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Lise is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 05:01 AM

So you would rather the entire Earth be destroyed?

Cora Lorington:
I can assure you that washing my hair is a very melancholy affair.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 05:03 AM

Poor unicorns though. Couldn't you just make them laugh so hard they cried?

Lise is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 05:03 AM

I should probably mention at this point that none of this is true...

Izumi is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 05:04 AM

What would it matter, if I weren't here to see it anyways? I do not believe in an afterlife, as wonderful as it might sound. I mean I would love to think we are reincarnates and that I would find my love again but that's pretty much an overused plotline.

Actually if you did destroy the earth, and I did believe in reincarnation I could come back and rebuild it as I see fit. *wicked smile*

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 05:05 AM

*chuckles* But your hair is still pretty. ;)

Lise is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 05:06 AM

Thank you, Esmme...

You do not care about the lives people are deprived of if you are not around to see it?

Izumi is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 05:08 AM

Well...Hmmm. *scratches chin* How else to right all the evil in the world? We've tried the democratic way...

Lise is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 05:09 AM

*chuckles* I am going to trust that you are joking.

I must say farewell at this point... My shop and my bed both need me...

Izumi is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 05:11 AM

Well it was an interesting conversation, indeed. I would love to bump into you and have another colorful conversation about hair washing again. *grins*


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 05:16 AM

Good night lise.

I must say it was an interesting conversation, and you are more interesting then I had anticipated ^.^


Roachi is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 06:44 AM

*wants Lise's hair so bad*
Its sooo pretty @@

Dystopia is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 06:45 AM

My bed is in dire need of me. And I am in dire need of it. But... /stare at work pile

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 09:25 AM

I have written you a story!
Username: Nephila
Preferred Participation Prize: The orange Goodie Bag please.
Title: Undying Love


This hunger is a pain so painful it makes me numb. My body moves of it's own accord now. I never sleep nor do I dream. I can't feel the torn flesh hanging off my face or the deep gashes on my legs. There is only one thing I think about now. Feeding the hunger. In the moment of feeding I feel alive again. With the warm blood on my lips I can see her eating across from me like it was before. The face of the last person I saw before this state of existence was forced upon me. The only one that mattered before this, curse of undeath.

How did I get this way? I suppose not much different than any other victim of the curse. I was walking to the corner store with my daughter. She had done well in her studies on that terms report card and we were going to celebrate with a treat.

" Can I stay up late tonight and watch a movie with you mommy?"
" Not tonight honey, maybe on Friday."
" Ok. Can we watch a scary movie this time?"
" I don't know you might get bad dreams."
" Aw please? The boys at school all said they watched Ghostship and it had a little girl ghost in it."
" Lets talk about it when we get home."

We proceeded to pay for our goodies and a bit of shopping for tomorrows dinner. I looked around every where and couldn't see the shop keeper.


When I moved my arm across the desk to ring the bell I felt something wrap around my arm. It was teeth. He bite me! The shop owner bite me!

"Whats wrong with you!? It this how you treat your customers? Common honey lets go somewhere else."

As we stepped out the door the shop owner not only began to follow us, but managed to bite my daughter leg. If I had only known what was going on around me I never would have taken her out of the house. Things were falling apart all around the world and quickly. As we were pursued my daughter and I ran. I felt dizzy and strange while running. Not the usual out of breathe feeling. It was something else, it was the feeling of death coming up behind me. To our horror two more people started to follow us along with the old shop keep.

We made it to the house. I immediately went to call the police to no avail. The lines were dead. We were both terrified of the strangers at our door. I put the tv on and switched it to the news channel. Watching in horror as I realized it was to late to save myself and my daughter from this new plague curse.

I watched the world fell away from me. The room spun as I hit the ground. Feeling my heart stop was the most painful thing I had ever felt and it didn't stop hurting after death. Though it did move from my heart to my stomach. Such huger.

