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nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 04:45 AM

They don't get it!! >.<

Ugh! If only my mom would get over herself and get a stupid router, so that we could have WiFi!! Then I wouldn't have to fight her about needing to share one computer with internet capabilities. Heh. >.<

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 04:46 AM

Abstract storm trooper is done...ish...

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 04:47 AM

>.>; That sucks.

I remember when I had to share a computer with people lol
It was horrible. v.v;
I would cling to it when events came around.

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 04:52 AM

this took most the day.

this feels unfinished but it's an abstract version....


nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 04:52 AM

It's only for the month that I'm home - and I can get online on my phone, but I have to use Data to do that, so I don't do that very often.

I have access to WiFi when I'm at school and I'll be back at school on the 17th.
I'm not really here as much as I used to, due to blah-ish issues, so it's not really an issue most of the time - it's just annoying when I need to watch something or I'm talking to people who I don't get to talk to very often. And I can't be online after my parents go to bed as the light and the typing from the keyboard keeps them up. >.<

---------- Post added 12-26-2013 at 08:55 PM ----------

Cosmic: Oh, I like them both - I do like the subtle shading on the first one, and feel of the second, but I get what you mean about it feeling unfinished.

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 04:57 AM

Where is the computer located? D:

nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 04:59 AM

Out in the living room. Both my brother and I are in college and aren't home all the time, so my parents don't normally have to share the computer so having only one computer connected to the internet is normally all they need.

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:01 AM

.. ; How is it that it keeps them awake then? XD Can't they close the door? owo;

nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:03 AM

It's pretty close to their bedroom, and mom's got sharp hearing, plus the keyboard is kinda noisy. They could close the door, but that wouldn't stop the fact that they need to get a quieter keyboard. xD

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Ascadellia is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:06 AM

Oh my. X3;

nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:07 AM

But it's fine - at least they're not super picky about when I'm on - unless it's at night and they're asleep.
That's when I'm curled up in bed, reading, anyways, and watching movies on my laptop in my room. :]

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:08 AM

Originally Posted by nemo.love_22 View Post
Cosmic: Oh, I like them both - I do like the subtle shading on the first one, and feel of the second, but I get what you mean about it feeling unfinished.
Thank you this helps me a lot.

nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:09 AM

Originally Posted by CosmicFoxKitty View Post
Thank you this helps me a lot.
You're welcome! :]

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:16 AM

Jeez, guys! I think I'm the least active member in this thread! And I'm the host. :P
I feel so loved! Thank you everyone. :)

Originally Posted by PrincessKasumi View Post
Lol that wasn't the case with me hehe xD.. and I don't see why people would act like they don't each other I will never understand...

I remember xD my brother had asked me to ask out a girl for him. But I never did, I kinda regret it but hey what can you do ? XD I was like I think 6 or something like that. I think it was because I was shy or I thought it'd be embarrassing if I asked her. lol

Oh I see! When I was born, I wouldn't cry, for a long time.. finally the doctor got me to make a tiny sound XD
My sister just felt like my twin and I weren't cool enough for her friends. But her friends loved us. Some of them are still like sisters to us. :)

That's a cute story, though! Haha. I'm sure he was trying to use your adorable factor to win the girl's heart if you were that young. ;P

It's gotta be scary for a parent if their child doesn't make a noise. For anyone in the delivery room! But at least you finally did something. :P

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
OOo That looks cool! :D
Thank you!!!

Originally Posted by nemo.love_22 View Post
Ok, response time - I was starting to really space out and responding last night wouldn't have made much sense.
My body just can't handle it, it loves to give me headache with only a few sips, same with anything caffeinated. So I just avoid them. xD

Awww, yeah! I have cousins who're identical twins, and they said the same things. Liz hates it when people call her Charlotte when they clearly know that she's Liz. >.< Heh.
You two are both beautiful! :]
I do enjoy having a brother and he does keep things interesting, for sure! My brother is 5 years younger than me, but most think that we're closer in age, or he's older. :P I just am to the point that I laugh it off most of the time, because it happens so often - also people don't believe that I'm as old as I am. :P

Oh, totally! Yeah, I babble like no other when I'm tired too, and had to learn the hard way that it's not just limited to verbal speech. When I'm starting to get tired, or overwhelmed by noise, my brain has started resorting to signing. Like this morning, I woke up, and my uncle had woken me up as he can't seem to remember that my room is right next to (just on the other side of a wall) from one of our two living rooms, and he loves to play music... yay. >.< And I started signing to myself - can't quite remember what, but I'm used to not needing words in the morning so signing comes naturally first thing now.

