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The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 10-23-2015, 06:44 AM

Oct. 22nd&23rd Nice Boots, Bad Jewelry

  • Prod the child to make sure it's awake before I leave for work. . .she doesn't have school this Friday but still haz work early Saturday I don't want her getting on a bad schedule.
  • Most likely I'll be finishing her costume after work.
  • Finish up some art things.
  • Start Charity set up

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 10-24-2015, 06:27 PM

Oct. 24th Pasta Recipes.

No time to cook tonight. Lucky for me we have a pasta dinner at our fund raiser. Pasta chicken something. And a bunch of things. It's going to be a good good night. XD PArty time and raising money for cancer care! yay!

  • Take Lilith to Work
  • Get ready for fund raiser

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 10-26-2015, 02:18 AM

Oct. 25th Pumpkins!

Halloween is upon us! Less than a week away and it's time I get my butt in gear for it. I'm really excited to start making up my pumpkins this year. I'm feeling painterly instead of carverly this year. I'm just not sure what yet. So many options.

I saw a few fun fandom based pumpkins, Batman seems appropriate. Or maybe I'll do spiderwebs. hmm options...

I put my hair into fake "dread curls" last night for my warrior costume look. I've been work on getting them out most of the day.
  • Chill day. Yesterday night was killer. :D
  • I have an image to do before the event.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 10-28-2015, 12:36 AM

Oct. 26th & 27th Spooky Stories and Costumes!

This part day and a half have been very busy for me. I put the finishing touches on my final December 2015 DA update. I'm really happy with them. :D Looking forward to starting on next years things soon too.

The Creepy Pasta channels I listen to are putting out lots of great stuff for me to listen to while I work. The most recent one was a two hour long story called The Whistlers. It was great.
  • Uploaded images like mad today (27th)
  • Time to paint some pumpkins!

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 10-31-2015, 03:06 AM


so much to do and see! No time for journaling AHHH!

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-01-2015, 05:38 AM

Halloween! yay!Oct. 31st

This has been such a busy day for me I woke up around 6. Had a shower got ready made sure Lilith was getting ready. Took her to her job (It's about a 45-1h drive to the university) Then we went around the city to do the scavenger hunt contest. We went to a Corn MAze, but it was sadly closed due to rain. :( So we we for noodles to warm up.

After we got home Lilith got dressed for Candy Beggin and Chris and I had an hour nap. We got 80 kids at our house threw out the night. Up from last year because we "sold out" Which is great. No left over temptation.

Tomorrow ToDo:
  • Get ready
  • Comic con 10-5
  • Get home & make dinner
  • Start posting/ compiling pictures for the various contests! :D

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-02-2015, 07:37 PM

Nov. 1st: Comics

I went to C4 central comic con. From about 10-5 we walked and looked at all the cool different exhibits. Took lots of photos of costumes for only being there one day. About 66 photos in all. If I had money I swear I would have so much loot right now. XD

There were a lot of amazing artists there too as always, but also a few not so amazing. I dunno maybe its because I do art too but I feel like you should be equal to are better than my quality or have your own style before you consider a career. Way to many obvious "still learner" there. I also don't understand why people think poorly done replicas of others work would sell. Also selling prints souly of your "original X-men" Character should NEVER be the way to go. Tables are expensive and it just doesn't seem like a good selling points. XD
  • Finish pumpkin contest entry
  • Finish December things
  • Post like an insane person

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-03-2015, 11:32 PM

Nov. 2nd: Craft Circle

A slow day of Mene posting and art. :D greatly loved after ComicCon.

My Craft circle...
  • Compiled a bunch of photos for the scavenger hunt
  • Started a bg for something
  • I made a spider avatar! Whee creepy!
  • Pumpkin Jellies were born.


