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nikijay88 is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:03 PM

XD you beat me Levi LOL

*had to fix a submission* LOL X)

And if you want fox I can do number2 once you get me those questions :D

o.o; actually they are right there LOL want me to do number 2 then or no?

Troubledfox is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:06 PM

sure! i'll do some thing else! XD

nikijay88 is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:07 PM

Hey who ever made the sign up bonus, let's just hire 4 people (if we can) I will donate an item for a signup bonus (August CI item)and someone else will have to donate some gold o.o;; (I am like broke LOL)

Troubledfox is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:08 PM

I can donate 100 goldies!

And i am messaging the interview to random people!

\ (•◡•) /
Bani is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:09 PM

Just found out that it doesn't have to be a video! We can leave it in written form. We're good to go YAY!

TV advertisement.

Boy1: *runs into Starizzle's shop, exhasperated and out of breath* I need help!

Starizzle Employee: What's the matter?

Boy1: There is an insane girl after me! She's stalking me! She wont get away from me.

Starizzle Employee: You've come to the right place! Here at Starizzle we offer tons of services to help you!

Boy1: What can you do? You're going to kill her?

Starizzle Employee: *looks confused and shocked* Instead, we're going to hire someone to go break up with her.

Boy1: That's great!

Starizzle Employee: Here, replenish your energy with a Starizzle drink, on the house. *gives him one before leaving the store*

Boy1: Mm, so delicious!

*Off stage yelling and fighting*

Starizzle Employee: *Comes back in* She's been taken care of.

Boy1: What did you do?

Starizzle Employee: *blank stare and smile* She's been taken care of.

Boy1: *wary*.........Yaaaaaay. As long as she's gone.

Starizzle Employee: She's been taken care of.

Boy1: ....This drink is great.

Starizzle Employee: I'm glad you like it!

Announcer: Whatever your problem, whatever your issue. It will be taken care of at Starizzle.

Last edited by Bani; 08-12-2009 at 04:12 PM..

nikijay88 is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:09 PM

you sure D: it's a daily salary XD or we can just hire 3 :> I think that would be better LOL.

Leviathana is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:10 PM

I'll do what i can ;)
Chore task 3 nearly done need to submit it

Troubledfox is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:11 PM

i just posted in a thread! XD

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Nickle4aPickle is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:14 PM

Phew! I had a lot to catch up on! XD;

I'm gonna work on as many work tasks as I can! Which ones need doing still? XD;

Leviathana is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:16 PM

Round 2

Create banners with your logo and/or mascot. You can use the art you received from other artists, if they give you permission. Advertise your company by having people not involved in the Celestial Deck Party to put them into their signatures. Participants must keep it in their signature throughout the event. Make sure they understand why and what they're advertising. It is possible for all three teams to have the same individual. Getting the first person to participate gets you $20. Each person after that gets you $10 each. Each team must submit one post at the end of the round listing everyone who participated.


First team to complete all of the work jobs first will be awarded $500.

1. propably needs help with the video Create three advertisements:
---1. Poster. Design an eye catching poster advertising your business/products/services. Make sure your logo is present.
The work job:
---2. Radio advertisement. Create a short skit or jingle informing and motivating people to purchase your product or service.
The work job:
---3. TV advertisement. Produce a short skit to advertise your product or service. It can be a Youtube video, animated Powerpoint slides, or a skit.
The work job:

2. nikijay88 Write up a minimum of 500 words describing the type of employees your business is looking for.

3. Create a list of 10 job positions. Describe what they would be doing.
The Work job:

4. Cadiwyn Bree Create five Help Wanted ads for different job positions. They have to be an image in the form of newspaper ads.

5. Write up a list of benefits (health care, free hot coffee, foot massages, etc) and the daily salary your employees will make. Include a sign up bonus.

6.Write up a 20 question interview that reflects your search for your ideal employee.


7. Interview 10 people with your 20 question interview. None can be involved in the Celestial Deck Party.

8. Hire no less than 2 and no more than 5 people from the ones you have interviewed. Get them to write why they wanted to work for your business, a minimum of 200 words. These people can help you on Chore Tasks AND Work Jobs from the time they are hired. Make sure to pay them the sign up bonus and the daily salary promised in Job 5. If you decide not to hire them for any other day than today, then you don't have to pay them a daily salary beyond today.
Note: If these players actively contribute in three rounds, they will be awarded the prize money too.

\ (•◡•) /
Bani is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:16 PM

Edit: Nevermind that......I can do number five of the work jobs!!

nikijay88 is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:17 PM

I am at 226 words out of the 500 for task 2, should be done in a jiffy.

Nickle I think we need to still interview some people and hire of course, I know fox I think is working on that, maybe you can help :D

Someone still needs to do number 5, when someone does it please don't forget, it's real so someone will be giving real gold of theirs LOL as I said I would take care of the sign up bonus with an August CI item :D

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Nickle4aPickle is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:17 PM

I'm going to make the banner for people to put in their sigs!

\ (•◡•) /
Bani is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by nikijay88 View Post
I am at 226 words out of the 500 for task 2, should be done in a jiffy.

Nickle I think we need to still interview some people and hire of course, I know fox I think is working on that, maybe you can help :D

Someone still needs to do number 5, when someone does it please don't forget, it's real so someone will be giving real gold of theirs LOL as I said I would take care of the sign up bonus with an August CI item :D

Okay so the sign up bonus will be an August CI item? How many people should we hire since you're giving the bonus. SO NICE OF YOU. We also have to pay them daily for being on the team. That's ...three days if you include today. I can give 600 in total.

