jagan and the healing injuries into account, it just didn't add up to the aqua haired healer.

Hiei shrugged, it was hard to think. "Two days ago maybe." He finally said when she continued to look at him expectantly. "Why?"

Yukina continued to frown, "I think these dreams aren't just damaging your body, Niichan. I think they may be draining your spirit energy as well." She hypothesized in a small, serious voice.

Hiei forced himself to focus and consider the possibility for a minute. Then he nodded, "Probably." He closed his eyes and used one hand to hold himself up on a support beam. He had never been this tired and weak feeling and it was seriously beginning to frustrate him. He forced his crimson eyes open once again. "The question is, what can I do about it?" He said tiredly, looking out at the forest surrounding the temple as if expecting some sort of answer to come from that quarter.

Yukina stepped forward and embraced her brother, "I don't know, Oniichan. Unless...." She hesitated and he pulled back from her and looked at her sternly. Hesitation from loved ones generally meant they were contemplating doing something he didn't want them doing. "I could try to share some of my energy with you." She offered meekly.

"No." Hiei pulled away from her completely, stalking to the other side of the porch before he ran out of energy and sat down heavily on the wooden planks.

"Why not?" The koorime followed but stopped a few feet behind the sulking fire demon. "We're twins, Oniichan. It shouldn't be hard to do. I have plenty of energy to spare and you need it. Please, let me help you." A single teargem clattered to the wooden floor boards, making Hiei wince. Yukina was quick to note that and pressed her momentary advantage. "Plus, if something were to attack us now, you wouldn't be able to fight. What would happen to me if you weren't here to protect me?" She asked softly.

Hiei felt his resolve vanish like flames under a deluge of ice water. "Hn. Fine." He turned and pinned her with a hard stare, "I wouldn't try to manipulate me like this all the time if I were you." He said knowingly. "I'm just too tired to fight with you."

Yukina beamed and glomped her dark haired brother. "Thank you for being so reasonable. Now, be still for a minute." She sat down in front of him and took his calloused hands in her own delicate ones. Then the red eyed demoness began carefully feeding energy through the physical contact. Hiei's hands were almost hot enough to scald her but she forced herself to ignore the minor discomfort. The few times she had had reason to touch him in the past, she'd always been too preoccupied to notice how warm his skin felt against her naturally cool flesh. As she continued to trickle energy into Hiei's hands she noticed the contrast in temperature was lessening, but she ignored it because his face was regaining some color and his eyes were loosing the dull sheen they had picked up since the night before.

As Hiei became more awake, he too noticed that Yukina's hands didn't feel as cold as they should have. Something strange was going on. "Enough." He said quickly, pulling his hands free with more strength than he would have had a few minutes before. He clenched and unclenched his fingers, trying to warm them in the sun since he didn't dare use the little bit of energy Yukina had given him for such a trivial thing. "Thank you." He said as an afterthought, not wanting her to think he was ungrateful. He was very grateful. It was just strange, the more energy she gave him, the more Hiei began to feel something he'd never experienced before: He felt too hot.

Yukina nodded. "How do you feel, Oniichan?"

"Too warm." Hiei blinked as a thought struck him. He was half koorime, so with koorime energy....was it even possible? If he wasn't so tired he never would have given it a second thought, but he had to try it now that it had occurred to him. He reached for the youki his sister had just imparted to him, the same way he usually did to form fire on his hand. The red eyes widened in shock as a thin layer of ice formed on his outstretched fingers instead.

Yukina gasped and reached out to touch the delicate crystals. "I-I...I'm sure that's only temporary." She said with more conviction than she felt.

"Hn. Let's hope so." Hiei said, letting the cold energy subside and watching the ice crystals melt rapidly in the warm sunlight.