In the back of what I have left in my mind is how horrible my daughter pain must be. And now we both sit here with each other hands clutched in a death grip of undying love. We're together, and maybe that's all that matters. Daddy will be home soon. We're so very hungry. . .

Final notes: Inspired by cough syrup and watching far to many zombie movies while I'm sick. The premise is a woman dealing with the haunting memory of her daughter's pain, while dealing with her own curse. Her curse of being undead.

The Great Adversary

Antagonist is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 09:39 AM

I have written you a story!
Username: Fading Existence
Preferred Participation Prize: Any
Title: Untitled


Softly, he padded into the large, abandoned mansion on the hillside after squeezing his body in through the small hole he had made through a lose plank in the wall outside. Spiderwebs and thick dust coated every surface, and he sneezed three times in disgust.

Why did he come here again?

Oh, right, to avoid those annoying pestering fans, always trying to get into his hair while squealing and flailing and making obnoxious noises and in general being a nuisance.

He sighed.

Then coughed when his breath brought up another mass of flying dust.

Quickly, he leapt away from the area with a few bounds of his feet, reaching the stairway leading up. He might as well explore this strange place while he's still stuck here, anyway. He could still hear the fans squealing and searching for him outside.

He never understood the allure of Halloween. What's so interesting about it? All the thick disgusting make up? The ridiculous outfits people put themselves into? Staying up all night tiring themselves out before collapsing in the morning? Eating those colored sweets that he found chokingly unbearable on his tongue?

People were just strange. He'll probably never understand them.

Putting the thoughts aside, he walked up the stairs, taking in the surroundings. Everything looked old. Really, really, anciently old. The stairs creaked, the banisters were cracked and chipped, the chandelier above was missing several piece of crystal and hanging crookedly from the ceiling. The pictures hanging on the walls were blurred and ripped.

Vaguely, he wondered why he had never seen this place during all those times he wandered around in the community of Menewsha.

At the top of the stairs, a small door stood erected. It was slightly opened, leaving a crack, and an ominous darkness poured from within. He shuddered.

Should he enter? Or should he leave? This place gave him a bad feeling. But then, considering how that bad feeling compared to the feeling those fans, who were no doubt still looking for him outside, gave him, this was trivial.

With a deep breath, he pushed open the door and entered.

And blinked.

It was a completely ordinary-looking room. For a child, it seems. There was a crib and a cradle in a corner, covered with gray dust, and the faded wallpaper appeared to be patterned with miniature fish bones and furry balls. He admired the owner's taste. There was also a drawer against a wall, and a closet behind it. Oddly, it looked as though the drawer had been shifted over to the closet to block it...

People always said that 'curiosity kills the cat', and he never believed it. His curiosity had always served him fine. And right now his curiosity is at its breaking point, nudging him, begging him to go and see what exactly lies within the depths of the closet.

He slipped over to the drawers, after making sure that no other object within the room perked his interest, and tried to shove the thing out of the way. No such luck. The drawers were ancient and looked heavy. He tried opening the drawers, to perhaps empty them of their contents as to lighten the weight of the furniture, but they appeared to be jammed.

Damn it.

He nudged, he tugged, he even bit the thing, but the drawers simply refused to budge.

His curiosity was eating him alive.

Letting out a frustrated hiss, he was thinking of charging at it to see if he could collide into it and possibly knock it aside for even just an inch.........when he saw that the legs of the drawers were damaged, and that the entire thing was actually very much top-heavy at the moment and a proper shift in the right direction could topple it to the side, leaving the door to the closet (at least partially,) clear.


With that, he got to work. He did his best to make the splinters as large as possible, he thinned the wood down as much as he could, and he tugged and yanked and pulled and pushed. Finally, with an ominous groan, the thing crashed over. He barely avoided being crushed under it, having been on his belly working on the legs of the drawer.

And the way to the closet was clear.

Feeling triumphant, he leapt over the fallen drawer and to the door, pulling on the handle of the closet and letting it creak open on its own. He had always been quite proud of his eyesight, but even with his eyes as good as they were, he couldn't see past a foot inside the small space. He wondered what was inside.

