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The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
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Old 02-06-2009, 12:07 AM

Originally Posted by Bound Birdie View Post
It's just that black dye is super hard to remove and always leaves that brassy orange color. But if you use some color remover first it helps a lot. Well once you have it blond you can put the pink in whenever you want! This is the BEST dye ever for bright colors! I think they have it in "flamingo pink" >.<

lol I dunno you have a personal attachment to that teacher. The government is a bunch of evil dildo's you don't know.
I always just let it fade out naturally and it took FOREVERRR. >.<
So, if I bleach my hair blond, and then put the pink in, it won't hurt my hair? Cause my mom keeps trying to freak me out and she keeps telling me I'm going to ruin my hair...
Ooh that looks cool. I like the spring green color too. ^.^

Lol yeah I did. Haha yeah that's true, but they can throw you in prison. :rofl:

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 02-06-2009, 02:19 AM

`Kitami, you have more chance of ruining your hair from the blonde because of the bleach in it, than you do from the color which is only a dye.

I knew a girl once who bleached her hair and instead of becoming more blond it turned this sickly slime green color. There was nothing she could do about it for I think it was two weeks or even longer, because they said if she turned around and dyed her hair another color, it could fall out or some such thing. It was so long ago, I can't remember the details exactly, lol.

I think after you bleach it, you do have to wait a certain period of time before adding the pink dye though.

Bound Birdie, I've never bought a home...I always rented, though right now we are living in my daughter's boyfriend's grandpap's house, which he does own.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 02-06-2009, 05:00 AM

on HAIR: Yes the bleach is the thing that is most likely to damage your hair. You have to be SUPER careful not to over bleach by leaving it in to long. Which can be really annoying when you can tell your hair isn't as light as you want it to be. You can try to find a dye that has mostly peroxide and not so much bleach, so that it is less damaging. OH and you can put cholesterol on your hair afterward to help re-moisturize it. But I have been using the punky color in the violet and my purple hair feels nicer then my black >.<

On Homes: wow living with that many people would either be really nice or really annoying depending on how much I like them all. I dunno I suppose I should just wait. I don't really see the market sky rocking anytime soon so I have time to do lots of research.

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 02-08-2009, 03:56 PM

When we first moved in here, it was really hard on me, and I ended up getting a place of my own for a very short time. Financially, though, having my own place proved to be too much of a burden so I moved back in. Now that we have settled into a routine, it's not so stressful anymore and things have calmed down a lot. I do still have days though where I get very frustrated because of not having a break from the kids, and that's when I start in on my daughter.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 02-08-2009, 09:25 PM

No kidding! You need a day off to. Rent is crazy expensive. I'm happy when I can pay it one check. But I hear right now is supposed to be almost cheaper to buy. Maybe I should just do a trailer or something.

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 02-09-2009, 04:14 PM

The only thing about mobile homes is more often than not you end up buying in a Mobile Home park and still have to pay lot rent, plus you have to follow the park's rules.

If you could get a somewhat newer mobile home on it's own piece of property, then it might be worth looking into. I had considered purchasing a mobile home once, but I would have had to be in the park situation, and I decided against that.

I would have preferred being on my own property where I could set my own rules and such, and where every time I walked out my front door I wasn't facing someone else's window. I just felt like there was no privacy in a mobile home park.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 02-09-2009, 09:29 PM

Oh I've lived in a park before I know how it goes.. we wanted a fence. So we ASKED them excatly what kind of fence we were allowed to have. They said no higher then 4 feet, and it had to be chain link. Now for one my dog at the time could jump four feet. So I asked why the height restriction and she said at one point in time a lady sued the park when her son hurt himself hopping over peoples fences. Great security huh? Now secondly I don't know what looks more ghetto and anti homely then a metal fence. So we set it with ceder post and then the chain link and we were going to grow climbing flowers through the chain link, sounds pretty huh? BUt NO they wanted to rip out my fence because of the ceder post "they aren't sturdy enough" she tried to claim. I told I had set the post with cement if they weren't sturdy she could take them out herself.

But a park would be affordable only half renting and there is the possibility of moving out of the park, though I do believe it's costly and difficult.

The girl with kaleidoscope eyes.
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Old 02-09-2009, 10:05 PM

Hair dye confuses me. ;-;

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 02-09-2009, 10:14 PM

Did you dye you hair blond?

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 02-10-2009, 05:01 PM

Yeah, I think you would probably be better off selling the mobile home than spending the cost to move the home to a new location.

Now if you were to purchase a brand new mobile home, right off the lot, that would be different. You wouldn't have to worry about pipes getting broken as they disconnected things, or the siding being destroyed as they remove the skirting, or any of that good stuff.

I don't know though, sometimes space rent can be almost as high as renting an apartment, and your mobile home payment could end up being just as high as a monthly payment on a house, though I think you would end up paying it off a lot sooner than you would a house.

The worst thing about mobile homes though, is they depreciate in value, unlike property values. So the mobile home might be worth 100k when you purchase it, but ten years down the road it might only be worth half that. You would have a much harder time selling it than you would a house, and should you want to take out an equity loan later on down the road, you wouldn't be able to, because you don't have equity in a mobile home, though if you own the property it's on, you might be able to take out a loan on the property.

