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Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 07-10-2011, 08:45 PM

A misty Aidl appears before the mist of Raven. "Aidl what is this barrier and what are it's strengths and weakneses? What lies beyond" He asked all the while tossing stones at it and seeing what happens.

(Did not give me much to do...)

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 07-10-2011, 08:50 PM

"I can act as an intermediary at first and I will see if we can find a representative to talk to you, without nets or weapons. If nothing else I can see if we can talk remotely if there's that much distrust. Hopefully we can come to a compromise."

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 07-13-2011, 01:09 PM

Angeal Pureheart:
*Loud clicking and beeping noises* Well, sir, this seems to be a charge based barrier, meaning it's weakness is it's generator, and it's strngth is the kenetic force used against it. In other words, the harder it's hit, the stonger it gets. I would suggest, sir, a non invasive approach. From the data within me, all I can determine lay beyond it is a small collection of life forms, and a large energy sorce. And before you ask, no, it is not the one you are searching for. Is that all sir?

The stones bounce off the barrier, making it crackle slightly before it vanishes once again.

fairywaif: The one's gathered about begin confering with one another, save for the one male. His eyes stay trained on the new commer. After a few minutes, he motions for her to follow and swims off towards a corner of the room. Turning about, he wait patiently. No one seems to have noticed his actions.

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 07-13-2011, 05:23 PM

Raven gave the small device a quizical look. "One I am looking for? This is the exact same spot where I saw this barrier before when I patrolled before." He said and looked at the barrier before slowly moving the palm of his hand toward the barrier but pulling back shyly afraid of what might happen. "If I were to touch this, just touch, what would happen? Electroction? Explosion?"He continues to stare at it while he droned out the questions with a not really caring tone.

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 07-13-2011, 05:31 PM

Angeal Pureheart:
Well, sir, it would push back just as hard as you pushed on it.

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 07-13-2011, 05:39 PM

"Ah. I see." The elemental looked at the device for a few moments, then grabbing hold of it he tapped the screen to send a messege. Recipiant: Raiho <3. 'Raiho, this barrier is not as strong as I first suspected. I am going to pass through and see what there is. Do not worry I wont start any fighting just reconasence. I will come back as soon as I know what it is that is in here. Aidl says it is not the one I am looking for but I have no clue what that means. Talk to you soon! <3' He then clicks the "Send" button and the messege sends off to his other.

He then tucks away his Aidl. "Ok. I can do this. Just simple search and discover." He said to himself and walked through the barrier.

Last edited by Angeal Pureheart; 07-13-2011 at 08:11 PM.. Reason: Grammar

The girl next door
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Hana_Ryuzkai is offline
Old 07-13-2011, 07:10 PM

Excitement began to fill Jasmin as she now could pick the best meal to surve her handler. With this excitment Jasmin picked the best sounding and looking meal her Aidl showed and couldnt help but run to each stand picking the things she needed.
"their sure are alot of things i need to make this" Jasmin said a small giggle escaping her. "I hope i can make it in enough time!" She added still smileing a little as she finished her shopping. "I hope i can make this dish!" jasmin said as she somwe what struggled with carrying everything. "Youll help wont you Aidl?" she asked the device as she hoised a small back over her shoulder and curled her finers around her aidl tightly.

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 07-15-2011, 08:51 AM

Angeal Pureheart: The gentle entrance garners only mild crackles and pops. A light flashes from atop the castle, but there are no other signs of life. A barren waistland of rocks and dust spreads out before you. It's a good half mile to the base of the mountain the castle sits upon. Made of a yellowish stone, it glows in the sunlight.

Of corse dearie. I'll do what I can. Oh, and I recived a reply from Sir Bedavest. He says he'll be overjoyed to join you and will come in about three hours. He has something he needs to attend to first.

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 07-15-2011, 05:43 PM

Turning back into a see through batch of air Raven heads up and towards the castle very slowly looking around for any signs of danger. While floating up he spots a few dots moving along the wall of the castle. "What are those?" He asked himself mentally and continued on his merry way. Still very cautious of his surroundings he watched them as he grew closer to them. "Aidl do you know what this place is called?" He asked it quietly doubting the thing could read his mind.

