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ReiyukaE is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 05:09 PM

How true-! I usually knit during winter, but it's been a while since I've done crocheting or sewing... like, a while being years. XD I should probably give it another go, see if I can still do it... probably not. XD

It is~! <3 Lots' of fun! I also like how you have to roll with the punches. In RP, you never really know what your roleplaying partner might throw your way, and it's just fun to figure out how to react to it.
But I see! Working out the dynamics, making the time-line, defining characters, creating scenes,... *nodnods* Sounds fun!

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 05:14 PM

You should give it a go! See if you've still got teh skillz. *Mai enables*

Yeah, that's another aspect of RPing that I like. 8D You don't really have to worry about how it goes, because you both are relying on each other and giving each other material to work with.

All of that, yes. *Mai nods* 8D And it is fun! Except that right now I don't really have a clear idea of where my story is going, so I think I am going to start writing out the first three chapters, which are what I have...

OHMAIGOSH. I JUST HAD AN EPIPHANY. *Mai runs off to write*

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 05:19 PM

Indeed I shall! *salutes* Teh Rei-thing shall run to the handicraft store tomorrow~!

Hmhmm, exactly. At times you do hit a bit of a roadblock where you go, "shoot, what now?" but the fun thing is that you're not alone in having to figure it out.

Woohoo, epiphany!
I was just going to say, that if you're stuck, it always helps to ask other people about it to help give you ideas. XD

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 05:22 PM

YAAAY! He he he, Teh Craftay Mai strikes again! >8D

I know, right? We think the same way in regards to RPing. XD What kinds of RPs do you usually take part in?

YES. I LOVE EPIPHANIES. Because they make me feel awesome and smart. XD And talking with other people really does help me think out ideas for my writing, I have found. Anyways, this particular epiphany, I think, will help the story come together, in regards to plotline, even more concretely. I AM SO HAPPY.

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 05:30 PM

OHNOES, I fell victim to the Mai's crafty-addiction! *flail* Someone, save the children!

Mwahahahaha, way ahead of you. You have this wonderfully bright button in your signature that leads to a REALM OF RP - or rather, that gives me a general idea of the kind of RP you like. ^,^
I like various kinds of roleplays, both original and fanbased - though I do prefer implementing original characters into a certain realm, rather then using existing characters to RP out a story. When it comes to genres... it's hard to do without romance when you're RPing a male and female character (or even when RPing same sex characters), so most of the RP's I've done so far are fantasy romance with some adventure. Though I don't limit myself to that. I'm kind of the, "I'll try everything once" type of person. ^^

Happiness is great! :'D And having a plotline is even better! I've usually got some troubles with that... like I know where the story will END, but I have to work out how everything leads up to that. Which is kinda fun and troublesome at the same time. XD
But I'm so happy that you got such a grand epiphany! ^-^ It can only be benificial.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 05:39 PM

Nooo, nobody is safe from the influence of teh Mai! *Mai plants fists on her hips and laughs triumphantly*

Haha, yes, teh Mai is helpful that way. And she likes bright, colorful things. 8P I... was about to explain my RPing likes, then I remembered what you said. XD

Happiness... is a well-thought-out plot... *Mai sings cheerfully* That is my problem, too. 8P But I have found that actually sitting your butt down and WORKING on your story and nothing else (not even Mene, gasp) is the best way. Not waiting for an epiphany... they come faster when you're concentrating on your story, anyway! At least that's what I have found. 8P

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 05:44 PM

Oooh, pose. Now do "vogue"!

I'm rather a fan of bright things, too. How do you feel about sparkly and shiny things? Any opinion on those?
But yes, I do believe our RPing preferences coincide quite well. ^-^

Hmhmm, true enough. It's often hard to just really focus on it. I think it would help me if I had a private place to just, you know... sit down at and actually work on. I have no desk in my room, and my bed, with all it's fun bouncy things and soft pillows is HIGHLY distracting. Which is of course an excuse like any other, but! XD As I said, it's often hard to really just focus on it.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 05:58 PM

*Mai poses glamorously*

Sparkly and shiny are AWESOME, but only when executed properly. *Mai nods* Unfortunately, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

Ooooh, then I gotta ask. I hereby admit to stalking your profile and reading through an RP of yours, and... *Mai gets down on one knee* Would you be willing to start an RP with me? I might be a slow replier at times, but... I believe content counts over daily quantity? :3

While it's good to have a perfect writing place, oftentimes it... never happens. O__O;;; So you've just gotta put your nose to the grindstone and work with what you've got! ...Not trying to be all lecture-y or anything, just saying what's from my own experience (and a writing book I bought).

I like to work on my writing in the mornings and afternoons. :3 Used to be I liked to work at night, but... now I just get too sleepy to concentrate well. 8P

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 06:11 PM

*applauds* You're GOOD.

