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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-13-2015, 11:19 PM

Originally Posted by Amane View Post
Most of the seasoning I run into is dark green and tainting the whole surface of everything I love to eat. Fries, spaghetti, lasagna, ranch dressing, pizza…
Haha Most of that is oregano or basil I imagine - definitely an acquired taste! :3

Originally Posted by Veno View Post
That was another thing with me taking having a baby as a blessing. They've always told me that more than likely I will need medical assistance to get pregnant, and that carrying full term could pose an issue. Well here I am, pregnant the first time I had sex with a guy *which you know that whole shebang story lol* and I've had a healthy pregnancy and I'm at 39 weeks and 1 day. <3 So don't think that the unexpected can't/wont happen. Haha.

I am going to get an IUD put in after he's born and I heal just incase something like this could ever happen again. I mean okay so one mishap happened and I'm dealing with it and I'm happy about it, but doesn't mean I can't prevent something like this happening again *not that I plan on it, or plan on being sexual with males but ya know better safe than sorry*

I've actually never been a Disney fan except for a couple of movies, but Alice in wonderland ranks up in my top favorite movies of all time. I never did get into any of the princess-y time things as a child or as I got older haha. Sounds like super cute ideas though. <3 I love anything that is in relation to the beach. It's where I really feel sane and totally relaxed at.

I think though if I could of had any baby nursery theme (money not an issue) it would of been Tim Burton themed all over the place. :D But looking into that sort of thing it's either expensive to buy, time consuming to create or just out of my skill range. Haha I didn't have the option of a nursery anyways so that's okay.
Oh wow! Good luck but back luck for sure!! O.o At least you know for future though that it shouldn't be difficult!! :D

Oh no it's definitely not a possibility with me - long story short I'm a Desert Storm baby and nothing functions correctly, especially my uterus and ovaries - it's a nice thought but for me it's honestly 99.9% unlikely to happen naturally :3

Nothing wrong with that! I personally prefer the depo shot for birth control versus implants - I don't know anyone who's had good luck with it for one reason or another - depo is one shot every 3 months and I didn't bleed whatsoever for almost 5 years - the only downside is it's a steroid :3

Oh Tim Burton is an awesome theme!! Loveeee his work - everything he does is gold! <3 It definitely does take a lot of craft though because there's hardly any merch outside of clothing for it!

Aw really? I'm a total Disney freak! Like seriously obsessed with it lol You should see my room xD; My real obsession are the Limited Edition dolls And ornaments. Can't forget the ornaments lol Especially the shoe ornaments!

Amane is offline
Old 07-13-2015, 11:25 PM

Whatever it is, it looks nasty, and they should know better.

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-14-2015, 12:13 AM

Actually they still say that it was basically chance that I got pregnant, but I mean it's not like I believe them now. Lol And honestly not as if I want another child. One is enough. - Why screw with perfection? ;D -

Well at the very least if you can't have a child of your own for whatever reasons, there are plenty of children that need adopting. :) *which is what I had planned on doing in the future when I settled down and wanted a family*

I wouldn't be able to get the depo shot because it interacts with my medications I take for anxiety, depression and mood swings *which I haven't taken since I found out I was pregnant but I'll start them back in a couple months. They are safe to take while breastfeeding, but I'm still hesitant on even taking them, but I figured we would see if I even needed them after he's born. I've come a long way with just therapy and no meds so we will see <3 And the mirena implant has amazing reviews through friends, family as well as overall reviews.

Haha there actually is a lot of Tim Burton themed decor it's just all in etsy shops online. haha And I have quite a few friends who are goo-goo for Disney. I was pretty much a nickelodeon kid ;}

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-14-2015, 01:02 AM

Originally Posted by Amane View Post
Whatever it is, it looks nasty, and they should know better.
Lol That's true - especially if it's heavy on the basil it can be really gross!