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 07-17-2011, 11:52 AM

Angeal Pureheart:
-Well, sir, the place is called Morgaf Bloncheu. Any more information you'd like on it, sir?-

The small black dots move to and fro like small buzzing insects. The sound you can hear at this distance also reminds one of a fly or bee. The barrier above you shimmers, scattering with sparks on occassion.

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 07-17-2011, 05:51 PM

Raven looks up at the barrier. "Perhaps someone is trying to get in..." He returns his attention to the things on the very distant wall. "Unless those are severly huge flies of some sort they must be people. I shall return now to the others and report to them my findings... But first..." With a small snap of his wrist in the direction of the black dots it begins to downpour all over the castle. Just a sheet of rain falling like a curtain."That should do nicely." He said with a small chuckle and eased back out of the barrier looking around. Seeing no one he misted once more and headed back into the air stream making his way back around the world. "Hmmmm" Moving from area to area he finds the group at their new camp. Seeing Raiho sitting on to grass he eases down by him and slowly wraps his misty self around the angelic boy. "I return, my prince." He said in a slightly amused voice.

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 07-19-2011, 12:26 PM

Angeal Pureheart: Raiho giggle as the damp chilly mass swirls around him. "Hello. It's good to see you back. I hope all went well?" Standing, he gestures around. "This place is safe for now. I sense nothing around, and there is a pure water sorce nearby." Wrapping his arms around himself, the fallen angel smiles down at the mist. "And now that you're back, we can all sit down and have a nice long discussion!"

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 07-19-2011, 06:38 PM

Raven forms himself whole again. "Yes," He started looking around slowly "all seems well for now. And it is good that there is a pure water source near by." Smiling and strethches a bit. "I found the barrier once again, this time I was able to pass through. I saw small black things on the wall, very far wall that is, and gave them a good watering." He laughed at that one before continueing. "I would have gotten closer but I doubt you would have liked me doing that..." He nuzzles the angels shoulder. "Then I sent you an email thingy... Did you get it?" He asked curiously.

The girl next door
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Hana_Ryuzkai is offline
Old 07-19-2011, 06:58 PM

Jasmin nodded her head at the devices responce. Knowing when her handler would be making his way to her home was helpful. "I hope thats enough time to get dinner ready," Jasmin muttered to herself as she wandered through the streets. "OH oh no what am i going to do about plates, and pots and pans, and everything else!" Worry shot thorough the girl she didnt bring anything like that with her, infact she never had anything like that. Now she was inviting someone over for dinner and she didnt even have the right utencels to cook a meal with let alone eat the meal on. "I guess they were right, i am a good for nothing air head!" jasmin groaned as she found herself a bench to sit on and pout for a little while.

Irritated Scientist
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Moxie is offline
Old 07-20-2011, 01:48 PM

Urit paused at the gate of the city. Glancing to the metal invitation she frowned slightly. Adjusting her pack on her shoulder and the war hammer that hung at her side she mulled over the gate. She pushed her dreadlocks off of her shoulder, letting them fall down her back. She scanned the entrance again, her black eyes falling on the gatekeeper.

With an easy gait, she strode up to him. Her dark skin was dirty from her journey, her boots and clothing covered in dust from her trip. With a flick of her wrist, she presented the metal invitation to the keeper of the gate, holding the card in between her gloved fingers. "Apparently I am wanted here," she said in a rich earthy voice. Her eyes straying up the wall as she spoke. She seemed somewhat put off by the whole matter- or at least ambivalent to the whole matter. She turned her black eyes back to the gatekeeper, her face set in a stoic mien.

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 07-20-2011, 03:19 PM

Angeal Pureheart: Patting the elemental on the head, Raiho chuckles. "Yes yes, I got the mail. I think your Aidl may have meant that it isn't the power sorce we are looking ofr. You know, the one the overlord is useing." Placeing a kiss in the young one's head, he wanders over towards the center of camp. Kalas comes out of nowhere and tackles Raven to the ground, licking his face excitedly. Over her whimpers and yips Raiho calls, "She seems to have missed you a lot! When you're done there, the meeting is going to take place around the central fire." The fallen angel laughs as he heads off for the meeting place.

