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Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-23-2014, 05:52 PM

Usagi could feel the confusion and trouble downstairs, the shadows were seething with it. They were enjoying the pain and blood that was there, he could feel it. A sigh escaped him, as he fixed his cuffs. He decended the stairs, looking to the room where the others were. It was then that he noted Bell, and his frown deepened a bit. The other was not happy, he was definitely out for blood. He took a breath, before he made his way into the room. His eyes upon the female who was in danger for a moment, before they moved to the wolf man from before. He took a spot out of the way, but to be there in case he was needed. This little conflict was building to a head, and if ordered by the head of this place who happened to be that vampire, he would have to choose which side he would stand on. As would the others if it came down to it, they would have to decide where they stood as well. Depending on choices and suck, things had the potential to get very tricky here indeed.


Shiki thought he caught a glance of the other looking at him. When he raised his eyes though, he was looking away. He watched the back of him for a moment, wondering what was running through his mind. "Tch.." he turned his head away, what did it matter? He would only be staying the night at most. By morning he would have to leave. He could not stay here with this vampire...He was picking up other scents soon though, and once more the smell of blood. Now that he had fed though, the scent did not get to him like it might have others or normal vampire. They were more proned to the hunger, to having it drive them to feeding a few times a day. Many fed just for fun, for the thrill of the kill. He could not condone that, and had never killed another. Not even a vampire, who he hated with every fiber of his being. He had had the chance, and he had let the other live. He sighed slightly, wondering what would become of him.

Korn is offline
Old 08-23-2014, 06:44 PM

Vepar gave a sideways glance at the human next to her as the girl put more pressure on the wound. The demon suspected that the woman didn't trust her, but to be quite honest she wasn't too surprised. After all, who would trust someone with horns that said they could completely heal a wound with just a couple words? Well, unless one was aware of the unnatural creatures and their supernatural gifts, then perhaps one would. But even then there were bound to be some who had a less than savoury character. She would have to keep an eye open for yet another human, something that she hated doing for such a base creature. They were uninteresting, nothing like Bell or that Fae girl.

The man spoke after a few minutes of hesitation, brows furrowed in concentration. But the words that flowed out of his mouth stirred her own magic, sending it swirling into action. She was always a bit less than happy how this part of her power -- at least when in the mortal realm -- always had to get permission of another to be used.

Back in hell she could heal whoever she chose so long as they were in front of her; it was her own ability to use whenever she wished. This seal on her power came from a summoning so many years ago when she had made her 'master' and his army die of festering wounds, filled with maggots and infection. Word had spread once the rest of the occult following realized he had summoned her, and a new set of spells had been made for her. She was not pleased the next time she was forcibly called up from hell, but there had been nothing she could do. A stupid rune where she could not attack her summoner, another to limit her powers. If it weren't for the fact her most recent rising was botched she would never have been able to leave until either the contract ended or she was sent back home.

Either way, her magic was flowing once more through her, a pulse of heat that originated from somewhere in her core. Vepar lifted both of her hands over the wounded girl's neck, her fingers close together and the first three of the left held over the first three of the right. Her thumbs she had create a small triangle of space. To be honest this was mostly for show now, and if she wished it was possible for her just to say the words and she would be healed. It was a gesture she had learned when her magic first appeared in order to focus her power, and given the fact that due to that horrible summons her magic had been dampened she decided she might as well not leave anything to chance.

"Caro et os, sanatur. Sanguine tuo, mea sunt." she said, making sure to keep the words low and under her breath. It wasn't always smart to loudly speak words of power unless you wanted someone to steal them from you. It was a mistake she was not keen to make again.

The magic, imperceptible to most eyes, glowed briefly in the triangular space she had made with her thumbs, a few wisps dancing around her fingers. The pale blue glow brightened intensely before spiralling down and disappearing once it hit the girl. Vepar watched as it happened -- it had been a while since she had actually seen a physical representation of her gifts. Usually it was a brief glow and then nothing, the deed done. She smiled. It was nice to see it again.

The demoness leant back onto her heels for a moment before standing, taking a quick glance around the room.

"It is done. She should be fine, now."

Last edited by Korn; 08-23-2014 at 11:50 PM.. Reason: Changed the spell

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-23-2014, 10:03 PM

Gwen twitched, when the light faded and the demon had moved away. A gasp wrenched itself from her lips. The young woman's eyes fluttered. She took another, easier, breath before snapping her eyes open. Familiar features filled her sight, along with strange surroundings and glimpses of unknown people.

"Red? What ... what happened?" She shivered and closed her amber eyes when she remembered the flash of pointed teeth in the moonlight. Instinctively, she curled into the werewolf. The others there, she didn't know them, and after what Bell had done ... It was hard to bring herself to trust any of the strangers as immediately as she might have before.

The vampire slowed his pace when he noticed others on the path leading to the castle. It was never a good idea to show all your tricks when first approaching strangers. Regan had learned that the hard way, over too many years to bother counting. He wasn't even sure how old he was anymore.

