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~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 04:58 AM

((, keep the prelims the same. It sets the stage for everything else, and Wolfie doesn't like to break canon too much. Also, Gemini shouldn't learn about the invasion till it happens- that will make for some interesting confrontation afterwards XD Naruto can confront the Hokage on behalf of Kurama, maybe ultimately ending up letting the fox speak for himself, but Naruto definitely has to be in the forest to fight with Gaara. That fight was too epic to skip.))

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 05:06 AM

(alright, and of course we can't skip that fight of epic awesomeness)

"To everyone remaining, I congratulate you all for making it this far in the Chunnin Exams. At this time, the second exam is complete!" Anko said with a small smirk on her face.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 05:59 AM

((Of course. ^.^))

Gemini stood in a line with all the other surviving teams. It had been a long week of waiting, though training with Gaara had helped. Now, she was pumped and ready to fight.

Naruto crossed his arms and grinned, partially showing off for Yugito. "Heh, it was no problem." He said confidently.

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 06:35 AM

(*nods* Also...I got RWBY album for the 1st season *does happy dance* Also... what do you think about Gemini confessing her love for Gaara after Naruto defeats him in his Bijuu form?)

Gaara stood next to his siblings and Gemini. He had to admit that it was a long week of waiting, though within that week he was able to get to know more about Gemini. Smirking lightly, he waited to see what would happen next.

Yugito shook her head as she stood next to the person she was starting to develop a small crush on as he tried showing off. Listening to the Hokage's speech, she groaned lightly as he explained that since there were too many participants left over, there would have to be a round of preliminary fights before the actual third portion of the exams.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 07:05 AM

((Oh, cool! Wolfie has been watching it on Youtube ^.^* Also, that's exactly what Wolfie was planning to do!))

Gemini tried her best to listen to what the Hokage was saying, but his speech was so long...she finally took notice when someone new started to speak. The exam proctor, who looked like he belonged in the hospital, started to explain the rules of the preliminary matches. An all out fight to the death, basically. Gemini frowned but took it in stride. She just hoped Gaara didn't get too carried away.

Naruto sighed, bored half to death of people talking. The only thing of interest was when that Kabuto guy walked out. After what seemed like an eternity for the young blonde, they were finally directed up to the balconies overlooking the arena on either side. Sasuke and a sound ninja stayed, since their names were on the board to fight. As he took his place on the balcony, Naruto called down to his rival, "Hey Sasuke! Don't lose!"

((Is it weird that Wolfie can hear Naruto's voice in her head when she types his dialogue?))

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 07:44 AM

(I watched it on their website. You were able to watch the new episode a week ahead and I honestly wouldn't mind doing an RP based upon that series, and you know what they say about great minds...)

Gaara smirked lightly when he heard the rules. Though he had a feeling that if he were to go all out then Gemini would be disappointed in him. Little did he know that someone was planning on kidnapping Gemini.

Orochimaru disguised himself as a simple Jounin from Oto as he observed what his right-hand man had told him and scowled. He knew that he would have to do something about that female if he was to use Gaara in his plans to burn Konoha to the ground.

Yugito listened for a while to the Hokage's speech, surprised that they could all technically win...or all technically lose. But first, they had to get through their matches today in order to get to the finals. She raised an eyebrow when a Jounin, who looked as if he was about to kick the bucket, interrupted the Hokage and finished explaining the preliminaries before they were escorted to the balcony besides Naruto's teammate and his opponent. Seeing her teammates glaring at her as they moved up the balcony, she gulped lightly and was glad that they were on the other side.

(No. Not at all)

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 08:27 AM

Gemini moved up to the balcony with Gaara's team, ending up across the room from Naruto. "This should be a good fight. I'm sure you already know that Sasuke-san is a powerful ninja. He seems tired, though." She said, figuring she could fill them in on the Konoha nin.

Naruto shot a glare at Yugito's team mates as Sasuke's match started. If they tried anything, he would definitely beat them up. He purposely moved so that he was standing between them and Yugito. "Don't worry about them, Kitty-chan. You're safe with me."

((Great minds think alike. Wolfie has only seen the first few episodes, but she's already interested enough to do a roleplay. She'll have to catch up.))

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 11-24-2013, 09:12 AM

"He'll find a way to win though Gemini, I know that for sure," Gaara said as he watched the fight between Uchiha Sasuke and his opponent. He could tell that Sasuke was a prideful warrior, someone who wouldn't let a handicap take him down. Then again, he also knew that there was about the Uchiha as well, but couldn't quite place it.

Orochimaru kept his eyes on Gemini as she made her way over to stand next to his weapon. Kabuto had told him about her connections to the Kyuubi jinchuuriki and was curious as to how they were connected. Not only that, but he also saw the weaker Kumo jinchuuriki there as well. The traitorous snake knew that he had to do something in order to shut her down, not realizing who else she was connected to...

"Thanks," Yugito whispered softly after hearing Naruto say that and standing in front of her protectively. She hated the fact that she was relying on him so much when it came to her teammates though. "Though...I feel bad. I'm making you fight the battles that I should be fighting myself..."