Now now dearie, don't get yourself so down! Your kitchen cames stocked with all you should need. It's standard! Now dry your tears dearie, and let's go make us up some stupendous eatins!

Moxie: The gatekeeper chuckles at the girl's gusto. "Welcome," he croons, "to Grargoth, the city between. Thank you for coming. if you just step inside, your handler will be with you soon." WIth that, the large iron gate swings open with a loud creak. Beyond is an open area covered in sand and trees. The sound of lapping water can be just barely heared over the squeels and shouts of children.

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 07-20-2011, 05:38 PM

Raven chuckles as he is licked repeatedly before pushing the small one off lightly. "Ok then, youcome along and we will go to the meeting. Sitting next to Raiho Raven looks fondly at him. "So what is this here meeting to discuss...?" He asked a little non chalantly thinking all would be well and good with the world if they were to just stay here but then booting that thought because he knew they had to take out this bad man... 'Maybe it is Vegita the Bad Man' He mused with himself in his mind.

Irritated Scientist
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Moxie is offline
Old 07-20-2011, 05:58 PM

The human woman enters into the city as the gate opens. She looks around, taking in the sights, noting that it is not completely dissimilar from the place where she lives. At least on the surface anyway. Adjusting her shoulder bag and takes a few steps into town toward one of the larger trees hoping to find a bit of shade to rest under.

Finding an appropriate tree, she sits down on the ground, stretching out her legs in front of her. Her loose, red pant are beaded with bright yellow beads. Her top matches in style and design. She leans against the trunk of the tree and takes a deep breath, trying to relax her muscles a bit from her trip. Absently, she sets her bag down by her side and rubs at her shoulder with one of her large hands. She turns slightly, popping her back as she rubs on her shoulder. She exhales slowly, letting the tension slowly work its way out of her system.

'Now, I suppose I just need to wait for my handler...whatever that is.' she muses silently as she watches the city. She rests her war hammer across her lap and rests her hands on top of the long handle.

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 07-22-2011, 08:34 PM

Intrigued by this man, Liuliana followed him.

"What do you want?" She whispered.

The girl next door
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Hana_Ryuzkai is offline
Old 07-23-2011, 08:21 PM

((i am enjoying my self!!))

Jasmin gave a deep breath and stood up. "yes your right!" She stated a small smile playing on met face as she gathered her things and strode off to her home. "I hope Miss. Viva is done, i would hate to be in her way while shes trying to help me!" She said as she walked casually down the streets. When people passed she gave a weak smile to them as they seemed friendly enough, She even bid good day to some of them as they passed her bye. "Everyone is so nice here, Its kind of strange." She added with a small sigh as she walked!

\ (•◡•) /
Shotacon is offline
Old 07-23-2011, 09:55 PM

Angeal Pureheart: Raiho hushes Raven as one of the lupis stands to speak. "For many generations, the Evil One has controled our lives, but never once have we given in to him fully. True, many of our kind to not resist him, but they too wsh for freedom." Many gruff sounds of agreement and approval echo around the circle of lupis. "But, as we all know, there is very little we can do against his powers. We have found many power sorces, and destroyed them, but we have never found HIS power sorce. So, we have lived in secret, letting out children grow up happy, and free from His influence, but as of late, his forces have been finding our villages more frequently, killing so many." A hum of sad and broken whines comes from the waiting crowd. "Our hope has been dwindling, sagging under the wait of His oppressive powers. But fear not my breathren, for we have a new hope! By the grace of all that is still kind and good in this world, two newcomers have brought with them hope for our people." With that, he turns and gestures towards Raven and Raiho. "These two stangers have come to help us. Their power is unquestionable, and their kindness, unfathomable." Motioning the two forward, the lupis steps back. Raiho stands nervously, pulling Raven along with him into the center of the gathered lupis. All eyes are on them as they wait for them to speak.