Miss Forgetful
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Old 04-25-2010, 12:24 AM

"Yes, yes, what is it Yusuke?" Koenma's voice spoke through the device a split second before his face appeared on the small screen. His voice expressed an obvious irritation that was more than apparent across his surprisingly teenaged face. "Oh? Kurama? I apologize, I was expecting Urameshi to be on the line--BOTAN! Stay where you are! Ogre, watch her, would you?!" Rekai's prince shouted over his shoulder as the blue-haired girl attempted to sneak away while he was distracted. "Is something wrong, because we have a slight situation here that requires my attention." His voice emphasised the 'slight', briefly scowling as the word exited his mouth.

"Hey, why're you yelling at Botan? What'd she do? And...why're you big?" Yusuke piped up from behind Kurama's shoulder.

"Urgh. I'll tell you after you tell me what the nature of this call is. Your communicator hasn't been used in months."

"Oh, I don't really know. Kurama's the one who wanted to talk to you." Yusuke replied with a yawn, plopping backwards onto his bed and off the device's screen.


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Old 04-25-2010, 01:15 AM

Kurama was a little put off by Koenma's rather gruff greeting and his brow furrowed at the mention of another situation that seemed to have the Spirit World Prince tied up at the moment. Kurama moved over slightly when Yusuke leaned in over his shoulder to look a the communicator. He too was a bit confused as to what was happening on the other side of the line but he had more important concerns at the moment.

When Yusuke collapsed onto the bed behind him, Kurama spoke up for the first time, "Yes, something is indeed wrong" The redhead was a bit annoyed by the chaos on the other end of the line but didn't let it show on his features. He wanted answers and he wasn't going to wait to call back later so he began the story, "Last night, it seems Hiei had some concerns for Yukina's safety after a dream. As I was chasing after him, I met a clairvoyant who also predicted some misfortune for her. Using the Jagan, Hiei too saw this vision and since that time he has been having strange dreams that seem to physically wound him and drain his energy. I need to know if you have any further insight to this problem as it could be a matter of life and death at this point."

As Kurama finished explaining, he studied Koenma's features very carefully through the tiny screen. If the Spirit World Prince lied to him, he could possibly find clues as to his real feelings on the matter based on any changes in his expression. He fervently hoped that Koenma would have some positive information on the issue.

Miss Forgetful
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Old 04-25-2010, 04:16 AM

Koenma's expression fell and the irritation he felt drained from his face. As he took a moment to compose himself, he sucked in a deep breath, "Hiei too, huh? This problem is bigger than I thought..." The spirit prince sighed heavily, rubbing his temples as he felt the beginnings of a migraine. "Do you remember that girl you spoke to? Katsumi? Well... Last night she, also, was having violent nightmares. Though she received few new injuries, several of her almost fully healed wounds were torn open. Thankfully, a nurse passing by woke her up before things became too serious. When asked how she managed to reopen her wounds in just her sleep, Kat said that there was a man in her dream and that she must have ripped them open while she fended him off.. However..." Koenma tossed a quick glare over his shoulder. "She's no longer in Spirit World, and we didn't get a chance to run any actual tests to analyze this subconscious phenomenon before she disappeared. The only thing we do know for certain is that someone has to be controlling these nightmares. We just don't know how or why this person is targeting their victims." The teenaged ruler crossed his arms. "For now, it may be best if Hiei comes here when he absolutely needs to sleep so we may keep an eye on him. I can assure you that this matter is being looked into as we speak. Should I gain any further knowledge, you all will be the first to hear it."

"So, what, we're just supposed to wait around and let our friend be hurt by something in his mind? Can't you think of anything better?" Yusuke frowned, sitting up once he realized he just couldn't relax anyway.

"I'm sorry. There just isn't anything we can do at the moment. Perhaps, if you track down Katsumi and return her to Spirit World, we could run some tests or compare her and Hiei's dreams for any consistencies."Koenma sighed again, his tone was genuine. He really didn't have any concrete answers to tell.


