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yiesha is offline
Old 04-25-2007, 09:24 PM

yeah. lolx. i will need to pack stuffs tomorrow. and it's already almost 6am here. i totally cant sleep yet amagad /rolls

awwwww thank you jitsu! you always make me more confidence on myself. you so sweet <333 and oh. i asked for ken. cuz ken really really need better ref. since i am actually waiting for ray to do him ever since last year XDD but ray so busy, thus he still hanging out without neater reference then my weird drawing XD and the other one, i let her choose, cuz i am totally blank and no idea XD i love everyone, thus, i dont really mind who she chose *o* <3 she was asking for 3 dolls cuz she dont want any of her OC to be left behind, so she would do 2 CG halfbody for me XD <33

wah wah. sooo beautiful! *o* i feels like i heard the name before though. hmmm not really sure~~ but i am really sure your char would look really good in her style it seems *o* how much was the auction ended up with?

yeah. baby is. and my bro's kids lately loves to scream around amagad my ears @_@;; not to mention, the eldest one (5 years old) didnt wanna go to school/kindergarden. the parents already paid for the one whole year, and she keep screaming and running around not wanting to go to school. omg it's really troublesome @_@;;;

yiesha is offline
Old 04-25-2007, 09:25 PM

Today new dolls ^0^ :

For Mene:

For Gaia


bana is offline
Old 04-26-2007, 12:56 AM

gaia cinemas is only fun with friends, I go there with Kura a lot XD

*chuus you back* :D <33

oo california rolls are good *-*

Momo4ever is offline
Old 04-26-2007, 05:42 AM

Originally Posted by yiesha

momo > *watches momo eats* XD <333
true ne *o*
lolx. you always give more luffs to her! XDD but cant blame you, since she's my fav too (tries to change my avi hair, but not last long, love the yurui lookalike hair more) <33
okie dokie! when i got the fullset, i will take piccu of those

wah. everyone watching heroes. yie want to watch them too, i think it's here too. or not. not sure. but very familiar~~~ but i always dunno when it's aired at here..hmmmmm needs to check on that~
Yum Yum Yum
For reals I do dont I. I think I also Like Haeru and Reizo. They are so adorable.
AHh I get what you mean.
Yay I cant wait to see it Yie.
YEah Even my mom Watches Heroes. HEHEHE I do belive they are on in Malayasia. I went to look at twhere it said it was on at and it says some network called Star World THough I do belive THat on the website that it airs on out here it has all the episodes that have aired on tv for us.
Hmm I think the time would be wednesdays at 9 pm for you out in Malay

yiesha is offline
Old 04-26-2007, 07:37 AM

bani > really? yie not really understand how to do the gaia cinema /didnt read it much cuz all blurry ToT

*nyaaa luffs luffs*
wondering how it looks like~~ hmmm~~~~


momo > oh? awww thank you! momo really likes cute stuff nya. always see momo buys more chibi then normal type art too <33 (wonder if i ever see momo buying non-chibi stuff..hmmm)
realllyy? wah! i need to wait for next wed then. or maybe will check out when the repeat of it will be *o* /need to check if father actually sub to starworld, i kinda forget >o<
only my eldest bro did ToT
i cant open the vid /sob they say not available in our country /slaps it xD
but thank you momo <33

whippy is offline
Old 04-26-2007, 09:05 AM

yie completed set's dollies very fast OwO;;
but they still look awesome anyway ;O; love how you dollified that The Ring's ghost hair lolol :heart:

yiesha is offline
Old 04-26-2007, 10:01 AM

lolx. cuz i am very in the mood last night. but they are so hard >o< mene avi so very hard cuz of the details need to zoom like ftw close XD
sankyu whippu <333 that ring hair XDDD

\ (•◡•) /
light is offline
Old 04-26-2007, 10:41 AM

yie's new dolls are all very cute and pretty *_____*

\ (•◡•) /
mai is offline
Old 04-26-2007, 10:55 AM

must bow to yie and her productiveness. XD

those are really awesome! especially the hair on 3rd one *3*

yiesha is offline
Old 04-26-2007, 02:54 PM

light > thank you so much <333


mai > lolx. better do it when i am at the mood. it's scary when i am not cuz i would neglect everything around XDD and thank you so much mai ! *o* those type of hair really 'fun' to do. but it's good the result is not so bad nya *clings to mai* where are youuuuuuuuu~

