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Shadami is offline
Old 08-30-2016, 01:27 PM

Yay BSW!!!! i love mad libs for a reason. xD


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 08-30-2016, 01:29 PM

yeah these are really funny! i might do another later. because its so fun!


SuperZombiePotatoe is offline
Old 08-30-2016, 01:55 PM

1. Adjective: Fiesty
2. Body Part: Spine
3. Verb: Roll
4. Name of Menewshan: Shadami
5. Verb Ending in -ing: Tracing
6. Adverb: Hurriedly
7. Verb Ending in -ing: Spinning
8. Verb Ending in -ing: Twirling
9. Vehicle: unicycle
10. Body Part: coccyx
11. Exclaimed Phrase: Good golly Miss Molly!
12. Noun: Lampshade
13. Number: 3.1415926
14. Verb - Past tense: Drank
15. Adjective: Shiny
16. Verb: Twist
17. Body Part - Plural: Teeth
18. Article of Clothing: Sock
19. A Language: Klingon
20. Made Up Word: Blergh
21. Number: 111
22. Measurement of Time:
23. Body Part:
24. Body Part:

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 08-30-2016, 02:42 PM

Howdy, that was amazing. <3 Linny, O hope you enjoyed it.

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 08-30-2016, 03:09 PM

1. Adjective: tiny
2. Adjective: shiny
3. Superlative Adjective: ugliest
4. Name of Menewshan: Elirona
5. Food - Plural: Eggs
6. Noun: llama
7. Preposition: below
8. Verb: run
9. Adjective: smelly
10. Place: Walmart
11. A Sport: curling
12. City/Town: Detroit
13. Animal: whale
14. City/Town: Hell, Michigan
15. Plural Noun: balls
16. Adjective: runny
17. Noun: toothbrush
18. Adjective: spiky
19. Liquid: Faygo Blue Pop
20. Holiday: President's Day
21. Animal: koala
22. Verb Ending in -ing: kicking
23. Body Part: tongue
24. Fantasy Creature: Manbearpig
25. Noun: merry-go-round
26. Food - Plural: bananas
27. Adjective: messy
28. Verb: dance


Assistant Administrator
BellyButton is offline
Old 08-30-2016, 03:25 PM

Tasty, tasty flamingo legs.

1. Adjective: expensive
2. Adjective: derelict
3. Superlative Adjective: most amazing
4. Name of Menewshan: Nephila
5. Food - Plural: Flamin' Hot Cheetos
6. Noun: hot tub
7. Preposition: beside
8. Verb: flay
9. Adjective: yellowish
10. Place: Harry Potter World
11. A Sport: fantasy football
12. City/Town: Constantinople
13. Animal: capybara
14. City/Town: Little Rock, Arkansas
15. Plural Noun: taxes
16. Adjective: smelly
17. Noun: bucket
18. Adjective: jolly
19. Liquid: egg whites
20. Holiday: Take Your Daughter to Work Day
21. Animal: gila monster
22. Verb Ending in -ing: flinging
23. Body Part: kidney
24. Fantasy Creature: Cthulhu
25. Noun: crochet hook
26. Food - Plural: fried prawns
27. Adjective: marvelous
28. Verb: jump

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 08-30-2016, 04:07 PM

I'm only on page 4 in reading them. xD cause i am trying to read them all. They're so funny!

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 08-30-2016, 09:23 PM

It was a bright summer day. It was so bright that my pizza roll melted before I could eat it. Mom and Dad were so tasty, they couldn’t get any work done. Finally, Mom threw her toes up into the air and shouted, “I give up! Let’s go to the water park!” That was the tastiest suggestion I had heard all day.

Dad said I could bring along Nephila:, my next door neighbor and nastiest friend. Nephila still had some chores to do, like taking out the park and cleaning the tree. But Nephila's daughter said all that stuff could wait till tomorrow.

We got into Dad’s dump truck and drove the 36 miles to the Wet ‘n’ Wild Water Park. The place was packed. There were people everywhere, some touching, some rubbing, and some just pointing in the pool.

