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Vox is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 05:44 PM

1. Adjective: portly
2. Place: parking lot
3. Verb: pontificate
4. Plural Noun: pitchforks
5. Verb: pirouette
6. Noun: protuberance
7. Name of Menewshan: Zombie Pixie
8. Adjective: pastoral
9. Plural Noun: pennies
10. Animal: polliwog
11. Nonsense Word: pooperoni
12. Verb: pant
13. Noun: priest
14. Adjective: pregnant
15. Phrase: It's pudding time, children
16. Adjective: pragmatic
17. Onomatopoeia Sound: plop
18. Animal: parakeet
19. Body Part - Plural: pecs
20. Measurement of Time - Plural: picoseconds

1. Name of Menewshan: dragoness129
2. Verb: drink
3. Body Part: diaphragm
4. Adjective: dapper
5. Noun: dumbwaiter
6. Article of Clothing: dickey
7. Article of Clothing: duster
8. Adjective: dubious
9. Noun: dart
10. Noun: dragon
11. Phrase That Begins with "Don't": Don't worry, be happy
12. Noun: dagger
13. Adjective: dangerous
14. Verb: duel
15. Adjective: dreadful
16. Noun: dustpan
17. Verb Ending in -ing: dominating
18. Adjective: dingy
19. Adjective: dulcimer
20. Verb Ending in -ing: dancing
21. Article of Clothing: dress
22. Plural Noun: dice
23. Verb: dive
24. Verb: duck
25. Noun: discus
26. Verb - Past Tense: dipped
27. Comparative Adjective: denser
28. Verb - Past Tense: dodged
29. Adverb: drily

1. Adjective: abhorrent
2. Name of Menewshan: Amane
3. Verb Ending with -s: aggravates
4. Noun: appetizer
5. Article of Clothing: ascot
6. Adjective: altruistic
7. Body Part - Plural: Adam's apple
8. Geographical Location: Antarctica
9. Noun: aardvark
10. Verb: ambush
11. Preposition: as
12. Preposition: about
13. Plural Noun: androids
14. Preposition: among
15. Verb Ending in -ing: applying
16. Preposition: around
17. Place: aquarium
18. Adjective: abrasive
19. Food - Plural: apricots
20. Food - Plural: avocados
21: Geographical Location: Amsterdam
22. Noun: ashtray
23. Verb: aim
24. Geographical Location: Argentina
25. Noun: abacus
26. Verb: arrest

1. Adjective: sketchy
2. Adjective: sour
3. Superlative Adjective: spiffiest
4. Name of Menewshan: Seridano
5. Food - Plural: souffles
6. Noun: spoon
7. Preposition: since
8. Verb: steal
9. Adjective: swollen
10. Place: school
11. A Sport: shuffleboard
12. City/Town: Stockholm
13. Animal: sea cow
14. City/Town: Sydney
15. Plural Noun: shots
16. Adjective: sloppy
17. Noun: sweater
18. Adjective: sticky
19. Liquid: sangria
20. Holiday: summer solstice
21. Animal: stork
22. Verb Ending in -ing: stalking
23. Body Part: spleen
24. Fantasy Creature: siren
25. Noun: sieve
26. Food - Plural: saltines
27. Adjective: stiff
28. Verb: stab

1. Verb - Past Tense: bathed
2. Verb - Past Tense: belched
3. Verb: breakdance
4. Plural Noun: band-aids
5. Number: a billion
6. A Website:
7. Plural Noun: badgers
8. Verb - Past Tense: bled
9. Adverb: backwards
10. Verb - Past Tense: busted
11. Adjective: boisterous
12. Noun: bro
13. Noun: beaver
14. Body Part: booty
15. Color: burgundy
16. Adjective: bodacious
17. Noun: bubble
18. Verb Ending in -ing: berating
19. Noun: beard
20. Number: one billion and one
21. Adjective: belligerent
22. Verb: balancing
23. Article of Clothing: bandolier
24. Body Part: brain
25. Food - Plural: beets
26. Name of Menewshan: Belly Button
27. Body Part: belly
28. Plural Noun: banjos
29. Adjective: broken
30. Body Part: bladder
31. Superlative Adjective: best

Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 06:21 PM

1. Verb - Past Tense: leapt
2. Verb - Past Tense: burnt
3. Verb: bite
4. Plural Noun: octopi
5. Number: 1932
6. A Website:
7. Plural Noun: danger noodles
8. Verb - Past Tense: hurled
9. Adverb: forcibly
10. Verb - Past Tense: flung
11. Adjective: massive
12. Noun: sock
13. Noun: purse
14. Body Part: fingernail
15. Color: magenta
16. Adjective: sparkly
17. Noun: spork
18. Verb Ending in -ing: running
19. Noun: dollar bill
20. Number: one
21. Adjective: pointy
22. Verb: dive
23. Article of Clothing: Letterman jacket
24. Body Part: ear
25. Food - Plural: donuts
26. Name of Menewshan: Hummy
27. Body Part: elbow
28. Plural Noun: pennies
29. Adjective: bruised
30. Body Part: shin
31. Superlative Adjective: least attractive

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 08-31-2016, 09:40 PM

I couldn’t wait for summer to begin! With all the plans I had, it was really going to be creepy. I’ll tell you all the stinky stuff I did.

It started with my most elderly friend, Queen_Andais:, who was staying with my family and I for the summer. We camped out in my backyard, roasted Twinkies, told toaster oven stories, and laid behind the stars and stared at the sky. My little brother, Kevin, wanted to spank us, but we said he was too grouchy.

The next week we drove up to Lake Titicaca to see the big mud wrestling game between the Transylvania Three Toes Spider Monkeys and the Walla Walla Lava Lamps. It was a creamy game. Queen even caught a Scientologist as it soared into the stands. It was really cheese flavored that day, so afterwards we went to the community pool. I love nothing more than relaxing in the Drano.

For International Nude Day we all drove to the beach. Dad said we could do some fishing. I really wanted to catch a dingo to eat. Queen spent a lot of time fornicating in the sand. Queen found some seaweed, then wrapped it around her mustache and said she was Queen of the Chupacabras.

After it got dark, we sat on a TV dinner and watched the fireworks. Mom made Cap'n Crunch sandwiches. At that moment I was so narcoleptic. I didn’t want summer to end. --- But I knew there were a lot more adventures to harass.

Lurve, Howdy. :D


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 12:34 AM

1. Adjective: Persnickety
2. Place: Williamsburg
3. Verb: Catch
4. Plural Noun: Hipsters
5. Verb: Crank
6. Noun: Cat
7. Name of Menewshan: ~LONGCAT~
8. Adjective: Cranky
9. Plural Noun: Dandelions
10. Animal: Turtle
11. Nonsense Word: Mrwashrawn
12. Verb: Chillin'
13. Noun: Peeps
14. Adjective: Bitchin'
15. Phrase: Yo momma!
16. Adjective: Whack
17. Onomatopoeia Sound: Kapow
18. Animal: Grasshopper
19. Body Part - Plural: Earlobe
20. Measurement of Time - Plural: 7 years

---------- Post added 08-31-2016 at 09:26 PM ----------

1. Adjective: Bossy
2. Food: Cheese doodles
3. Adjective: Salty
4. Body Part - Plural: Clavicle
5. Superlative Adjective: Widest
6. Name of Menewshan: Bellybutton
7. Superlative Adjective: Wettest
8. Noun: Western Movie
9. Noun: Tomato
10. Type of Relative: Uncle
11. Vehicle: Bobsled
12. Number: 78
13. Verb Ending in -ing: Wheeling
14. Verb Ending in -ing: Grinding
15. Verb Ending in -ing: Mashing
16. Body Part - Plural: Thigh
17. Number:8
18. Adjective:
19. Article of Clothing: Waspie
20. An Emotion: Boredom
21. Body Part: Fingernail
22. Verb Ending in -ing: Dreaming
23. Verb Ending in -ing: Sighing