Originally Posted by Veno View Post
Actually they still say that it was basically chance that I got pregnant, but I mean it's not like I believe them now. Lol And honestly not as if I want another child. One is enough. - Why screw with perfection? ;D -

Well at the very least if you can't have a child of your own for whatever reasons, there are plenty of children that need adopting. :) *which is what I had planned on doing in the future when I settled down and wanted a family*

I wouldn't be able to get the depo shot because it interacts with my medications I take for anxiety, depression and mood swings *which I haven't taken since I found out I was pregnant but I'll start them back in a couple months. They are safe to take while breastfeeding, but I'm still hesitant on even taking them, but I figured we would see if I even needed them after he's born. I've come a long way with just therapy and no meds so we will see <3 And the mirena implant has amazing reviews through friends, family as well as overall reviews.

Haha there actually is a lot of Tim Burton themed decor it's just all in etsy shops online. haha And I have quite a few friends who are goo-goo for Disney. I was pretty much a nickelodeon kid ;}
Oh wow really?? That's crazy they still think that!
Lol! That's exactly how one of my cousins feels! Her daughter is about 6 now and she has no plans of having more kids - it might happen after she divorces and finds someone new, though - but that's a whole long complicated story in and of itself lol!

Oh for sure - I really want a couple of kids of my own, but adoption has always been in the table for me for as long as I can remember. I've always wanted to adopt the older children and children with siblings so that 1. They can be together if siblings, but 2. The older children can experience a home and a family versus living in the system. I've always hated that people are 90% more likely to adopt below a certain age than a over simply for the fact of being able to become their "real parents". :/

I think that's smart to hold off while breastfeeding - it may say it's safe but next thing you know there will be some article exposing a study that proves otherwise! That's one thing I'd be seriously hesitant about too! And if you're making progress without them, then as long as you have a safe environment and a therapist you can trust and rely on the I say stick with it!! If it's possible and safe, I always recommend natural alternatives to medication. :3

Ahh yeah - medicine conflicts are a pain in general :3 I really hope you do well with it!! :D Hopefully it works out for you and doesn't cause issues!

Ohhh! I'm never on Etsy so that's probably why I had no idea! I never think to check there lol I've seen some really cute stuff come from there though :3

Haha Me too! Loveddd Nickelodeon growing up - Rugrats, All That, Kenan & Kel, Stick Stickley, Rocket Power, The Amanda Show - I could go on and on lol I'm totally a big kid at heart <3

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-14-2015, 02:21 AM

EMMA;Lol yeah that's what I'm saying. I'm like "um yeah so you wanna guess again? because you guys have no idea what you're talking about apparently"

Haha I don't ever plan on having more kids. I mean if I marry someone and they have kids, or we adopt or whatever that's super cool. And if they want more children they can have them themselves. I will stand by their side and all that jazz, but as amazing as being pregnant is, and how cool it is that my body is making another human being, yup nope I'm done. Lol

Ugh yeah I hate how people are like. I would want to adopt the older children as well. For multiple reasons. i'm glad you're wanting to adopt, there are so many children that need care and love. I actually have volunteered a lot throughout my life between homeless shelters, foster homes, with the elderly, etc. And I think where I felt the most needed and felt like I wanted to be there the most was the foster homes and the homeless shelters.

Mhm, I mean I know the shift in my progress could just be the hormonal and chemical balance in my body and it could go back to the way it was or 10 x worse, but I wont know for sure until then. So I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I've never been one for any kind of medicine that isn't natural herbs and whatnot, but it got to the point that I didn't want to eat, or get out of bed, would have anxiety attacks that would make me pass out and all sorts of things, I started taking meds. There are some holistic and natural methods that are herbs and teas that I want to try after my son is born if I think I need them. I'm going to try anything and everything natural that's 100% safe for me and the baby before I go back to the meds.

Omfg I love all those shows and I could make a list that was longer than Santa's naughty list. Lol

Amane is offline
Old 07-14-2015, 01:03 PM

Gosh, you guys know how to drop the walls o' text.

*glares at cloudy sky* I've heard enough from you after last night.

bluerockman is online now
Old 07-14-2015, 01:48 PM

I don't have enough to say to put up a wall of text. :( I'm terrible for that.

