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Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 08-08-2013, 05:29 PM

((I think that Hannah should be captured by the young ones and Harper gets away, but then she kills another person with Harper to get away. ))

Nori felt Bo coming closer after he got kicked. Looking up at her through the blood running down his face, the were smiled weakly. "I-I'm alright..." he breathed and then gasped as he tried to get up. The pain was horrible as he crawled over to her. Reaching out a shaking hand, he placed it on her's. "You're alright... It will be fine." he said and then coughed, turning his head to spit out the blood away from her so she wouldn't see. Wiping his mouth he then struggled to get to his knees, feeling like his chest was on fire. It probably ment that several bones were broken. Honestly it killed him to be moving. "I will protect you Bo..." he breathed softly. Growling in pain he grit his teeth as he felt the pain of something seeming to bite into his veins. The pain was nearly unbearable.

Hannah hissed in pain as Tavyn attacked her. She was getting wounded badly, and her brother would start suffering the wounds as well if he stayed much longer. "Please, Brother! Leave me! They are coming!" she cried in pain as she tried breaking away from Tavyn. She hissed in pain and then heard the howls of the parents responding. They were only a minute away. "HARPER LEAVE ME!!!" she cried painfully, meeting his eyes as Ivory was distracted by the sounds of the howls from the parents. It gave the pureblooded boy enough time to escape, and as he took off, Hannah smiled at him bravely, her eyes comnveying her love to him.

Ivory hissed as she realized Harper was getting away, but then she heard Xiba's choking voice, and it went straight to her heart. She calmed and changed back slowly, as she ran over to him. He had pulled out the spear in his arm, causing him to lie on the floor, but she was shocked as she looked down at him. "Xiba.... You're gonna be okay...." she breathed. She cupped his head and then whimpered seeing him in such pain. Tears fell down her face as she did and she sniffled as she looked at all the blood that was coming from his body, his handsome face was in so much pain. Wiping the blood away from his face with her gentle hands, she cupped his cheeks, looking into his bright green eyes.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-09-2013, 06:00 AM

((>:3 Sounds good!))

Bo was shaking lightly as Nori struggled to get to his knees. She'd seen pain, but nothing like this. Bo had been graciously sheltered from most of it, seeing only what Xiba couldn't keep her away from. Now, though....

The girl's green eyes were wide as she reached out and gently touched some of Nori's shirt. That was when he growled, obviously in pain. "Nori!" Uncertain and confused, the girl seemed to forget her own pain. Standing, she looked around in confusion. "Someone help!"

It was Tayla who heard it first. The girl pushed herself away from the gravel that had once encased Tavyn. She'd heard her brother's name. Please, please no. Her blue eyes were full of panic as she darted forward, ignoring the vampires. She saw Nori, and everything within her broke.

Tears sprung to her eyes as she ran forward, immediately pressing a hand to Nori's side. She knew of her powers. She wasn't strong, and neither could she produce much healing, but Tayla had to try. She wasn't sure how hurt he was. This was her brother - her mirror and other half. She couldn't stand knowing something was hurting him so badly.

A light glow flickered over her cheeks, seeming to come from her eyes. It looked like a frosted pattern that flit over her skin, coming to gather about her hand. It was soothing, and began to draw some of the pain away from Nori. "Where does it hurt?" Tayla asked, blinking away the remnants of tears. She would cry later. This wasn't the time for a little girl, this was the time for a healer.


Harper shook his head, trying to knock the pain away. He stumbled backward, falling as he scrambled to get away from the agonizing pain that seared through him. The farther he got from Ivory, the better it felt. With a hiss, the vampire shifted away from her. He was about to run when he realized his sister was still fighting. Hesitating, the male turned his attention to Tavyn. The burn on the side of his face seemed to pulse with the thought of being burned once again.

"Please, Brother! Leave me!"

Harper's green eyes locked on Hannah, and he froze. "No!"

"They are coming!"

He hesitated, knowing that at any moment the older creatures would arrive. They would both perish if that happened. Harper cringed, looking as though he was struck when he heard Hannah's cry of pain. He couldn't leave her with these people! He took a step forward, looking ready to jump into the fight.