The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-05-2015, 01:12 AM

Nov. 3rd: For Lunch

I was at work so I made myself a roast beef sammich today. With like half the roast beef on it. I ended up pealing away a lot of the bread too. Why? Cuz I know at home there was waiting a lovely chocolate cake that my mom had bought the previous day for no reason. It was a strange strange thing. I haven't noticed anything else off about her today but I think it's something I should keep an eye on.

  • walked for a bit further today

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-06-2015, 06:25 AM

Nov. 4th-6th: Ahh Event over

Time to reflect and tally up the awesome commons I bought. I hit my goals for 70 candies a day and had around 550 by the end. So I'm ready for the next one. XD

I found out who the WWOEC is going to be for November, time to start her drawing up.

Blizcon is happening this weekend and I paid for the virtual pass...yeah I'm a sucker XD Oh well Chris and I need some snuggle time after the event. I'm excited to see more about the Warcraft movie and New IP and of coarse Legion. :D
  • went from 998/1119 shoes to 1054...under 100 pairs of shoes left to get!
  • Made a new avatar

Last edited by Nephila; 11-06-2015 at 06:27 AM..

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-09-2015, 11:11 PM

Nov. 7th-9th: Blizzcon! -it was great

So after the event I took a bit of a mene break. GASP! WUT?! ok by that I mean I just played a few games on my alt instead of both accounts. You see on the weekend it was Blizzcon. I bought the virtual pass (like I said I was previously) and wow was it ever cool this year. A lot of great info about the next expansion. And lot of panels to watch about Cosplay and game design elements. I love watching other peoples creative process because it gives me ideas for me own.

I'm excited to try the new Demon Hunter class even more now. They're looking fantastic. It's also changing a lot of things on the classes I already play so it'll give me something to think about when choosing my alts. My Shadow Priestess will finally embrace her insanity and work for the old gods.

To a lesser extent I'm also looking forward to playing Overwatch and the upcoming D3 patch. D3 has been treating there patches in the way I wish WoW would be. So many fantastic things added every time. And D3 doesn't have a subscription while wow does so it's kinda confusing to why that is for a lot of people. So I'm one of the many unsubbed till expac.

I'm not huge into first person shooters, but I do like what I see of the story so far for OverWatch. In my heart I know I'll always end up back in Diablo. XD yes it's story is cheesy typical fantasy and predictable, (I saw the girl Diablo thing coming since they first showed Dekard Cain's "niece") But it's like going home after exploring other worlds.
  • I finished WWOEC WOM
  • Doing so staffy type stuff tonight.
  • Might play a bit of Diablo when Chris gets home.
  • Made a new avatar

Last edited by Nephila; 11-11-2015 at 12:34 AM..

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-10-2015, 08:25 PM

Nov. 10th: Oopsie!

I forgot to say I wanted to work for remembrance day Lost out on some sweet double time and a half pay action. However it'll give me some time to clean up tomorrow and get ready for the winter season.

I love the look of snow. Sadly it looks like we're going to be having a mild winter this year. So we might not have snowfall that stays until January. I hope we have snow for Solstice. It's nice walking out in the snow at night with really crisp air. I love how it smells to during winter. So clean.
  • Upload WWOEC thingy
  • Doing some more staff type stuff tonight.
  • Put some clothing aside for donation
  • start some more art! XD (I got a bunch planed for next year already and I can see the path I'm on really clearly)

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-11-2015, 07:43 PM

Nov. 11th: Sacrifice

My Nephew is over for a week. He's "visiting" because my sister's boyfriend is going threw something. I'm worried for my sister putting this guy she meet a year ago ahead of her son. Sadly for his safety this is the best thing for him. But he doesn't really see it that way.

I haven't been getting the work done that I need to because he's constantly in and out of my room. I feel like he's been pushed aside enough that I'll spend time with him but it's really annoying that I have to be put into a situation again because of something one of Amy's bf's is going threw.

For now he's gone out with some friends and I might be able to get a few things done. He does this strange thing every time he comes over and looks threw my closet to see if he can use anything for his cosplays. . .which is cool he's getting into Cosplay but he needs to understand I'm not funding his costumes or making his props.