(There's 16 episodes in season 1. Episode 8...if that episode doesn't make you giddy with all the action in it, you have no soul. The same can be said for episode 16, and stay tuned for a scene after the credits in that ep.)

Last edited by Phoenix of the Immortal; 11-25-2013 at 05:02 AM..

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-25-2013, 04:16 AM

((Er...Gemini is standing with Gaara, on the other side of the room...))

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 11-25-2013, 04:29 AM

(She is? I thought they were with Naruto and the others.)

(Edit: rereading your last post, I see what you mean. I will go ahead and change my last post)

Last edited by Phoenix of the Immortal; 11-25-2013 at 04:58 AM..

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-25-2013, 05:46 AM

((Thanks. Sorry for the confusion.))

Gemini nodded, not taking her eyes off the fight. Though she had never been a fan of Sasuke, she had too much pride in her village to want him to lose. "Ouch! That's gonna leave a mark." She said, as the uchiha unleashed a new move: Lion's Barrage.

Naruto shook his head. "It's no big deal, really. That's what friends do. And anyway, it's hard for you to fight a battle against your own team." He said, watching distractedly as Sasuke was taken away by medical ninja. He must've been hurt more than I thought. What happened in that forest after I fainted? He thought.

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 11-25-2013, 05:56 AM

(It's not a problem. I just misread it was all ^^;;)

"Though if you're able to dodge the first kick, then the combo is ineffective," Gaara said as he noticed the weakness. Seeing him being carted off with a medical ninja, he wondered what was wrong. 'He wasn't hit that much...could it have something to do with his chakra maybe?' he thought before shrugging his shoulders lightly.

"I suppose you're right," Yugito said as she noticed that he was distracted by the fact his teammate was being taken away by a medical ninja.

"Very good my proved worthy of actually having that seal I made...kukuku,' Orochimaru thought before watching Sasuke being taken away to get medical treatment.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-25-2013, 06:52 AM

Gemini shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. Something's bugging me about this...Sasuke-san is normally too strong to need medical attention after a fight like that. Something must have been wrong before the match." She decided, watching as the next names were called up on the board.

Naruto sighed as Sasuke was taken away. Determined not to worry, he looked to the electronic board to see the next match.

((Perhaps we should skip ahead a bit. Yugito's and Gemini's matches, and Naruto's and Gaara's matches? Those four are the only ones worth noting in this rp...))

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 11-25-2013, 07:00 AM

(sounds fine by me. Naruto vs. Kiba, Gaara vs. Lee, but who should the ladies fight...)

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-25-2013, 07:29 AM

((Oh! How about Gemini fights one of Yugito's team mates, and Yugito fights the other?))

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 11-26-2013, 04:38 AM

(I like that idea)

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-26-2013, 05:03 AM

((Okay, so skipping ahead to Naruto's fight, since that one's first anyway. Then Yugito can go, then Gemini and then Gaara.))

Gemini provided running commentary on the fights as they happened. Some of them were intense- "See that? Shino-san is unstoppable with those creepy bugs" Or "That's Shikamaru-san. I told you he was smart." And others were disappointing- "Sakura-chan and Ino-chan are so hopeless..." Gemini was struck dumb upon seeing Temari and Kankuro fight. She wasn't at all happy with Temari. "You beat her, you didn't have to be so mean. TenTen-chan tried her best." She scolded. Finally, Naruto's name showed up on the board, along with Kiba's. Naturally, as the two made their way to the arena, Gemini made herself known. "Beat the crap out of him, Naruto-kun! Show that mangy dog who's boss!!" She shouted.

Naruto was completely pumped by the time his name was shown. He turned to Yugito and smiled. "Watch this, Kitty-chan." He said, and vaulted over the railing to land in the arena. Hearing Gemini's cheering, he flashed her a thumbs up and turned to face Kiba and Akamaru. The proctor called for the match to start, despite Naruto's protests that it was two against one, and then the fight was on. Kiba was fast, and with Akamaru joining in it was nearly impossible for Naruto to gather up enough chakra to make a move. At one point, the blonde pulled off a rather brilliant fake-out by pretending to be Akamaru. That bought him enough time to gather some chakra, but he was interrupted by Kiba's next attack- resulting in some rather embarrassing gas. It turned out to be lucky, though, as Kiba's sharp nose couldn't handle the smell. Finally, Naruto had enough time to gather chakra, make a few shadow clones, and let loose a new move. "Na-ru-to...Uzumaki barrage!!"

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 11-26-2013, 05:59 AM

(Works for me)

Gaara listened to Gemini's commentary as he watched the fights with her. In fact, he was extremely comfortable next to the fox girl. He had to sigh lightly when he saw the two girls from Konoha, Sakura and Ino as Gemini called them, fight so terribly. He chuckled lightly as he heard Temari ranting about it all the same. Once her name was called, he smirked and paid more attention to her match against the weapon wielding Tenten. After the match though, he winced lightly, especially with how livid Gemini was at Temari for doing that to her opponent. 'Now then...let's see what you got Naruto,' Gaara thought as he watched the match unfold.

