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Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 07:59 AM

Has a bad habit of freezing for me. I just have terrible luck with everything.
As I discovered yesterday, Everything includes Mario kart.

Strange. I can understand if the internet goes out too, but just the machines is odd.

Ray said is the best. This game is dumb. In the Best way.
Seriously. First boss battle is Cyborg vs Giant Mech. Cyborg wins. Be jumping across missiles, running down a fallling building and then then slicing the giant mech in half, longways. It's amazing.

Super ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ...
Wonderlands is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 08:13 AM

Really? That's odd. The only browser that has ever frozen on me was IE and occasionally Firefox when I google searched either by toolbar or on the website which was really weird.. Damn, you really do! Noo not Mariokart! What were you playing it on?

Nyeah, I have no idea what was happening. Like it came back for a few minutes and just went again. Oh well, we're closed now anyway. It will be sorted tomorrow.

I have no idea what you're talking about, haha but it sounds pretty freaking darn cool!
Oo you have to try the demo of Project X Zone for the 3DS if you haven't already. I think it's pretty top.

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 08:17 AM

IE freezes a lot too, as well as having every issue the other 3 have. Firefox just doesn't like to load some things and the onhly problem I have with chrome is Menes inv.
Mario kart Wii. Out of 4 races, I led almost 11 laps worth. And I only won one race.

Strange. I hope it's sorted tomorrow. It would suck otherwise. That game. It's... So freaking stupid, I love it.

I have not got it, I'll start downloading it now.

Super ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ...
Wonderlands is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 08:30 AM

IE is just a plain pain in the butt. Hm.. I think I might have used chrome on Mene before.. I think the inventory was fine. Just your luck!
Were you versing people over the internet or something? If it was freezing in just offline play that would be totally weird..

Haha, yeah it totally would but luckily I do not have to work tomorrow.

I haven't played it before *surprise surprise*. It looks pretty cool to be honest! Did you get the achievement? :o

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 08:32 AM

It is. As it goes, IE exists to download a better browser.
Nope. I was playing with 3 other people in the same room. I had a farily big lead every time as well. I just got hit by everything on the last straight of every race.

Lucky you, I do.

It's... It's amazing. So stupidly over the top. And extremely violent. But still, so Over the top. and I didn't get the achievement. I forgot how to counter.

Super ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ...
Wonderlands is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 09:32 AM

HAha, that's a perfect statement. So true D: Nothing markets a different browser than IE does.
OHH I see. Man don't you hate it when that happens. The amount of times that happened on the N64. :/

Aw yeah. :< And for that I salute you!

Sounds like the perfect formula for a video game. A popular one anyway.
I'm guessing there's no way going back and challenging it again.. except for completely restarting the game. >.>

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 09:37 AM

Hooray for IE!
It happened every single race. The only one that I won, it still happened.

Don't salute me. I get to work and listen to the RT podcast all day. It's awesome.

Not as popular as you'd expect, sadly.
Nah, I think I can go back an re-do it. But it's the first mission anyway, so it's not hard to restart to it.

xuvrette is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 09:38 AM

How dies IE markets differently?

Super ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ...
Wonderlands is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 09:48 AM

Oops, what I was meant to type was "Nothing markets a different browser better than IE" derp. What that means (well what I meant anyway) Xuv, is that people quickly change to other browsers because IE is pretty terrible. Compared to other browsers anyway.

It worked really great in primary school but then again, I didn't really know any better.

You still deserve the salute for landing a great job!

Oh, I always thought it was a popular series. Just not that specific game then?
That's good that it's pretty easy to do!

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 09:50 AM

People are patient in Primary school though.

XD. not a great job, but one where I can listen to music and stuff is nice.

I guess it is. I dunno though, this game wasn't received very well though.

*blink* one of my friends just suggested we go to RTX next year.


GwenaHikari is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:03 AM

Hello, y'all. Anyone alive in here?

xuvrette is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:03 AM

oh lol. The way Microsoft market it is bundle it with their Windows. XD I wonder why IE is not call Doors, so to make connection.

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:06 AM

Gwena: Well. I'm fairly certain none of us are dead. I don't think Zombies are capable of using keyboards.