---------- Post added 08-31-2016 at 09:29 PM ----------

1. Name of Menewshan: Captain Howdy
2. Geographical location: The Polar Caps
3. Animal: Sabertooth tiger
4. Verb ending in -ing: Crunching
5. Noun: Spice
6. Number: 999
7. Verb: Twirl
8. Place: My House
9. Noun: Star
10. Body Part - plural: Feet
11. Angry Phrase: Gosh darn it!
12. Adjective: Wilted
13. Food: Frog legs
14. TV Show: Pokemon
15. Verb Ending in -ing: Winning
16. Noun: Pikachu
17. Noun: Trombone
18. Number: 0


Kent is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 01:56 AM

1. Superlative Adjective: most creative
2. Name of Menewshan: Shadami
3. Place: library
4. Adjective: curly
5. Plural Noun: cats
6. Adjective: round
7. Plural Noun: avatars
8. Adjective: sweet
9. Food - Plural: chocolates
10. Noun: bed
11. Noun: book
12. Famous Person: Stephen Hawking
13. Adjective: colorful
14. Article of Clothing: dress
15. An Emotion: joy
16. Number: 22
17. Verb: scavenge

---------- Post added 08-31-2016 at 11:30 PM ----------

1. Number: 17
2. Verb: climb
3. Name of Menewshan: Hadsvich
4. Animal - Plural: kittens
5. Verb: pet
6. Place: Hyrule
7. Verb ending in -ing: kicking
8. Verb ending in -ing: washing
9. Noun: phone
10. Name of Website: Imgur
11. Plural Noun: comics
12. Adjective: flashy
13. Noun: television
14. Plural Noun: stars
15. Adjective: soft
16. Onomatopoeia Sound: woosh
17. Superlative Adjective: coolest

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 05:33 AM

It was a colorful summer day. It was so colorful that my banana melted before I could eat it. Mom and Dad were so big, they couldn’t get any work done. Finally, Mom threw her arm up into the air and shouted, “I give up! Let’s go to the water park!” That was the best suggestion I had heard all day.

Dad said I could bring along Elirona:, my next door neighbor and biggest friend. Elirona still had some chores to do, like taking out the sword and cleaning the gun. But Elirona's child said all that stuff could wait till tomorrow.

We got into Dad’s car and drove the 1 mile to the Wet ‘n’ Wild Water Park. The place was packed. There were people everywhere, some stabbing, some wiggling, and some just screaming in the pool.

That was fine for them, but I had my arms set elsewhere. The Slippery Slope Fun Tube, a water slide 2 feet tall! I grabbed Elirona and we made our way up the steps. We waited nearly half an hour, but after the bold woman wearing red chaps, I was next.

Getting to the top, I could see how high it was, and I have to admit I felt a little amazement, but I clenched my butt and dove in! The tube wound this way and that. It was wild! By the time I got to the bottom, I was shining so hard! And I could hear Elirona dancing behind me. It was the best fun we had all summer!


Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 09-01-2016, 05:38 AM

This summer, my friend Roachi: and I were hanging out down by the rain forest. Just then I spotted a toucan flying in a tree. I quickly grabbed my colorful from my backpack. But the toucan jumped out of the tree! I ran as fast as I could. Roachi is 10 years older than I am and can call a lot faster. We chased the toucan all the way to the jungle, but as we were running, we slipped on a spear and fell on our butts.

When I got home, Mom took one look at me and said, "You guys wanna start a fight?" But after hearing our story she felt long, so she gave us each a big bowl of cucumbers and let us watch Who's Line Is It Anyways? While laughing the TV, we saw a commercial for a feather, and decided to order one. When it came in the mail, we were finally able to catch the toucan. We put it in a flower and now charge people 3 dollars to see it.


Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 09-01-2016, 05:55 AM

Summer had just begun and I was so frothy. Mom and Dad said if I was able to get a Ω on my math final, we’d drive out to the coast and hit the beach. Well I passed that test with mutilating colors.

On the trip were myself, my parents, and my bratty little sister, Julie. She’s a pain in the nipple, but aren’t all little sisters? My best friend Elirona: came along too. His parents had gone to McDonald's, so Eli was staying with us for the summer.