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Old 04-25-2010, 04:49 AM

Kurama hung onto every word that came out of the pacifired teenager's mouth. When Koenma finished speaking, the fox swore under his breath, something no one had ever likely seen him do. They were definitely in a bind... If the party went off to search for Katsumi, that would leave Hiei virtually unprotected unless the fox managed to convince the other demon to go to the Spirit World where he could be looked after. Kurama seriously doubted that the fire demon would willingly submit to being babysat but perhaps he could physically force the other to do so given his condition if it came to that.

Kurama calculated these things in his mind before replying, "Do you have any knowledge of whether or not these events are connected with the demon that Katsumi faced previously?" It was possible that they could be connected but Kurama wasn't certain. In the videotape, the demon had attacked with a blade, that he could pick up on audibly, however it would be impossible to know what could have been going on telepathically inside of the spirit forces' minds unless perhaps Katsumi could provide the missing clues. It seemed that any possible information would lie with her.

Miss Forgetful
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Old 04-25-2010, 06:24 AM

"They very well could be, but that too is merely a possibility at this time. We just don't have enough evidence or information to make any solid conclusions." Koenma replied. He could tell how upset Kurama was but there really wasn't too much he could say to put the fox's mind at ease. "If it helps at all, Katsumi is a dedicated martial artist. She'll probably seek out a dojo to train in if she's in the city somewhere. I can't promise that though. She left her communicator here, so I obviously have no way to track her down. Also, She and her teammates used to share an apartment not too far from your own house, Kurama. It doesn't look like anyone besides our investigation team has been there in over a month, but we're keeping the entire complex monitored just in case." The prince of Spirit World sat back in his chair, his arms folded across his chest.

"Well, we'll just have to find that girl then. Seems like that'd be the only way to get any kind of info. You should really keep better tabs on your employees, twerp." Yusuke sighed, scratching the back of his head. His hair was still in its natural, pre-slicked back disarray.


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Old 04-25-2010, 03:13 PM

Kurama listened attentively to Koenma's words, seeking any sort of clues as of where to begin. He was quite surprised when Koenma mentioned something about an apartment quite near his own. Maybe that could be a good starting point... In the back of his mind, Kurama vaguely worried about the time factor due to his mother but quickly shrugged it off. When Yusuke spoke up, Kurama nodded in agreement with the Spirit Detective, it seemed that Katsumi would be the key. Kurama only hoped that once they found her, that she would cooperate...

Kurama spoke up again before an argument could break out between the toddler and the delinquent. "Thank you for the information. Please keep in touch." And with that he closed to communicator, therefore sparing valuable time that could have been wasted arguing. Standing up, Kurama looked over at the black-haired boy, "Get dressed, we need to begin immediately."

Miss Forgetful
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Old 04-25-2010, 03:42 PM

"Eh? Alright. I'll meet you outside." Yusuke mumbled as he stood up and stretched. He was hardly even awake and he already needed to search the entire city for some girl he'd never even met. Once Kurama had left his bedroom, Yusuke threw on the t-shirt and jeans that had been throw on him earlier. He wasn't really quiet as he left his house. His mother was surely in a drunken slumber anyway. "Hey Kurama, you never explained why you're wearing my clothes. And how bad is Hiei anyway?" Yusuke piped up once he shut his home's front door.


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Old 04-25-2010, 04:29 PM

Kurama nodded and left the room. At the entrance of Yusuke's apartment, Kurama slipped on the borrowed geta and went outside to wait. It only took Yusuke a few minutes to dress and meet him there and once he did, Kurama took off at a brisk walk. "Unfortunately my clothes were bloodied after last night's escapade," Kurama replied to the first question before steeling himself for the second. "Hiei is extremely weak at the moment. It is imperative that we find out any possible information as quickly as possible. Every time he falls asleep he is physically attacked in his dreams. I'm not sure for how long he can continue to go on without sleep..."

