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Parasite Steve
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Old 05-02-2010, 08:15 PM

GAAAAH I missed it ><
Thank god for Sunday night replays. Now I just wait.

Draciolus is offline
Old 05-02-2010, 09:30 PM

I watched it online. Though, I forget the website since SPACE wasnt letting me watch it on their site.

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Old 05-02-2010, 10:56 PM

I am ready to watch the new doctor who i seen the previews with the daleks in it how exciting.

Parasite Steve
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Old 05-09-2010, 02:36 AM

Finally watched last weeks episode. In time for this weeks episode.
Both great!
But this week pissed me off! Cliff Hangers D= Have to wait a whole new week for the next part.

Draciolus is offline
Old 05-09-2010, 02:37 AM

I know, that really annoys me. If you're going to make a two part them back to back.

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Old 05-11-2010, 02:31 PM

yeah I got a cliffhanger to guys ondemand only has part 1 to. It does suck and i wonder whats going to happen to Amy thats really interesting and was river song in silence in the library? I can't remember cuz I haven't seen that episode in awhile.

purplewaterbottle is offline
Old 05-13-2010, 03:07 AM

I love this show! Own almost all the seasons (skipped season three because of Martha), but own all the rest.
New guys still growing on me.

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Old 05-13-2010, 06:09 PM

why did you skip season 3? that was one of the best ones and theres nothing wrong with martha.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
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Old 10-21-2010, 09:13 PM

Lately I've been a bit addicted to Doctor Who. :lol: I watched the first two seasons of the new series back when they came out, but then lost interest between the seasons and wandered off. I recently decided I wanted to catch up, and so I have... I found a website that (well, completely illegally :lol: ) hosts all the episodes, so I've been going nuts, watching as many as four episodes a day. :lol: It's really interesting for me to see how The Doctor grows and changes as a person(s).
As for my favorite Doctor... Well, I was really attached to David Tennant's, like I think just about everyone is/was, and I was all ready to dislike Matt Smith's and pitch a good fit about it, but I found Matt Smith's Doctor impossible to hate and quite lovable. He's nowhere near as patient as David Tennant's (he seems to lash out at someone in every single episode), but he's still not as angry and brooding as Christopher Eccleston's (if you go back and watch the episode Rose you won't even recognize The Doctor's personality... lots of... just anger. Man.).
What irritates me the most about the 5th season is that the writers have given us another Rose/Mickey situation. Amy doesn't seem quite as dismissive of Rory as Rose did of Mickey (I think Amy actually loves Rory where Mickey was just... to keep Rose from getting bored on Saturdays?), but still... I see too much of the Rose/Mickey situation in it, and it just makes me sad. Although maybe it isn't a flaw on the part of the writers, because it does seem like a realistic (if anything about Doctor Who can be considered realistic :lol: ) scenario. There just isn't really emotional room for a boyfriend/fiance/husband when you're the Doctor's companion. I wouldn't say that the relationship between The Doctor and his companions is romantic (with the exception of Rose) it is very close, and certainly all of his companions seem to fall in love with him (forget what Donna said about not loving him, all that "you and me forever" stuff certainly implied plenty).

Okay, I'm babbling now, but hopefully someone will discuss one of the points I brought up with me. I'd really like to discuss Doctor Who with someone. :lol:

l u n a

lunanuova is offline
Old 10-22-2010, 01:36 PM


I agree with you about the most recent doctors. There really is something about David Tennant being the Doctor. I was also wary of Matt Smith but I found that I really liked him. He is so loveable! And I really like the companionship of him and Amy. Christopher Eccleston was probably one of the worst doctors really. He had no character and he just seemed whiney and moody. Him and Rose did not suit together!