GwenaHikari is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by Sleepy Anarchy View Post
Gwena: Well. I'm fairly certain none of us are dead. I don't think Zombies are capable of using keyboards.
Zombies are sort've alive aren't they? So why wouldn't they be able to? o.o But I'm not a zombie or a zombie enthusiast so what do I know? lol

Super ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ...
Wonderlands is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:09 AM

Sleepy: Hahah, sometimes!

Well okay, a nice job then... but it's still great!

Oh well, you can't make people happy all of the time.

DO IT. PLEASE! JUST IMAGINE IT! ..Was it one of your friends who didn't want to go to Supanova to see Jack. >.>

---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 08:12 PM ----------

Originally Posted by xuvrette View Post
oh lol. The way Microsoft market it is bundle it with their Windows. XD I wonder why IE is not call Doors, so to make connection.
..Doors. THAT IS GENIUS! Oh my god.

Originally Posted by GwenaHikari View Post
Hello, y'all. Anyone alive in here?
I don't know about the others but I am hardly, haha.

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:12 AM

Gwena: I'm not either. We'd need to ask someone else on that matter.

Wonder: Yup. It was one of them. And I'm all for the Idea. $3k plus whatever we want to take as spending money should get us there and back.

xuvrette is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:14 AM

I wonder how people get adapt to the term 'window' when it was first introduce. Must be hilarious.


GwenaHikari is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:14 AM

Originally Posted by Wonderlands View Post
Sleepy: Hahah, sometimes!

Well okay, a nice job then... but it's still great!

Oh well, you can't make people happy all of the time.

DO IT. PLEASE! JUST IMAGINE IT! ..Was it one of your friends who didn't want to go to Supanova to see Jack. >.>

---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 08:12 PM ----------

..Doors. THAT IS GENIUS! Oh my god.

I don't know about the others but I am hardly, haha.
Your also dressed like a banana....does that make you food, Can I eat you? I haven't had breakfast yet. o.o

Super ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ...
Wonderlands is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:23 AM

Originally Posted by Sleepy Anarchy View Post
Gwena: I'm not either. We'd need to ask someone else on that matter.

Wonder: Yup. It was one of them. And I'm all for the Idea. $3k plus whatever we want to take as spending money should get us there and back.
At least they want to go to RTX now which is 1000x better! Sounds about right! And you'll get to see America too! This sounds like a really good idea.

Originally Posted by xuvrette View Post
I wonder how people get adapt to the term 'window' when it was first introduce. Must be hilarious.
And Apple! It's like.. why all objects? And then Linux came a long. What in the world is a Linux.
Originally Posted by GwenaHikari View Post
Your also dressed like a banana....does that make you food, Can I eat you? I haven't had breakfast yet. o.o
..Good point, hah.
I guess it won't do any harm, as long as it doesn't become a habit! Banana and custard goes together really nicely. ;)

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:28 AM

It is. It's just that it's also 12 months away!

xuvrette is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:30 AM

I remember there is this handphone company name one of their models... Chocolate. XD
And another one... Cookie. I think. Or Biscuit. lol. so cute.

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:32 AM

LG Chocolate. Was a phone.

xuvrette is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:35 AM

WAS? It transform into other things?
From LG? Rare to see LG's phone.
The most popular type here is Sony, Nokia, Samsung, iphone, blackberry.

lol, my mom's first handphone's brand, call Siemens. XD lol. I always thought it spelled Semens.
I only know what Semen means years after it.

Sleepy Anarchy
Mad King - Sass Queen
Sleepy Anarchy is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:38 AM

I wish it Transformed. It was a phone because I think it stopped being produced and serviced for. now it's just a paperweight.
Most popular here is probably iPhone, despite how... expensive they are.

I am guilty of the same thing. Kind of funny, in hindsight.

SpIdErS iN tHe BrAiN
MinakoAxule is offline
Old 07-07-2013, 10:42 AM

Good morning RAK~! Dunno how long I'll be awake had a horrible night of sleep!!! But I'm at that point where I am so tired but my mind is racing so I can't actually fall asleep.


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