It was the desperation in Hannah's plea, the sheer pain in her gaze that caught him. Harper let out a weak cry, knowing that this was his moment. It was more intelligent to free her later, if she lived. He held gazes with Hannah as long as he could before simply disappearing, darting away as fast as he could. He didn't want them tracking him.

It was physically painful to turn his back on his twin. Each step weighed heavily on him, and Harper couldn't stop himself from looking back. He would NOT let her perish among the mongrels!

((Oh, he'll be back. Gotta wait till there's a chance, but he'll be back.))

Xiba weakly lifted his head when he heard Ivory's voice. He didn't laugh it off. His usual half-smile was gone, replaced instead by tight-lipped pain. The redhead was pale, and obviously in pain. Each breath made him cringe, and Ivory's sensitive hearing could pick up on his erratic heartbeat.

Her words had no effect on him. With the internal damage that had been done, Xiba stood very little chance of survival - it was nearly impossible for him to live without the immediate care of the best healers known to their kind.

He sucked in a breath too quickly, causing him to choke. Xiba coughed up more blood, this time his own cries too weak to be heard over the approach of the elder half of the clan. There was a brief moment of clarity among the pain when Ivory's cool hands wiped blood from his face, cradling his features. Xiba was hardly able to keep his eyes locked on her.

"B-Bo," he breathed, closing his eyes as another wave of pain wracked him. Xiba coughed once - and something within him seemed to collapse. Unable to breathe properly, the youth grasped Ivory's wrist tightly. He could hardly tell what he was doing. Xiba writhed, falling still only when it hurt too much to shift.

There was a moment of clarity when their eyes met. "End it," he whispered, desperation in his weak voice. Xiba struggled to draw breath, shuddering in pain.

Tayla had finished with the worst of Nori's wounds when she heard Bo's wordless squeak of horror. When the healer realized what had caught her attention, she cried out in dismay. Xiba.

She ran forward, tripping over herself to get to Ivory's side. "N-no!" Tayla's hands pressed against Xiba's chest, and he groaned at even that light weight. The glow that formed around Tayla strengthened, flowed about her hands, and then began to fade. It had no effect on Xiba's stuttering breath. "No!" She tried again. And again. And again.

"Ivory," Xiba's breath was so ragged now, one could hear his inner being caving in. When he said her name, his plea was the very essence of desperation. "End ... it."

Tayla was backing away, horrified. She couldn't help him. Xiba was going to die because she wasn't strong enough.

As they gathered around Xiba, Tavyn managed to pin Hannah. Her brother had escaped, but that didn't matter. A feral snarl left his lips as he slapped the woman, a row of red and inflamed marks raking over her pretty features. He might have killed her if it weren't for the howls of the parents as they arrived.

It was Devan's voice that broke through his rage.


The one word brought the half-breed's blue eyes up, and he snarled in anger. The expression slowly faded as he realized who he was challenging.

"Stand down." Devan's red eyes were steady, and he approached slowly. By the time he stood above Hannah, the vampire had efficiently "alpha'd" Tavyn. The boy backed down, suddenly realizing their surroundings. He stood still, listening to everything about him, stunned and overwhelmed.

Devan looked down at Hannah, observing her with his usual calm expression. She'd taken quite a few hits, and was burned in multiple places. It was obvious that Tavyn would have torn her throat out had he not stopped the boy.

"You have your mother's eyes," he said, kneeling beside the wounded vampire. Devan's red eyes narrowed. This girl knew exactly where her mother was. If they could get that information from her, they could end this. OH, how familiar this girl looked! Hannah was the perfect mixture of her parents. Devan could see his brother, Rafe, in this child. It was painful to recall.

Quietly, Devan kept guard over Hannah. He would be the one to ensure her "safety" at all times. She wasn't going anywhere.
Es apologizes for any delays - she has just moved and is piecing things together again. If Es is behind on something, feel free to poke her.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 09-01-2013, 02:16 AM

Nori flinched hearing Bo's cry for help, his ears flickering down on his head for a second. Looking to her face full of fear he wanted to reassure her those things would be all right. But that would be lying, wouldn't it? It seemed like it would be. Trying once more to get up, his legs didn't seem to be responding right. Growling softly as he suddenly heard his sister, his head turned slowly so he met her eyes. The blood was running down his features, but seeing her fine brought a genuine smile to the young kit's face. "Tay.... You're okay...." he choked out and then coughed, more blood falling from his mouth. Flinching away as she touched him, her fair features suddenly began to glow.