I love the beach! It’s nice to feel the stupid sand between my vajayjay. The water looked so inviting, and I couldn’t wait to get sinful. Mom made sure we all had sunblock on. SPF 738. Dad surprised us all by wearing a tiny garter belt. It was embarrassing.

Elirona and I wanted to go off and plagerize. But Mom said we had to take Julie. What a bummer. As we were playing air guitar, these really cute surfers said hi to us. I’m sure my taint turned bright red. “Do you surf?” One of them asked. “Totally.” I lied, trying to look translucent. Julie laughed, “The only surfing you do is on the internet in your bedroom at night, when you’re looking at cafeteria lunchladies.” … I could have died.

Finally we were able to shop lift Julie, and it was time to get in the ocean. Eli stayed on the shore. He’s afraid of water. That’s because he almost karate chopped in a pool when he was 7.

The water felt so jittery. I love hearing the waves AWOOOGA! But then Elirona started to shout, “Shark! Shark!” I almost googled my brassier. I was a goner for sure!--- But then I realized it was actually a wombat, the unholiest creatures in the sea. Wow! The wombat swam over and nudged me with its side boob.

That was my most abusive day ever.

Lurve, Howdy. :D

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 06:02 AM

It was a bouncy summer day. It was so bouncy that my strawberry milkshake melted before I could eat it. Mom and Dad were so yummy, they couldn’t get any work done. Finally, Mom threw her ears up into the air and shouted, “I give up! Let’s go to the water park!” That was the smelliest suggestion I had heard all day.

Dad said I could bring along hummy:, my next door neighbor and hungriest friend. hummy still had some chores to do, like taking out the you and cleaning the me. But hummy's great great grandfather's cousin said all that stuff could wait till tomorrow.

We got into Dad’s garbage truck and drove the 64 miles to the Wet ‘n’ Wild Water Park. The place was packed. There were people everywhere, some jiggling, some bouncing, and some just crying in the pool.

That was fine for them, but I had my elbows set elsewhere. The Slippery Slope Fun Tube, a water slide 37 feet tall! I grabbed hummy and we made our way up the steps. We waited nearly half an hour, but after the lumpy woman wearing red panties, I was next.

Getting to the top, I could see how high it was, and I have to admit I felt a little anxious, but I clenched my armpit and dove in! The tube wound this way and that. It was wild! By the time I got to the bottom, I was squeezing so hard! And I could hear hummy grazing behind me. It was the best fun we had all summer!


Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 06:08 AM

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you? I'm having a portly time at camp. Right now we are at a parking lot, where we pontificate all day long. It can be exhausting, but they give us pitchforks at the end of the day, and we pirouette around the campfire and tell protuberance stories.

I have a new friend named Zombie Pixie: who is really pastoral. Yesterday we found some pennies in the woods. I wonder how they got there. Zombie Pixie thinks they were dropped by a polliwog.

We invented a game called Pooperoni. Here's how you play. First you pant a priest until you get really pregnant, and then you shout "It's pudding time, children!" I know it sounds weird, but trust me, it's actually pragmatic.

Well, I should go. I can here the plop. That means it's dinnertime. I hope they don't serve chicken parakeet pecs again. They're gross! ... But Zombie Pixie seems to like them.

See you in 2 picoseconds!

Pant a priest until you get pregnant?! Oh dear!

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 06:16 AM

*taps mic* Hey guys, my name is Vox: and i'll be singing Summertime by New Kids on the Block.

dragoness129:, my one and only, this is for you.

Do you remember,
Or should I drink
To that summer when you caught my diaphragm,
I played it cool,
The weather was dapper,
You had the dumbwaiter and the beach on lock.

With your dickey, half shirt, duster, mini skirt,
Walkin' on the beach, so dubious,
You wasn't lookin' for a dart,
When you saw me in the sand,
But you fell for the dragon from the city .

I was like, "hey, girl, can I get your number?"
I remember what you told me too,
"Don't worry, be happy"
But you know that I did,
'Cause I couldn't stop thinkin' 'bout a dagger.

I think about you in the summertime, (Oh oh)
And all the dangerous times we had, baby,
Been a few years and I can't duel, (Oh oh)
The thought of you still makes me dreadful,
I think about you in the summertime, (Oh oh)
I'm sittin' here in the sun with a dustpan on my mind.
You're my, my summertime.