The red head walked now. His steps were as silent as could be. His breath was no more then a memory, an occasional thing that happened more out of reflex then any need for it. He needed to give at least the semblance of a normal living, just in case those he saw were human ... Though he doubted that very much.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 08-24-2014, 06:17 AM

Nate was more than a little reluctant to join that gathering of freaks at the front door. In fact he was seriously debating just opening a window and leaving that way. And considering that the horned child was there made him even less likely to squeeze past and leave.

He looked behind him, where he stood in the entryway a small ways away. He had wandered out of the room, a little confused to find the owner gone. He had made sure to drain out and rinse the sink before leaving entirely, intent on exiting, going home, and finally quenching the burning thirst in his throat.

He was going to drink until this day was a wet, painful blur.

Sniffing slightly he turned around and made his way to the nearest window. He fiddled with it a bit, trying to find a latch to pull the ting open so he could climb out.

Only to realize these one didn't open. They were far too large and far too ornate. He grumbled under his breath, looking down the hall and eyeing each window down the way. All the same. All useless.

His grumble became a groan as he came to that disgusting realization; he was going to have to go out there and wiggle past some dying girl, a werewolf, that lady from earlier, and who knows what else.

With a soft sigh he turned and began to move, heading toward the foyer and the front door. He wouldn't stop. He would speed up if anyone talked to him. He just wanted to go home.

He didn't even look at them as he crossed into the room, eyes set straight ahead as he set course directly for the exit.

((Sorry about my absence. My writer's block seems to have evolved into muse-death and I find myself a little unable to reply. It's like I'm trying to swim upstream. I'm just not able to come up with anything really acceptable to me. I'm going to keep trying but please try not to get too upset if I go silent for days at a time. Really sorry guys.))

Chibipet is offline
Old 08-24-2014, 01:34 PM

After what seemed like a decade of promenading, Isabella arrived in front of the castle. She decided to actually take in the ambience of the exterior design of the castle.

"It seems to be oriental and traditional; the design seems so nice. I wonder why I did not behold the castle's exterior earlier." she thought.

When Isabella stopped looking at the castle, she regarded the door in front of her. As the blonde reached for the door, her tummy began to churn. The fairy knew that once Bell laid his eyes on the werewolf and the human, it was not going to be pretty. Her anxiety began to rise and her hand became shaky.

"Breathe in and breathe out." she thought.

She inhaled then she exhaled and her shaking began to cease. She grabbed the door and when she did, her eyes widen and her jaws dropped. The blonde thought that her vision was deceiving her. Not only did she see that the human girl was here, but there was two more. Then there was the fact that instead of opening the door, she removed the door from their hinges with her strength. Isabella was in a state of shock at the moment. Her face that was once indifferent turned into a sour scowl.

"Why is this happening again?"

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-24-2014, 05:49 PM

Katerina held the blood soaked cloth in her hands as she stood and took a step back. When the horned girl was 'done', Katerina watched Gwen and Red. She had a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Maybe from the horned girl, maybe for Red and Gwen. She whipped her head to the door when it was pulled from its hinges.

"What in the world...", she'd mumbled. Rose wasn't going to be happy about that. Surely the owner of this place wouldn't either. She'd yet to meet the owner, actually. Was he or she even here? Katerina was unaware that Bell was acting as if the place were his, though she wouldn't know he was lying when she heard.

Dark olive green eyes looked between the supernatural here, and then to Gwen and Red. Instinctively, Katerina stood beside and somewhat in front of the pair in a protective gesture. This place really was crawling with the supernatural, and if any of them were like Bell, they were going to have a really big problem on their hands.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-24-2014, 08:44 PM

Red held Gwen gently against him, but he was frowning down at her. This was technically all her fault, she had argued and tried to even run up here on her own. Well, now she was here. "Bell very angry. Gwen should listened when Red says no." The vargulf sighed softly, but he didn't let go of Gwen, he did look to the demon and nod slightly as way of thanking her. Then he glanced at Katerina. She was a human, perhaps she could tend to Gwen now? They would need to get Gwen out of here before Bell managed to make it back. "Gwen leave now. Fast." There was a noise behind him.

Red turned his head, the door had been pulled from it's hinges, and he blinked. At first afraid Bell had done it, but was just a fairy. There was no time for relief, Bell came into the castle moments later and laid a hand on Red's head. The vargulf tensed greatly, afraid and feeling guilty. He ducked his head slightly, and gently laid Gwen on the floor. He opened his lips to say something, but Bell was ordering him upstairs. Red nodded and jumped up almost immediately, bolting for the stairs.

Bell was content to trudge along in angry silence, he was content to let the fairy go on ahead of him. Though, if he'd know she was going to break the door, he would not have been so content to let her go on ahead. Bell's left eye was twitching, and his murderous intent was rising, it was almost a tangible aura around him, the emotion rolled off of him like violence waves crashing against a rocky shore. Surprisingly though, the vampire held it in. That eye was still twitching though, probably from the effort of not exploding.