Yeah, I did manage to find it, but ended up waiting till it was daytime as the Angels are back, and they creep me out like no other. And I'd rather not have nightmares and I can handle them better in the daylight. Hahaha!
That stinks if you want to drink! Almost like a gift if you don't. :O
I'm drinking sparkling apple cider right now as my sister sips on spiced wine. Haha!

We got called the wrong names, too. I think people set themselves up for saying the wrong name though when they know they're talking to twins. I got called Jessica all the time when I was little and Jess got called Janelle. But we would just laughed it off! And we still say things together in time. It always sounds like one person talking when we're finished but we always look at each other and laugh. So be prepared...what they do as children will follow them into adulthood. :P

You sound like my best friend! When we go out to eat, she gets asked if she wants the kid's menu. My friend responds, "Uh, I'm 21." The server's reaction is always priceless. But it's amusing that people still think she is 12! But everyone thinks her sister is older, and she's 5 years younger than my friend. But she's taller and more filled out. So it's easy to see why people get confused about their ages.

Signing to yourself sounds better than talking to yourself. Then no one can hear you and think you're crazy! Now I wish I could sign! Haha. And you can "say things allowed" about people and they would never know! I now deem your signing-to-self the coolest skill ever!

At least you got to enjoy at some point! And not had to wait as long as you would've! So that's awesome! I've never really watched Dr.Who but I saw pictures of the angels posted all over campus around Halloween last year. I can't understand why you watch in the daytime! They're horrifying!

Originally Posted by The_Crow View Post
Really cool art of Asca there, neller. Then again I really like "dark" art, and it has a nice dark vibe to it.
Thank you! :D

Originally Posted by Ascadellia View Post
Nel, I love it!! *hugs*

Ahah. It looks awesome~
I'm so glad you love it! I was afraid it looked a little sloppy. D;

Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
nellers art is always full of awesome!
Thank you, BSW!

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
Very true... OH I still have to get more naked for you BSW!
I....still have to get naked too.

Originally Posted by CosmicFoxKitty View Post
"I have to get naked for you"
W ish ppl would tell me that lolololol
I have to get naked for you...if you know what I mean?

Originally Posted by Cardinal Biggles View Post
*quietly wheezes in corner*
Biggles! :D What brings you to that corner? :P

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
whoa! I didn't known I was gettin' put in a freebie line! Sweet! :D
Of course! I'm glad to see people chatting! I'm hoping I get to make something for all of you! Thank you for hanging out here!

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:17 AM

If you run out of time I don't mind not getting one. :) It's the thought that counts.

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:23 AM

Neller; only if it's you ;) lol no one else ;P

nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:27 AM

Originally Posted by neller View Post
That stinks if you want to drink! Almost like a gift if you don't. :O
I'm drinking sparkling apple cider right now as my sister sips on spiced wine. Haha!

We got called the wrong names, too. I think people set themselves up for saying the wrong name though when they know they're talking to twins. I got called Jessica all the time when I was little and Jess got called Janelle. But we would just laughed it off! And we still say things together in time. It always sounds like one person talking when we're finished but we always look at each other and laugh. So be prepared...what they do as children will follow them into adulthood. :P

You sound like my best friend! When we go out to eat, she gets asked if she wants the kid's menu. My friend responds, "Uh, I'm 21." The server's reaction is always priceless. But it's amusing that people still think she is 12! But everyone thinks her sister is older, and she's 5 years younger than my friend. But she's taller and more filled out. So it's easy to see why people get confused about their ages.