That was fine for them, but I had my noses set elsewhere. The Slippery Slope Fun Tube, a water slide 93 feet tall! I grabbed Nephila and we made out way up the steps. We waited nearly half an hour, but after the hot woman wearing a red bra, I was next.

Getting to the top, I could see how high it was, and I have to admit I felt a little surprised, but I clenched my belly button and dove in! The tube wound this way and that. It was wild! By the time I got to the bottom, I was tossing so hard! And I could hear Nephila watching behind me. It was the best fun we had all summer!


The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 08-30-2016, 09:27 PM

You had me at a water slide 93.

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 08-30-2016, 09:34 PM

I couldn’t wait for summer to begin! With all the plans I had, it was really going to be pretty. I’ll tell you all the majestic stuff I did.

It started with my fastest friend, hummy:, who was staying with my family and I for the summer. We camped out in my backyard, roasted strawberries, told sunglasses stories, and laid between the stars and stared at the sky. My little brother, Kevin, wanted to sing us, but we said he was too loud.

The next week we drove up to the Atlantic Ocean to see the big lacrosse game between the Paris Cats and the Berlin Paintings. It was an elegant game. hummy even caught a backpack as it soared into the stands. It was really colorful that day, so afterwards we went to the community pool. I love nothing more than relaxing in the oil.

For Hallowen we all drove to the beach. Dad said we could do some fishing. I really wanted to catch a falcon to eat. hummy spent a lot of time swimming in the sand. hummy found some seaweed, then wrapped it around her nose and said she was Queen of the Unicorns.

After it got dark, we sat on a forest and watched the fireworks. Mom made bananas. At that moment I was so wondrous. I didn’t want summer to end. --- But I knew there were a lot more adventures to run.



Velvet is offline
Old 08-30-2016, 09:46 PM

That was great. XD

---------- Post added 08-30-2016 at 09:52 PM ----------

1. Name of Menewshan: Suona
2. Verb: grab
3. Body Part: cheek
4. Adjective: fluffy
5. Noun: ball
6. Article of Clothing: thong
7. Article of Clothing: belt
8. Adjective: sticky
9. Noun: sword
10. Noun: yard
11. Phrase That Begins with "Don't": Don't you dare
12. Noun: bush
13. Adjective: pokey
14. Verb: jab
15. Adjective: large
16. Noun: tree
17. Verb Ending in -ing: shaking
18. Adjective: puffy
19. Adjective: sharp
20. Verb Ending in -ing: giggling
21. Article of Clothing: skirt
22. Plural Noun: shrubs
23. Verb: dance
24. Verb: walk
25. Noun: grass
26. Verb - Past Tense: played
27. Comparative Adjective: fluffier
28. Verb - Past Tense: strangled
29. Adverb: hastily

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 08-30-2016, 10:32 PM

Now this story might sound feisty, but cross my spine and hope to roll, it’s all true.

This summer, my good friend Shadami: and I were out tracing in the woods. The hour was late and the moon shone hurriedly in the sky. We had just crawled into our spinning bags, when suddenly the darkness was bathed with light.

Twirling out of our tents, we were met with an unbelievable sight. It was a flying unicycle, hovering in the sky above us! It just couldn’t be! My coccyx practically hit the floor. I was left speechless, but Shadami managed to exclaim, “Good golly Miss Molly!"

Just then a bright blue lampshade shot forth from the unicycle, striking us both. Shadami and I began to rise up into the air. And before I knew it, we were aboard the craft.

Surrounding us were little green men, who were no more than 3.1415926 feet tall. None of them made a sound, or even drank. I was shiny. “What do they want with us?!” I said aloud. “I don’t know,” Shadami replied, “I just hope they don’t wanna twist our teeth.”

A door swept open, and there entered a separate alien, dressed in a gold sock. I guessed he was the leader. “Don’t be afraid,” It spoke, “We will not harm you.”

“Woah,” I exclaimed, “You can speak Klingon?!”

“Yes.” It continued. “We come from the planet Blergh. We have been visiting your planet for 111 years, and have now decided it is time to unite our two races in harmony. And we wish for you two to be our emissaries.”