Miss Forgetful
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Old 04-25-2010, 05:03 PM

After her meeting with Hiro, Katsumi spent the rest of her night wandering around Tokyo. She did return to her apartment earlier that night to change her clothes but she hadn't run into any of Koenma's lackeys as of yet. So she figured that he didn't discover her absence until later on. The streets of such a big city weren't ideal for anyone at night, let alone someone who appeared to the average human to be just a small girl. However, Kat wasn't particularly afraid. She knew she could throw a decent enough punch to at least fend any human off. She just had to keep moving, because she afraid of falling asleep. Eventually, she found herself in a busy prefecture close rather close to the residential one Yusuke resided in. It wasn't too hard to blend in with the constantly moving, morning crowd. The demoness sat down on a bench to give her legs a brief rest.

Yusuke frowned, matching Kurama's pace. "Where should we start looking? This city is huge. She could be anywhere." The Spirit Detective added, patting his newly slicked hair into place as they walked. "We could split up, but I don't know how strong this Katsumi is. Do you think we could handle her on our own if we split up?"


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Old 04-25-2010, 07:30 PM

((Grr... Stupid f-ing browser. I just lost my post. Sorry if this one's kinda crappy. >.<))

Kurama's lengthened strides let him further away from Yusuke's apartment and in the direction of his own. He wanted to retrieve his cell phone in case either his mother or Taykayo tried to contact him. The redhead stopped in mid-stride however when he felt a familiar energy. It was faint but recognizable and luckily for them, not too far away. "I think I may have located her," Kurama said suddenly. In light of Yusuke's question he added, "I don't think we have to worry about fighting her just yet..." Although the two of them weren't exactly friends, he had shown Katsumi a great deal of kindness when they spoke in the Reikai and he hope that she would not feel threatened by his presence. Kurama corrected his path to lead them in the direction of Katsumi's energy and quickened his pace.

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Old 04-25-2010, 08:31 PM

"Really? Are you sure?" The brunette questioned, his pace quickening in order to keep up with his friend's. "What does she look like anyway?" Yusuke's eyes carefully scanned the area they were heading into. It was more of a crossroads between prefectures. People hurried off in every direction and the streets were just as busy.

Kat stiffened, uncrossing her jean-clad legs. She could feel something coming her way, but she was too weak to pick out exactly who or what it was. The only thing she could figure out was that there were two different energies, though one felt slightly familiar. "I knew I should have left the country.." She muttered as she rose to her feet. The energies were approaching from off to her right, so she crossed a busy street in the opposite direction. She followed the rush hour crowd until she spotted a convenient alleyway and veered off into it. The alley, like most alleys, led to a dead end. However, there was a fire escape that offered a pathway up onto the roof of one of the buildings. As Kat reached her hands out to begin climbing, a sudden pain rocked her body. She swore softly as she clutched onto her head, leaning against the ladder for support.

Martel Irasia
Martel Irasia is offline
Old 04-26-2010, 12:30 AM

It was around the beginning of his first class when Taykayo stopped paying attention, not for any reason other than the fact that something felt off. He couldn't quite tell what it was, but he could feel something was very wrong, even though he had no idea what. The teacher called his name and Taykayo snapped back to attention and immediately recited the lines from the book at the exact place he was supposed to. No one in the class suspected that he hadn't been paying attention, apart from the teacher who was watching him carefully. Taykayo had never been known to seem out of focus in class, not even when small insignificant visions hit him. He could always somehow manage to keep focus on the task at hand, except for now. It was an all too familiar feeling, like someone or something was watching you, and you wanted to run the hell away from it.


It was really kinda boring, walking through the city, trying to find the target, or even to find one of the targets. Kaname Hagiri was really very bored as he tried to locate either of them. He didn't know what they looked like, or how he would know that they were the targets, but either way, he was looking. He passed by a girl who ducked into an alleyway and he paused mid-step as he turned his head to watch her. It looked like she was trying to get away from someone, and that alone was suspicious enough that he turned on the spot to follow her at a distance. He took it upon himself to stand at the entrance to the alley and looked in at her. It looked like she was experiencing some kinda migraine, or perhaps it was physical pain. If that were the case, then he may have found one of the targets. Must be my lucky day. He thought simply as he continued to watch, just to make sure.