Yes, sadly this is true. I, for instance, hate those overly sparkly-shiny-gif thingies that some people dote upon... but I, clearly, despise them with the burning hatred of a thousand suns! HISS. Sparkly and shiny done RIGHT, though, are rather delightful.

Oh Mai-! *sniffles and dramatically wipes away a tear* I'd be honoured!
I'm absolutely agreeing on "quality beats quantity", too. ^^ I must admit that I'm up for any kind of RP - even when it's a topic I don't know that well; I'm always eager to learn.

Hehe, don't worry, it's not sounding lecture-y. And it's something I knew already, too. XD
It's just that recently I've mostly really been writing for my own enjoyment, instead of doing SERIOUS writing. Which doesn't mean the latter isn't for my own enjoyment, it's just... lately I've just randomly written down odd short stories in one of my notebook (usually I do this while on the train, or while sitting outside staring at pretty plants) and I just haven't focused on some of the serious stories that I want to write.
So. x'D The "no place to write" desk is just an excuse I'm using to lull myself into a false sense of ....well, I dunno, just that I won't have to face the fact of me being lazy. x'D

Hmm, yeah, I've been noticing the same thing. Late night writing is excellent for writing letters and more... contemplative things. For actual story writing, the beginning of the day is best.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 06:19 PM

*Mai bows* Thank you, thank you, I do try. 8P

Oh my gosh, me too. They hurt my eyes. X__x;;

What do you think about RPing an urban fantasy? :3 I have been interested in that lately, and I have yet to do an RP like that.

Oh, writing for just yourself is always nice. Like, you don't have to worry about if this plot point makes sense or if that character is fully fleshed out or whatever, since it's for YOU. Is that how it is? :3

What if I repeatedly poke you? *Mai pokes experimentally*

Yeah, night time I just don't really feel like THINKING hard, you know? 8P

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 06:38 PM

And the effort shows! ^-^

Gah, I know. >.< Even Disney occasionally forgets how to do it right.

An urban fantasy sounds fabulous~ My mind immediatly goes to all kinds of wickedly awesome outfits. XD Anything particular you have in mind?

Yup, basically. I can just write down an idea and work it out a bit, and not fret about how (possibly) unhinged it seems. I do it mostly to write down ideas that I might work out later on, or just go with a single sentence that I liked and run with it, or take a dream I had and write out what might have happened after I woke up.
None of it has to make sense (though look at Alice in Wonderland, not much sense there!) and the idea of making a decent plotline doesn't even enter your mind, basically.

Haha! That tickles~!
Poking might help - though I must admit that I'm curious as to why you would want to poke me about it. ^,^

Yup, I know. Nighttime is for contemplating the universe, quantum physics, the concept of time... and giggling over cute anime.

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 06:42 PM

Hmmm... No idea immediately pops into mind. 8P Maybe we could just brainstorm together?

That sounds awesome. I write down all my interesting dreams, too. :3

Because you are a fellow writer and I want to motivate you. O__O;;; Though it's fine if you don't feel like being motivated and just want to write for the heckuvit.

Yes! Cute anime! 8D Speaking of which, I need another anime to watch... Hmmmm...

BTW, Emmie would like you to get on MSN. 8P

Last edited by Goblin Maiden; 06-06-2010 at 06:45 PM..

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 06:56 PM

Brainstorming sounds like a plan~ Something a bit rough, or more utopia-esque?

It's an awesome way to get ideas.

And I was just curious - that's a really sweet reason. ^^ I don't mind being motivated at all; I welcome it, and though I know I'll continue writing things for the hell of it, I -also- want to write things that are worth being published.

Hmmm... do you have a myanimelist profile? 'cause if you do, I could maybe offer a new series for you to watch, based on what you already like.

MSN, it is! XD

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 07:10 PM

I am thinking a bit more rough. It would make things more interesting, yes? What if like one of us was the fantasy person, and one of us was a not-fantasy person? Contrast and stuff?

It is a really good way to get ideas! I have several stories based on dreams. And there's this one dream I had last night that was pretty awesome. It involved island cannibals and their advanced technology. 8P Might not SOUND that awesome, but... you'd have to have been there, I guess. XD

Cool. BD Maybe we can motivate each other.

Why, yes, I do! I got one after Emmie showed me the site. :3 My username, oddly enough, is GoblinMaiden. 8P Right now I'm looking for something cute and romantic. :3

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 07:25 PM

Aaah, yes; one person freaking out and the other going "well, um, duh". Sounds good. And I also tend to prefer rough. I like characters who can kick some ass... or... you know, whose asses get kicked. XD

...hey, forbidden devious deeds and technology - what is not to love? x'D Granted it sounds odd, but it offers a lot of possibilities.