“Wow, that’s so cool! Thanks a lot!” Shadami reached out and shook what looked like the leader’s hand. The aliens gasped. “You just honked my nose! On our world there is no bigger sign of disrespect. You humans aren’t as civilized as we assumed. Return them!”

And as the unicycle flew out of site, Shadami said, “Oh well. We may not have harmony, but who else can say they honked an alien’s nose?”


Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 08-30-2016, 10:43 PM

This summer, Mom and Dad took me and my most disfigured friend, Cora: on a trip to Outer Mongolia. The weather there is very hairy. Northern Outer Mongolia has lots of ninjas, and they make honey roasted badgers there too. I wish I had one!

The people of Outer Mongolia have such a slimy culture. They love to eat deep fried Totino's Pizza Rolls and are very proud of their big home pregnancy test.

Cora: and I went to see the lawnmower of John Travolta, the most famous person in Outer Mongolia. Cora is a big fan, and was so lumpy, she almost wet her hooker shoes.

Knowing we'd have to eventually leave made me feel paranoia, but I know even if I should live to be 15,000, this is a trip i'll never forget decompose.

Lurve, Howdy.

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 08-30-2016, 11:47 PM

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post

Now this story might sound feisty, but cross my spine and hope to roll, it’s all true.

This summer, my good friend Shadami: and I were out tracing in the woods. The hour was late and the moon shone hurriedly in the sky. We had just crawled into our spinning bags, when suddenly the darkness was bathed with light.

Twirling out of our tents, we were met with an unbelievable sight. It was a flying unicycle, hovering in the sky above us! It just couldn’t be! My coccyx practically hit the floor. I was left speechless, but Shadami managed to exclaim, “Good golly Miss Molly!"

Just then a bright blue lampshade shot forth from the unicycle, striking us both. Shadami and I began to rise up into the air. And before I knew it, we were aboard the craft.

Surrounding us were little green men, who were no more than 3.1415926 feet tall. None of them made a sound, or even drank. I was shiny. “What do they want with us?!” I said aloud. “I don’t know,” Shadami replied, “I just hope they don’t wanna twist our teeth.”

A door swept open, and there entered a separate alien, dressed in a gold sock. I guessed he was the leader. “Don’t be afraid,” It spoke, “We will not harm you.”

“Woah,” I exclaimed, “You can speak Klingon?!”

“Yes.” It continued. “We come from the planet Blergh. We have been visiting your planet for 111 years, and have now decided it is time to unite our two races in harmony. And we wish for you two to be our emissaries.”

“Wow, that’s so cool! Thanks a lot!” Shadami reached out and shook what looked like the leader’s hand. The aliens gasped. “You just honked my nose! On our world there is no bigger sign of disrespect. You humans aren’t as civilized as we assumed. Return them!”

And as the unicycle flew out of site, Shadami said, “Oh well. We may not have harmony, but who else can say they honked an alien’s nose?”


i got to meet another set of aliens!! :D wohoo!!


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 12:29 AM

these are awesome! XD

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 04:07 AM

I couldn’t wait for summer to begin! With all the plans I had, it was really going to be tiny. I’ll tell you all the shiny stuff I did.

It started with my ugliest friend, Elirona:, who was staying with my family and I for the summer. We camped out in my backyard, roasted eggs, told llama stories, and laid below the stars and stared at the sky. My little brother, Kevin, wanted to run us, but we said he was too smelly.

The next week we drove up to Walmart to see the big curling game between the Detroit Whales and the Hell, Michigan Balls. It was a runny game. Elirona even caught a toothbrush as it soared into the stands. It was really spiky that day, so afterwards we went to the community pool. I love nothing more than relaxing in Faygo Blue Pop.

For President's Day we all drove to the beach. Dad said we could do some fishing. I really wanted to catch a koala to eat. Elirona spent a lot of time kicking in the sand. Elirona found some seaweed, then wrapped it around his tongue and said he was King of the Manbearpigs.