Amane is offline
Old 07-14-2015, 01:59 PM

I can sometimes. I don't really like to because my light, humorous tone often starts to go away as it gets longer and I have to read through it again and lighten it up.

kelseydee is offline
Old 07-14-2015, 03:14 PM

I'm prone to short text. Even my explanations of holidays aren't too long. Maaaaaaybe 😏

Amane is offline
Old 07-14-2015, 03:20 PM

I obsess over being precise.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-14-2015, 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by Amane View Post
Gosh, you guys know how to drop the walls o' text.

*glares at cloudy sky* I've heard enough from you after last night.
Hahaha It's a curse! I'm a total chatterbox even online! Especially when I find someone just as talkative! ;P

Ahh! Did it pour down rain with lots of lightening and thunder where you are too? We got it major last night starting around 8pm or so I think it was. Still dark and cloudy today with tons of pressure in the air but I don't think it's rained again yet!

Originally Posted by bluerockman View Post
I don't have enough to say to put up a wall of text. :( I'm terrible for that.
Nothing wrong with that!! Chatting in smaller blocks is just as engaging and joyful - both types are good for certain things! :) Don't shy away just because Veno and I talk lots lol! <3

Originally Posted by the Cheshire Pisces View Post
I'm prone to short text. Even my explanations of holidays aren't too long. Maaaaaaybe 😏
Is there really that much to explain about holidays though?

---------- Post added 07-14-2015 at 01:39 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Amane View Post
I obsess over being precise.
Lol! I'm precise tooooo! Just in a more..... lengthy way!

bluerockman is online now
Old 07-14-2015, 07:25 PM

Well, Guild of Dungeoneering is finally out, so I get to play that and see how early I can fail at it.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-14-2015, 09:15 PM

Haha I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think it will. At least now you don't have to wait anymore to try it out! :D I still have to hook up my brother's PS4 so I can play the newest update of FFX/FFX2 :3 it's such a pain but I really want to play lol! Especially since I haven't been out of bed much the last week :3

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-14-2015, 10:03 PM

Lol I am just bad about writing a lot. I think it stems from the fact I am always writing stories, poetry, and things of that nature. So being a fast typer I sometimes get way way carried away with conversations and everything.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-14-2015, 10:15 PM

Bwahaha I'm the same way so don't worry!! Definitely a curse that we can write as fast as we think!

---------- Post added 07-14-2015 at 06:22 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Veno View Post
EMMA;Lol yeah that's what I'm saying. I'm like "um yeah so you wanna guess again? because you guys have no idea what you're talking about apparently"

Haha I don't ever plan on having more kids. I mean if I marry someone and they have kids, or we adopt or whatever that's super cool. And if they want more children they can have them themselves. I will stand by their side and all that jazz, but as amazing as being pregnant is, and how cool it is that my body is making another human being, yup nope I'm done. Lol

Ugh yeah I hate how people are like. I would want to adopt the older children as well. For multiple reasons. i'm glad you're wanting to adopt, there are so many children that need care and love. I actually have volunteered a lot throughout my life between homeless shelters, foster homes, with the elderly, etc. And I think where I felt the most needed and felt like I wanted to be there the most was the foster homes and the homeless shelters.

Mhm, I mean I know the shift in my progress could just be the hormonal and chemical balance in my body and it could go back to the way it was or 10 x worse, but I wont know for sure until then. So I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I've never been one for any kind of medicine that isn't natural herbs and whatnot, but it got to the point that I didn't want to eat, or get out of bed, would have anxiety attacks that would make me pass out and all sorts of things, I started taking meds. There are some holistic and natural methods that are herbs and teas that I want to try after my son is born if I think I need them. I'm going to try anything and everything natural that's 100% safe for me and the baby before I go back to the meds.

Omfg I love all those shows and I could make a list that was longer than Santa's naughty list. Lol
Agreed lol!

It's definitely not for everyone! There's nothing wrong with only wanting to have one kid :3 Isn't it amazing what our bodies can do though? Every time I think about it still amazed me - and I'm even in health care lol!

