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The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 01-06-2010, 03:55 AM

Nodding Alexia looked at Joe who was looking at the three as well. Than Joe looked at Kayne and smiled at him. "You never get your way do you?"

If you don't care, why are you a...
broadway_princessxo34 is offline
Old 01-06-2010, 08:04 PM

Holly couldn't hold back a giggle. She laughed and smiled she glanced at leon hoping he was going to play along with all this.

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Cyraus is offline
Old 01-06-2010, 11:03 PM

Leon couldn't help but feel special when he heard Holly's thought reply to his. This is fun, he thought, but then frowned. Wait, did you guys just hear that?
Kayne's eyes dulled. "There's nothing wrong with my mind," he said, pouting. "And, no! I never get my way... I don't know why these people hate me so much. I'm the only one that's normal here and they think that's a bad thing..." Playing along with everyone's cheerful state, Leon scoffed and said, "Well, I guess I'm not human either." Kayne shook his head and said, "You don't count. You're a cop."
"Oh, thanks," he said, "at least I'm of use." Kayne raised his hands and said to Joe, "You see what I have to put up with?"
"You see what we have to?" muttered Leon.

Last edited by Cyraus; 01-06-2010 at 11:06 PM..

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 01-06-2010, 11:28 PM

Joe just laughed and gave a giggle going over to Kayne. "Well I think you could be perfectly useful." She said with a smile. She was purposely messing with his head and knew the others would catch but that Kayne wouldn't.

If you don't care, why are you a...
broadway_princessxo34 is offline
Old 01-07-2010, 01:21 AM

Holly frowned slightly. Joe was joking and Holly didn't like it on bit. Joe had to have known kayne would believe her. 'Leon you need to talk to him, please' She thought while glaring at Joe.

Artist and Writer
Cyraus is offline
Old 01-07-2010, 06:03 PM

Kayne stifled a blush at what Joe said. "Yeah, I can be," he said, proudly. He turned to Leon and muttered, "And you're one to talk. I saved your freakin' life!" Leon's eyes dulled and he said, "You're going to hold that over my head forever, aren't you?" Kayne nodded, with a sardonic smile. I was thinking that we should include Kayne on this, thought Leon to Holly. We can't just leave him out of everything, but I doubt I'm going to have any time on talking to him with Joe around. Just send him a thought, and pray that he'll stay calm.

If you don't care, why are you a...
broadway_princessxo34 is offline
Old 01-07-2010, 08:42 PM

Holly held back a sigh. 'Fine, but if he freaks out I swear I'm gonna kill him. Oh and Leon stop letting him bother you with the life saving thing ok? You'll mostlikly be saving all our live's at some point before we get out of her.'She thought to Leon. Relizing that had been his problem all along. 'Kayne, don't freak out, I just wanted to tell you something, you can respond just by thinking your response please.'She prayed that Kayne wouldn't freak out but had a bad feeling he would. 'We don't trust Joe, none of us do.'

Artist and Writer
Cyraus is offline
Old 01-08-2010, 08:52 PM

Leon frowned at what Holly said. He would like to have the ability to protect them, but he was only human and couldn't rely on himself to save anyone. He exhaled slowly and glowered at Kayne, praying that he wouldn't overreact and ruin the ability to converse. Kayne jumped when he heard the words in his head and looked over at Holly. He recognized her voice, but her mouth wasn't moving, so it couldn't be her talking. Completely ignoring the commands the voice told him, he looked around and murmured, "What the hell? Who's saying that?" Leon acted quickly and said, "Is it that woman again? Try listening to the voice..."

If you don't care, why are you a...
broadway_princessxo34 is offline
Old 01-08-2010, 09:02 PM

'KAYNE SHUT UP! IT'S HOLLY' She screamed in his head. Pretending to look at him questioningly outside their minds.

Artist and Writer
Cyraus is offline
Old 01-08-2010, 10:14 PM

Kayne cringed at the shrilling cry in his head. He was about to talk, but then recalled hearing that he could reply to it with a thought. What the hell? he thought, giving Holly a questionable look. What's going on? What do you want?

If you don't care, why are you a...
broadway_princessxo34 is offline
Old 01-09-2010, 02:05 AM

Holly glared at Kayne before sending him a thought. 'Leon wanted you to be included so I have to tell you we don't trust Joe, at all. ' Quickly she turned to face Leon sending him a quick thought. 'I told him, he better listen or I swear he's dead.'