After it got dark, we sat on a merry-go-round and watched the fireworks. Mom made banana sandwiches. At that moment I was so messy. I didn’t want summer to end. --- But I knew there were a lot more adventures to dance.

Prismatic Llama:

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 04:15 AM

I couldn’t wait for summer to begin! With all the plans I had, it was really going to be expensive. I’ll tell you all the derelict stuff I did.

It started with my most amazing friend, Nephila:, who was staying with my family and I for the summer. We camped out in my backyard, roasted Flaming Hot Cheetos, told hot tub stories, and laid beside the stars and stared at the sky. My little brother, Kevin, wanted to flay us, but we said he was too yellowish.

The next week we drove up to Harry Potter World to see the big fantasy football game between the Constantinople Capybaras and the Little Rock, Arkansas Taxes. It was a smelly game. Nephila even caught a bucket as it soared into the stands. It was really jolly that day, so afterwards we went to the community pool. I love nothing more than relaxing in the egg whites.

For Take Your Daughter to Work Day we all drove to the beach. Dad said we could do some fishing. I really wanted to catch a gila monster to eat. Nephila spent a lot of time flinging in the sand. Nephila found some seaweed, then wrapped it around her kidney and said she was Queen of the Cthulhu.

After it got dark, we sat on a crochet hook and watched the fireworks. Mom made fried pawn sandwiches. At that moment I was so marvelous. I didn’t want summer to end. --- But I knew there were a lot more adventures to jump.


Sat on a crochet hook?! Yeouch!

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 04:23 AM

*taps mic* Hey guys, my name is Velvet: and i'll be singing Summertime by New Kids on the Block.

Suona:, my one and only, this is for you.

Do you remember,
Or should I grab,
To that summer when you caught my cheek,
I played it cool,
The weather was fluffy,
You had the ball and the beach on lock.

With your thong, half shirt, belt, mini skirt,
Walkin' on the beach, so sticky,
You wasn't lookin' for a sword,
When you saw me in the sand,
But you fell for the yard from the city .

I was like, "hey, girl, can I get your number?"
I remember what you told me too,
"Don't you dare!"
But you know that I did,
'Cause I couldn't stop thinkin' 'bout bush.

I think about you in the summertime, (Oh oh)
And all the pokey times we had, baby,
Been a few years and I can't jab, (Oh oh)
The thought of you still makes me large,
I think about you in the summertime, (Oh oh)
I'm sittin' here in the sun with a tree on my mind.
You're my, my summertime.

Do you remember,
I'll never forget,
Shaking your body all soakin' wet,
The water was puffy,
The feelin' was sharp,
Giggling on you while the ocean rocked.

In your strapless skirt,
Kickin' back, no stress,
As long as we was together,
'Cause we were feelin' young shrubs,
And we couldn't get enough.
Baby, I could dance forever.

And now I'm like,
Hey, girl, don't you know I walk it,
And I wonder if you walk it too,
Never thought it would end 'till it did,
Now, I'm here and I can't stop thinkin' 'bout grass.

I think about you in the summertime, (Oh oh)
And all the pokey times we had, baby,
Been a few years and I can't jab, (Oh oh)
The thought of you still makes me large,
I think about you in the summertime, (Oh oh)
I'm sittin' here in the sun with a tree on my mind.
You're my, my summertime.

Break it down.

Summer ended,
Winter played,
It got fluffier,
When we parted ways,
As the seasons change.
Winter strangled,
Spring I felt it,
Summertime will hastily be the same,
(Without you, my summertime.)
My summertime.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, oh yeah.

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 04:45 AM

It was a urine soaked summer day. It was so urine soaked that my pickled pigs feet melted before I could eat it. Mom and Dad were so bloated, they couldn’t get any work done. Finally, Mom threw her appendix up into the air and shouted, “I give up! Let’s go to the water park!” That was the most deranged suggestion I had heard all day.

Dad said I could bring along hummy: my next door neighbor and most abnormal friend. hummy still had some chores to do, like taking out the lumberjack and cleaning the muffin basket. But hummy's great-great-great-great grandpappy said all that stuff could wait till tomorrow.