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Old 04-26-2010, 01:21 AM

Kurama thought back to the single time he had seen Katsumi in the Reikai and a mental image of her features appeared in his mind, "Short brown hair, blue eyes, caucasian." Kurama knew the description wasn't much but it would at least narrow things down. It also may have been helpful to identify her by her clothing but the redhead had no idea what the demoness might be wearing.

When Kurama felt the energy beginning to move he mentally swore. Seconds later he felt another energy presence nearby which made him tense up slightly. This one was entirely unfamiliar to the kitsune and he would be on his toes. It could be the demon they were looking for... Moment's later both of the energies came to a stop, alarmingly close together. "We need to move Yusuke!" he shouted over his shoulder and began running towards the location of the two energies.

It didn't take them long to reach the spot and Kurama slowed his pace to a halt. Scanning the crowd he didn't spot anything amiss. He began slowly walking through the area, wary of the two energies. It only took him a few moments to trace them to a nearby alleyway. From his position he caught sight of a young man and behind him, Katsumi. The man appeared to be sizing her up and Kurama didn't like the look of his stance. His instincts told him that something was off about the man.

Turning his gaze away from the couple in the alleyway so as not to draw attention, he spoke softly to Yusuke, "The girl we're looking for is in that alleyway however it looks like someone else found her first. Be careful..." Kurama didn't like the situation in the least. It was good that they had located Katsumi however this other force could pose a threat and Shuichi didn't like the idea of fighting in broad daylight in plain view of any humans that might pass by.

Martel Irasia
Martel Irasia is offline
Old 04-26-2010, 01:42 AM

Almost immediately, two new energies entered the area, and Sniper swore to himself mentally as he looked away from the alley. He was simply leaning against the wall, looking like that was his usual place to hang out. He looked out of the corner of his eyes and saw the two newcomers, but his face showed nothing, not a sense of surprise, or shock, or even annoyance, even though he was annoyed. If they were here looking for the girl, it would be a big problem. Despite the fact that he had no trouble fighting in broad daylight with so many people around, it was still a bother. He put his hands into his pockets, pretending like he had nothing to do. He was really grabbing hold of some of his ammo, a few marbles he'd been carrying in his pocket for a while. They were the most useful as bullets, he didn't really need to add a layer of spirit energy to make them stronger. He did it all rather subtly, making it look as though his glance into the alley was just a random thing as he forced himself to look at the sky for a moment.

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Old 04-26-2010, 01:45 AM

Katsumi's hand dropped from her forehead the instant she realized that she wasn't alone in the alley anymore. Instead of the two energies she felt earlier, this one was entirely different. It was darker, and as her eyes trailed over to its owner, much more sinister. "What do you want?" She snapped, blue eyes narrowed. Rather than find a secluded place to hide, it appeared as though Kat had actually managed to trap herself in a corner. She felt like a caged animal, and she wasn't particularly in the mood to be approached by anyone, especially not bizarre strangers.

Yusuke scowled, he was about to rush over to confront this guy but stopped himself mid-step. What would he do if this guy attacked him? Would he start a brawl in such a crowded place? "Damn," He cursed, averting his gaze from the alleyway so he didn't seem suspicious to any nosy onlookers. "What are we supposed to do?" He already knew the answer though. They would have to hang tight and wait until something happened before they jumped in.