And about Amy/Rory and Rose/Mickey's relationships being similar, Amy and Rory seem more vulnerable and cute, rather as you said about Mickey being Roses 'bit on the side' :D The Doctors companions always have some kind of strong relationship with the doctor (who wouldn't? he's soo lovely..) and with Rose AND Amy you kind of feel like they are much more suited for eachother than like, Amy is with Rory. Though they seem more believable as a couple.

I wish 'Donna' never was in Doctor Who. I don't like her as a comedian, and it was just Catherine Tates personality as Donna, not the character! She's trying to be humorous and boyish but I don't like that as a companion in Doctor Who.

Also with Amy, I really didn't like her at the beginning of the series. There was something about her features that reminded me of something/someone. And then I realised it was her lips reminded me just exactly of a girl off Britains Next Top Model that was really gobby and horrible (she was also scottish which is a coincidence!) and that's what made me not like her in the beginning.

But now I realise it, I've come to reallyyy like Amy as a companion. She's my favourite now. I wonder how David Tennant would be with Amy? I'd like to see that!

Oh Oh! And I am borrowing a laptop from my college at the moment and I have found that it has the Doctor Who game on it with Matt Smith! It's so good!

*Sings the theme tune like I always do*
Dumdumdumdum dumdudmdum. Oooo WOOOO ohhhhhhh OOooo eeeoooh!

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
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Old 10-25-2010, 01:11 AM

Luna - Well, Eccleston's was very moody, but there was good reason, you know. He hadn't had a companion for quite a while, and all of his people had just been killed, and as we found out later in the series, they kind of went batshit before they died. So I think he had a lot of anger and a lot of healing to do. I think Rose and... well, regenerating helped him in that. I don't think I'd call him the worst Doctor, but I will say that it can be difficult to watch if you're in the mood for a fun, lovable Doctor! Personally, I've skipped that season in my current viewing. I just wasn't ready for Eccleston's moody Doctor. :lol:

Yeah, Amy and Rory work better than Rose and Mickey, but I think the reason it's still difficult to feel is that she's become so smitten with the Doctor that Rory is sort of viewed as in the way, to her. She doesn't get to have her one-on-one time with the Doctor (and certainly can't try to jump him again...) with Rory right there. Poor Rory...

Really? I liked Donna a lot, she may even be my favorite companion thus far. But then again, I didn't even know Catherine Tate was a comedian until you said that, so I'm not familiar with her as anything other than just Donna Noble. I might have felt differently if that weren't the case.

It would be interesting to see how Tennant's would interact with Amy, although I want to say that I don't think they'd have as good chemistry as she has with Matt Smith's. I could almost see him being a bit annoyed by her, although I'm not sure why I think that.

Dumdumdumdum dumdudmdum. Oooo WOOOO ohhhhhhh OOooo eeeoooh!
:lol: Spot on.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 10-29-2010, 03:45 AM

Okay, so here's a question... which is scarier? Cybermen or Daleks?

On one hand, I find the Cybermen scarier since Daleks flee and can be more easily distracted if you start talking to them. Also, they don't, you know, cut you up alive. But Daleks creep me out more for some reason. I think it's the voice. Plus, they can kill Cybermen, making them the stronger of the two.

Squeegepooge is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 05:25 PM

I just watched the episode Midnight, and has anyone else noticed that Rose Tyler's face showed up on the screen after the bus goes dark? Any idea what that's about?

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-02-2010, 07:39 PM

Yep! Keep watching, it'll be explained later. :)

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Old 11-15-2010, 03:15 AM

I was wondering if there was a good Doctor love thread here.
Been marathoning Tennant's run lately with my knitting, just got a friend into the show.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-15-2010, 06:45 AM

There's a hangout in Mene Nations for discussing Doctor Who too - we get off topic a lot, though. :lol:

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Old 11-16-2010, 05:06 AM

What's the link for that?
And going off-topic is always fun!
Hmm, need to figure out when the new episodes start up, since I lack tv now.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-16-2010, 06:38 AM

Here's the link!