Signing to yourself sounds better than talking to yourself. Then no one can hear you and think you're crazy! Now I wish I could sign! Haha. And you can "say things allowed" about people and they would never know! I now deem your signing-to-self the coolest skill ever!

At least you got to enjoy at some point! And not had to wait as long as you would've! So that's awesome! I've never really watched Dr.Who but I saw pictures of the angels posted all over campus around Halloween last year. I can't understand why you watch in the daytime! They're horrifying!
Yeah, I stick with sparking apple cider, and non caffeinated drinks - I do prefer water over most things anyways.

Hahaha! Yeah, I'm sure that the same thing happens with them too, I think they're 22... 23 now? But they're used to it. But that was just the one thing that came up when I asked her what's the best and worst thing - taking for hours and never running out of things to say (best), and being called the other name, when people know that they're not the one that they're calling them by. Just because they think it's funny (worst). But I'm sure they're used to it. But they're identical.

Hahaha! I've never had that happen, I'm 25, and people commonly think that I am in my late teens still and look at me like I'm crazy when I say I'm 25. I'm used to it though. Yep, that's exactly how itis for me and my brother. My brother is 20 and I'm 25, and he's a good 5 inches taller than me. At least that's how it feels like most of the time. :P You ask him how tall he is, he goes "dunno." But I know he's right around 6 foot. :P

It does, but it also gets you odd looks - just like talking to yourself gets you. And I do that at times, when something annoys me - and I know no one around me signs. It is nice, at times.

UGH! Angels... No... creepy... thankfully they were only in it for a few minutes and not the whole episode. >.< I saw them and just immediately paused it going "No no no..." causing my family last night to look at me like I was totally crazy! I paused it, sent the link to myself, and walked away from the computer. My family doesn't watch Who either. So they don't fully get my issues with the Angels.

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:28 AM

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
Thank-you. I just had to wear my Wishing Tree gift! *hugs gown* SO POOFY!!
I must say you look gorgeous!

Originally Posted by Techiro_Yugota View Post
hello again all
Hi Techiro! You seemed to have gotten lost in the thread's busy-ness!

Originally Posted by nemo.love_22 View Post
Been busy here. But more or less lurking in here.
My parents keep trying to pull me off the computer... Oh, how I miss having WiFi. >.<
I have wifi at home...but wifi at school is so much better! It's more secure and my home internet keeps failing. D; But I use my phone when I need to! I don't worry about the data plan....thought I probably should!

Originally Posted by CosmicFoxKitty View Post
this took most the day.

this feels unfinished but it's an abstract version....

I think they both look great. The subtle shading of the skin on the first one is nice. I would probably bring that subtlty into the hair, as well! What did you use for this drawing? It looks like marker...but it's hard to tell! :O

For the second one, I love the shading! It's almost cell shading like! But so much more loose and expressive! I think adding some bold and expressive black out lines around the contour of the helmet would really help out!

Originally Posted by nemo.love_22 View Post
Out in the living room. Both my brother and I are in college and aren't home all the time, so my parents don't normally have to share the computer so having only one computer connected to the internet is normally all they need.
Hey! You can always suggest your parents get a router and have it on when you're home. Then they can just turn it off when you leave and don't have to concern themselves with it until you're home again! That's what my dad does for me! He likes have wifi available for my sisters and I when we're staying with him...but he doesn't need it when he's home alone. So it works well. It seems like that would work for your family too! Perhaps it's an idea to suggest?

The Awkward

CosmicFoxKitty is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:30 AM

Neller; it's color pencil ;) I just use them differently lol. Oh well

The contour? Like the outline?

nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:33 AM

Originally Posted by neller View Post
I have wifi at home...but wifi at school is so much better! It's more secure and my home internet keeps failing. D; But I use my phone when I need to! I don't worry about the data plan....thought I probably should!
Hey! You can always suggest your parents get a router and have it on when you're home. Then they can just turn it off when you leave and don't have to concern themselves with it until you're home again! That's what my dad does for me! He likes have wifi available for my sisters and I when we're staying with him...but he doesn't need it when he's home alone. So it works well. It seems like that would work for your family too! Perhaps it's an idea to suggest?
If I go over my data, my parents will take away my phone... so I need to be UBER careful about my data. >.<
And mom would never go along with that. She has issues with having those sorts of things around her at home, and freaks out enough about cell phones and cell towers and yadda yadda yadda. >.< Plus "if we had that we'd never be around her and visiting". Blah... >.< So when I'm here for summers and here for breaks, I have to learn to deal with only having one computer with the net. >.< It's kind of annoying, but hey, at least I can get online.