Do you remember,
I'll never forget,
Dominating your body all soakin' wet,
The water was dingy,
The feelin' was dulcimer,
Dancing on you while the ocean rocked.

In your strapless dress,
Kickin' back, no stress,
As long as we was together,
'Cause we were feelin' young dice,
And we couldn't get enough.
Baby, I could dive forever.

And now I'm like,
Hey, girl, don't you know I duck it,
And I wonder if you duck it too,
Never thought it would end 'till it did,
Now, I'm here and I can't stop thinkin' 'bout discus.

I think about you in the summertime, (Oh oh)
And all the dangerous times we had, baby,
Been a few years and I can't duel, (Oh oh)
The thought of you still makes me dreadful,
I think about you in the summertime, (Oh oh)
I'm sittin' here in the sun with a dustpan on my mind.

Break it down.

Summer ended,
Winter dipped,
It got denser,
When we parted ways,
As the seasons change.
Winter dodged,
Spring I felt it,
Summertime will drily be the same,
(Without you, my summertime.)
My summertime.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, oh yeah.

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 06:26 AM

Hey everybody! My name is Vox: and I want to sing a song that is very abhorrent to me. This is Under the Boardwalk by The Drifters.

And I dedicate this to my baby, Amane:.

Oh when the sun aggravates down and burns the appetizers up on the roof
And your ascot get so hot you wish your altruistic Adam's apple were fire proof
Under the boardwalk, down by Antarctica, yeah
On an aardvark with my baby is where I'll ambush

(As the boardwalk) out of the sun
(About the boardwalk) we'll be havin' some androids
(Among the boardwalk) people applying above
(Around the boardwalk) we'll be falling in love
Under the boardwalk, boardwalk!

From the aquarium you hear the abrasive sound of a carousel
Mm-mm, you can almost taste the apricots and avocados they sell
Under the boardwalk, down by Amsterdam
On an ashtray with my baby is where I'll aim

(As the boardwalk) out of the sun
(About the boardwalk) we'll be havin' some androids
(Among the boardwalk) people applying above
(Around the boardwalk) we'll be falling in love
Under the boardwalk, boardwalk!

Ooh, under the boardwalk, down by Argentina, yeah
On an abacus with my baby is where I'll arrest

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 06:33 AM

I couldn’t wait for summer to begin! With all the plans I had, it was really going to be sketchy. I’ll tell you all the sour stuff I did.

It started with my spiffiest friend, Seridano:, who was staying with my family and I for the summer. We camped out in my backyard, roasted souffles, told spoon stories, and laid since the stars and stared at the sky. My little brother, Kevin, wanted to steal us, but we said he was too swollen.

The next week we drove up to school to see the big shuffleboard game between the Stockholm Sea Cows and the Sydney Shots. It was a sloppy game. Seridano even caught a sweater as it soared into the stands. It was really sticky that day, so afterwards we went to the community pool. I love nothing more than relaxing in the sangria.

For Summer Solstice we all drove to the beach. Dad said we could do some fishing. I really wanted to catch a stork to eat. Seridano spent a lot of time stalking in the sand. Seridano found some seaweed, then wrapped it around her spleen and said she was Queen of the Sirens.

After it got dark, we sat on a sieve and watched the fireworks. Mom made saltine sandwiches. At that moment I was so stiff. I didn’t want summer to end. --- But I knew there were a lot more adventures to stab.


Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 06:41 AM

It was so boring today, and so hot. I bathed outside as the summer sun belched on my face. Should I breakdance to the mall and buy some band-aids? Nah, I only had a billion dollars. I could go on and look at pictures of badgers. But I did that yesterday.

And then the idea bled me! Let’s have a pool party!

I backwards ran to Mom and asked if it was okay. She busted and inquired if my room was boisterous. I scoffed. My room is always boisterous! “Then it’s fine with me,” she conceded. I let out a bro and gave her a big beaver.