"Idiot! Don't break my things or I won't let you stay here. Fix it. Now!" He had just started enjoying the fairy's company too, and she had to go and do this. Bell moved past her and into the castle. Those eyes narrowing dangerously as he approached Red. They were all gathered just inside the entryway after all, and the werewolf's back was to the door. Bell laid a hand on the top of Red's head, and grinned almost maliciously when he felt the werewolf tense up beneath his touch. "What a horrible puppy you are, Red. I thought wolves were loyal to their packmates to the very end, but you betrayed me. You betrayed me for a human!" Surprisingly Bell wasn't shouting. His voice was low and dangerous sounding.

"Upstairs, now, mongrel!" Now Bell swept his gaze over all of them in the entry way. Had they all gathered to help Red's human? His eyes narrowed at Katerina. "Tch. Pests. All of you." His lips were drawn back into what seemed like a permanent snarl, those fangs showing clearly. "I've decided, all humans in my castle are not allowed to leave. You'll remain here as my special guests, and you'll be lucky if I let you live another day." Bell was moving now, heading towards the stairs.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-24-2014, 09:07 PM

Usagi watched the scene unfold in silence. He raised an eyebrow slightly from his position out of the way. It seemed a lot had happened while he was in the shower. He made no move to stop any of it, it was none of his business in all honesty. He watched Bell, who seemed to be far less than pleased with any of them; this was not the time to bother him. With him turning to go though, Usagi relaxed a bit. No trouble, that was good. It meant at least for now he did not have to step in himself.

With the others there, and Bell leaving, he turned away himself. No longer a reason for him to waste more time here, this all had nothing to do with him. If Bell had lumped him in with them when he had called them pests, that was fine. The other was upset, but he would not intrude for now. He knew when to pick his fights and make his moves. Right now was not one of those times. If he was not needed, he would return to his exploring and his walk. He would wait till later or morning to talk to Bell and the other woman, once all of this had passed.


Shiki looked up, watching the other two step inside. So, there were more people indeed, and they were seeming to all be at ends at the moment. He watched the vampire confront the wolf, before giving the others a few words. The humans were not allowed to leave? He frowned lightly, this was something he was used to in a sense with vampires, so the ruling did not really surprise him. He moved to the doorway now, glancing at the door before stepping inside. He did not expect anyone to notice him really, especially right off the bat. He noticed a man who had been approaching the door in all of this. Had he been phased by any of it? He seemed to be tired, and have seen better days.

Shiki could smell the blood on him, plus something more he did not really wish to think of. It was none of his concern, the other did not need him prying. He kept his mouth closed, saying nothing for the moment. His eyes moved over each of the people within. He took in their faces, their scents and demenors. He would need to remember them, while learning quickly who was good and bad. Would he be allowed to leave in the morning? Or would the other try to stop him as well like the humans? He sighed, he should apologize better, but for the moment he could not bring himself to care much or move.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-24-2014, 09:32 PM

Just behind the fairy hulk was Bell. He looked unhappy, but what was new? As he sent Red off upstairs, Katerina helped Gwen to her feet, holding onto her protectively. She wouldn't let Bell hurt her again. She wasn't sure how, but she was going to figure out how to keep Bell from hurting anyone else. Maybe Gwen would help her.

Katerina bit her tongue now. She wouldn't agitate the situation with Gwen standing there, especially when she had no means of self defense in the midst of all these supernatural. She noticed at that thought, that another man had entered. She and Gwen might be in a tough spot if all of them were anything like Bell. Though she already assumed that they weren't. If they had been, they'd already be instigating and trying to kill her and Gwen.

Still. Katerina wasn't going to just sit around and let Bell tell her what to do. She was too stubborn for that. "Do you want me to drive you home, Gwen?" Katerina asked quietly. She didn't want to shout it towards Bell, but she was sure the vampire could hear. Nevertheless, if Gwen wanted to leave, Katerina would take her home. She doubted though that the girl would want to, not with her friend having disappeared upstairs. How did they even know each other anyway?

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 08-24-2014, 09:33 PM

If it wasn't for the door getting literally pulled off its hinges, things would have gone so smoothly for Nate. Instead he was forced to stop and wait for the whatever was happening to, well...stop happening.

He stood there, watching and blinking as some lady he had never seen before held the door and kind of...frowned when she saw what was in the room. He had the sort of sinking feeling it had something to do with him, but it vanished as it soon as it came.

He really couldn't care less right now.

Then bell-boy was back again and hissing at his wolf and was turning to glare at each of them. Especially him, that lady from earlier, and the one who - was she better now? - had been dying on the ground.

He smirked when Bell hissed something about being betrayed for a human as he ordered the wolf away. Then his smirk vanished as it was declared no human was allowed to leave.

Only for Bell to start walking away directly after.

Really now? How did he honestly intend to enforce that if he left the room directly after, leaving all of said humans next to the exit now permanently left ajar by some lady with a supernatural amount of strength?