Martel Irasia
Martel Irasia is offline
Old 04-26-2010, 01:59 AM

Sniper looked back into the alleyway as he let his territory expand in the area given. He didn't care too much if he revealed his power, not even in public, since most people wouldn't really notice it anyway. Only those with a heightened sense of awareness would even sense the change in the atmosphere, as if they weren't quite standing in the same dimensional space as before. He let himself smile a little as he shifted his body and his position so that he was directly facing the woman in the alley. He glanced over at the two others for just a moment before looking back at her. "I'm here... to send a message." It was all he was planning to say, what with there being two people nearby who might fight him. He pulled his hands out of his pockets revealing the small glass balls and he began to flick them, sending them at high speed towards her. He missed each shot intentionally, save for the last which he aimed directly at her shoulder. Finished with the assault, he simply walked away, turning a corner and the next thing he did was to ride by the street on his motorcycle.


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Old 04-26-2010, 02:11 AM

Kurama felt helpless and he could tell that Yusuke felt similarly forced in the situation. Unless something happened, they would be forced to wait things out and at the moment Kurama was anything but his usual patient self. Kurama froze instantly when he felt something change. Kurama could tell that he was dealing with something he had never faced before but he didn't allow himself to become nervous.

Sparing another glance over at the alleyway, Kurama caught sight of a shift in pose of the mystery man but forced himself to remain calm and wait. As he did so, Kurama caught sight of the man glancing towards them before he turned back to Katsumi. He said something about a message and then suddenly without warning began to send tiny objects flying her way. Kurama could hear the missiles hit the walls of the alleyway until the final one tore through Katsumi's shoulder. As the man turned to walk out of the alleyway, Kurama carefully studied his features, unable to do anything else with the number of humans around.

When the man finally rode off in his motorcycle, Kurama didn't bother to pursue him but rushed into the alleyway instead to check on Katsumi. "Are you alright?" he asked, catching sight of the small amount of blood soaking through her shoulder. She seemed to have a few other wounds visible as well, similar to those that marked Hiei's body after his dreams.

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Old 04-26-2010, 02:33 AM

The glass balls embedded themselves into the sides of the buildings she was surrounded by, with the exception of the very last one. She had attempted to move out of its path, but she wasn't nearly fast enough to avoid the marble-sized projectile. The seemingly harmless ball passed through her shoulder with the same force as a bullet. Pain racked her upper body as her shoulder-blade practically shattered from the force behind the ball. While the man walked away, the demon girl slipped to the ground leaving a vertical smear of blood on the wall she had used for support. Her head was suddenly dizzy and this new pain made it hard for her to focus on anything. The lack of sleep wasn't helping the situation either. Then, she could hear someone's voice speak to her, though it took her a moment to decipher what was being said. "I'm fine...just..give me a moment.." She replied to the voice, wincing as she attempted to compose herself.

Yusuke was just as shocked as Kurama. This guy not only used tiny objects as freakin' bullets, but he also did it out in the open with dozens of people within sight and earshot. His muted audacity was absolutely astounding to the Spirit Detective. Once the man was out of sight, Yusuke followed Kurama off into the alley. The first thing that caught his eye was how embedded the glass balls were in the buildings' sides. 'How the hell did he manage that?' He thought to himself as he turned his attention down to the girl. She seemed pretty out of it, but she did answered the fox's question coherently. She'd probably be okay after all.

Martel Irasia
Martel Irasia is offline
Old 04-26-2010, 02:49 AM

Taykayo gasped audibly as he felt and saw the vision of a different girl getting hurt. It appeared that she just got hit in the shoulder by a bullet or something. He closed his eyes momentarily, and when he opened them, everyone in class was looking at him. The teacher had walked over silently and was standing directly over him. He just managed to hear the teacher ask if he was alright and Taykayo simply nodded. "Yes, I'm fine. I just remembered something I left at home is all." He said, the lie wasn't very convincing, but it was enough that the teacher walked away. Taykayo let out a soft sigh as he got back to his classwork.