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:41 AM

Originally Posted by nemo.love_22 View Post
Yeah, I stick with sparking apple cider, and non caffeinated drinks - I do prefer water over most things anyways.

Hahaha! Yeah, I'm sure that the same thing happens with them too, I think they're 22... 23 now? But they're used to it. But that was just the one thing that came up when I asked her what's the best and worst thing - taking for hours and never running out of things to say (best), and being called the other name, when people know that they're not the one that they're calling them by. Just because they think it's funny (worst). But I'm sure they're used to it. But they're identical.

Hahaha! I've never had that happen, I'm 25, and people commonly think that I am in my late teens still and look at me like I'm crazy when I say I'm 25. I'm used to it though. Yep, that's exactly how itis for me and my brother. My brother is 20 and I'm 25, and he's a good 5 inches taller than me. At least that's how it feels like most of the time. :P You ask him how tall he is, he goes "dunno." But I know he's right around 6 foot. :P

It does, but it also gets you odd looks - just like talking to yourself gets you. And I do that at times, when something annoys me - and I know no one around me signs. It is nice, at times.

UGH! Angels... No... creepy... thankfully they were only in it for a few minutes and not the whole episode. >.< I saw them and just immediately paused it going "No no no..." causing my family last night to look at me like I was totally crazy! I paused it, sent the link to myself, and walked away from the computer. My family doesn't watch Who either. So they don't fully get my issues with the Angels.
I never had sparkling apple cider until a few weeks ago. I got a small bottle to try at the dollar store and fell in love. I got a bottle to share with my sister tonight, but she pulled out her spiced whine instead! But the sparkling cider makes a great substitute, especially since I don't like red sparkling grape juice. I never had the white.

Ah! I mistaken them as young girls. Oops! Haha. But I'm sure it still happens to them. But I think I'd have to agree with the bests and worsts, there!

People think I'm older by appearance and younger than my behavior. I can be a bit silly, but I know when to be mature. Haha. I never realized how old I looked, but people used to think I was like 26 when I was 18. That was weird. I would be asked if I wanted a drink (without being carded), and surprise people when I said I was under aged! I still don't get carded! So I have the opposite problem. :P

But it seems people think taller people are older and shorter people are younger. My friend is only 5'2" so it makes sense! But I'm not even tall. I'm only 5'5"! Haha. But it's interesting to think about the associations that people use to determine someone's age!

You can get away with signing to yourself when you're alone in your room...and your uncle is jamming out in the room next to you. ;P
That's when I would sign the most...whenever I want to freak out about my projects or other stressful things (and I'm alone in my room). Just sign out all of the rants. You can curse the world and no one would ever know! :D

Why would someone think of something so terrifying as Angels? They are the things of nightmares? Why do they even exsist?! D;

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:47 AM

Aww Thanks Neller. :D

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:48 AM

Originally Posted by CosmicFoxKitty View Post
Neller; it's color pencil ;) I just use them differently lol. Oh well

The contour? Like the outline?
Ah! From the difference in the shading, it looks like marker! Haha. That's very cool!
And yup! The outline!