This caused Nate to chuckle before he shook his head and began to make his way to the door. Whatever. He did not have time for this. He was leaving. Now.

Korn is offline
Old 08-25-2014, 12:24 AM

Vepar was surprised when the front door was pulled off its hinges, especially when she saw that it was the Fae that was responsible. That was slightly unexpected but all it did was add another layer to the interest she had in the girl, and the more information the better. Particularly since the demon was interested in the bag of fairy dust the woman possessed. If the girl was intensely strong it could complicate things when the opportunity came to take it from her.

She was distracted by the clear sound of bells which announced the resident Vampire's presence, though the man was easily located by the wrathful aura that surrounded him -- however, if someone were to rip her own door from its frame she would suspect that she too would be angry. However he controlled his emotion tightly, letting nothing slip but for the twitching of his eye.

'Interesting,' she thought. She wondered how much it would take for him to truly get mad, for it seemed to her that it fluctuated. It was something she may be able to take advantage of.

It was interesting to hear the vampire call the not-quite-human a pup and a wolf -- obviously this was who he was looking for before. A werewolf perhaps? She wasn't sure, she had never encountered a creature like this, but it would explain the man's lack of grammar. If he'd been kept as a pet by Bell he probably hadn't had much exposure to anything educational, instead trained to be a loyal lapdog. She stared at the vampire's retreating back, a bud of respect planted. It was something she would have loved to do herself if she had a man-pup of her own, a vicious beast turned into something she had complete control over. However, it seemed as if the leech had trouble keeping him in line, so perhaps it might be more trouble than it was worth.

She didn't expect him to order that the humans remain in the castle, not something she was entirely on board with. Particularly since that rude human was still hanging around -- in fact he was in the same room with her again, walking towards the door where she was conveniently placed in front of. He no longer had any blood on his face so he had at least cleaned himself slightly since she last saw him, a small step up for sure. However Vepar doubted he'd managed to learn any respect in the short time in between their encounters.

A sigh from behind her caught her off guard and she moved her disapproving gaze from the human, quickly glancing at the retreating backs of the man-pup, Bell, and another boy she had not yet made acquaintance with, to look behind her. Purple hair -- it seemed as if this were becoming a more common hair colour than she expected. She couldn't comment, though, for she herself had a rather pale shade of pink to call her own. Raising a delicate eyebrow she scanned this new addition from head to foot. Distantly she longed to meet someone who was the same height as her. Perhaps dwarfs existed in this realm?

Chibipet is offline
Old 08-25-2014, 03:46 AM

The sour scowl from Isabella's face transformed into indifference. The blonde sighed as she softly scratched her scalp.

"Sorry everyone." she said softly and half-heartedly.

The fairy slowly walked to the door where the hinges were once screwed. Since she has no tools to work with, she simply screws the screws in with her fingers. She is then able to secure the screws, but they (the screws) are less sturdy since she practically removed them with her strength.

"Just when I was getting along with Bell. He also called me an idiot again. Just wait, one day I will be calling him the idiot!" she thought and smirked.

When she finishes the door, she decides to move to the side by Vee so the gentleman may exit. Oddly though, her fixing the door seem to have made her forget about the humans in the castle.

"Before, did you ask me about my bag of fairy dust?

The blonde directed her question to Vee. She remembered that she asked about the functions of her dust.

"Well, for fairies it allows us to float and glitter for about an hour. For other beings, the effects may be random. For example, I saw a vampire use it and it turned him into an ass, literally." she said cautiously.

When the blonde finished talking, she examined her surroundings and laughed nervously. Isabella felt that she was going to be lost walking around the castle. After examining, she looks toward the group of people.

"Does anyone know where the shower is?"

She preferred the person to show her to the shower to be non-human, considering her incident with a human. Ever since that incident, she has been uncomfortable around them and she tries to avoid them at all cost, that was why she was shocked and showed a scowl on her face. In this situation though, she shall be willing to follow a human because she is is in desperate need of a shower. Sure, she still smells like vanilla, but its vanilla mixed with mud.

Korn is offline
Old 08-25-2014, 04:43 AM

Her gaze shifted from the vampire by the door to the fairy who now stood beside her. It seemed that the girl had fixed the door, likely by manually screwing it back onto the frame. She had to admit the girl was dedicated to righting her wrongs. When the Fae began to talk to her she shifted a little, facing her a little more head on. Vepar didn't dare to turn her back to the other occupants, though most of them were leaving. It was that as-of-yet still unnamed male that was walking towards them that she didn't want to leave him out of her sight. Mentally she decided to call him pest, taking the word from Tinklebell. It was extraordinarily fitting she thought, pleased with herself.

When the little fly mentioned the fairy dust is when the demoness truly began to pay attention. This could be valuable information for the future, and she would rather be blessed by a priest than miss out on it.

The fairy explained what happened when those of her own kind used it, how they would glow like the fairies in children's stories and allow them to fly. Or, well, float. She wondered if her species could fly without the aid of the dust itself which seemed likely; the dust was probably just an aid to let them reach heights or to control their steering better. But given the state of Izzy's wings it was likely the girl wouldn't be able to fly at all without it.