The Christmas special is on, well, Christmas. :lol: But I think it comes later to the United States... and I'm not sure when season 6 starts, wikipedia just says that the season will be split between spring and fall. Ugh, that's too long to wait. :lol:

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Old 11-17-2010, 12:53 AM

Seriously too long of a wait, and figured Christmas special should be then. I know it took about half a week to a full week during the regular season with BBC and BBC America for Who, but the internet gets it to me quicker.

Well, at least with it split I can enjoy the Doctor more over the time than a bunch of constant waiting.

Draciolus is offline
Old 11-17-2010, 05:38 AM

...I hate having been away all this past summer. I missed so many episodes, Im just going to have to watch all the recent ones(practically all with Amy) online sometime. Then again...I can always find it on DVD and just buy it...that way I can lay in bed and watch it on my days off. xD

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-17-2010, 06:42 AM

Make sure you do see them some way! It was a really good season. :)

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Old 11-19-2010, 01:09 AM

I love Amy, one of my favorite of the companions!

And yes, you must get and watch!

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seth1313 is offline
Old 11-25-2010, 04:08 AM

I actually have the blue pinstripe suit worn by the 10th doctor.
LOVE Doctor Who!!!
Also a Torchwood fan. Mmmmmm Captian Jack..

Chickie Nuggs
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Old 12-13-2010, 08:26 PM

Hello! I am actually surprised that no one has made a thread about this subject in here. I guess there aren't very many Doctor Who fans. That's alright, though. I haven't been a fan for very long, but I am a wee bit obsessed with it already. I thought it would be nice to have a thread to chit chat about the BBC television series.

From what I know about it, Doctor Who is a series of stories revolving around the time travels of the Doctor (He has no name that I know of and just prefers to be called Doctor). He is the last of his kind which is an alien race known as the Timelords. There was a large-scale war between the Timelords and a race known as the Daleks. It's possible that there could have been other races involved, but the Daleks are the only ones that I know of and they have been the most consistent enemy of the Doctor's next to the Master, whom I know little about.

Each person, or peoples (depending), tend to grow a tremendous bond with the Doctor, but he must always leave them at some point. The Doctor can time travel for many many years (He is 907 years old I believe), but normal people will eventually need to move on. I have not seen every series of Doctor who, so I'll just leave the subject of his travel companions alone at this point before I make anymore assumptions. :P

**Fun Fact**
The time machine which the Doctor uses is called the T.A.R.D.I.S. (Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space) and it is in the form of a blue 1950s police box. Apparently the TARDIS has a cloaking ability that allows it to blend in with the surroundings of the time. The cloaking device malfunctioned while in the police box state and the Doctor just so happened to like the look. This has become the signature look of the TARDIS.

**Fun Fact**
Timelords have this ability called Regeneration, which ensures living a long life. As the Doctor once said, it's a means to "Cheating Death" so to speak. Whenever a Timelord is about to die, instead of dying, he or she can change form entirely. This is why the Doctor has so many different appearances (and to's a good reason to keep this series going for as long as it has been).

If you come across this thread and have never heard of this show, and happen to gain interest, then stick around. Also, I do not know everything there is to know. I'm hoping that in making this thread someone who does have much knowledge on the subject will come and enlighten us all. :D

Last edited by Chickie Nuggs; 12-17-2010 at 08:03 AM..

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Eastriel is offline
Old 12-16-2010, 07:56 AM

*Cries* Why did you have to use the new shitty logo D:

: )
You know you could probably buy the box sets quite cheap now, some episodes it's just worth sitting down in front of the tv for.
The christmas special is on on the 25th, they're going for a scrooge theme, wonder if it will be any good. I have to say i'm not looking foreward to it as much as I usually do. I think at the moment one of the only things I kinda like about the new doctor is his voice, I mean, he's not even fit. D: So it's not like you can go, 'well he's not that great at acting but at least he's pretty to look at' D:

Ping me when you reply. <3


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