I'd like that. The motivating thing, that is. ^^

Cute and romantic, cute and romantic... I must admit that I've done nothing but read random cute manga lately - but there's still a difference between manga and anime. Not to mention that in anime I don't usually go for romantic and cute. That is, if you don't include Card Captor Sakura or something like that.
Oooh, I see you watched DN Angel - it's cute, no? <3 I always liked Daisuke more then Dark.
Let me just pour over my "watched" list for a bit and see what I have on there that you might like. XD

EDIT - "Bartender" is really nice; you'd probably like that.

EDIT2 - I'd also like to recommend "Allison & Lilia", it's seriously cute and also romantic, and it has a nice storyline I think - and then there's always the somewhat longer series of "Ranma 1/2". More comedy then real open romance, but it's romantic, funny, cute, and just completely ridiculous. It's a very long series, though, so it wholly depends on you wether or not you want to invest such time into it. "Gundam Wing" is really great, or so I think, but has a low "cuteness" factor - it's the series that got me into anime, though. And Ah! Megami-sama is the other series that got me into it; lots of romance, splashes of cute, and occasional drama. But I liked it, so maybe so will you.

Last edited by ReiyukaE; 06-06-2010 at 07:32 PM..

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 08:12 PM

I like that idea. 8D I would really like to play an outgoing girl. Because lately I seem to be playing worldly-wise guys. 8P


Oh, yes! I really like DNAngel. 8D It's a good series.

Oooh, thank you so much. I will check those series out. 8D

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 09:48 PM

I like playing guys as much as I enjoy playing girls - both of the frivolous kind and of the more serious kind. Lately I've been playing a lot of... eeh... somewhat sneaky people, though. So a more honest, straightforward guy would be a nice change. ^^

Woohoo, motivation! :'D
I'm on a "I want to get better" trip at the moment, though. As in, I want to be a better person, be better at writing, drawing, pixeling,... at EVERYTHING. >D So extra motivation to write will totally push me even more! \o/ Which I can use.

It is-! It was one of the few series translated to Dutch, recently, so I've been collecting the manga series. ^^

I hope you'll like them!

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 09:50 PM

Originally Posted by Princess Cupcake View Post
I agree with Emma!

Emma, will you has time to RP soon?
I honestly don't know right now - I have a lot going on IRL and I hardly have time for the computer if it is~
And I'm kind of stuck on our RP xD;;
I'll try and write a post after school's out :yes:

Originally Posted by ReiyukaE View Post

Emmy - Burlesque, yup. If you know Dita Von Teese, then you probably have a pretty decent idea of what it's like. It's a lot of pencil-skirts, corsets and elaborate make-up. I love it. >///<
-has no idea- XD;;

Goblin Maiden
Goblin Maiden is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 10:01 PM

Awesome, so we'll both get to play the characters that we want to. 8D Okay, so a kind of rough world with fantasy elements, and we've got our characters... Should we just start typing and see where it takes us, or are we going to establish a bare plot first?

Oh my gosh, me too. I got into drawing... then didn't have much motivation, so dropped it... Same goes for pixeling. But mostly because I don't know much about pixeling. 8P

Yes, I hope I like them too!

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 10:43 PM

Hmm, we can flesh out a general plot if you'd like, but I propose just winging it. I would like to decide some more things about the universe we'll be roleplaying in, though. Decide what is plausible, what is not, a bit of backstory - that kind of thing.

I rather enjoyed drawing in the past - especially since Emmy is like, tch, so cute and decided she liked what I drew. X'D But then another friend completely blew all motivation I had for it, and I'm still slowly regaining that. It's happening, but... not as fast as I would like.
Pixeling just really takes a lot of practice. It's easiest to take other artists' work, and just see how they did it - and then learning from there. That's how I did it. *nods* Do you pixel items, or clothes, or icons, or...?

Will you let me know if you do? ^^ I'm quite sure you'll like Bartender and Allison to Lilia - but the other two are... well, a bit older series, and for a genuine otaku kind of "must sees", but they're also, on occasion, an acquired taste rather then something you love instantly.

Emmy - Burlesque is things like this. Think feather, tight corses, scantily clad ladies, high-high heels. Women in a martini glass. It's usually a type of erotic theatre act, but there are plenty of burlesque clothes that are not as erotic, and are simply beautiful. ^^

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 10:49 PM

Ohhh - I get you now :3
I associate that with the movie Moulin Rouge :yes:

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 10:58 PM

Ah, I'm such an egghead for not thinking of that. *baps self* But yes, a lot of the clothes worn by Satine in Moulin Rouge are burlesque. ^^

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 11:10 PM

Hahaha - that makes much more sense to me then :yes: <33

ReiyukaE is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 11:24 PM

lol-! I'm glad it does~ <3

It's a rather flashy appearance, but considering the character who wears it, it's highly appropriate.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 06-06-2010, 11:30 PM

Yeah - I like what's in Moulin Rouge that Satine wears, but I don't overly like it 'cause I'm not into feathers and such :yes:


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