First I called Shelly, and told her to get her booty over here pronto. “Oh,” I said, “and don’t wear that burgundy bikini. It makes you look like a bodacious bubble.” She was offended, but I did her a favor.

Then I called Billy and told him to quit berating his beard and get his trunks on.

I then texted Miranda. Miranda texted Olivia. Olivia called Arthur. Arthur told Michael, and so.

One billion and one minutes later my backyard was crammed with belligerent teenagers. Isaac Matthews was being a total brag, just because he can balance. What a nerd. But then Jerry pulled down Isaac’s bandolier and we all laughed at his brain.

Mom had just served hot beets when BellyButton:, the coolest kid in school showed up. My belly hit the floor. I couldn’t believe it. BellyButton only hangs out with the really popular banjos.

“Hey Belly,” I stammered, “g-glad you could make it.” – “Yeah, looks like a broken party.” BellyButton said. I’m sure my bladder turned bright red. My boring day had just turned into the best day ever.


Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 06:57 AM

This summer I had the most rubbery vacation of my life. My family and I went to Ron Jeremy World! I was so excited! Along for the trip was my best friend, Nephila:, who was equally as macabre.

My jaw negotiated as we entered the park. You have to pass through a gate shaped like a giant buttplug. It was incredible. Inside it was so crowded. There must have been a 2 people there. We couldn’t wait to get started.

Our first ride was the Wild Microwave Burrito, a massive roller coaster. Nephila is afraid of fourth graders and was a bit apprehensive. But I said there was nothing to worry about. And if she got scared, she could hold on to my ham sandwich. The fuss was all for nothing, as Neph was laughing and licking with the rest of us, our Adam's apples waving in the air.

After the ride we spotted Terrence Titmouse, the park mascot. You couldn’t miss the bright yellow speedo he was wearing. Mom wanted to take our picture with him, but I was too nude. Nephila didn’t mind though, and even planted a big kiss on Terrece's uvula.

After a few more attractions, we were all famished, so we stopped at a park restaurant that served Canadian food. I ordered the spaghetti and fish heads. Neph had a big plate of Beefaroni. And Mom and Dad shared an order of chicken tenders shaped like Stonehenge. Everything tasted so biodegradable.

The hours flew by and soon it was dark. The park looked so cool at night decorated with lights and Elvis Impersonators. We were all pretty indecent but looking forward to the fireworks. I had never seen so many kinds. Some were shaped like strippers and others like huevos rancheros. It was the perfect end to the perfect day, and I can’t wait to fondle again.

Lurve, Howdy. ;D

Since I know how these stories go, I have a word document fulled with nouns, verbs, etc. Then I use a randomizer to choose what goes where. ... The randomizer had some choice words this time.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 07:00 AM

I don't know how I made it past reading "Ron Jeremy World" ROFL.

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 07:55 AM

Ron Jeremy World - The Skuzziest Place on Earth

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

Assistant Administrator
Captain Howdy is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 08:03 AM

It was so boring today, and so hot. I leapt outside as the summer sun burnt my face. Should I bite to the mall and buy some octopi? Nah, I only had 1,932 dollars. I could go on and look at pictures of noodles. But I did that yesterday.

And then the idea hurled me! Let’s have a pool party!

I forcibly ran to Mom and asked if it was okay. She flung and inquired if my room was massive. I scoffed. My room is always massive! “Then it’s fine with me,” she conceded. I let out a sock and gave her a big purse.

First I called Shelly, and told her to get her fingernail over here pronto. “Oh,” I said, “and don’t wear that magenta bikini. It makes you look like a sparkly spork.” She was offended, but I did her a favor.

Then I called Billy and told him to quit running his dollar bill and get his trunks on.

I then texted Miranda. Miranda texted Olivia. Olivia called Arthur. Arthur told Michael, and so.

One minute later my backyard was crammed with pointy teenagers. Isaac Matthews was being a total brag, just because he can dive. What a nerd. But then Jerry pulled down Isaac's Letterman jacket and we all laughed at his ear.

Mom had just served hot donuts when hummy:, the coolest kid in school showed up. My elbow hit the floor. I couldn’t believe it. hummy only hangs out with the really popular pennies.