Moxie: A group of childern run by, giggleing at somehting or another. One of the children is different. IT has webbed fingers, and the slight red around it's neck look to be gills. The children dive into the beach water, the gilled one moveing swiftly around the other just bellow the surface. The sun is warm, but not uncomfortably so, and the spray of the lake water carries far on the light breeze. A large muscly woman approaches the girl beneath the tree. "Hello there darlin'. Might you be Urit?" The woman looks to be in her late 40s, but still very solid and tight. She wears a shirt that loks like the sleeves have been torn off. Her blue jeans are likewise torn off at the knees. In her hand she hold a scroll, and glances at it and back to the girl.

fairywaif: He smiles lightly. "My name is Halahm-Vi-Adom. I am the son of a minister of this court. My father is unwell so I am filling in for him today. I have some vital information that may help you with this cause, but I can not speak of it here." Flicking his hair over his shoulder, Halahm drops his voice low. "Would you meet with me outide the palace later today? There is a shop with a bright pink roof in the shape of a conch that you should be able to spot easily from the palace doors. I will be wiating there." Without waiting for her response, he returns to the table and takes his seat back. A set of eyes, unnoticed by the visitor and Halahm follows the boy's movements. A small group of those gatehred about the table have come out of thier seats in frustration, their voices raised. "I will not tolerate this talk! Doing anyhting of the sort would be suicide!" the female yelling has firy red hair, and is glaring heatedly at the man across from her. The man shoots back, "Well continueing this way is suicide as well! They become smarter and smarter every day, and with thir advancements, they will have the device completed within the year!"

Hana_Ryuzkai: The people smile and wave at the newcomer, happy to see the fresh face in the neighborhood. When the girl comes close to her home, Viva and her workers are just finishing up. Viva spots the girl approaching. "Hey there!" Walkign over she puts an arm arouns Jasmin's shoulders. "I know you're new to all this electricity and such, so here's the quick explination of how they work. I've oufitted each room with 2 outlets, that's how you plug machines in to the electicity so they work. I'm sure you'll find some things later to use the oulets for. As for the lights, all you have to do is find the little white switch on the wall in each room, flip it, and presto! Light!" Patting the girl on the head, she motions for her workers to follow her as she heads back towards her shop. "Good luck" Viva calles over her shoulder.

Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 07-24-2011, 01:05 AM

Raven listens to the speach and gets a little sad, but sheers up as they seem to take a turn for happier things. When Raiho drags him along he kinda freezes up. "Ummm yeah! Hehe.... WHat he said! Here to help and all..." He looks down blushing heavily at his embarassment and stupidity..

Flitting free Girl
fairywaif is offline
Old 07-24-2011, 08:18 PM

"Whoa, whoa, wait. Device? What device are you talking about?" Liuliana asked, jumping back into the conversation. She would definitely go to the conch shell building tonight, but first she had to sort out the entire situation.

The girl next door
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Hana_Ryuzkai is offline
Old 07-24-2011, 10:41 PM

Jasmin was a little surpirsed to see that Viva was walking out of her home, but then again she had also fogotten viva was going to help her with the electricity. She listened intently to the explination and understood well enough, but what she didnt understadn she was sure Her handler and her aild would help.
As soon as Viva was their the women was gone and jasmin was thanking her as she left. But she dindt have much time to stand around, she didnt exactly know when "Mr. Von Bedevest" was going to be their, and she needed to get started on dinner! She entered her home and flipped every switch from the front door to the kitchen. A small giggle escaped her as she did, having light at her fingertips was pritty exciting!
"Alright, are you ready Aidl?" Jasmin asked as she proped the device up on the nearest counter and dug in all the cabnets for the proper pots and pans. "Lets make some dinner!" she said a small smile playing on her face as she held a large sturring spoon up ready to cook!

Irritated Scientist
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Old 07-26-2011, 10:19 PM

Urit watched the children playing wistfully. She watched the children play in the water as she sat beneath the tree enjoying the shade. She watched the children, letting her thoughts drift. her thoughts didn't get to far before they were interrupted.

"Hello there darlin'. Might you be Urit?"

Getting to her feet with an easy grace, Urit takes the woman in for a moment, her eyes studying the older woman. With a slight bow of her head, Urit now. "I am she," she says as her eyes focus on the woman in front of her. Her loose, full body covering clothing quite the contrast to the woman in front of her. "You are my handler then?" she asks, one eyebrow arching upward. She picks up her bag, slinging it over her shoulder easily as she stands beneath the tree.


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