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Reinel is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:13 AM

8D Hi Celeeeeeeee et Kaaaaaaal~! I'd no idea you had a hangout thread for the event until Kal told me. :rofl:

sweetly25 is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:13 AM

*randomly appears* .......................

dot dot dot.... runs away again

twizted child eve
twizted child eve is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:13 AM

Originally Posted by Yreka View Post
I really should get a job. Problem is that the original job I would have had kinda died as the fencing club died. Ah well. I'll probably end up at the Jamba Juice or Starbucks near my house.

Argh. I start school the day after you start work.

I've never heard of that.
Oh, I see. I work at the college I go to.

Aw, I'm sorry.

Godsmack. They're a rock band. ^^

I'm gonna go for the night. It was nice chatting with you. ^^ Bye. ^^

Yreka is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:16 AM

Well, that would explain why i've never heard of them. Don't keep track of any bands which are in the US. The only two I keep active track of are one in Japan and one in the Netherlands. xD

See ya.

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Kaldeagirl is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:17 AM

REEEEI. C8 <333
Have you seen the event items yet?

Hello, Sweetly! COME CHAT WITH US! :insane:

sweetly25 is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:21 AM

Kaldeagirl: I'm getting lazy xD

Reinel is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:21 AM

*pokes Sweetly* =w=

@Kal: I have seen them around, yes. Looks like I'll need more stars and tokens first, though. xD

Yreka is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:23 AM

And besides, what's wrong with being lazy? [/is being so right now]

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Kaldeagirl is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:25 AM


Ahaha, do I know that feeling. :rofl:
How're you doing this evening~?


Yeah, I don't like how they're making us post for them, though. We used to be able to get the event rares by browsing and lurking. xDD

I was meaning to ask you, how was trip to the countryside? *3*


Ufufu, summertime is the best time for laziness. 8D

Yreka is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:29 AM

Kaldea: Well, of course my parents don't think that. Nor do the fencing coaches. Then again, this time of the year is the best time to not be lazy with fencing.

Ara ara ara. There I go again. Fencing has attacked my life.

sweetly25 is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:30 AM

Reinel: Got poked xD How come I never knew you have a Mene account >.>

Yreka: ummmmmmmmm xD

Kaldeagirl: I'm doing great kinda.. ish trying to finish 10 pixel dolls today >.< finished 6 or 7 today so couple more to go...

and you?

brb dinner

Reinel is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:30 AM

@Kal: Yeah, it's a bit of a hassle. Lurking would make everything so much easier, since I'm trying to choose seminars while posting on Mene. xD

The countryside was peaceful to the point that I became brain-dead for much of my stay. :rofl: The food was great, though. My cousin's family took us to a restaurant for a full course meal. *___*

@Sweetly: 8D Oooh, so my stealthiness worked! I was going incognito for fun. :rofl:

Yreka is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:32 AM

Sweetly: What was that ummm... about? xD

I should probably make dinner soon also.

Micki Chiba
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Old 08-06-2008, 01:40 AM

WOW..right now my dad making dinner.

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Kaldeagirl is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:45 AM


Oh, you fence? Which weapon do you use?
A few of my close friends are fencers, but I don't know that much about it. xDD


One way of getting stars without posting is making a thread, or getting people to post in a thread you made. Thread makers get 0.10 stars for every post in their thread (excluding their own posts), so it's a good way to get stars. ;3
Ooh, what seminars are you considering~?

Hahaha, really? Was that a good, calm brain-dead or a bad brain-dead? :rofl:
I don't think I've ever really been to the countryside. It might be nice to get away from techology for a while, though. xD
Was the countryside very scenic?