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 04-26-2007, 05:51 PM

whoot pretty pretty new dolls Yie <3 love love all the hair on them *pets* i really like how you do hair <3

ewww packing stuff always sucks >.>; i used to hate packing so much because my family moved every few years so we had to pack and unpack house SO SO often. </3 love for packing houses... but i don't mind maybe one or two suitcase for traveling ^o^ i really like to travel

hahah cookie is SO sneaky! i only knew of her second two brother (OC) not the oldest one *is now in love with the oldest one*. hahah i talked to her on MSN yesterday and she was so excited to get cute dollies of her OC in exchange for art *snort* she was laughing so hard because i was showing her all the ones you did for me.. lol she love love the Verdi one *snort* awww for long wait.. I've been waiting 8 months for this one art i really really want from this one guy, but.. he's got a very long line and does maybe one a month. I've already paid so I'm really hoping he will do mine soon, but he keeps forgetting >.<;

oh the auction really didn't get any people come in at all, i think they came in, saw the text, and left.. she didn't post any pictures.. which is a shame, if people had actually LOOKED and READ they would have seen how beautiful her art is >.>;; it ended at 119k for the ball point pen, and 60k for the pencil.

hahah yeah Cyp like to try my patience by scooting things along so he can reach up high. right now only place safe from baby hands is on top of bookshelf, or on top of the fridge. so everything important we don't want him getting into is on there ^^;

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 04-26-2007, 09:56 PM

Yiiieeeee <3 <3

i felt like doodling last night ^^;;

Zurie is offline
Old 04-27-2007, 03:33 AM

  • ::gigglesqueals::
    I'll dig around the next time I have a chance for Pauline's stuffs. I had just been digging and digging and digging for Jishin, and then I magically found it. :0

Momo4ever is offline
Old 04-27-2007, 05:20 AM

Originally Posted by yiesha

momo > oh? awww thank you! momo really likes cute stuff nya. always see momo buys more chibi then normal type art too <33 (wonder if i ever see momo buying non-chibi stuff..hmmm)
realllyy? wah! i need to wait for next wed then. or maybe will check out when the repeat of it will be *o* /need to check if father actually sub to starworld, i kinda forget >o<
only my eldest bro did ToT
i cant open the vid /sob they say not available in our country /slaps it xD
but thank you momo <33
Yes Momo does like cute stuff HEHEHE. Yes Momo does Buy more chibi then anything. the only other thing I buy other than CHibis is Headshots or Bustups. Then again I buy Fullbodies from Blua.
Yeah I checked on The Wiki for Heroes. Ahh Yeah yeah that would be a good idea. Oh!!
Wahh Thats just messed up that you guys cant play it but I can go to other countries websites.
Your welcome Yie Yie.
SO how are you doing lately Yie Yie.

yiesha is offline
Old 04-27-2007, 05:23 AM

jitsu > thank you <3333 this at hometown, i wonder how the color will turn out later. i mean like, each monitor at times view things differently /rolls

i know! i was like, if people ask me to pack my stuff, always do last min cuz i hate hate hate doing it ToT and and poor you to always transfer place. that must be so inconvinience. D: D:

really? wah! i didnt know she likes shonen ai too XD <33 awww really? she so cute! >W< i am excited to get her art tooo nyaaa so happy ! *0* she really loves your verdi so much aint she. kekekeke but cant blame her, verdi so cute <333 awww. but but really ya. some people are just..hmmm dunno how to limit themselves? i mean, some that i met, already got 10 arts to do in list, still taking bribes and some taking soooo many art trades. then they are like, neglecting the art trades, and just keep getting new orders just because they can get golds from new orders and not art trade. i feels disrespect to those people D: usually, if people do art trade with me, and already give me their art, i will totally put them in one my my priority, just like people who already pay us in cash. cuz i dont mind to wait, but i hate to make people waiting >o<;;

awww really? that's bad D: D: that's why need some art in auction most of time, attraction that is. D: D: but but 119k is not so bad, eventhough it's actually could go higher nya? i think at gaia at times auciton might depends on popularity too? cuz some people that i know, i dont really like their art, but they actually managed to get a DT or something even more expensive for their art cuz they are popular, when the artist that's soo great in talent but no one noes, didnt have just as much or gets people to retract bid so fast too D: (one of my friend got that, damn people so rude! D: /hate retract bid people)

really? awwww. lucky he dont use chairs for fridge too ya! else it would be hard to put things if he can reach every places @_@;;

and and awwwwwwwwwwww!! that's so pretty drawing of yurui! she looks so cool na! thanks alot jitsuuuuuuuu *chuus chuus* <33


zurie > okie dokie! sankyu! <333 i tried to look for it, but then, so many other pauline came out @_@ i hope pauline's name is more unique like jinshin's u-u XDDD you made the base you use?

ops, just noticed momo's reply. will reply after this post <3

yiesha is offline
Old 04-27-2007, 05:26 AM

> oh! i almost forgot about the fullbody /slaps slaps
you buy a few times from blua too! including my pressie and cindy right? but but blua art soo pretty indeed. it would be wierd if anyone will skip hers <33
un un! but seems that the tv channel at my home gotprob ToT needs to wait daddy to fix it later ToT

yie yie is good. just reach hometown yesterday. but the road so jammed up cuz it's voting time at this area now. so police at each 1km and its really suckies D: so the journey took me long enough and tiring. it suppose to be an hour journey, but it turns to be 2hr++ ToT </3

how ish momo today?