Yugito giggled lightly as he vaulted over the banister separating the combatants from the fights down below. Shaking her head lightly, she softly wished him luck. "oh god... he did not just make that argument" she muttered when she heard Naruto complain about how it would be two on one. "Baka...Shinobi don't fight fair..." she added before watching the fight. Seeing him getting beaten up, she was a little concerned, but she had seen the look in his eyes during the forest. Nothing short of death would cause him to give up. In fact, she had a feeling that the phrase: give up wasn't even in his vocabulary. Shaking her head lightly, she was impressed by the finishing move, though she was curious as to what he meant by apologizing to Lee...

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-26-2013, 06:36 AM

Once Naruto was declared the winner, he made his way back up the stairs to the balcony, and stopped beside Yugito. "So, how did I do? I was pretty great, huh?" He said cheerfully. His good cheer was cut short by the appearance of Yugito's name on the board. "Hey...isn't that your team mate's name?" He asked, noting the name beneath hers.

Gemini watched the fight with interest, cheering from time to time. Once it was over, she turned to Gaara. "See? I told you Naruto-kun was tough. I feel bad for anyone who had to fight him." She said, proud of her friend. Looking to see the next match, she paused. "Nii Yugito...that's the girl who was with Naruto-kun the other day. I wonder how she fights."

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 11-26-2013, 06:59 AM

"You did great Foxy-kun,"Yugito said with a light grin on her face. "Though...I take away points for you being an idiot at the beginning of the match, claiming how it wasn't fair for that dog to be fighting with him she added after a few seconds. She tried keeping all animosity out of her voice as she talked about the Inuzuka boy. What? She had a cat in her gut, of course she was going to be a little biased against them.

Yugito then looked up and saw that Naruto was right. What made it even worse was that it was Rai that she would be fighting. Gulping silently, she gathered her courage as she made her way towards the railing. "Wish me luck? she asked.

"So I see and yeah, it is. She was the girl that was with Naruto when he said that he knew who your father was. (Must not insert Star Wars joke). From what the Raccoon says... I wouldn't be surprised if she fights like the hellcat she has within her," he said in a hushed tone, not wanting the others to overhear.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-26-2013, 07:27 AM

Naruto gave her two thumbs up. "No mercy. Make him pay, Kitty-chan." He said, watching her go. No way Yugito-chan will lose. She's too good.

Gemini nodded. "This should be an interesting fight. I think that guy is her own team mate." She said, just as quietly. She wondered what kind of relationship Yugito had with her team.

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 11-26-2013, 07:35 AM

"Thanks Foxy-kun, and I plan on it." she said before falling over the edge, flipping over so that she ended up on landing in a crouch with her feet on the ground. Sometimes it pays to have a cat stuck within you she thought as she tuned out whatever Rai was saying, knowing that he was only trying to put her down and demoralize her. Alright Kitten, let's kick this guy's ass. He has a lot of payment to collect on, especially since he hurt you my kitten... Matatabi said as Yugito blushed lightly.

"Seeing as she's like me and Naruto, I wouldn't be surprised if her teammates hate her," Gaara said as he noticed that they were, in fact, teammates. He had a feeling that if this Rai person tried anything after the match that he would be killed by Naruto, no questions asked. "And I have a feeling that Naruto-san is going to be a nervous wreck as he watches this fight play out," he added.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-26-2013, 09:00 AM

Naruto gripped the railing hard as he watched Yugito face off against her team mate. She'll do fine. The cat will help her. But if she gets hurt, I'll kill him myself... He thought. It was going to be a torturous time for the hyperactive ninja. "Don't lose, Kitty-chan." He whispered, eyes fixed ont he two fighters down below.

Gemini nodded, her expression sad. "That's just so wrong..." She whispered, watching the other girl face off against someone she should have been able to trust. "Naruto-kun...he's already tense I can tell even from here. One thing's for sure, though. If that guy hurts Yugito-chan, Naruto-kun will destroy him."

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 11-27-2013, 01:11 AM

(...of course this site doesn't send the response that you gave at 0400 and I leave my IPod at home so I couldn't respond to it during work *sighs*)

Rai grinned as he stared at Yugito with anger in his eyes. "I finally get to hurt you without any consequences," he said. "Perhaps I should first mar that face of yours...perhaps your boyfriend will leave you after that," he said as he got into his fighting stance. He knew that he had to be quick in order to land a hit against the demon whore.

~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 11-27-2013, 06:03 AM

Naruto, hearing the bastard's words, cried out in indignation. "Yugito-chan is more than just a pretty face! I'm not shallow enough to leave her just for that!" He didn't even seem to realize just what he was implying by sating it.

Gemini tore her eyes away from the fight long enough to glance at Naruto, and chuckled. "Way to admit your feelings at the most inappropriate time, Naruto-kun." She muttered.


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