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Old 10-26-2007, 05:13 AM

As did Bree. Even though elle had already reached the tavern, Bree walked past it. Drawing stares as she did. Truly, this wasn't a good plan. She slipped around back of a store and knocked. When the woman answer, Bree smiled. "Hey, Mag, can I have my old stuff back?" The woman veiled her shock and nodded before coming out and handing her a bundle. Bree nodded. "Thanks."

She slid out of the shirt and the jacket on loan to her, placing them over her back and slipped into her amazonian like topstretching. She buckled the sword belt onto herself, slipping a blad into it's sheath. finally, she let her prized wapon rest at her side, and her quiver on her back. A centaur again...

She strode out of the alley and out onto the main street towards the tavenr again. She wouldn't be allowed inside...

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Old 10-26-2007, 05:16 AM

Yavi's fears were correct. seated at the bar of the tavern, and the far end, was the pink haired demon. He sat there, drinking a small glass of water. Yavi walked in moments after Elle and Strifin. "Why don't you two hang around this end of the tavern, I have something to attend to, I shall be right back..."He then walked over to Cherry and seemed to strike up a small conversation.

THE Senpai
Senpai is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 05:21 AM

  • Kain looked around. It was too dark for her to buy decent clothing to change out of. Because it was dark, the blood stain went unnoticed to those around her. She stopped at the Tavern. The sounds of laughter, chatting and others didn't amuse her. It would only lead to trouble with her current attitude. "Gabriel and I will look for a Hotel to stay in for the night. We will contact you at the Tavern in a hour."

  • Gabriel followed. "Don't you think you went a little too far with those thieves, eh Kain?"

  • She didn't answer him. He knew her answer already. "Let us search for a place to sleep tonight. rest will do us well." That was the answer to his question.

Send a message via MSN to Amo_Angelus
Amo_Angelus is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 05:25 AM

Her eyes flickered across to Chery, on second thoughts she would much prefer to find somewhere else. A sigh, unfortunatly she knew of nowhere else. And so, reluctantly she walked to the bar as far away from the brothers as she could. Slipping off a ring of gold and emeralds she twirled it in her fingers as she waited. "Presently she caught the attention of the bar keeper. A smile crossed her lips and honeyed words flowed from her lips. "It has been an arduous road." She sighed to no one in particular. "I would gladly trade any ring for a bed and a decent meal."

The offer was too tempting. The barman couldn't remain silent. "I could do that for you." He couldn't get the words out fast enough.

"Excellent." Elleran breathed "Then this ring is yours once I am fed and rested." She smiled.

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Old 10-26-2007, 05:27 AM

After a few minutes Yavi returned to where Elle was. Cherry finished his water, then vanished. As Yavi walked back towards Elle, she would be able to notice the looks Yavi received from the patrons. It was obvious demons weren't soo welcome. As he passed individuals would mutter words under their breath towards him. It didn't seem to phase the demon though, he was used to it. Being a demon was something he couldn't hide. It was in his blood, his eyes, the marks on his arms, even I the way he moved, and the demonic scent he carried with him. A scent of pure demonic blood.

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Old 10-26-2007, 05:33 AM

She looked up as Yavi approached. Her gaze flickered to where Cherry had been and back to Yavi, taking in the strange looks he was getting "Someone had best tell them not all of your kind are evil." She mused. "I do not think they know it yet, please, sit."

Send a message via MSN to StormRose
StormRose is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 05:36 AM

Bree shuffled a bit outside of the tavern, leaning agaisnt the wall. She couldn't get in. they'd kick her out she knew they would. So, for now she rested ,letting her eyes close.

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Old 10-26-2007, 05:39 AM

Originally Posted by Jayms_fallen_angel
She looked up as Yavi approached. Her gaze flickered to where Cherry had been and back to Yavi, taking in the strange looks he was getting "Someone had best tell them not all of your kind are evil." She mused. "I do not think they know it yet, please, sit."
Yavi sat beside Elle, "It is a good suggestion, though they probably wouldn't listen." He then pointed to where Cherry had been, "Don't worry about him, he's spending the nite at the Inn. There are rooms here too though, so you and him won't be sleeping in the same building."

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Amo_Angelus is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 05:42 AM

"Maybe they just need to be told differently?" She suggested. "You'd be suprised what a difference carefully words can make." She smiled as a plate of meat and veg was brought forewards and placed before her. "For example." She smiled and turned to the barkeeper "Thank you good sir." He gave her a room key and she handed over her ring. Happy at the trade he walked away to admire his highly valueable prize.

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Old 10-26-2007, 05:47 AM

Yavi sighed and rested his arms on the bar. "If it were only that simple..." He rubbed his arms with his hands, rubbing over the markings. he felt somewhat uneasy, having his arms exposed.

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Old 10-26-2007, 05:51 AM

Feeling like a bit of a slacker, Bree carefully pushed the door in, treading inside with the most careful of treads. Chairs were thrown back as people scrambled to their feet. How annoying. That was a horrible noise.

"Yavi. I got my clothes and equipment. figured you'd like this back."

Before anyone could speak she gave a glare. "I'm getting out, I know." Her hand held out his jacket.

THE Senpai
Senpai is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 05:51 AM

  • A clothing store caught Kain's eye. There was an outfit similar to her own in the window. Of course it was a man's store. Thankfully, Gabe was with her. "Get me that outfit in the window. I doubt my gender is welcomed there."