Sarang hanindea yo~
Chunsa-chan is offline
Old 04-27-2007, 05:44 AM


Setanic gave me the little doll you made of me... *points at siggy*
I wanted to come and thank the artist as well. <3
It's adorable. Thank you for it's cuteness. <3

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 04-27-2007, 05:53 AM

*nods* yeah sometimes the color varies on the monitors. my husbands computer everything looks so much brighter and more vivid. my computer looks more dull? loses a lot of bright beautiful colors ^^; though to be honest the color looks best on the actual paper instead of scanned.

hahah i really liked moving growing up because i thought it was like an adventure and i got to meet new people. i guess i make lots of acquaintances but not many close friends. i have maybe 2 and one of them I'm married to. its always a pain to unpack everything though >.>;; i cant stand unpacking.

*nods* yesh yesh she really likes shonen ai or manga about sports? or the really old classic ones. hahah yeah i understand about the limiting. i stopped doing art trade because i was always the one to finish and the other person would not do their half. i have like 10 art trades I'm still waiting on them to send me their half of the trade. it sucks. so no more art trades for me because people suck >.>;;

oh yesh i really think if more people had seen it the auction would have gone much much much much higher, but no body was interested in looking further then first post for her art. and yes there are quite a few people that i really don't like the art but because of the name people will pay so so so much for. tcha! and it irks me when people don't follow through with their stuff or follow the rules >.>; *kicks random people*

oh lordy.. the day Cyp is able to get on top of stuff and get to top of fridge I'm going to be one VERY unhappy mommy. he's already driving me nuts by always destroying things, making huge huge mess all over the place.. absolutely drive me nuts always breaking things. its AS soon as i turn around he is breaking another thing.

awww and I'm glad you like it , i have one of Ken also but i haven't finished it yet ^^;;

Starshine is offline
Old 04-27-2007, 05:57 AM

Your dolls are always so adorable, the new ones are no exception <3

yiesha is offline
Old 04-27-2007, 07:17 AM

chunsa san > awwww you are most welcome <33 Setanic didnt reply me anything, i kinda wonder what she/he thinks about it actually too. but yay, i am really happy to know that you likes it *o* <333


jitsu > true true. and it's so frustrating at times cuz of it D: D: and yeah. traditional color always works like that. just like sketches. some sketches that i got from people irl, and scanned to save on pc, it really looks better on paper all the time.. /slaps scanner D: D: but really thank you again nya! i think it's lovely *o* <33

oh? really? no wonder her char looks all sporty <333 and you are right about it. i dont have much, but it's like 3 or + but some trade earlier wants me to do like a lot of dolls at once. i dont mind doing alot since they want smaller base, and theier art is just gorgeous. but it's pretty sad when they managed to do tones and tones of new commishie, but dont bother to do our trade. and to have as low as self esteem like me, i always think they actually lost interest with my dolls and dont feels worth it to work for my stuff anymore. so, i kinda sad. >o< . that's why lately, no more finishing art trades too fast unless it's for friend, cuz some people are just greedy and wants everything, yet they refuse to see thinks from our point of view >o< and wow, 10 art trades are alot!

you are right! i think the drawings really is pretty ya <333 i kinda dont really much into realism cuz i always prefer anime looks, but i think the drawings you showed me are so pretty indeed <3 and that's true nya. they should really follow rules. people retracting bids in my friends aucton already be in my black list all the time. such annoying >o<;;

awwww. lolx. it somehow makes me think that both of you sure is so cute when you gets all angry and he keeps messing things up. but i know how pif pif it is to let them throwing stuffs around cuz i got many little niece/nieces and it's really drive me crazy when they didnt bother to follow what we said. and this one little niece of mine, to show he dont want to follow my bro words, he go and CHEW the ironboards cover omg!! i was really angry cuz it's freakin expensive. >o<;;;;;

for sure i do! *o* <33 awwww you are spoiling me too much! *eats jitsu*


starshine always so kind ToT thank you so much! <333

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Jitsumi1221 is offline
Old 04-27-2007, 02:21 PM

mmmm traditional takes a hell of a lot to make it look good after you scan it.. makes it really annoying. *cuddles sketchbooks* mmm but its nice to flip through them later and see all the bright shiney drawings. <3 bright shineys.