But when she mentioned that the effect of the powdered varied from species to species Vepar got a bit interested. It was obvious now that if she took it and dumped it on herself it likely wouldn't make her fly with ease, likely turning her into some other creature. The dust only worked for an hour so it was likely that the unfortunate vampire had not stayed an ass for the rest of his life, which meant that even if she were turned human when she used it, it would only be temporary.

"Obviously it turned him into what best reflected his character, like the goddess Circe when she turned all those men into pigs."

It was a favoured tale of hers, particularly when she heard it from the pagan god herself. She had no idea what happened to her or any of the others, whether or not they faded away when the belief in them dwindled. Many an old deity crumbled that way. She was suddenly struck with gratefulness that she was born a demon, not tied to humanity by their worship of her kind.

Hidden Cupcake
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Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 08-25-2014, 05:53 AM

Nate was quite content to leave. He really was. He was even content to allow the strong-woman (those are WINGS on her BACK Nate pay attention you schmuck) come on to reset the door, waiting patiently and then moving forward again when she bounced away.

Only to stop again when he realized the other. A man. Maybe. Really could be a woman if he took the time to actually look. But he...really didn't. The only reason he was even stopped now was because the other was...just kind of in his way.

And this was just a tiny bit incredibly infuriating. He just wanted to leave and he was being stopped at nearly every turn.

He made a noise in his throat, low like a growl but quick like a grunt, lifting a hand to rub at his face.

"H-hey man," he muttered, removing his hands from his face and finally looking at the guy - he has purple hair wow who would have thought - and trying to crack a smile. He failed at that. It wavered and looked more like a grimace than anything.

"Could you...could ya maybe move...I want to go home." His voice was rough, scratching and hitching and dry. He watched the other, face split in that grimace-smile as he tried to convince this man to scoot to the side maybe a foot or two.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-25-2014, 07:34 PM

Regan found himself staring as a fairy took the castle door right off it's hinges. The redhead shook his head with a laugh, and stepped forward once the doorway was clear. Once inside, having missed all the commotion, he was left looking curiously at a scattered throng of people. They were all so very different from one another.

"Excuse me," said the blue eyed vampire loudly. "I was looking for a place to stay. Someplace safe for those of the non-human persuasion. Who do I talk to about that?" He had heard enough to have his suspicions, but ... Well it was always a bad idea to assume anything.

The young woman shook her head vehemently, then twisted her head around to stare at the newcomer. Gwen tried not to shiver and quake, but now ... she was just so uncertain of how to act and react! Anyone could end up sinking their fangs into her at any moment. And yet her fingers curled around the other woman's arm.

"No. I won't go. I need to make sure Red is going to be alright. I got him into a lot of trouble ..." She looked longingly at the stairs. If she went up there, Bell would most definitely do something to her again. Trembling she lifted a hand to her neck. Bell was such a ... bloodsucker! He hated humans so much. Maybe there was a reason? She was still willing to give the man who'd tried to kill her a chance, because of Red. Red, who was definitely not human and was something that had to do with wolves.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-26-2014, 10:34 PM

Krimellian II

He goes by Cade. Very few know his real name is Krimellian, as he hates it. He stands at 6'1" with long silver/blue hair, pale porcelain skin and fit but slender physique. He is a vampire, descendant of original vampires, which explains his pointy ears and permanently red eyes that he's had since birth. He appears to be in his mid-twenties and shows no signs of aging soon. Cade emits power like a candle emits fragrance. Most fear or respect him, and for good reason. While his demeanor generally seems lazy and passive, he is not one to cross. Cade owns the castle.

The old vampire sat perched on a tree in the large yard, unnoticed. He'd left some time ago, with Rose in charge of caring for his home and Bell in charge of keeping it safe. He sensed not only a great amount of company here, but also a great disturbance, luring him back.

From his spot on the branch, he could see into a window perfectly, as Bell retreated up the stairs. He half smiled. Same old Bell. He glanced down at the others. They could all be dealt with later, and would need to be. Since Rose had left earlier in the day, and would not be returning for quite some time, if ever.

With a motion so gentle that the tree barely rattled, Cade jumped, disappearing over the roof. Moments later, he stepped through the window into Bell's room, silent. He leaned against the wall with a smirk as he watched Bell seething. "Your castle?" he said in an amused tone, finally breaking the silence. While there was a hint of amusement in his voice, Cade was also quite irritated, and it showed through in the negative energy filling the room.


Katerina nodded. It wasn't like she was 'allowed' to leave anyway. That was fine. "Come on then," she said to Gwen, steering the girl towards the kitchen. "I'll make some tea." She paused, looking over her shoulder at the others. "We mean no ill-will here," she said loud enough for all to hear. "Anyone who wants to join us, is welcome."