“Hey hummy,” I stammered, “g-glad you could make it.” – “Yeah, looks like a bruised party.” hummy said. I’m sure my shin turned bright red. My boring day had just turned into the least attractive day ever.

Precarious Fool:

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Captain Howdy is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 08:09 AM

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you? I'm having a persnickety time at camp. Right now we are at Williamsburg, where we catch all day long. It can be exhausting, but they give us hipsters at the end of the day, and we crank around the campfire and tell cat stories.

I have a new friend named ~LONGCAT~: who is really cranky. Yesterday we found some dandelions in the woods. I wonder how they got there. Long thinks they were dropped by a turtle.

We invented a game called Mrwashrawn. Here's how you play. First you chillin' peeps until you get really bitchin', and then you shout "Yo momma!" I know it sounds weird, but trust me, it's actually whack.

Well, I should go. I can here the kapow. That means it's dinnertime. I hope they don't serve grasshopper earlobes again. They're gross! ... But Long seems to like them.

See you in 7 years!

Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 09-01-2016, 08:16 AM

It was a bossy summer day. It was so bossy that my cheese doodle melted before I could eat it. Mom and Dad were so salty, they couldn’t get any work done. Finally, Mom threw her clavicles up into the air and shouted, “I give up! Let’s go to the water park!” That was the widest suggestion I had heard all day.

Dad said I could bring along BellyButton:, my next door neighbor and wettest friend. Belly still had some chores to do, like taking out the western movie and cleaning the tomato. But Belly's uncle said all that stuff could wait till tomorrow.

We got into Dad’s bobsled and drove the 78 miles to the Wet ‘n’ Wild Water Park. The place was packed. There were people everywhere, some wheeling, some grinding, and some just mashing in the pool.

That was fine for them, but I had my thighs set elsewhere. The Slippery Slope Fun Tube, a water slide 8 feet tall! I grabbed Belly and we made our way up the steps. We waited nearly half an hour, but after the large woman wearing a red waspie, I was next.

Getting to the top, I could see how high it was, and I have to admit I felt a little boredom, but I clenched my fingernail and dove in! The tube wound this way and that. It was wild! By the time I got to the bottom, I was dreaming so hard! And I could hear Belly sighing behind me. It was the best fun we had all summer!


Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 09-01-2016, 08:22 AM

This summer, my friend Captain Howdy and I were hanging out down by the Polar Caps. Just then I spotted a sabretooth tiger crunching in a tree. I quickly grabbed my spice from my backpack. But the sabretooth tiger jumped out of the tree! I ran as fast as I could. Howdy is 999 years older than I am [] and can twirl a lot faster. We chased the sabretooth tiger all the way to my house, but as we were running, we slipped on a star and fell on our feet.

When I got home, Mom took one look at me and said, "Gosh darn it!" But after hearing our story she felt wilted, so she gave us each a big bowl of frog legs and let us watch Pokemon. While winning the TV, we saw a commercial for a Pikachu, and decided to order one. When it came in the mail, we were finally able to catch the sabretooth tiger. We put it in a trombone and now charge people 0 dollars to see it.


Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 09-01-2016, 08:28 AM

This summer, Mom and Dad took me and my most creative friend, Shadami: on a trip to the library. The weather there is very curly. The library has lots of cats, and they make round avatars there too. I wish I had one!

The people of the library have such a sweet culture. They love to eat deep fried chocolates and are very proud of their big bed.

Shadami and I went to see the book of Stephen Hawking, the most famous person in the library. Shadami is a big fan, and was so colorful, she almost wet her dress.

Knowing we'd have to eventually leave made me feel joy, but I know even if I should live to be 22, this is a trip i'll never scavenge.


Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 09-01-2016, 08:33 AM

I can hardly believe it! School is over and there are 17 days of summer to look forward to! I can't wait to climb with my friend Hadsvich:. We'll go down to the creek and catch kittens and then pet in the lake.

My parents said we'll all be taking a road trip to Hyrule. I can't wait. Until then, they don't want me kicking my summer. No washing in front of the TV for hours on end, or spending my time looking at phone videos on Imgur.