Troubledfox is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:21 PM

Urg! no one is wanting to answer the interview! LOL

Leviathana is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:24 PM

We need to make a list, what we can give people as salary i guess...
nikijay88 said scho could give (August CI item)
Troubledfox added 100g
and i have not much, but you can use it all ^^

nikijay88 is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:25 PM

I suggest to be easy just 3 people I have 3 of the item I will give out and apart from that gold wise... hrm... with 3 people three days, if it's 30 each let's see... math :p I hate it lol


Ok, they will be paid 30 gold every day by me I can handle that :D

Fox, do you plan on 100 gold to each of them everyday for in the end amount of 900g? I can just add 30g to it if you want to, it's up to you :)

Troubledfox is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:25 PM

i'll donate any money i get over 1000 goldies just tell me who and how much!

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Nickle4aPickle is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:28 PM

How's this for the banner?

Can change if need be.

Troubledfox is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by Nickle4aPickle View Post
How's this for the banner?

Can change if need be.

Leviathana is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:31 PM

the banner is great ^^

nikijay88 is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:31 PM

*Number 2: Write up a minimum of 500 words describing the type of employees your business is looking for. (545 words)

Here at Starizzle we are looking for just the right people that are right out of this world. From a corporate stand point we are looking for dedicated workers who are healthy, in shape, able to get down and dirty and quick thinkers. Someone who is younger and in the times, who can relate to our consumers and help reinvent the way this world thinks. We're looking to find people who are adjustable and able to sacrifice not only time with their family to help Starizzle, but for anything, and be on top at what they do, dedicated to helping us as a whole reach for the goal of being the best, top, and leading competitors in all our fields of service.

So long as they look at is everyday as a new experience to work with new people like themselves to attain a higher power of thinking. Having the higher ups not have to worry where we are on the charts knowing for sure the security of having such well adjusted employees who equally are taken care of grandly. By sign-up bonus’s yes, we hope to get them thinking to help them feel, how great it feels to help with such good causes such as our items and our customer’s feelings, hoping to never receive any types of complaints from either the employees or consumers.

We look for patience so that our employees know it’s value, like the value of tolerance, because we all know, no one likes a person who is impatient or intolerant. We look for an employee that can scheme be devious against competition and snuff out any issues with legal matters or matters of media. We look for someone who can run, why you ask? Running errands here and there gets more done, in a rush yes you get tired, but you feel good knowing your in shape and in control and always striving to achieve the best. We always need someone to relate to the youths of this generation, taking hold making good impressions, not only with elders, but with young people, keeping up with trends no matter what the cost!

No one likes to look at ugly people when doing business, so looks and appearance is a must, we like for everyone to crave after our employees! You have to have a smooth talk as well, be able to sooth a baby with a couple of words and make a woman faint a man hide in embarrassment. It’s always a major complication when you compare most companies to ours because out of our employees other corporations find time for childish jealousy because of such strict and high standards, but we must tolerate simpletons, so as of that, we at Starizzle hope that we can equally share our views with our family-like employees and be able to gain only more knowledge and even high standard employees in the future.

At Starizzle, we don’t look for the best to come join us, we are the best, and once you come join our team, you too become one of the best anywhere! Employees treated with such expectations only towards royalty, then again that’s why we are out of this world, and why when you see us, you can always see stars.

(If someone has time, they can check it and tell me how it sounds :). )

And I guess when we do the signup, it's 100g daily salary, and the signup bonus of an August CI, we just need 3 employees :D

Hey Nickle um not sure on this, REALLY not sure, but do we have to have our logo on it too or no?

Last edited by nikijay88; 08-12-2009 at 04:33 PM..

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Nickle4aPickle is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:32 PM

Thanks. X3

Did someone set up a recruitment thread, perhaps? You can put the banner in there as well.

Here's the code for it (just the image) (make sure to take out the spaces!):

[ IMG][ /IMG]
If you want it to link back to either this thread or a recruitment thread, then here's that (just replace "INSERT URL HERE" with the url you wanna use, and again, take out the spaces!):

[ URL="http://INSERT URL HERE"][ IMG][ /IMG][ /URL]

EDIT: @ Niki: Doesn't sound too bad. There are some grammatically mistakes, but I don't think they're looking for perfection! XD

Last edited by Nickle4aPickle; 08-12-2009 at 04:35 PM..

\ (•◡•) /
Bani is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:35 PM

Okay sooooo

Sign up bonus- 1 August CI

Daily Salary:

-30 a day from Niki
- 70 a day from Bani
- Troubled is 100 a day for a total of 300 good for you? Just let me know, I can change it.

Comes to a total of 200 even.

Here are the benefits.

List of Benefits and Salary

1. Free transportation from your home to our business location.

2. 100 dollars monthly for work clothes.

3. A 1000 dollar yearly Dental Plan.

4. Health Care with a 500 dollar deductable.

5. Free food and drinks while at work.

6. Use of company cry room, for the days when you feel way too stressed out.

7. Use of company car for important dates.

8. All the free soap you want!

9. Free haircuts from our on staff stylist.

10. Free use of breakup service.

Thoth Star
Thoth Star is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:37 PM

G'morning peoples~ 0 30


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