View Poll Results: Would you buy my art?
of course~ ! ♥3♥ 9 90.00%
asdfgjkl no. >:U 1 10.00%
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Ricci is offline
Old 07-14-2009, 05:27 AM

Bowie • I suppose. I just find it more convienent not to bug or be bugged constantly about when a person's done or when is the pay coming.
But it should be remembered that I won't be starting on a person's art until the trade is sent for it lets me know "Hey, I'm all set to go. Are you? etc." c:
Sure, sure~

Nesseh • Really its no problem. Also, it'd probably be best , for anyone here really if buying or considering it, to look at the samples portion of the thread once again to make sure that's the first style is the one you want. n___n

Bowie is offline
Old 07-14-2009, 05:41 AM

Good to know. ^___^
I like the way you work.

Would it be alright if I used the donate button to give you the gold?
*new to the trading system on this site and doesn't know how to add money to a trade. ;p*

Last edited by Bowie; 07-14-2009 at 05:45 AM..

Nesseh is offline
Old 07-14-2009, 06:28 AM

Whoa I didnt noticed it. Did you just edit it? XD; Lol I choose Chibi 1 please, lol

Ricci is offline
Old 07-14-2009, 06:44 AM

Bowie • Ah thank you. I'm glad the system seems okay to someone. :'D Sure, send the gold however you wish. A tip for future trades even if not with me, there's a button on your side of the trade and it says add/remove an item. Underneath that, is how you add/remove the gold. c:

Nesseh • Yeah, I edited it just a few moments before I told you that. xD Mostly I just had to add in the Pixel style chibi since I just finished it and wanted to see how it would fair in a shop. :,D
But sure, I'll keep track of that. c:

Bowie is offline
Old 07-14-2009, 08:16 AM

You're welcome. :3
And thank you for the information. I'll have to take a closer look at it to find it in the near future. XD Somehow I didn't see the add/remove gold dude. ._.

Ricci is offline
Old 07-15-2009, 01:59 PM

hrmhrm, finally sketching out everyone's art since last few times, they never came out right. Once I get home, I'll begin linearting and colouring in everyone's art.

Bowie • Yeah, really it's not that hard to find. xD I'm sure you'll eventually get used to trading and such.
Also, do you want Gene&Cain in those particular outfits, have any others they wear, or can I just give them whatever to wear? c:

Fashionably Late

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Ivvy is offline
Old 07-15-2009, 02:04 PM

@ Ricci.. yay line art.. How have you been doing. I haven't talked to you in a bit. :)

Bowie is offline
Old 07-15-2009, 09:49 PM

Squee for line art.

XDD I know. I feel kind of stupid right now for not being able to see the button. ;p
It'll just take be a bit I guess.
And the outfits are entirely up to you. :]

Ricci is offline
Old 07-15-2009, 11:31 PM

Ivvy • Actually, I'm about to colour yours in once I finish going over these last few lines. I've been doing fine and yourself? Yeah but its cool. I know you're busy with other things. ^^

Bowie • Heh, my sketchy lines art nothing to squee about.
Nah, its not stupid. Alot of people make that mistake of overlooking it there first time they go in the trades section. Only reason I didn't is cause I take the time to stop and stare at everything. xD
Oh okay. I'll just look through a few outfits and give them that, or add onto what they're already wearing. ^^

Fashionably Late

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Ivvy is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 01:24 AM

O neat mine is up to be colored thats awesome. :) And yeah I have been busy. I am making my Birthday banners now. And I will be setting the thread up tonight so everything will be ready for my party on Sunday. :)

Ricci is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 03:12 AM

Ivvy • Of course. ^^ I colour most of my drawings and I really like how this one is coming out, so why not? Really? I'd love to see how those come out in the end since I'm sure you got alot of wonderful art of your birthday avatar. n____n

Gamer Chick
Hyda is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 03:17 AM

Hey all xD I'm pretty much going to close my art shop =_=' No luck.
Which means..
as an artist, I fail. D':

I'm pretty discouraged lol I know it's over dramatic but.. I just wanna quit Mene for a while because of it. -dies-

Anyway. xD

Ricci is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 04:09 AM

Hyda • Aww, you're going to close it really? You don't fail. Your shop was just starting out. D8 Sometimes, a shop gets flocked immediately and other times it doesn't. But if you really feel you should close it, why not hand out freebies as practice until you think you're good enough?