Oh that's awesome! I bet it was really appreciated too - it's definitely an area a lot of people don't think about when it comes to volunteering, but "group homes" need it just as much! :3

I completely agree that there is a level in which meds are necessary - sometimes if you change your lifestyle and diet you can use medicine as a supplement though versus a high dose that's the main form of treatment. Just depends on the body, severity, and Individual person's reaction to everything :3

Lol! Oh I have no doubt! Soooo many good shows growing up! There's just so few now-a-days - the shows my Littles watch are so pointless lol I miss the good gold days for sure!

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-14-2015, 11:02 PM

Emma; Yeah i know I'm always like "holy smokes my body is doing this?" I mean as women our body creates two extra part - placenta and amniotic sac, and then just gets rid of them after they are done providing for the child. And can repeat this over and over.

I really miss volunteering and everything, but I just had too much on my plate this year between work, being pregnant and getting things together for school, and of course now there's going to be legal court matters about custody with the father -long story-

Mhm everyone and their body is different, but I'm sure going to try the natural way to remedy things first. :)

The more tv shows that I've seen on tv lately, the more I'm reinforced that my son will not be watching those "learning" shows. They've dumbed things down like crazy since we were kids. I mean watching shows from the 90's that were made for 2-5 year olds and then watching them now for the same age group is crazy different. It's like they've slowed it all down.

bluerockman is online now
Old 07-15-2015, 03:24 AM

Originally Posted by Emma Corrin View Post
Haha I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think it will. At least now you don't have to wait anymore to try it out! :D I still have to hook up my brother's PS4 so I can play the newest update of FFX/FFX2 :3 it's such a pain but I really want to play lol! Especially since I haven't been out of bed much the last week :3
Game has proven to be fun, but it can be rather unforgiving if you get some bad gear or bad card draws for monsters or rooms.

Nanook is offline
Old 07-15-2015, 06:25 AM

Good Evening everyone. Just thought I'd drop by and chat for a bit before I decide to go to bed.
How is everyone doing?

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-15-2015, 06:42 AM

Originally Posted by bluerockman View Post
Game has proven to be fun, but it can be rather unforgiving if you get some bad gear or bad card draws for monsters or rooms.
Drawing for rooms? You don't just go up levels? Is it just luck of the draw or are there like certain categories for it based on your ranking?

Originally Posted by Nanook View Post
Good Evening everyone. Just thought I'd drop by and chat for a bit before I decide to go to bed.
How is everyone doing?
Hi there! Not too bad - just had one of my nightly chats with my Mom - now I'm watching Wagnaria!! on Crunchyroll as I lay in bed trying to force myself to sleep lol

How're you? :)

Nanook is offline
Old 07-15-2015, 06:45 AM

That sounds nice. :)
My main gave up on her avatar so has sent me out to chat a bit. lol
So I'm just hoping to chat for a while while I listen to some music.
So you can't sleep huh? D:

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-15-2015, 06:49 AM

Originally Posted by Veno View Post
Emma; Yeah i know I'm always like "holy smokes my body is doing this?" I mean as women our body creates two extra part - placenta and amniotic sac, and then just gets rid of them after they are done providing for the child. And can repeat this over and over.

I really miss volunteering and everything, but I just had too much on my plate this year between work, being pregnant and getting things together for school, and of course now there's going to be legal court matters about custody with the father -long story-

Mhm everyone and their body is different, but I'm sure going to try the natural way to remedy things first. :)

The more tv shows that I've seen on tv lately, the more I'm reinforced that my son will not be watching those "learning" shows. They've dumbed things down like crazy since we were kids. I mean watching shows from the 90's that were made for 2-5 year olds and then watching them now for the same age group is crazy different. It's like they've slowed it all down.
Not to mention the fact that our organs get moved and squished like it's nothing and everything just moved back into place when you're done like it never happened! Our bodies are seriously amazing when you think about it! :3

Oh I bet! I wanted to return to my internship site and volunteer this summer but everything has just been so chaotic in haven't been able to! I definitely miss the structure of having a set purpose like that :( Hopefully you can settle into a routine and get back into it even if it's just occasionally! :3

Oh yikes. That doesn't sound good at all about the custody battle. :( I hope it all goes smoothly for you!!