Slowly, he made his way into the closet. The moon was shining through a broken window in the room, but the light made little way into the darkened space of the closet. There was also a strange rattling sound coming from somewhere in the darkness, as though someone with a serious respiratory problem was wheezing on dust.

Slowly, slooowly, he inched inside. The rattling noise got louder.

And suddenly, the door slammed shut behind him.

An inhuman yowl came from his throat as he frantically ran back over to the door, trying to open it, scrabbling at the wood, but the thing would not open. The rattling noise got even louder.

And louder. And louder. And louder.

Desperate, he slammed himself against the door, trying to open the thing by brute force, but only got a bruised shoulder for his troubles.

And then, he felt something wrap around his arm.



"Hey, uh, you think he's going to be alright?" Asked Fan #2865, staring down at the prone form lying in bed at the Menewsha hospital.

"'Course he is." Answered Fan #302, one of the senior members of the fanclub.

"He's been out for three days."

"Well, Trick says it had only been a joke. Besides, he was the one who broke into their house, anyway. His vital signs seem stable enough. The doctors said he'll be up and running in no time."

"Are you absolutely sure-"

"For the last time, yes. Treat was apologetic and had brought him his favorite dishes, he'll be fine as soon as he wakes up and sees them."

"I certainly hope so." Fan #2865 sighed.


Lying in bed, sore, bruised, and scratched in multiple places, he decided he was never, ever going into unknown people's houses again in the future, chased by fans or not, thought Yumeh the Cat.

Final notes: Inspired by seeing Lise, and then suddenly out of the blue Yumeh just popped up into my head. :lol:
O|| Naked NationCloset of Nefarious OutfitsQuest ||

O Questing for CIs from 2015 - 2018!

The Shadow King
PhoenixIllusion is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 10:58 AM

I have written you a story!
Username: PhoenixIllusion
Preferred Participation Prize: Red Treat Bag
Title: Under Your Bed


"Something's under my bed, Mom."

Arisa sighed, looking up from her book and then staring at the cirled form of her husband sharing the bed. "Honey... Geoffry, sweety, you dearest daughter calls." He groaned, rolling over away from her. "Arisa, love, I have to be at work early. Besides, our little angel is best to be put to bed by another, right?"

Arisa wasn't sure if she should feel complimented or just smack him. She sighed, however, knowing she went to work later than her spouse, and exited the warm embrace of the bed. She was tired, so tired. Halloween night had been hectic, chasing her daughter around and hiding the candy treasure spoils from her little pirate angel, as the girl had said. She took her daughters hand, and all irrtiation vanished as she felt the child tremble.

Arisa smiled down at little Claire as she led her back to her room. "Now little angel, there's nothing to fear. There's no monster as long as Mommy and Daddy are in the house. Remember the monster you said was in the closet?" Clair nodded, eyes still wide and teary.

"Y-yeah, bu-but it went under the bed and now it says it'll eat me...!" She whimpered, big fat tears beginning to roll down her plump cheeks. Arisa scooped up her child, hugging her close. "Don't worry, honey, don't worry, it's going to be perfectly fine!" She continued to cuddle the child until she quieted before continuing to the girl's room.

Upon arriving, she took pains to avoid the little toys littering the floor, reminding herself to clean in here. Oh, she couldn't wait until Claire was old enough to start cleaning her own room, some weight off of her-

...What was that? Claire gave a shudder. "Its the monster!"

"No, its not. Its just me." She had shifted a pile of books, that was all. But now she was on edge, for some reason. Then again, it was Halloween, after all. Things tended to be creepier, like how the moon glowed too bright against the large window, how dark the shadows seems, how it looked like the shadows moved, but those were only the swaying trees outside in the wind that was whispering against the glass.

Arisa tucked Claire into bed, hushing her cries. "No worries, little dove, there's nothing to fe-" She felt something wrap around her arm. It couldn't be Claire, she was tucked into bed and...