  • Gabe looked in the direction of the store. He saw the outfit and nodded his head. He was nice to her like that. Of course, it wasn't for free, she'd pay him right when he came back. A few moments later and he returned with the outfit in hand. "Here you are, Kain. The outfit you requested. Please bay me back now." He asked with a gentle smile on his face.

  • Kain handed Gabe the money Yavi gave to her. "There. Now I must find a place to change." She pointed to an alley, "There. Stand and watch for me." Kain changed into her new clothing. A large scar was visible before she placed the shirt on and then the vest. Moments later, she emerged from the alley. "Best to head back to the Tavern, Gabriel."

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Amo_Angelus is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 05:52 AM

She nodded "Why do they hate you?" She asked curiously. "You dont seem half as scary now your brother is gone." She smiled "If it were not for him I would never have feared you." She began to eat.

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Old 10-26-2007, 05:57 AM

Yavi took his jacket from Bree, "Thank you." He slipped it on, mostly to his his arms again. He then answered Elle. "They hate me because of what I am. No one gives demons a change, we're almost like the centaurs, only not thrown out as much..."

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Amo_Angelus is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 06:01 AM

"I still do not understand." She replied "What does it matter what race you are?" She looked confused "Nothing like that happens in Avalon." She admitted "The only people who are no Avalon that go there though are of high class so of course we do not have that." She chided herself, finding out just how sheltered she was.

THE Senpai
Senpai is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 06:01 AM

  • Kain and Gabe reached the Tavern again. The two noticed Bree exiting from the Tavern. "The others are inside I assume. Very good." She looked at Gabe, "I will keep my temper in check, if that will make you less worried of me, Gabriel."

  • He could only nod. He watched Kain enter the Tavern, probably to grab a seat nest to the group. He looked up at Bree, she was more at his eye level now, slightly taller than himself. "Is there anything that I could get for you, Lady Bree?"

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Old 10-26-2007, 06:06 AM

Originally Posted by Jayms_fallen_angel
"I still do not understand." She replied "What does it matter what race you are?" She looked confused "Nothing like that happens in Avalon." She admitted "The only people who are no Avalon that go there though are of high class so of course we do not have that." She chided herself, finding out just how sheltered she was.
"Well, to some it matters more than it does to others. Even if I proved that I'm not evil, they would still find some way to plaster that name on me. But, you get used to it. " Yavi then yawned, the demon hadn't slept in days. He blinked his eyes a couple times, trying to hide his tiredness.

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Amo_Angelus is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 06:08 AM

She smiled "Well you should not have to," She told him "And you should sleep before your soul escapes." She mused. "Do you have money?" She asked him.

THE Senpai
Senpai is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 06:09 AM

  • When she entered the building, Kain scouted the area for those she knew. She got a few stares because of her clothing and weaponry. It didn't phase her for a single moment. As soon as she spotted Cherry, she knew Yavi was close by and she spotted him with Elleran. She took the seat on the other side of Elleran. Protecting her was first priority. Kained listened on their conversation, if her input was requested, she's give it.

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Old 10-26-2007, 06:11 AM

Yavi nodded, "Of course. I may be a thief, but I assure you, I'm no poor one." He stood up and waved to catch the attention of the barkeep. After paying for a room, Yavi wandered upstairs.

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Old 10-26-2007, 06:16 AM

She shook her head. "Theives rarely are in my experiance." She mused to herself "At least the ones with two hands." She continued to eat, slowly, getting lost in thought. It was a strange place this world and she was fascinated by it, although somewhat scared of it.

THE Senpai
Senpai is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 06:18 AM

  • Gabe shortly entered into the facility and took a seat next to Kain and Elleran. He grabbed the barkeeps' attention. Gabe payed for his and Kain's single room as well as a few drinks and a meal. "I have not tried their wonderful looking and deliciously smelling cuisine. Lady Elleran, could you tell me how it is? I am a little eager to know."

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Old 10-26-2007, 06:21 AM

Yavi walked into his room and barely locked the door before collapsing on the bed. He laid on his stomach and kicked off his shoes. He rolled out of his jacket and let it lay on the side of the bed. There were no others in here so he didn't need to wear it for now. He closed his eyes and was asleep in second. Though the room was still lit. his power began to take effect without the control of the sleeping demon. A shadow seemingly reached up from his back and smothered the small light bulb. The room grew pitch black, just the way Yavi liked it.

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Old 10-26-2007, 06:23 AM

"It is a fair meal. Better than most." She smiled benignly at the bartender. Apparently she could be quite the charmer when it came down to it. "My expectations were surpassed."

THE Senpai
Senpai is offline
Old 10-26-2007, 06:31 AM

  • His eyes light up with excitement. Such trivial things pleased him very much. Gabe was an interesting fellow to say the least. The barkeep returned with his and Kain's meal along with the two drinks and key.

  • Kain grabbed the key from Gabe along with her meal. "I will go to our room. The door will be unlocked; however, if anyone comes in who I believe is an intruder will die tonight." She said this at a normal level speaking voice. It was just like her to make such a remark. And as such, she took her mean and key, traveling her way up the stairs to the room Gabe payed for.

  • Gabe could only smile. He was sure that Elleran thought it was weird that Kain could tolerate him so much. "Lady Elleran, in case if you are wondering, Kain saved my life several years ago at the school we attended. There was a jail break out and the two of us were cornered in a school room. I wasn't able to fight because both of my arms where broken from a previous fall. Kain stayed with me and fought for me. Ever since then, we've been together." He said to her in a quite volume. He took in a bite of his meal and smiled with joy.


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