Niiiiice! *Q*
What kind of food did you have?
I've had a Chinese full-course meal and a European full-course meal, but never a Japanese one. And I don't think Thailand has a full-course meal. :'D


Wow, 6 dolls already? You must be so tired! ;A;
I can't do more than one per day. My eyes start to burn. xDD

Good luck finishing the rest of them! <33

I'm just in the process of replying to an RP. And I might finish up some lineart I'm doing for a friend~

Yreka is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:52 AM

Kaldea: I'm a tri-weapon fencer with focus on epee, then saber, then foil. Since every foil wants to grow up to be an epee. :'D

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 01:52 AM

Originally Posted by Kaldeagirl View Post

Ahaha, no worries! :'D

I remember seeing your art shop a month or so ago (your style is so beautiful and classy! <3), and wanting to commission a picture for Cele.
I had no idea you guys already knew each other! :rofl:

Ooh, you do watercolors? *3*
I'm taking a casual watercolor course this summer. It's loads of fun and I really like the media, but I hate how you can't really color over mistakes like you can with digital media and acrylics.
*is late again 8D*

I didn't realize Celes was on here! Otherwise I would have flailed at her earlier, we met during a Christmas event on Gaia? Or maybe New Years, I can't remember. She's such a lovely lady. <333

I have a few on my deviantart account (it's Cerine)!
Oh man, watercolour is the worst for mistakes. Even the ways they say you can fix mistakes with watercolour don't work most of the time. :\ Part of the reason I wanted to learn oils was so I could actually make mistakes and not worry about wasting so many wonderful sheets of paper. ;;;;

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Kaldeagirl is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 02:06 AM


Pfft, one of my friends says the same thing. :rofl:
How often do you practice?


HAHAHA, that gave me such a strong mental image of your avatar flailing her arms in Cele's face. :rofl:
But yes, she sure is wonderful. 8D :heart:

Ahh, I'll be checking out your dA account, then!
Yeah, the only way I know is by using a matte in the affected area. It doesn't look right, though, especially if you used a light wash in the area. D;
I screwed up the painting I was working on, but I don't want to throw it away because the line work took a while to complete.
Maybe oils would be good to try~ How are they different from acrylics?

Yreka is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 02:15 AM

Kaldea: During school, 2-3 times per week. Over the summer i've been averaging 5 days per week.

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Sarasvati is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 02:17 AM


I would die if I really did that to someone. xDDD

Well, if it's along the lines of a tiny spot, you can actually get an exacto knife and gently scrape at the paint to lift it off. The problem is you have to be careful because you're slicing away at the actual paper. If it's really bad and you hate the colouring, you can try saving the paper/line art by soaking it, and most of the colour will lift except for the staining colours (usually your saturated blues and reds, iirc). I'd make sure the ink you used for the line art was somewhat waterproof, if you want to try that method with the one you're talking about. :3

The main difference with oils is the drying time. They take a long time to dry, depending on various factors. Some never dry (Pinkham-Ryder's oils, I think, suffer this problem, but they're disintegrating too, sooo xD), but usually it takes a few months after you finish for them to dry out? This means you can go back in and edit forever, unlike acrylic. You don't have to worry about the build-up you easily get with acrylics too, if I remember what my classmates said.


sweetly25 is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 04:31 AM

*kicks thread back up again :3

Kaldeagirl: hehe well they are small so they don't take that long to make xD ke ke ke.. thank you.. hopefully I can get some more done soon :3

ohh I see..... :3

Micki Chiba
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Old 08-06-2008, 04:36 AM

*Helps her* there! Let's GET this PARTY STARTED!!* plays some party music*

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Kalliste is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 08:46 AM

Helllooo Thread. I hope someone does come and join me :)

Reinel is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 11:18 AM

Hallo, people. :]

@Kal: I started a small shop on the event forum. I hope that helps... xD
I'm still deciding. There's a seminar on Japanese poetry, but as I'm not a huge fan of literary studies, I'm not sure if I should apply for it or not.

I'd say it was a calm, lazy kind of brain-dead. The countryside is nice, but probably better if you're a senior. There was literally nothing to do near Yamagata University. :lol:

It was a mix between European and Japanese cuisine. Or rather, the food looked European and was based on European dishes, but it was tweaked to suit Japanese people. :rofl: <3

twizted child eve
twizted child eve is offline
Old 08-06-2008, 02:16 PM

Hey guys. What's up? ^^


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