Something wrapped around her leg as well. And before she could look, they tugged, and suddenly she was on her back, Claire was screaming and something was dragging her. "WHAT THE FU-" Arisa cursed more than she thought she would in her life, daughter screaming for her or her daddy but whatever was pulling her was pulling too fast, pulling her under the bed.

...Oh. Arisa thought as unconiousness began to consume her, last sight red eyes and rows of teeth. There WAS something there.

Final notes: ...Yeah, I had a nightmare about this years ago, all I did was substitute names. @_@ Terribly short, too.

The Whitewolf Shaman
The Whitewolf Shaman is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 01:31 PM

I have written you a story!
Username: The Whitewolf Shaman
Preferred Participation Prize: It's going to charity, you decide.
Title: And I dreamt


I woke to find myself surrounded by darkness.
I was in my room, I know.
Where else would I be?
Surely not still in that place, that dreadful place.

My dreams have grown stranger over the past few weeks, always there, in that place. I don't know how this all began, or why
this is happening, but recently I've been visiting this strange world in my dreams. Its always gray, gloomy, dark and cold.
Cliche, I know, but aren't most dreams?

Anyway, these dreams always begin the same. I'm on a boat, a ship. No, thats not right, its a pirate ship, but there are no
pirates, only me. I'm approaching an island. Am I driving the boat? No, I don't believe I am, the ship seemed to be steering
itself towards this island.

I know what you may be thinking, pirate ship, island... this is a dream about treasure, right? I wish it was. No, I knew
from the first visit that something unnatural lie ahead, why else would this phantom pirate ship be steering itself towards
such a desolate island...

So as I was saying, the ship seemed drawn to this rickety old dock as if it were being pulled, and always comes to a halt
making some incredibly scary creaking noises as it docks. At this point, I know in my mind that I should probably just stay
put and wait until I wake up, but who listens to their conscience when they are dreaming? Within seconds I am walking along
the dock and I look up to see a path leading up a rather steep hill from the dock.

In my dream, I seem to skip the walk, it just takes me from walking along the dock, then suddenly I'm standing at the door
to a seemingly vacant log cabin. Honestly, the cabin itself stands out like a beacon. Surrounded by such gloom, the cabin is
full of color, as if it just didn't belong here. It seemed so innocent, so inviting.

As I said, this cabin seemed vacant. There were no lights on, no curtains, no furnishings to be seen. Even from where I stood
I could tell there couldn't possibly be anyone inside, but strangely enough I reach out and knock, calling out "Trick or
Treat". I'm not sure why, but again, its a dream. I just assume its a subconscious method of opening the door. I'm no expert,
I just know it does the trick.

The front door slowly creaks open and, of course, there is nobody there. Damn curiosity. I enter the empty cabin, and as I
step out of the doorway, the door doesn't slam as one might expect, it just casually shuts, as if I had been invited in by
an old friend, and we were prepared for an evening of reminiscence.

I stood there taking in my surroundings and it is exactly as it looked outside, empty. At first, its silent. No wind, no
creaking boards, just silence. Then, suddenly, I felt something wrap around my arm. It was icy cold, and firm.

The first time I felt this, I woke up, but as time went on, the dream continued. Tonight was the longest... the scariest.

After the mysterious cold grip of my arm, the voices come. Soft whispering, always the same "follow me" and "I need you."
The voices swim through my mind over and over, and I can feel my arm being pulled, so I follow. I'm lead up a flight of
stairs, and into a room.

The room is as empty as the rest of the cabin, with one exception. Standing in the middle of the room is a large bed. Its
one of those beds with the drapes, you know the one. Its the same bed that seems to appear all the time in freaky movies.
You know the main character is going to pull aside the drapes, and something incredibly scary is hiding behind it. Well here
I have no choice.

As I approached the bed, the drapes pull themselves aside, just as casually as the door had shut earlier.

Laying on the bed is a black teddy bear, and the voice returns. "My gift to you, my love."