Bound Birdie
Mistress of Mischief and Mayhem
Bound Birdie is offline
Old 02-10-2009, 11:10 PM

I did know that they deprecate. I had two plans : I bought a newish one. (or one of the trailer foer a dollar deals.) Live in it for about 3 to 5 years in that time hopefully renovate it enough add to the value enough to get at lest my money back to make a solid down payment on a real house. Or buy one of the ones that was like 7,000 that I've seen and spend about 2 thousand moving it to a close by property and building it into one if those "trouses" and just staying there so it didn't really matter that it deprecated. But you are right about the lot rent... I would still feel like I was throwing away my money.

Miss Mad Hatter
Miss Mad Hatter is offline
Old 02-11-2009, 05:32 PM

:D Hey. Figured I'd come hang out in your exchange thread too.

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 02-11-2009, 05:37 PM

Hello, Miss Mad Hatter :)

Both of those sound like good plans, Bound Birdie. I think I like the first plan better though, because I've seen what happens to Mobile Homes as they get old, and it's definitely not pleasant, hehe. I'd really like to see you end up in a house eventually.

Miss Mad Hatter
Miss Mad Hatter is offline
Old 02-11-2009, 05:40 PM

^.^ Hello Fiziali. How aer you?

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
Fiziali is offline
Old 02-11-2009, 05:52 PM

I'm doing pretty good, thank you. How are you doing?

Miss Mad Hatter
Miss Mad Hatter is offline
Old 02-11-2009, 05:53 PM

I could be better. My mom kept me home because I had a fever. But yet I feel fine. xD

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 02-11-2009, 05:59 PM

Ahh, well she was worried about you. Besides, sometimes you might have something contagious even before the symptoms start to show up, so she was probably doing everyone at your school a favor too, hehe.

Do you know that you are only contagious the first 48 hours of a cold, and that the first 24 hours, you may not even be aware you have a cold? That means for 24 hours you could be passing along your cold germs and not even know it.

Miss Mad Hatter
Miss Mad Hatter is offline
Old 02-11-2009, 06:01 PM

=] Yeah I know... I just wanted to go today, because I hate having to make up tests... x_x

I actually did know that, I learned it last year in my AP Biology class. It's crazy.

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
Fiziali is offline
Old 02-11-2009, 06:05 PM

Hehe, I learned it a number of years ago when I was watching the news. They did a report on it, and it was really very interesting. I understand what you mean about having to make up a test though. I'm sorry that you weren't able to go. It's too bad more kids don't share your enthusiasm for school. ;)

Miss Mad Hatter
Miss Mad Hatter is offline
Old 02-11-2009, 06:08 PM

Oh wow, that does sound interesting. :yes:
It's okay. =] It's just a Anatomy test. It's easy peasy.
I think I'm so enthusiastic about school because I only have a few months left of high school. honestly. xD

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 02-11-2009, 06:10 PM

Oh that's awesome! Are you planning to attend university?

Miss Mad Hatter
Miss Mad Hatter is offline
Old 02-11-2009, 06:14 PM

I'm going to go to the community college here for two years to get the required classes out of the way *algebra & such* & get my AA in Psychology, then transfer to the University here & finish off my degree. I want to get my MA in Psychology. =] That's my goal.

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
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Old 02-11-2009, 06:24 PM

Oh, I did something like that, myself, but it wasn't a community college. It was a two year branch of a university, and my last two years I was transferring to a different University, but I was not aware that the credits from my classes might not transfer.

You might want to be sure to check with the University you will be attending to see if the classes you will be taking at the community college will meet their criteria for the required courses you need to have out of the way for those first two years. I would hate to see all that time and effort go to waste, as some of mine was.

I don't know why the other university did not recognize those classes as equivalent to their own requirements. It really never did make any sense to me. Pretty much all my credits transferred, but most of it ended up being considered electives, and left me with no electives left to choose from for myself, and also put me behind in my studies, as I didn't have enough lower division credits to be allowed to move onto the upper division classes.

It was very difficult for me to get a full schedule for my last semester of my third year of college, and I ended up having to take calculus, statistics, and physics all in the same semester, which pretty much killed my gpa and left me feeling very depressed, so I ended up quitting college. I was never any good at math, and to have to take three very difficult and intense courses like those in the same semester was more than I could handle.

Miss Mad Hatter
Miss Mad Hatter is offline
Old 02-11-2009, 06:27 PM

@Fiziali; Yikes that happened to you? I've already checked out if they do, & they do. Thank goodness.

@_@;; Ouch. I totally feel your pain. Math+me= :gonk:
But it's mainly because I'm dyslexic with numbers. I've been diagnosed with it. :yes:
Blah, I'm sorry things worked out badly for you. =/
I'm still trying to find scholarships/grants & whatnot. I'll probably end up taking out a loan for UWF & paying for my community college by myself.

Fizi, Fizgig, Fizpop, ...(insert...
Fiziali is offline
Old 02-11-2009, 06:45 PM

If you are eligible for grants, definitely take them, as they really are very helpful. My first two years of college were paid in full with my grants and the money I earned from work, and I was actually able to save my scholarship money for the third year.

Being unable to find a job anywhere in that college town when I moved closer to the university, it took all my scholarship money as well as my grant money and Work Study income to keep me afloat, just barely.

That was a really really rough year for me, and it's no surprise I ended up in such a state of depression and that I decided to quit college. My parents did not help me financially, yet they were still claiming me on their income tax, and I did not realize until years later just how much their lack of support really hurt me too.


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