I considered making him something for christmas one year but he changes the character he wants to be half way threw a project. So that put an end to that thought.
  • Go threw closet for donations (like I wanted to do yesterday)
  • The staff stuff I said I'd do yesterday
  • Remember to take something for these cramps. I hate medicine.
  • Sweet! I won third place in Utopias Halloween Avatar contest! woot 1000g!
  • Also got a nice 4K from the cool story game Howdy and belly put on.

Last edited by Nephila; 11-11-2015 at 07:45 PM..

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-12-2015, 02:51 PM

Nov. 12th: Mene Charities

On Mene we have a lot of amazing people helping each other. It's one of the many things I love about this community. We have a lot of great Charities and giveaway threads run by people. I have my two favorite.

RAK - One of the most active conversation thread on the site. Friendly people helping people.
Utopia - Fun games and contests with many opportunities to win. :D

  • It's a day job work day.
  • I woke up odd and easy. O.o
  • I'm ready for today.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-15-2015, 03:55 AM

Nov. 13th: Stranger Danger

I've had many incidents of stranger danger in my life. I don't really like talking about them. I don't know but I sometimes wonder if my shortness adds to it. I kinda look like an easy target in my mind.


Today at work we started planing our christmas party. We came up with a solid idea...laser tag. >:D It should be pretty fun. The other store managers though so too. I guess our DM told them. So now we're going to have like several stores in one place. Mel wasn't really happy about them all taging along on our idea but I guess if we want the company to pay for it we have no choice.

  • It's a day job work day.
  • Had Sushi for dinner. . .sadly it wasn't very good and I ended up tossing most of it. Probably not the best of idea when I had an upset tummy the day before. XD

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-15-2015, 11:24 PM

Nov. 14th&15: Car n' Paper Work

I walk everywhere, so I never really have to think about owning a car. I've never learned to drive or felt the need to. My home is very central and if it takes more the half an hour 45 mins to walk I just take a bus. Which isn't very often. I help out Chris with his Car payments every-now and then but that's just cuz he'll drive me to places.

As for paper work. . . Well on Sunday I was just made the Social Media person for Gopher the Cure. Not that I really needed more responsibility for other peoples websites, but there it is. If I wasn't already a crazy person I'm sure I soon will be. XD
  • Get some art done
  • Work out some of the bugs in my schedule I just created for myself. XD

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-17-2015, 04:04 AM

Nov. 16th: Let's do Science!

The picture I was working on today is a Science officer in StarFleet. I'm getting excited for the new movie and TV series. Even though it's only going to be the one pilot and the rest will be held captive on CBS online thing. I wish netflicks would have picked it up.
  • Daily chores: art, workout, clean. An hour of these big things everyday = to win. :)
  • I made a new avatar with our new CI. I love this CI. <3

Last edited by Nephila; 11-17-2015 at 08:50 PM..

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-17-2015, 08:50 PM

Nov. 17th: Meteor Shower!

I wish I could stay up tonight to watch it but I work early tomorrow. Maybe people will catch it and put it up on Youtube. The last Meteor shower I saw was a few years ago. It was so cool. It was also during summer so we sat outside. Not really possible tonight. I hear we'll be getting lots of Rain. >.<

I went around to a few places today to post some flyers for our Christmas event. I'll probably take a couple to work tomorrow too. This is pretty exciting.
  • Many plotting much work.
  • I did a bit of promo work today walking around posting flyers.
  • Added a flowery touch to yesterday's avatar
  • Main: 6310/7200 Alt Tracker: 3500/5685

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-18-2015, 06:41 AM

Nov. 18th: Health

This is something I've been neglecting of late. :( I've been very engrossed in doing things that are either sitting (my art) or putting me close to people (therefore food) I'm really bad in social situations and eating. I'm kinda surrounded by it. Most of my friends have the typical gamer body be being the smallest of them. So in the back of my head it's like why? I'm doing better than these people and they're awesome.