Lately, this is where I have been waking up, but tonight... tonight I accepted the gift. I reached out and touched the bear.
I picked the bear up and I ran my fingers over its soft fur. Mesmerized by the small gift, I was unaware of its frailty, and
as I stroked the bears head, it seperated and fell back to the bed, and a scream echoed through my entire body before I

So here I am, in my bed, but something else is here... whats this?

I walk to the light switch and flip it on. There, on my bed, is that...

A bouquet of flowers. A card. What does it say?

I read it:

"My beloved, nothing can tear us apart now."

But there is more... on my pillow, it wasn't there before. I was just there! Where did it come from... that bear!

Final notes: I think you'll know where my inspiration came from once you have read this one Lise!

Cami is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 01:32 PM

Anna: I envy you for your going to bed. I wish I were in bed.

Whisper Invictus
is in your head.

Whisper Invictus is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 03:05 PM

I have written you a story!
Username: Whisper Invictus
Preferred Participation Prize: Green Goodie bag, please :)
Title: Stacy, Don't hit the Bear- He Has Toilet Paper!


The dim lighting was the perfect place to doze off. But being midterms, Stacy Capp could not afford to sleep. Leaning back over the books, she began scribbling notes once again.

A few minutes passed, the clock on the wall ticking slowly by. Setting her pencil down, she sighed and stretched her fingers. I'll just rest my eyes for a minute... Putting her head on her arm, she closed her eyes....

- - -

Stacy jumped from her chair as a crack of thunder from outside shook the floor of her dorm. Rubbing her head, she sighed. Stupid weather… She rubber her eyes and looked at the clock. Holy smokes, I’m late!

Grabbing her books from the table she dashed from her room, only to find herself trapped within a maze. She stared for a moment, trying to figure out what was going on. Shrugging, she started to run through the maze, and was surprised there were signs for directions. Following the signs for ‘school’ Stacy dashed off. When she finally reached the exit, she looked out at the surroundings. “Umm…”

A large white building loomed in front of her- definitely not her school. She walked slowly towards it, only to find that now she was floating lightly in the air. Finally reaching the front door, she pushed a large red button. “Trick or treat!” After waiting for a bit, she decided to go inside. Walking around the school building she found a sign that said ‘Entrance’ and pointed to a ladder that went to the roof. Climbing up she smiled, reaching the top, and headed toward a small white door.

Suddenly, a large brown bear bounded out from behind the door entrance. Throwing her hands in the air, Stacy ran towards her car, which was parked conveniently ten feet away from her. She looked back as she lost a slipper and decided she’d come back later for it. Getting in, the car started rolling, but no matter how hard she tried to push the break, it just wouldn’t stop! She drove slowly through the streets that had appeared in front of her, all the while trying to stop the car with the break and the emergency stick. Finally, the car came to a stop and she jumped out, landing on her bed in her room.

She looked around, confused. Getting down from her bed, she glanced at the clock and did a double-take. Five minutes had passed since her catnap. Stacy then saw that she was still sleeping at her desk. Staring at herself, she wondered if waking herself up would be a good idea.

A roar came from the bathroom door and it splintered in half, a large beastly thing entering, covered in toilet paper. Screaming, Stacy tried to run from the toilet paper beast, only to feel something wrap around her arm. She looked down to see the monster’s arm was furry and soft…

Stacy suddenly awoke, a loud rumbling noise vibrating in her ear. She looked over, to see her kitty Goober wrapped up beside her, his tail twitching and rubbing against her arm in his sleep. Petting the kitty, she sighed, rubbing her head. What a weird, random dream… She looked at the clock and jumped up- Goober, being offended by the action, moved to the bed- she was late for real this time!

Grabbing her books, she ran out the door, not noticing that her room was indeed covered in toilet paper…

Final notes: Wow this is such a random stupid story x’D sorry :heart: Thank you for reading my story :) Glad I got the chance- squeezed it in before NanoWrimo <3

Send a message via MSN to Kultura
Kultura is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 03:36 PM

Lise: I would like the green goodie bag, please!