ewww yeah i know what you mean, it sucks how they are like doing all kinds of other stuff and then your name just stays on some forgotten list! or even worse! a few times i did art trade with people and it was on list for a while.. and after i gave them art they took my name off but NEVER actually did their half for me *slaps people* so so aggrivating. i asked them about it and they were all "we didnt forget.. when its obvious they are trying to >.>;

hummm im kinda keen on american comic style and also more realistic sometimes also.. i just think maybe some of my chars are too hard to make realistic? because A'iel has that green skin and sometimes its very difficult to do skin tones that never see IRL.. and i dunno verdi and cyp and bijou are kinda.. eccentric also ^^;;

oh most of time im angry and baby is laughing for no reason with his little baby teeth showing and mischief eyes >.>;; trouble trouble trouble. ewwww why were they eatting the ironboard covers >.<;;; i dont understand baby.. they always trying to eat things that dont taste good >.>;

Zurie is offline
Old 04-27-2007, 06:27 PM

  • I make the bases I use anymore. Sure, there are some amazing base artists out there that I use from time to time, but after using the base x-amount of times, I just don't feel right doing it anymore. So, pretty much, my bases are inspired doodles that come to life in pixel form when I scan the doodle I did. xD
    Like, for the chibi base I use, I was inspired by my standard chibi drawing style, as well as KH, AngyChan, and Francisca for proporioning and shading. I've got a two other bases that I've made, one is only on the internet in one spot--Jitsu's gallery under Bijou, and then the other no one will see for a few years. xDD
    I'd share my bases with others for use, but I'm too defensive about others using my work, that I tend to keep 'em to myself.

Caeluma is offline
Old 04-27-2007, 06:39 PM

nice art ^_^

Momo4ever is offline
Old 04-27-2007, 08:14 PM

Originally Posted by yiesha

> oh! i almost forgot about the fullbody /slaps slaps
you buy a few times from blua too! including my pressie and cindy right? but but blua art soo pretty indeed. it would be wierd if anyone will skip hers <33
un un! but seems that the tv channel at my home gotprob ToT needs to wait daddy to fix it later ToT

yie yie is good. just reach hometown yesterday. but the road so jammed up cuz it's voting time at this area now. so police at each 1km and its really suckies D: so the journey took me long enough and tiring. it suppose to be an hour journey, but it turns to be 2hr++ ToT </3

how ish momo today?
You shouldn't slap yourself Yie.
Yup Yup I have bought from Blua at least 4 times Now all fullbodies.
Yeah thats right yours and Cindy's presents also I bought art for another friend from Blua too..
Yes Blua's art is so Awsome I think alot of poeple like to buy from her multiple times.
Hmm I wonder why It has problems.
Im glad to hear your good But It sucks about being Having to go home with that happening. I hope you didnt get too Bored.
Me Im doing pretty good Just listening to music at the moment. Waiting for a package to arrive.

yiesha is offline
Old 04-28-2007, 04:28 AM

jitsu > yeah. sketchbooks of art really nice nya! since yie usually commish people irl at here (malaysian artist always do cheap cheap sketch commish once awhile at our meetings here) so, i keep them all in one file too. sooo adorable to look at *o*

i know. omg i hate that the most. reminds me of this one breedable i win from one auction. not that i am auction winner. i got the freebie price so i bump the most. it's like a hell of bump cuz i want that pet so bad. but the artist just like keep forgotten about it and then making excuses. she's like, keep making HERSELF new pet instead of making others wtf >.> should not open pet shop then, right? just because i dont pay, it didnt mean that all my effort is worthless. D: i even wait for like 2 years for it, and when i ask, she's like "oh i forgot what you want, can you fill in the form again?" >.> or something like " i got big prob, can you wait for more " then keeps on procastinating. really fed up D: i really hate her now. cuz i felt like being cheated D: D:

ah yeah. it might be hard to find people who can draw your babies in realistic. but i think if you do find one, they will look super awsome, really *o*

omg little miscieves eyes >3< i know. i dun understand either D: D: maybe to them they look so nice? D: D:


zurie > aww really? lolx. i always think i am tired of certain base too, but then, it will i need to start over again if wanna start a new base since got shoppie at gaia that specifically use ppkh bases. that's why, once awhile i will rolls around to find new bases to play for own purpose or doing art trade with friends. lolx. that way i wont think i would be bored much about a certain base since already play with others too =3 and so nice that you could make your own base. i dont have courage to do own base, and not to mention laziness. it would be great to have own base though. something unique that others cant use then ourself -nodes nodes-


thank you caeluma <3


momo > wah so many @_@ i cant afford to buy from her. lucky enough that she loves my dolls, so we'll just do art trade since we love each other's stuff. else i know i wouldnt be able to commish her ToT /always low in income anywhere i go /ToT
thank you momo <333 un. i hope so too. it'q quite chaotic around here. the election is caused by the politician recently passed away, so need to find new one. so the whole country kinda concentrate on this area @_@;;
wonder what music momo was listening to and what package you were waiting~


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