A man stepped in then, looking for a place to stay. "Rose," Katerina said. "Anyone looking for a place should speak with Rose. But she left earlier. I don't know that she'll be back. There seemed to be an emergency." Katerina shook her head. "I guess," she said then, "You should talk to Bell." She grit her teeth at that last bit. "I'd give him some time to cool off though. He's a real hot-head."

She sized him up, then the others. "I heard this place was a safe haven for the supernatural. I don't see why you couldn't all make yourselves comfortable," she added. "If Bell has anything to say about that, he can take it up with me."

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-26-2014, 11:13 PM

Red had entered Bell's room before him, and had gone over to sit in a corner, his knees on his chest. Bell was so angry, far angrier than Red had ever seen him before and the vargulf was a little scared. Still it was his own fault, he should have tried harder to make Gwen stay home. Bell stepped into the room only moments after Red had retreated to a corner, that door was closed and locked behind him. The vampire was pacing. He should have noticed when Cade entered, but Bell was far too preoccupied within his own mind. Trying to calm himself down enough to not kill Red, when Cade spoke, Bell completely stopped in his pacing.

The vampire turned to face Cade with a scowl and a frown, it was a few moments before he responded though, trying to keep himself under control. He definitely didn't want to piss off Cade. "Someone had to take charge." Oh, but he'd done such a terrible job of taking charge. There were humans everywhere in the castle, well maybe not quite everywhere. "Rose let humans in, offered to let them stay..and then Red even tried to bring one here." His hands clenched into tight fists and he sent a glare at the vargulf in the corner. Red was smart enough not to say anything, or move.

"And you weren't even here, so what was I supposed to do?" There was a strain in Bell's voice, he was doing his best to keep from yelling. One did not simply raise their voice at Cade. "On top of all that, there's some guy wanting to make some kind of business deal." Bell moved towards the bed in his room and flopped down on it face first. "Red is a traitor, he saved a human instead of helping me. One of the human girls downstairs came here looking for us. She even shot Red earlier, and she's the one that Rose said could stay!"

His hands clutched tightly at the blanket on the bed. Finger's curling into the fabric hard and he growled into the mattress. "It's impossible to protect this place from the humans when no one will listen to me while you aren't around." That anger it was slowly turning more to frustration than just simple rage. "Tch. And that crazy guy that hangs around outside was in here stirring up trouble." Honestly, Bell was so upset, he wasn't even sure what to do with himself, and he didn't want to look at Cade, so he laid there, gripping that blanket with his head pressed face first against it.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-26-2014, 11:36 PM

Shiki looked at the people who seemed to give him a glance, before a man was asking him to move. He raised an eyebrow, and frowned slightly. He did move, stepping to the side to let the other pass. He was not going to stop them. A human girl was speaking then, not that he really cared. He was not particularly on her side either. He was on no one's side really...though he was not out for only himself either. A sigh escaped him, as he placed a hand to his head, his eyes closing. What a pain. He noted a feeling though, a scent flickering through the air outside. He turned to look, it was vampire...stronger sent a slight chill through him. It was gone soon after, but now that he was inside. Faint traces of the same smell lingered here. Fading with the scents of others, but it was there. It unnerved him a bit, something was definitely lurking here...and he bet it had fangs.

Moving towards the stairs, he stopped at the base of it. His eyes moving up them, into the hall beyond. He stood there, saying nothing for the moment, the others seeming to fade to him altogether. He did not bother to acknowledge them at the moment, as he found himself moving up the steps. As he went up, the scent became apparent again. Stronger the deeper in he went. The sounds of the others fading away, he moved along on his own. He stopped himself finally, down the hall from that room. Staring at the door, once more a frown was set upon his face. He seemed to be trying to look through the door, to the men beyond. And though that was impossible for him, he could smell them. Especially him... This had been a bad idea. Staying here was dangerous even more now. The man could be friend or foe, but Shiki was not particularly interested in finding out. He turned away, moving towards the steps again.


Usagi had retired to the kitchen. He paused for a moment, when two new shadow joined the house. He debated on weather to allow his curiosity to spur him into poking into it, but resisted for now. He was not wanting to get into anything to...deep yet. He moved to the counter, leaning on it for a moment as he slid a hand through the front part of his hair. "What have you gotten yourself into?" he asked himself, for what felt like the hundreth time that night. He felt the girl he'd met earlier's shadow heading this way a bit, his eyes moving towards the door. Should he stay? Go? He had been a bit ahead of her, so she might not know he was in here. Should he be risking such conversations? He closed his eyes and groaned a bit, he was already growing tired of this.

Though it was common for him in a sense, especially when he got tired altogether. He was more of one to want to do things right. He understood mistakes and such, but he prefered to avoid them if he could. He looked towards the window, out into the darkness. This had an odd feeling about it. He had noticed it when he came, but gave it little thought till now. A darkness all its own was hanging over here. He felt his shadow rise up behind him, the large white eyes the size of golf balls, and the big white grin. He did not turn, as shadow arms wrapped around him. His eyes closed once more, as he let the darkness of his shadow and this place encircle him a bit more. Was this why Levyathan had sent him here? This darkness...these people....would it be what finally sent him over the edge into darkness himself?