Fauxreal is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 05:12 PM

I'm tired! And I haven't even done anything today...

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 05:15 PM

wow lots of entries for this contest!
although i am intimidated, i shall try to write the best story ever (ever ever ever) <-- that was an echo ;)
just not right now... gotta go to work :stare:

Just here
gummybug is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 09:35 PM

About the lucky bag!
I dont mind what i get, So im not going to edit it. ANY goodie bag is fine thank you!

Word to your Grandmother
Send a message via MSN to Casiana Send a message via Yahoo to Casiana
Casiana is offline
Old 11-04-2010, 09:37 PM

Okay so I'm done writing it and personally editing it, so now I gotta wait for my friend to finish and then I can post ^^


I have written you a story!
Username: Casiana
Preferred Participation Prize: Orange
Title: 1254


The night was cool, the air heavy with a coming rain. The sky was pockmarked with wispy gray clouds, the nearly-full moon partially hidden beneath their ghostly tendrils. The streetlamps flickered, sending shadows into convulsions. The laughter, jeers, and screams of costumed children searching for candy rode cheerfully on the wind.
As soon as I stepped through the rickety metal gate of 1254 Larkson Drive, all of that disappeared.
1254 was a simple house, if the Great Wall of China was a simple fence. Two turrets pierced the now black sky. The dark oak double door, shutters, and wrap-around porch contrasted beautifully with the stone brickwork. The large and small windows were blocked by thin curtains, blowing softly inside. The third floor balcony had a single jack-o-lantern placed in one corner, under the sole glowing window. Its toothy grin glowed down at me with characteristic sass.
Mickey's bike was on the front lawn, discarded.
Swallowing a groan, I approached the porch and climbed the stairs. Three days ago she disappeared. Three days ago I began my search. Three days ago I knew she was here. I just wouldn't admit it. To admit it would mean that I had failed my little sister, that I had failed as a brother. A guardian.
The small neighborhood around me writhed in activity. No one paid any attention to 1254. No one had paid attention to it in years. Mickey's fascination with it was a rarity most frowned upon, with good reason. The impossibly true stories behind it fuels nightmares to this day.
I remember when I told my sister about the house. We were at a campfire. My friends and I were attempting to frighten one another with stories, and she had joined in. She asked us to tell her the scariest story we could. She always loved being spooked. So we told her.
"That abandoned house on Larkson Drive?" we began. "Well, it's not quite as abandoned as you would think."
She listened with rapt attention as we told her the stories. It started when Mr. DeMille murdered his wife and boys on Halloween night, framed his best friend, and was eventually killed by said friend in his sleep three years later. The house didn't stay unoccupied for long. The Derman's were found dead in their beds three days after moving in- no one knew how they died and no one knew the cause. The whole situation was pushed under wraps pretty quickly, and another family moved in. The Carr's couple was driven slowly insane after three months of reporting repeated hauntings in the home, and were checked into a psychiatric hospital.
"The scariest part," my friend Matthew whispered, "is that all three families said the same thing after they moved in. The first night they slept in the house, someone always looked outside."
Kameron took over. "And standing in front of the apple tree, they all saw something that stopped their hearts. A young girl, snakes in her hair, fangs in her grin, claws on her nails and warts on her skin."
"In less than a minute, she had turned to dust and vanished," I finished. "Fifty years later, the house is still abandoned, save the demon who never leaves."
I knew by watching her how fascinated she seemed, how wide her eyes became and how tightly her finger wound around her curly golden hair. Even then my stomach churned with doubt. Should I have told her all of this? Probably not, I knew, but lost in the moment I didn't stop. And three days later, I stood on the porch of 1254, hand poised to knock.