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Old 04-26-2010, 02:57 AM

Kurama wasn't at all reassured by Katsumi's response. Looking behind him, Kurama could see humans walking by. So far none of them seemed to be interested in the situation and Kurama wanted to keep it that. "Let's get out of here before someone notices..." Yusuke's apartment was closest but how could they get there without someone noticing the blood staining Katusmi's clothes? Not finding any convenient solution, Kurama gently scooped Katsumi into his arms so that her wound faced inward towards his body. Hopefully if they moved quickly, no one would say anything. Walking out of the alleyway, Kurama did his best to act as normal as possible as he carried Katsumi off in the direction of Yusuke's apartment.

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Old 04-26-2010, 03:24 AM

The demon winced when she was lifted and her shoulder pressed up against something firm. 'What? Who's carrying me?' Her eyes steadily blurred into focus, and she was rather surprised by what she saw. Here she was being carried by the man from the other day in the hospital, but why was he here and where was he carrying her off to anyway? It was at that moment when she came to an abrupt conclusion. 'He works for Koenma, he's going to take me back.' She desperately wanted to move and shove him away, but she was greeted by a new wave of pain whenever she tried to move her wounded arm. "Don't take me back there." She spoke up, almost pleading with the redhead. She couldn't very well run away one-handed.

"We're taking her to my house, right?" Yusuke piped up, he'd figured that's what their destination would be since it was the nearest safe place. "It's just her shoulder, so she'll be okay. Just, ah, try not to get any blood on the floor. Mom's too lazy to clean and that'd fall on my shoulders."


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Old 04-26-2010, 03:43 AM

Kurama felt Katsumi struggle but in vain. It seemed as if her wounds were too painful for her to put much force behind her movements. When she asked him not to take her back, Kurama responded, "Rest at ease, we're not going to the Reikai," '...yet...' When Yusuke asked if they were headed to his apartment Kurama nodded vaguely, lost in thought as to how he would now convince both Hiei and Katsumi to return to the Reikai.

Fortunately they found themselves back at Yusuke's apartment before too long and without any serious incidents. There were a few stares but nothing more than that. Kicking off the geta, Kurama carried Katsumi into the bathroom, obliging the delinquents plea not to make a mess. The fox set the girl down on the floor and held his hand over the wound. Carefully feeding energy into his palm, Kurama did his best to heal the bullet wound.

About halfway through however Kurama felt himself sway slightly and immediately cut off the flow of energy. Blinking away the spots of darkness in his vision, Kurama inwardly cursed. He hadn't realized just how much energy he had expended healing Hiei. Unfortunately healing was not his specialty and was extremely taxing on his spirit energy. "I'm afraid that's the best I can do for now," he said wearily. If a better job was to be done it seemed likely that Katsumi would need to be taken to Genaki.

Miss Forgetful
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Old 04-26-2010, 04:06 AM

Yusuke stood in the door frame, arms crossed over his chest as he watched his friend struggle to close the wound to Katsumi's shoulder. If Kurama was already this drained, then Hiei must've been pretty rough last night. The boy could think of only two other options for the girl, though one was more practical than the other. They could take her to a hospital, but her lack of a heart beat wouldn't be well received in any human hospital...The only other option they had left would be to take her out to Genkai's. "Kurama..." He began, unsure of how inclined Kurama was to return to the temple, but if Hiei was there Kurama probably wanted to be too. "Let's just take her to Genkai's. Yukina and the old lady can fix her up quicker than we can. I can carry her if you need me too."

Kat felt slightly better, but she knew she wouldn't be able to move her right arm for awhile. Plus, she was thoroughly frustrated by her own weakened state. "Look, I don't know what the two of you want, but I'm perfectly fine. I don't nee--" Her statement cut short as the vicious, headache-like pain from before returned. She shut her eyes and held her head in her only functioning hand. She could feel herself start to slip away into unconsciousness and even though she knew the dangers of this, she struggled to find the strength to keep her eyes open.

Last edited by Faiyth; 04-26-2010 at 04:08 AM..


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