So Hadsvich and I decided to start a business washing comics. People can bring their comics to my house. We'll polish them up and make sure they're all flashy. I'll wipe down the television and Hadsvich can scrub the stars. It'll be soft work, but a great way to make extra money. I can already hear the cash register go woosh!

I think this may be the coolest summer ever!


Captain Howdy
L'Enfant Terrible

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Old 09-01-2016, 08:49 AM

Last night was the big Summer Basketball Championship. My team, the Sunnydale Squirrels were playing the Twin Peaks Grampas. We all gathered at the Richard Simmons Memorial Park for the big game.

Our best player, Car'a'Carn: was sick with the flu and had to stay at the Palace of Versailles. So coach chose zigbigadorlube: to take Car'a'Carn's place. zig plays magically and usually ends up throwing the ball at the taco fiesta platter instead of the basket.

The rest of the team were really crusty. We wished Car'a'Carn was there. He can run like a blue footed booby and always accuses the ball into the basket.

The game started hauntingly, but soon the crowd excitedly started chanting, “My baby! Who took my baby?!" By the end of the game the score was -4 to a magadillion, and we were all nervously biting our moobs.

The clock was ticking down, and zig had the ball. Oh no! I maternally waved my butt crack, hoping she’d pass the ball to me. But zig, laser focused, flushed into the air and took the shot. Time stood still, as the ball hit the net and then Lambaded into the basket. zig had done it. We won.

The spectators in the bleachers jumped to their feet and time traveled. The team lifted our star player onto our cankles, and we vowed never to doubt zig again. Coach said, “C’mon gang, let’s go get some Fruity Pebbles!"

Lurve, Howdy.

Last edited by Captain Howdy; 09-01-2016 at 08:51 AM..


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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 09-01-2016, 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post

This summer, my friend Captain Howdy and I were hanging out down by the Polar Caps. Just then I spotted a sabretooth tiger crunching in a tree. I quickly grabbed my spice from my backpack. But the sabretooth tiger jumped out of the tree! I ran as fast as I could. Howdy is 999 years older than I am [] and can twirl a lot faster. We chased the sabretooth tiger all the way to my house, but as we were running, we slipped on a star and fell on our feet.

When I got home, Mom took one look at me and said, "Gosh darn it!" But after hearing our story she felt wilted, so she gave us each a big bowl of frog legs and let us watch Pokemon. While winning the TV, we saw a commercial for a Pikachu, and decided to order one. When it came in the mail, we were finally able to catch the sabretooth tiger. We put it in a trombone and now charge people 0 dollars to see it.


Captain Howdy: OMG sounds like we had the best adventure, even if you are as old as an elf. XD

---------- Post added 09-01-2016 at 07:10 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Captain Howdy View Post

Last night was the big Summer Basketball Championship. My team, the Sunnydale Squirrels were playing the Twin Peaks Grampas. We all gathered at the Richard Simmons Memorial Park for the big game.

Our best player, Car'a'Carn: was sick with the flu and had to stay at the Palace of Versailles. So coach chose zigbigadorlube: to take Car'a'Carn's place. zig plays magically and usually ends up throwing the ball at the taco fiesta platter instead of the basket.

The rest of the team were really crusty. We wished Car'a'Carn was there. He can run like a blue footed booby and always accuses the ball into the basket.

The game started hauntingly, but soon the crowd excitedly started chanting, “My baby! Who took my baby?!" By the end of the game the score was -4 to a magadillion, and we were all nervously biting our moobs.

The clock was ticking down, and zig had the ball. Oh no! I maternally waved my butt crack, hoping she’d pass the ball to me. But zig, laser focused, flushed into the air and took the shot. Time stood still, as the ball hit the net and then Lambaded into the basket. zig had done it. We won.

The spectators in the bleachers jumped to their feet and time traveled. The team lifted our star player onto our cankles, and we vowed never to doubt zig again. Coach said, “C’mon gang, let’s go get some Fruity Pebbles!"

Lurve, Howdy.

Captain Howdy:

OMG, this one is a work of art!!! I can't stop chuckling, I think this is the best madlib I've ever seen. Thank you!!!


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