We got into Dad’s Delorean and drove the 3.7 million miles to the Wet ‘n’ Wild Water Park. The place was packed. There were people everywhere, some vibrating, some laminating, and some just samba dancing in the pool.

That was fine for them, but I had my areolas set elsewhere. The Slippery Slope Fun Tube, a water slide 2 feet tall! I grabbed hummy and we made our way up the steps. We waited nearly half an hour, but after the flame broiled woman wearing a red hairnet, I was next.

Getting to the top, I could see how high it was, and I have to admit I felt a little ennui, but I clenched my epiglottis and dove in! The tube wound this way and that. It was wild! By the time I got to the bottom, I was inflating so hard! And I could hear hummy voguing behind me. It was the best fun we had all summer!

Lurve, Howdy. ;D

Little birdie ♥

hummy is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 05:06 AM

urine soaked?
i can get that at home!
*was just cleaning out the kittie litter*
i love these, Howard you da best man

Dystopia is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 08:33 AM

1. Adjective: COLORFUL
2. Food: BANANA
3. Adjective: BIG
4. Body Part - Plural: ARM
5. Superlative Adjective: BEST
6. Name of Menewshan: Elinora
7. Superlative Adjective: BIGGEST
8. Noun: SWORD
9. Noun: GUN
10. Type of Relative: CHILD
11. Vehicle: CAR
12. Number: ONE
13. Verb Ending in -ing: STABBING
14. Verb Ending in -ing: WIGGLING
15. Verb Ending in -ing: SCREAMING
16. Body Part - Plural: ARMS
17. Number: TWO
18. Adjective: BOLD
19. Article of Clothing: CHAPS
20. An Emotion: AMAZEMENT
21. Body Part: BUTT
22. Verb Ending in -ing: SHINING
23. Verb Ending in -ing: DANCING

---------- Post added 08-31-2016 at 01:37 AM ----------

1. Name of Menewshan: Roachi
2. Geographical location: RAIN FOREST
3. Animal: TOUCAN
4. Verb ending in -ing: FLYING
6. Number: 10
7. Verb: CALL
8. Place: JUNGLE
9. Noun: SPEAR
10. Body Part - plural: BUTTS
11. Angry Phrase: "You guys wanna start a fight?"
12. Adjective: LONG
13. Food: CUCUMBER
14. TV Show: Who's Line Is It Anyways?
15. Verb Ending in -ing: LAUGHING
16. Noun: FEATHER
17. Noun: FLOWER
18. Number: 3

Giant butt

Elirona is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 11:44 AM

Prismatic Llama: I'm really your ugliest friend??? I'm so proud!!! ;_;

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 12:46 PM

On my, Velvet I never knew

Prismatic Llama
P. Fool Charity Mule
Prismatic Llama is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 01:02 PM

Originally Posted by Elirona View Post
Prismatic Llama: I'm really your ugliest friend??? I'm so proud!!! ;_;
Youo're welcome~ <3


Velvet is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by Suona View Post
On my, Velvet I never knew

You make me large, apparently.

---------- Post added 08-31-2016 at 02:48 PM ----------

[SIZE="3"][FONT="Georgia"]MAD LIB #4
1. Adjective: bouncy
2. Food: strawberry milkshake
3. Adjective: yummy
4. Body Part - Plural: ears
5. Superlative Adjective: smelliest
6. Name of Menewshan: hummy
7. Superlative Adjective: hungriest
8. Noun: you
9. Noun: me
10. Type of Relative: great great grandfather's cousin
11. Vehicle: garbage truck
12. Number: 64
13. Verb Ending in -ing: jiggling
14. Verb Ending in -ing: bouncing
15. Verb Ending in -ing: crying
16. Body Part - Plural: elbows
17. Number: 37
18. Adjective: lumpy
19. Article of Clothing: panty
20. An Emotion: anxious
21. Body Part: armpit
22. Verb Ending in -ing: squeezing
23. Verb Ending in -ing: grazing


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