Her powers. She had seen this.... He should've known better then to shake off her vision. They could have been ready for this. Knowing that decision would eat at him for a long time to come, he shook those thoughts from his head. He needed to protect the children, to the very end if it had to be like that. "My chest. Tayla. Hurry. " he whispered and the cooling feeling coming from her hand made it easier to breathe. With every second the relief came to him. Able to move better, he pulled away and slowly stood, nearly loosing his balance at first but he straightened out. "Go help the others Tay." he said and then held a hand out to Bo. "Help me find the other kids.... We need to get them to a safe place. You will know where most of them will be hiding." Nori said, taking a role of leadership. They needed to protect those who were left.

Ivory's eyes kept running over Xiba's features, trying to remember any of the healing Moonbeam had taught her, but nothing could be remembered when the male in her arms was in so much pain. Keeping herself as calm as possible she kept whispering to him that it would be okay, and then she suddenly remembered Tayla. She could save him. She had too. "TAYLA!!!!" The hybrid screamed, alerting her cousin how desperate she was for getting help. Xiba was barely holding on. As she was brushing his red hair from his face, he grabbed her wrist, with more strength then she thought possible.

The world froze in that moment they locked eyes. It was as if she could feel every little bit of his pain. The words that formed on his tongue made her stare down at him in shock. How could she.....? She was only 5; she couldn't even control her powers. When Tayla crashed onto the scene the world started moving again. "Please help him Tay.” she begged, watching with hope and tears in her eyes. "You're going to be okay. You'll see.,” she said, trying to also reassure herself at this point. It didn't seem to matter how hard Tayla was trying, it just wasn't working. He couldn't be saved.

The plead came again. This time, Ivory's tears stopped. She had to act. Xiba should no longer suffer. The young girl matured in that moment, her face calmed as she cupped the side of the male's head. "Just relax." she breathed softly and kissed his throat. She remembered her father sucking poison out of a thrashing friend; with the venom he calmed her entire being and made her feel no pain. If he could do it, so could she. Her fangs then sunk in, and her eyes turned bright cobalt once more. With amazing control she sent out her venom to relax and sooth him as she drank from him slowly. Never before had she tasted blood, and it was heavenly. But she knew she had to stop herself. When she felt his features relax beneath her touch, she pulled away, blood staining her lips.

Meeting his grateful eyes she leaned down and kissed his lips softly. Pulling away and seeing that normal smile on his lips brought tears rushing down her face. Smiling back so she knew he would have a good smile to go with him she stroked his cheek and watched as his last moments slipped away.

((Xiba should say something memorable as his last post on here. T~T I’m gonna cry this is so sad!))

Hannah was trying her very best to block any shot possible thrown at her. But the anger in this hybrid was so ridiculous that he wasn't going to stop until she was reduced to ash. Even with her metal body, she couldn't keep it up forever. Which caused his last few attacks to really burn her flesh. About to accept that her life was over, Tayvn backed down to the one person she hated more then this red haired hybrid. Her betraying uncle.

Hissing as he stood above her she stood, still nude and damned proud of her body. She wasn't ashamed one bit. Her golden eyes of fire pierced into him as she gave a louder hiss. "How dare you speak of my mother!!! You should burn for even thinking of her you betraying bastard!" she snarled. She went to try and move, but she didn't expect an elder pureblood. Jaffair smacked her across the cheek, making her hit the ground so hard a crater appeared. Her eyes were wide with shock as she looked up and saw him. His true aurora was let loose and it was stifling.

"You cannot escape. Don't be foolish enough to try." he hissed, obviously holding back smiting her, but she couldn't see that. He was a stone cold mask of power. When he heard Caprey's cry, his gaze caught sight of Zaylin's bloody form and his eyes grew ever darker. Turning to Deven, he knew he might loose it. The only time the elder had broke out in anger was when Caprey was hurt badly, and with Zaylin hurt for the first time, the father was on the edge of destroying every molecule of Hannah.