Moments after my hand rapped the door, I felt something wrap around my arm and was dragged into the foyer of the house. Did the door even open? I looked back behind me and saw that it was closed- and locked, for that matter. A nailed plank of wood sealed it from normal entry. I shivered, pulled out my flashlight, and clicked it on.
Whatever had dragged me in was gone now. The beam of the flashlight wasn't very large but it allowed me to see a few things: A grand staircase; a chandelier; a piano. A hall door that was locked when I tried it. I took a deep breath and mounted the stairs.
I knew they would creak, but the sound of it still made me jump. My heart was racing a mile a minute with each stair I climbed. Behind me I heard noises, but none discernible. I couldn't hear much past my heart.
At the landing, I flashed the light around and froze. Dropped my flashlight. Screamed. A body was laying on the floor, the golden locks exactly like my sister's.
I raced over to the body, fell to the floor, and dragged her over my lap. Tears were flowing down my face, a sob stuck in my throat. Mickey... Mickey! It can't be... It can't be... It... it wasn't. No, it wasn't my sister! For as soon as I picked up the body, it transformed into dust, reformed as Mickey a few feet away, and walked through a door.
I couldn't believe what I had just seen. It took me a few minutes to get my bearings. I couldn't breathe. "Mickey?" I whispered. It wasn't her. I couldn't wrap my mind around that. But even as I knew it was impossible, I knew I had to go on. As I stood, I picked up the flashlight. Shined it on the wall. Walked over to the door she disappeared behind, and pushed it open.
More stairs. This must lead to the third floor, with the balcony and the pumpkin. The only room with the light. I could see hints of it on the staircase above. I looked behind me, at where the body had lay moments before. My breathing slowed momentarily as I contemplated what could be waiting for me. Then, deciding it didn't matter, I took the stairs three at a time.
I burst through the open door with such force that I fell face first into the dusty white carpet. I sneezed and looked up to see two black shoes, two grey stocking legs, and further up, a beautiful head of golden curls. "Mickey!" I cried, lunging to my feet, and grabbed at my sister.
Suddenly, she wasn't my sister anymore. She was a head of snakes, a body of warts, a writhing mass of limbs and claws and fangs and whatever she was she was fast. She was on me in an instant, grabbing and clawing, and I couldn't for the life of me get a clear grasp of what was happening. The flashlight still tight in my grip, I swung it with all my might onto her- it's- head. Whatever it was, it screeched and flew backwards into a corner, behind the bed with the rose patterned comforter.
Looking at my surroundings for the first time, I grabbed for a table lamp and threw it at the beast. It broke apart in tiny ceramic pieces as it collided with my target's head. A hiss escaped its lips, and I ran down the stairs in the newfound darkness, knowing full well that it would follow me, praying I found a weapon soon. I thanked whoever was listening that I found an antique sword on the wall, and leapt for it. I dropped it. I picked it up, turned around, and the monster was on me. My flashlight was knocked aside, the beam shining on the monster's face. I saw it clearly- My sister's eyes so unlike her own above a fanged mouth completely unlike the one I'm used to. There was no smile, no laughter, no glint of mischief found beneath the surface. It was at that moment that I knew she was gone, and before I could think it through, I shoved the blade through the creature's heart.
There was no blood. There was no collapse. There was only a scream, a bright light, and a fading away. What lay at my feet was not the monster. It was wholly, completely, perfectly Mickey.
Without asking questions, without wondering why, I picked her up and ran.

Final notes: The boy's name is Jack. It's not important but I have never met a Jack I didn't like, and this is dedicated to all the Jacks I know <3 The girl, Mickey, is for a 1 year old I work with who's full name is McKinley but we call her Mickey for short. She's a sweetheart <3

Enter the raffle, win an Imperial Lucky Cat! See quest thread! :eager:

The Whitewolf Shaman
The Whitewolf Shaman is offline
Old 11-05-2010, 12:12 AM

I look forward to seeing which stories she likes.

☠ ☠ ☠

Linnea is offline
Old 11-05-2010, 12:15 AM

i wouldn't want to be a judge hahaha
there are just so many!


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