Right????!! Thank goodness I'm not the only one to see that!! And the way they talk to kids is just crazy - it's so demeaning! Like, I get they're kids, but if you talk to them like they're stupid they're going to act it! Talk to them in a kid friendly way, but do it normally. And not everything has to be in song and dance. Trust me. It really doesn't!

---------- Post added 07-15-2015 at 02:53 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Nanook View Post
That sounds nice. :)
My main gave up on her avatar so has sent me out to chat a bit. lol
So I'm just hoping to chat for a while while I listen to some music.
So you can't sleep huh? D:
Hahaha! Hey, that's what the mule is for right? ;P

Nope :(
And I even finally caved last night and took my meds for my jaw so I can actually sleep but even though I was asleep by 1am, I didn't get up until like 4pm. One of the reasons I hate taking it. It totally knocks me out and makes me groggy when I do wake up. :(
Soooooo here I am 3:30am wide awake! I really hate being on a night schedule like this lol I get nothing done that I need to!

Nanook is offline
Old 07-15-2015, 06:55 AM

Hahahah! Yes I suppose so. xD

Aww, that's no fun. ; n ;
Have you tried nyquill? Maybe take it earlier that way you can get some sleep earlier and wake up sooner to get the things you want done?

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-15-2015, 07:00 AM

Emma; Oh my gosh I know!! The things the body goes through - specially females. It's just like HOLY GUACAMOLE. Poor body. Lol

I cannot wait to get back to volunteering and when Finnley *my son* gets older, have him tag along. My mom use to take me all the time when I was younger. Granted things are a lot more strict now a days, but I'm sure there are certain places I could take him with me to.

I'm hoping the custody junk just doesn't get dragged out. I mean I'm not really worried about anything, it's not like I have any reason to worry about losing custody, and the father lives 3 hours away and hell hasn't seen his other child for going on 6 years I think. So I mean not too worried. But apparently he dragged out the custody junk with the other woman for months and months. Anyways. Personally I wish he would just sign over all his parental rights since he doesn't want anything to do with my son anyways - just wants to make shit hard and not have to pay child support anyways- and then he can just go on with his life.

My parents never talked to me any way other than adults. I mean of course some things had to be explained in more depth or in a way I would understand but it wasn't like "goo-goo" "ga-ga" "da-da" "ma-ma" junk. Then of course my mom worked with me a lot as a child. Before I even hit kindergarden I could read, write, knew my numbers and all sorts of things. That back then you were suppose to learn in kindergarden.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-15-2015, 07:16 AM

Originally Posted by Nanook View Post
Hahahah! Yes I suppose so. xD

Aww, that's no fun. ; n ;
Have you tried nyquill? Maybe take it earlier that way you can get some sleep earlier and wake up sooner to get the things you want done?
Very good suggestions! But nah - I don't like things like that, especially things you can become addicted to/dependant on. I'm really not a big fan of it! That's why I try not to rely on my TMJ meds too much - I hate having to rely on them to get through the night. (I have to have my jaw completely reconstructed so I have migraines and pain 24/7) I try to do things more naturally but it's been a bit harder with the rain lately. :( Hopefully I'll be back on track soon! Until then Crunchyroll is my best friend! ;P

Oh and I took the meds around 5-6pm haha It doesn't matter how early I take it, it'll still only kick in at a certain time and knock me out for a certain period - my body sucks when it comes to absorbing meds correctly lol The struggle is real! So because I don't react well to anything that puts you to sleep or makes you drowsy I tend to stay away, especially if it's over the counter though :3

Amane is offline
Old 07-15-2015, 01:22 PM

What happened was, it was more stormy than I've ever seen. Too much LIGHTNING. Too scary! Too loud!

It in fact did not storm yesterday, however. Missed us. Whew. ==;


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