Last edited by Kiyoto; 08-26-2014 at 11:51 PM..

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 08-27-2014, 08:48 PM

The old vampire watched Bell through his explanations, not seeming to notice the bell sounds. Irritation dissipated and amusement grew. So Bell. Though it was a side Cade knew that others rarely saw. When the purple-haired vampire flopped onto the bed, Cade almost grinned. It might have been difficult hearing him speaking into the blanket, for someone else, but not for him. Not his hearing.

When Bell finished speaking, Cade sat there in silence for a moment. If he didn't know any better, it would seem the purple-haired man had suffocated, laying like that for so long, so still. Cade knew better though. Finally, he pushed away from the wall and walked over to Red in the corner almost lazily. He knelt down and pat Red on the head. "Did you make a human friend today?" he asked, much like a human might to his own little rascal of a dog.

He straightened himself to face the bed again. "You know Bell," he said almost dismissively. "I do believe I required you only to upkeep the peace, did I not?" Cade looked serious, but inside he was smiling. He was toying with Bell. Of course it would have been a ridiculous thing to ask peace of such a hostile vampire who hated humans, and really, most everyone else, too.

"It appears to me you have done quite the opposite." Cade had been here, watching and listening for some time now. He knew what happened in the kitchen. He knew what happened at the forest edge. He knew who everyone here was and where exactly they were at all times. He even knew of the business proposal. He moved to sit down on the bed beside Bell.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to punish you now," he said in an exasperated tone. "Red," he said. "Leave. Now." He would wait in silence until the wolf was gone. Once that door was shut, Cade turned a devious grin to Bell who had sat up by now. He was trailing a finger along Bell's collar bone, but in the blink of an eye, Cade had Bell on his back on the bed, pinning his arms above his head.

Cade licked his lips hungrily. He could take Bell's blood if he wanted to. He knew the vampire had human blood coursing through him. But he was hungry for something else. He was going to punish the purple-haired vampire for being such a bad peace keeper while he was gone, and Cade was going to enjoy every merciless minute of it.


Some time later, Cade stood at the door buttoning his button-up dress shirt. He pulled on a heavy coat over it and slipped his feet into black leather boots. He reached for the door handle, glancing over his shoulder at Bell. "Oh, and Bell," he said with another mischievous smile. "Rose will not be returning. To add to your punishment, I'm going to give Katerina Rose's job. And since you're so adamant on them staying, Gwen will not be leaving either. I expect you to play nice, Bell." The 'punishments' had not been real and true Cade punishments, and Bell would know that. But he would also know where Cade would draw a line, to really punish someone.

He opened the door and stepped out. "Human's aren't all so bad," he said in thought. "They can be quite fun," he added. "Fragile as they are...". He said that last bit with a hint of sadness, but it quickly disappeared, along with him out the door. His intention was to find Usagi and discuss business. He saw Shiki heading towards the stairs, and caught up to him easily, in the blink of an eye.

"It is impolite to eavesdrop," he said simply and dismissively, not really caring at all.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-27-2014, 09:22 PM

Shiki could smell the other, by the time he had reached the top of the stairs. In a blink however, the other was before him and he paused. "I was not eavesdropping.... I heard and saw nothing, don't flatter yourself..." it was not really meant to be an insult, but it might come off as such. He passes by him, to move around the stairs. Who was this man? He took in the scent of him for a moment, before he pushed it out of his head. He wondered if the other one would say something more.

The scent of Bell on him as well, hinted something more. It was none of his business, he really did not care in the slightest either. He did wonder also if the other could sense what he was. With his scent switched off, it should not be obvious, actually non existent. But he did not have a good feeling about this man or his scent at the moment. He sighed, this was turning out to be quite the evening indeed, it would be a pain if this ended up causing him more trouble than he had been in before even coming here. He frowned slightly, his mind not even on the other man at all now.

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 08-27-2014, 09:41 PM

Regan took a moment to take in the rich interior of the castle. He tilted his head and listened. Shuffling feet, murmured voices. He could hear much better then humans could, after all. So he heard voices on the stairs, eventually and sensed energies that were .. odd to say the least. But these he ignored, or tried to. The redhead fidgeted. He wasn't used to feeling so strange and out of place. Maybe he'd been living as a human for too long.

He turned back, and looked at one of the men he'd walked past to get into the castle. "You don't look too well. Do you need help?" The vampire reached out and pressed a hand against the sickly looking man's shoulder.

It felt good to let someone else guide her, at least for a little while anyway. Gwen kept pressing her hand against her neck. The skin felt a bit cooler then it should have been. Icy cold almost. That wasn't normal. It wasn't normal that she was already up and walking either. Gwen shuddered and closed her amber eyes for a second after crossing the threshold into the the kitchen.