Artist and Writer
Cyraus is offline
Old 01-09-2010, 11:06 PM

Kayne's jaw almost dropped when he had received a reply from Holly that answered his question. Whoa, this is weird. But cool, in a weird way... Remembering what Holly had said, he thought back, Why not? She's cool. She doesn't threaten me and thinks that I could be useful! She's not at scary as you... always threatening me and blaming me for everything. What's there not to trust?
Leon sent a thought to Holly, He probably wonders why we don't trust Joe. Tell him that we suspect he/she is with the Mistress of this house because he/she has lived here all his/her life, according to Joe.

If you don't care, why are you a...
broadway_princessxo34 is offline
Old 01-10-2010, 02:55 AM

'Kayne...I think you're usefull too and unlike her I'm not kidding, I don't mean to scare you but it's hard I mean I am a vampire after all. It's just in my nature to blame other people, I'm sorry. We don't trust her because He/she...isn't a he or a with the Mistress of this house because he/she has lived here all his/her life, according to Joe. If you don't trust us, then we'll do our best to keep you safe but I don't know how well that will work out.' Holly walked over to leon after that not wanting joe to think she was sending messages to Kayne. Holly leaned over and wispered in leon's ear. "He doesn't like me because I scare him and think's Joe was telling the truth about him being useful."

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 03:01 AM

Again going quiet Alexia looked at Kayne and listened to the thoughts. She didn't have anything to say and didn't want to watch as Joe sat down and watched the silent looks.

Artist and Writer
Cyraus is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 03:17 AM

((Grrr... where is the Putz girl?))
Kayne's face fell solemn when he heard Holly. She had actually told him he was useful, and apologized for making him think otherwise. He let out a slow exhale and said, I understand, but what do you want me to do about it? It's not like we can just exclude her... Leon gave a brief, unnoticeable bow of the head and crossed his arms, saying, "So, you say you've lived here your whole life? Can you remember how you got here or anything?"

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 03:51 AM

((Ok sorry I had to go to my dad's house. I thought I was at my moms and I just posted plus it happens every other weekend))

If you don't care, why are you a...
broadway_princessxo34 is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 09:26 PM

{Hello :D}

Holly smiled slightly over at Joe. "Is there anyone else living in this house beside the owner and you?" She asked. 'We won't exclude her, just don't tell her anything that could be used against us.' Holly thought to Kayne.

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 09:51 PM

Shaking her head Joe looked at them. "It's only been me."

If you don't care, why are you a...
broadway_princessxo34 is offline
Old 01-11-2010, 09:59 PM

"Thats weird." Holly said quietly.

Artist and Writer
Cyraus is offline
Old 01-18-2010, 04:03 AM

((Sorry for not being here. I went over to a friend's house for a bit. HEhe... Can we get to another challenge now? I don't really know what to put...))

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 01-18-2010, 04:16 AM

((The challenge was supposed to be Joe but we agreed to quickly so i don't know what to put either. But I just thought of something))
Joe looked at everyone and sighed feeling left out. "Well I can see that you guys are to large a group to add someone in. I'll just be leaving than if you don't have any space for me." She said starting to walk out the door with her head down and another sigh escaped her lips.

If you don't care, why are you a...
broadway_princessxo34 is offline
Old 01-18-2010, 05:08 AM

"NO!" Holly screamed a bit to quickly. "No you should stay, we can all work together and get out, we need as many people aswe can get."

Artist and Writer
Cyraus is offline
Old 02-05-2010, 03:33 AM

((Guys, I'm really sorry, but I've decided to quit the roleplay. I've never done this before, but I have other roleplays to pay attention to and I don't want to be burdened by this one. I have enjoyed it, but I think that there are too many stand stills and writer's blocks for me to go on with this. I'm okay if you use my ideas and characters to keep this going, but I will no longer be a part of it. Again, I apologize. Goodbye.))

The Grim Reaper in the... Pixels...
LilMissMollyPutz is offline
Old 02-05-2010, 05:30 AM

((I don't know what to put now I was waiting for himm to reply so I could reply to that))

If you don't care, why are you a...
broadway_princessxo34 is offline
Old 02-05-2010, 08:18 PM

{O.O this could be a problem....}


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