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wasashu is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 08:58 AM

*pokes head in* haha i havent posted with this avi in a while x3

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darkvineyard is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 02:35 PM

I'm not sure if I missed something, but when -- and where -- is the pick up? ^^;


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Old 10-27-2007, 08:23 AM

w00t *goes dig a deep pit somewhere to hide and so in*

At least you understood it. Hehe. :B
I do hope I could do. But my rain keeps on dying after every half an hour of studying. XD;

*a person that has very short attention span unless it concerns art*

Ah, no, you did not miss much. ^_^
I was actually drawing out your blob already, but then you changed your avatar. O_o;

I'll send you the blob through PM, don't worry, you won't miss it. XD;

Ooh.. that's a lovely drawn picture of your avatar. I'm sure you'll get your star clips soon. They're not that costly. ^^

Copic fun. The eyes look very dull though. lol

Y-con tomorrow? ~_^

Actually, I'm sort of a newbie too (if one month old is counted as a newbie). But my brain still registers myself as newbie, so... XD

Here's your blob! I hope its okay. @.@

I think I should contrast it a little more... Arg.

Haha... *dreams of the day I become filthy rich here*
I was never filthy rich ANYWHERE. I am unfortunately a spendthrift. I have money = BUY. A reason why my quests usually take eons to complete, unless someone offers it to me. =X;
Oddly enough, I'm an incredulous stingy poker in real life. ROFL

I've always loved weapons, ever since I've started reading that Dragon Quest comic when I was 9. rofl


*waves a bright hello to washu-san* ^_^

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darkvineyard is offline
Old 10-27-2007, 02:16 PM

Oops! I did change my avatar, but I sent you a image of what I want the blob to look like... did you get it?


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Old 10-27-2007, 02:26 PM

O_o You did?
Last I check, you didn't send me anything except that PM last week asking me about the sig. XD;

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darkvineyard is offline
Old 10-27-2007, 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by Ironic_Depressions
O_o You did?
Last I check, you didn't send me anything except that PM last week asking me about the sig. XD;
Oops... xD
Darn. Can I change my avatar back then, or is it too late? o:


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Old 10-27-2007, 02:33 PM

No problem. You can change back your avatar. Now that I'm actually here, I can save it and you can change back. XD;

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darkvineyard is offline
Old 10-27-2007, 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Ironic_Depressions
No problem. You can change back your avatar. Now that I'm actually here, I can save it and you can change back. XD;
Alright, cool. Do you see the changed avatar?

there is what it looks like if you can't. ^^;


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Old 10-27-2007, 02:43 PM

If it's the one with the pirate hat and the Yumeh Cat Hairpin, then I have it saved already. ^_^

Thank you!

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darkvineyard is offline
Old 10-27-2007, 02:50 PM

Yep, thanks! *grin*
Imma go play URU now, so I'll be back later. *grin*
(I have an away message in my sig! xDD hahaha)


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Old 10-27-2007, 02:54 PM

rofl XD

See you! ^^ *waves*

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Seito is offline
Old 10-27-2007, 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by Ironic_Depressions

Here's your blob! I hope its okay. @.@

I think I should contrast it a little more... Arg.

Haha... *dreams of the day I become filthy rich here*
I was never filthy rich ANYWHERE. I am unfortunately a spendthrift. I have money = BUY. A reason why my quests usually take eons to complete, unless someone offers it to me. =X;
Oddly enough, I'm an incredulous stingy poker in real life. ROFL

I've always loved weapons, ever since I've started reading that Dragon Quest comic when I was 9. rofl
Wai!! <3 So cute! *luffs it*

xD haha can't control the shopping spree huh? xD me too me too. I tell myself "I'm questing for this!" Go into the exchange. *le gasp* "That is on sale!" *buy*
xD then I'm broke again. xD

x3 shiny weapons xD <3

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 10-28-2007, 01:57 AM

That's the same with me. I'm not rich on gaia or here but then again I'm a big newb on this site. XD One week old...yesterday! XD Not to worry, at least your art rulz. <3 How much for a purple inked squishy? *a.k.a. blob* XD Or are you too busy with orders? OxO

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darkvineyard is offline
Old 10-28-2007, 02:00 AM

I'm new on this site, but not on Gaia, but I don't think I'm rich on Gaia. damato is my user name, what do you think? ^^;

So is my blob ready yet? ^^

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Bug-a-Boo is offline
Old 10-28-2007, 02:49 PM

Iro: Yush~
Really? Me too pretty much D: I just don't have any real ineterest in "school" subjects D: Gah~

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darkvineyard is offline
Old 10-28-2007, 03:03 PM

College classes are wayy more interesting. ^^


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Iro is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 02:38 AM

Glad you like it! =D

And the exchange... XD;
I don't even dare step in there much anymore. It's like, "Ooh~ commons on 50% discount!" *BUYS*



Haha... XD
It's sometimes difficult to control shopping urges.

Hmm.. a blob is 5g. =] But yes, I am rather busy. Not exactly orders, but with exams. *slight laughter*

You can ask for a blob though. ^^

I'm a Gaia olbie. I've lived in the days where the Nitemare Scarf was once 5000g.


How I regret not getting them then.

I was NEVER rich on Gaia. Up to now, the most I've gotten to was 70k (which disappeared in a flash for I get myself one certain Dark Halo).

Ah, your blob. I'm testing out your blob. Cause the pirate hats here are funny, so its rather awkwardly positioned. XD;

I do agree with dark that college classes are MUCH more interesting. But after that short period and once you start uni, it all just goes downhill. D:

I've never had much interest in my own school subjects either. Except English and Maths. Cause those are the two subjects I can score without needing to open a book to study. rofl

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 03:24 AM

Oi, for me it's really hard to resist but Ima questing for the pretty event dress so I have a little bit to go. ><; Arg, exams are too time consuming. ><; Don't worry and don't over do it!
Is it alright if I make a request tomorrow? OwO


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Old 10-29-2007, 03:53 AM

Ah, that is no problem.

*stares at own dwindled amount of gold*

From 1600g to 370g. And I want to buy more event items too. XD;

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 03:57 AM

Yays! *dances*
Dang, but hey, at least we have a couple days for the event items to be half off so not to just have to talk alot. XD


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Old 10-29-2007, 04:03 AM

Ah? O_O

It's half price NOW? Then I must really clean out the store. XD

Well, uh... *starts talking a lot (of nonsense)*

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 04:10 AM

XD Well yeah, the Special event store is half price right now and when this event is over they'll go full price so that means the gown I want to get will be over 4k. ><; So I'm trying to figure out something interesting to say. XD
You can talk nonsense, I understand. XD


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Old 10-29-2007, 04:17 AM

Wow, the gown costs 2k even now?

The most expensive item for males cost 325g at the moment. XD

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MasterChiefrei is offline
Old 10-29-2007, 04:26 AM

You suck for being a boi! XD J/k but yeah it's the most expensive outfit so that's why I'm going for that first and the rest I can get a lot easier even when the price goes full again. But I hope I can grab other event items before they're full price.
What are you wanting to get from the store now?


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Old 10-29-2007, 04:33 AM

I see. That makes sense. =]

Actually, I don't really need anything from the event store other than the crescent moon shaped necklaces. But I'm still going to buy one of each anyway. Or how many I am able to afford right now. XD

Then maybe sell them off later 2 or 3 months after the event. >.>



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