It was a nice place ... But the young woman couldn't quite appreciate it. "Thank you for helping me." She broke away from the other woman and leaned against one of the counters. "What's your name again?" She couldn't remember if this woman had told her or not. Her eyes found a stranger, someone she hadn't met yet. "And who are you?"

((Just to make it clear, Regan is talking to Nate))

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-28-2014, 01:20 AM

Red had nodded ever so slightly at Cade's question and without a word the vargulf had left the room. Cade was Bell's alpha, and Red knew how the chain of command worked very well, so he didn't hesitate to obey the other vampire, leaving the room almost in a hurry. Gwen was alright, for now he was sure she was safe and fine, after all the only threat to her was really Bell and he was busy with Cade. Red moved through the upper floor of the castle for a bit before he eventually made his way down and into the kitchen, he was thirsty, though not quite ready to see Gwen again or he would have gone to her immediately after leaving Bell's room.

"I was trying to keep the peace!" He had protested into his blanket, but he didn't say much more than that. He knew better than to argue with Cade, he did sit up though when the other sat on the edge of his bed and dismissed his pet. Bell was frowning, pouting almost. He would never pout in front of others like that, but this was Cade. Cade was different. Cade was already stronger, so there was no point in having a show of strength against the other, that and Bell admired Cade's strength too much to be too disrespectful of him. And fear. Bell feared that strength at times as well. All in all, Cade was probably the only person Bell had such deep respect for.

He shivered lightly when that finger was trailing along his collarbone, and then suddenly he was pinned down on the bed. He squirmed a moment. "Cade." He whispered the name lightly, tilting his head a bit. Bell didn't resist, if Cade wanted his blood, or something else, Bell wouldn't resist.

Some time later, Cade was putting his shirt back on and such. Bell laid on the bed, curled up on his side facing the other vampire. Watching him. "...But..I was gonna eat the humans later.." He said the words with a pout, sounding almost like a child who had just had his favorite toy taken away. Then Cade was gone and Bell stretched out, groaning a bit and pulling the blanket over him. Not quite ready to go be around any of the others, he would just let Cade deal with it. Bell's anger, seemed to have faded somewhat, but it would probably flare back up violently at the sight of Red or the humans.

Hidden Cupcake
\ (•◡•) /
Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 08-28-2014, 02:31 AM

Nate watched the man turn and leave, giving him a look before moving off toward the stairs. He smiled after him, the action mocking gratitude. "Thanks man," he grumbled, sniffing before letting his smile drop and he turned back toward the door.

He was close, so close to being out of here and on the he-really-didn't-have-the-patience-to-actually-time-it walk back to his home. He'd grab a case of beer from the corner store, fall into his chair, and drink until he was unconscious and he could have a kind and dreamless sleep and--

But then someone had their hand on his shoulder and was talking to him and he couldn't stop the slight growl in his throat. Well... not so much a growl as a huffing groan.

He turned, tired looking eyes landing on some red-headed man carrying a bag that seemed to be filled with a variety of things.

He sniffed slightly, licking his lips. "Yeah...I should be fine," he said, giving an unconvincing smile. "Despite my face, I actually feel kind of alright. All I really need to be at 100% is a drink...or ten."

He chuckled dryly, looking away. Oh that was all a lie. He felt like shit. HIs face was throbbing, his head had the constantly dull ache of a battered brain, and his fingers were starting to tremble.

Oh and his vision was kind of hazing at the edges. That was...sort of a new addition.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 08-28-2014, 03:27 AM

Usagi's shadow had vanished once more, as he felt the other's coming in. He remained close to the counter, before the woman spoke to him. His eyes flickered to her, before to the one he had met earlier. "My name is Usagi....but please, do not let me interrupt...I should turn in.." he says, moving to the door. He paused by Katerina for a moment, his eyes moving to her. "Things are about to should be careful" he says, before he walked out of the room. He headed along the hall, back towards the living room, where the others were. He took a breath, feeling a weight on his body, it was different though.

He shook his head, looking at the door at the others around the door. It was still not fixed, others seeming to be conversing there. His eyes found one of the newcomers to the place, looking him over a bit. Another vampire hmm? This was a vampire castle after all, so he figured in retrospect, it was not really that uncommon. He took a breath, placing a hand to his head. He needed air, moving to pass them all without a word. He did not look to any of them, stepping out into the night air and the darkness. The cool air felt great, a breeze moving past, his eyes closed at it. He slipped his hands into his pockets, stepping a bit deeper into the darkness.

Chibipet is offline
Old 08-29-2014, 03:30 AM

An impatient sigh emitted from the fairy.

"It seems as if no one knows where the shower is." she thought.

The fairy began to excuse herself from the crowd by the door. When she slowly ascends the stairs, she tripped on the third step. The blonde waved her hand hysterically trying to capture her balance and ends up falling on her butt. A small blush appeared on the blonde's cheeks in pure embarrassment.

"I'm okay." she whispered.

Her wings fluttered slightly as she began to ascend the stairs again this time holding the rail.

((OOC: Sorry for the short post. As weird as it sounds, school is killing my brain cells xD))


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