But then I start thinking about how the only person you compete with is yourself and I get frustrated about why I've been a dick to myself. I'll do really well for 6 months then for whatever reason I just mess up.
  • Gotta hit the ol' day job today. boo.
  • Sketch up some fun stuffs. :D Eeee!
  • Do a bit more "Holiday hustle" for cleaning the house and gift planing

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-19-2015, 03:36 PM

Nov. 19th: Dinosaur

I'm always impressed when another one of these critters are unearthed. There's been so much here that isn't here anymore. One of the latest ones is Wendiceratops pinhornensis. Big name for something not kicking. It's in the dinosaur family Ceratopsidae. Like Triceratops.


Work was interesting today. Our owners told us they sold the store to new management. So I'm terrified and excited at the same time. See the new owners never worked in foods. I hate when people that obviously know nothing about food try and run a place. They've owned convenience stores, so they'll have no problems with numbers and doing all the day end stuff.

Getting prep done and bread baked however. . . Well we'll see. They say everyone that wants to stay will be more than welcome. And will see a pay increase and possibly benefits. O.o Which would be amazing.
  • More of everything from yesterday.
  • I bought a bunch more shoes. :D Only 40 left! Now I switch to save for event mode. XD

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-20-2015, 11:04 PM

Nov. 20th: Aww Baby

Lilith's Report card came in.


I jokingly told her if she gets a 100 in any of her classes during the first term I'd get her something special. Well guess who just handed me a report card. XD yup. What to get her. . .hmm. Bad idea this close to christmas mom, but she did earned it. So yay!! One of her teachers called me too. He's giving us a bunch of options and contacts in Computer Programming, and Sciences departments. I'm SO excited for her. I really am feeling a scholarship happening in her future.
  • So much stuff!
  • I got a chance to talk with our new owners. Yay for being one of the people he's keeping. XD But this is going to be a really crappy time for some people.
  • I need to look for some boots/coat tomorrow. Mostly coat. I kinda donated my heavy one by mistake. XD lol oh well.

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-21-2015, 05:10 PM

Nov. 21st: My Favorite Mennies Item
  • Take Lilith to work
  • Hang out with bf and play some games
  • Winter stuff shoping
  • Take Lilith out for her treat
  • Meet with sis to give her some money
  • Dinner
  • Artsu stuffs

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-23-2015, 12:35 AM

Nov. 22nd: I confess

I'm under a lot of stress right now. The management change over at the day job is probably going to be fine in the end. I just wish it wasn't so much randomness around this time. We were in the middle of planing a holiday thing with the old crew now we have an almost all new crew off people still cutting their teeth.
  • Meet with some friends
  • Artsu stuffs

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-23-2015, 07:50 AM

Nov. 23rd: The Last Movie I saw

Robot Overlord. I watched it with Chris last night. It was about a group of kids forming a rebellion against these robot doods. Not bad. Sadly the older I get the less I can identify with these kids on screen.
  • Clean up some more
  • More art things
  • If I get enough (to my own standard) art done I'll join Chris for a game of D3. I haven't been doing that lately. >.< He misses our geek date night.

Last edited by Nephila; 11-24-2015 at 08:50 PM..

The Serpent Bride

Nephila is offline
Old 11-24-2015, 09:21 PM

Nov. 24th: Angry People

I think I count as one of those today. My glasses broke and it's like the worse time of year for shit like this. As much as I hate putting in my contacts it looks like I'll be rocking them until after I recover for christmas. *grumbles* Bah Hambuger! XD

I tend to surround myself with high energy folks that rarely if ever get mad to the point of becoming irrational. XD Getting even though is more my friends style. >:) Two of my buddies have been in a prank war since high school...we're in our 30s. The war shows no end in sight. XD
  • Some cleaning and other maintenance stuff.
  • Art <3
  • I made a few avatars over the last two days I forgot to post. XD



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