Originally Posted by nemo.love_22 View Post
If I go over my data, my parents will take away my phone... so I need to be UBER careful about my data. >.<
And mom would never go along with that. She has issues with having those sorts of things around her at home, and freaks out enough about cell phones and cell towers and yadda yadda yadda. >.< Plus "if we had that we'd never be around her and visiting". Blah... >.< So when I'm here for summers and here for breaks, I have to learn to deal with only having one computer with the net. >.< It's kind of annoying, but hey, at least I can get online.
There's 7 of us sharing a phone my mom made sure to get the biggest data plan. So we don't worry much until the end of the month. At that point, I just turn my data off unless I really need it. :)

It seems lie your mom is paranoid? That's kind of poopy. My parents gladly accept technology. Haha. I kind of understand the phone weariness...I hate the idea of people locating exactly where I am at any give time. It's just an unsettling thought. I keep my gps settings off. I don't want to be found! Haha.
But a router isn't like that. It just takes your existing internet and just makes it available for all devices. It's nice. So it's too bad your mom is against it. It'd make it easier for you to be apart of the family, though! You could just follow everyone all over the house instead of being stuck at a desktop!!! ;D

I'm going to my mom's this weekend,

---------- Post added 12-27-2013 at 12:48 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
Aww Thanks Neller. :D
You're welcome. It's so mellow and chilling. :)

nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:53 AM

Originally Posted by neller View Post
I never had sparkling apple cider until a few weeks ago. I got a small bottle to try at the dollar store and fell in love. I got a bottle to share with my sister tonight, but she pulled out her spiced whine instead! But the sparkling cider makes a great substitute, especially since I don't like red sparkling grape juice. I never had the white.

Ah! I mistaken them as young girls. Oops! Haha. But I'm sure it still happens to them. But I think I'd have to agree with the bests and worsts, there!

People think I'm older by appearance and younger than my behavior. I can be a bit silly, but I know when to be mature. Haha. I never realized how old I looked, but people used to think I was like 26 when I was 18. That was weird. I would be asked if I wanted a drink (without being carded), and surprise people when I said I was under aged! I still don't get carded! So I have the opposite problem. :P

But it seems people think taller people are older and shorter people are younger. My friend is only 5'2" so it makes sense! But I'm not even tall. I'm only 5'5"! Haha. But it's interesting to think about the associations that people use to determine someone's age!

You can get away with signing to yourself when you're alone in your room...and your uncle is jamming out in the room next to you. ;P
That's when I would sign the most...whenever I want to freak out about my projects or other stressful things (and I'm alone in my room). Just sign out all of the rants. You can curse the world and no one would ever know! :D

Why would someone think of something so terrifying as Angels? They are the things of nightmares? Why do they even exsist?! D;
Hahaha! More for you!! It is lovely! There are plenty of yummy alternates for those of us who can't drink alcohol or (for me) caffeinated drinks.

Oh, no, they're only just a few years younger than me. One is done with college, and the other is in her final year. (one took a bit of time off from school, not sure why).

I can be super mature, I'm the most mature and logical of most those around me. I wish at times that people did think that I was the age that I really am. But I'm used to being younger. I hear all the time that I'll appreciate being younger when I get older, but heh.. yeah, I keep getting older, and I don't seem to get it yet. We'll see.

I'm like almost 5'7" myself, but I totally agree with you there. It's all in that first glance, and they judge, but it's all without really realizing it most of the time.

Haha, yes, yes, I can! Although I can only do that at home - at school I do that and my roommate would think I'm trying to talk to her.
I sign to myself on the tram to campus, or walking around campus if I need to remind myself about something.
It depends though, I have to be careful at school - my school is one of the three main universities with big Deaf communities, so there are a lot of people on campus who know sign. And you never know who you'll run into out in the world who do know sign, so hahaha. it can be a blessing and a curse at times.

It's hard to explain and I don't fully get it enough to be able to explain it. But yeah, they're terrifying... Look at them, they don't move. Look away... they move... o.O Don't blink, blink and you're dead.

The Lover of UNICORNS
neller is offline
Old 12-27-2013, 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
If you run out of time I don't mind not getting one. :) It's the thought that counts.
I'm hoping I can get through everyone! I'm a lot busier than I thought I would be these last few days, but hopefully tomorrow I will be more free than what I have been! Finish all of the art!

Originally Posted by CosmicFoxKitty View Post
Neller; only if it's you ;) lol no one else ;P
AW YEAH! -takes clothes off one article at a time- ;D


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