Its not over-dramatic. I feel the same when it happens and I'm sure others do too. But don't quit Mene. You just keep practicing and you'll get better.

/waves back

Gamer Chick
Hyda is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 04:25 AM

Hmm.. maybe. I'm seriously considering it. x___x''
& I suppose I could hand out freebies. I just don't know. x( I had a -little- confidence in myself.. but now it's all gone. bleh lol.

Oh.. you do, really? Whew.. well that's not a good thing but at least it isn't being over-dramatic. ^^'''

Ricci is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 04:54 AM

Hyda • Well, hopefully you just keep drawing. You shouldn't let it get to you. That's how I started out along with other artists probably did as well. Start out with freebies, then work your way up to commisions. gah, I'm no good at trying to help people stop feeling like their art is crap since I think the same of myself. :,D

Yeah, it happened to my shop over on Solia which stays pretty dead so I didn't bother. But yes, you're not alone. xD

St Branny
A Tyrant of Roses
St Branny is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 05:01 AM

omg you need to become unfull so I can buy arts!! >.<;

Gamer Chick
Hyda is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 05:03 AM

I'll try.... ._. I can't guarantee I'll keep doing it though. :/ But I'll keep that advice in mind - thank you.
lol it's ok. D': It happens to the best of us.

Geez... when I had an art shop on Gaia, I used to get tons of orders.. but here I don't get a thing. o.o''' it's weird.. and kinda hurtful

Ricci is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 05:18 AM

St. Branny • hehe, slots should open up sometime between today and this weekend but I wouldn't take it to heart. I suppose you could be on the invisible waiting list for whatever you want. 8,D That's what I get for being so zetta slow.

Hyda • Don't know why you're thanking me since I did nothing but just do what you feel is right. Best being all of us then apparently. lol xD;

Yeah, oddly that's the difference between Gaia and Mene. On Gaia, slots will fill up so fast you barely have time to work on all the commishes and here things are more mellow I suppose so things don't go as fast. A bit hurtful but it gives you time to improve.

Well, there's a storm and I need to save Ivvy's work progress before it gets lost for the umpteenth time with these stupid blackouts we get so often. @ ___@

St Branny
A Tyrant of Roses
St Branny is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 05:19 AM

you should add me to that list...heheee <3

Gamer Chick
Hyda is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 05:29 AM

Haha, well you did have some good advice c; so it's all good. xD''

oh no, not a storm. We've had those a lot recently where I live.. they can be a pain. Though.. my laptop doesn't need a storm. It randomly shuts off by itself sometimes. o.o'''

Ricci is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 05:35 AM

St. Branny • Sure, sure. lol What was it that you wanted anyways so I know what to get prepared for after finishing up everything? c:

Hyda • Really? I always thought my advice was bad. xD But as long as it helps you out somewhat.

I know. Sad thing is we just had one a few days ago along with a blackout and now I just know its gonna repeat. So yeah, if I poof, that's where I've gone. To bed cause blackouts leave me with nothing. 8D Wonder why its storming for everyone lately...
o__o; Hrmm, that's weird. Is it from overheating or just randomly?

St Branny
A Tyrant of Roses
St Branny is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 05:39 AM

Probably just a cute chibi of my current avatar. when its my turn just PM me so I can fill out the order sheet. <3

Ricci is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 06:08 AM

St. Branny • Ah okay. I'll make sure to pm you when slots are open then. Seems to be a bit of a Chibi Boom lately what with everyone wanting them and not just on Mene~

Gamer Chick
Hyda is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 06:39 AM

haha, nah your advice is just fine. ^^
Geez.. sorry to hear that about the blackouts.. must be rough. The last storm we had, it shut the power off but it came right back on xD I'm sleepy myself, actually. =u=''

I'm not sure why it turns off... it can turn off when it gets hot, or even when it's not really all that hot. xD It has a mind of its own I guess. o-o

St Branny
A Tyrant of Roses
St Branny is offline
Old 07-16-2009, 06:39 AM

Ahh well Chibi's are cute and I like when Branny is drawn as one. >.>;


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