"Devan, have the hunters put her in the prison hut... Or I will end her now, even if she proves to be useful." he said coldly and swiftly was by his wife's side as Moonbeam arrived. Holding Caprey's shoulders, he kept her calm as the healer closed his chest wound with ease luckily. "Thank you Moonbeam." he said, trying to stay calm as the boy slowly opened his eyes. Reaching out, the pureblooded father petted his head making the young one purr gently. He would be okay with rest.

Toru was worried as hell. Her face said it all as the children ran to her and her husband. Bo and Nori had successfully rounded up the younger ones and seeing him still all scratched and hurt, the mother instantly plucked him into his arms. Her aura wrapped around them in a soft pink and healed him fully. Nuzzling him a ton, she kissed him all over and then let him down to heal the small wounds on everyone. Smiling softly at Bo, she healed her bruised stomach and smiled thankfully. "Thank you for helping everyone. Especially my son." she said and patted the red head's head softly. As Tayla ran over, and her message processed shock ran over her features. Xiba was dead.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 09-02-2013, 05:39 AM

Xiba released Ivory's wrist as though the action took too much energy and concentration. When Tayla's healing touch lifted, his status remained much the same. There wasn't enough to help him. Tayla had taken a small amount of pain away, but it was replaced quickly with fresh agony.

The cool feel of Ivory's hands cradling his head made Xiba shiver. He could no longer speak - the pain didn't allow it. It was sheer heaven when Ivory finally acted. At first, Xiba stiffened with the shock of the moment. Then, the pain began to fade around the edges, like something was covering it with a thick cloth. Whatever Ivory had done was spreading throughout him, easing pain and making it a bit difficult to think.

His green eyes flickered up to her face. In those eyes Ivory could see the relief Xiba felt. That little kiss made his smile return - a crooked, silly grin spread over his face.

"They're gonna look up to you one day, you know?" Xiba found it difficult to speak, as though everything was slowing down. He was getting so tired.... "The others. They'll look up to you. You're special. Different." He blinked slowly, regaining focus as Ivory's hand ran over his cheek. "You're strong."

Xiba seemed to drift a bit, but when he looked up at her again, his eyes were clear. "Don't blame yourself for this, Ivory. Don't you dare blame yourself." For the first time, his voice was stern. "It's them, not you. Don't ever become one of them, okay?" He smiled bit. "They're full of anger and blood lust. That's not you. You're a protector." His smile widened a bit. "You're ... an angel."

His green eyes seemed distant as he continued. He was losing focus. "I got to meet you. I got to meet an angel." Xiba closed his eyes, feeling suddenly very heavy. "I ... just need to rest." His hand brushed Ivory's as the redhead's pulse began to slow. That smile. That heavenly smile. He could see it when he closed his eyes.

It was moments later when his breath slowly came to a stop. Tayla was sitting a few feet away, her eyes wide in realization. Ivory killed him. Ivory ended Xiba's life to end his suffering. The pale girl slowly stood, a sudden revulsion for both herself and the situation flooding her. With a stifled sob, she ran. At first, she ran nowhere in particular. Then, she ran to her mother. It was the one place she could go without feeling ... useless.

"Okay," Bo forced herself to turn her attention away from Tayla and Xiba, trying to push away the thoughts that stifled her. Instead, she did what Nori asked.

Bo was trying so hard. A slow realization began to dawn over her. She moved about, numb as she helped find the children. When they were gathered together with the parents watching over them, the girl couldn't feel safe. She'd never felt so ... alone. There were people all around her, but Xiba ... Xiba was gone. Even with Nori sitting nearby, everything felt empty and cold.

She didn't have to ask. After being healed, Bo merely lowered her head and stayed silent. She registered Tayla's approach, and felt her heart crumble. The last piece of her family - her brother, her dear, sweet older brother - didn't make it. No one was saying anything, but Bo felt it. There was a heaviness in the air that hadn't been there before.

Her green eyes, so much like her brother's, brimmed with tears. Bo didn't sniffle, or cry. Instead, she sat still, frozen as the weight of loss settled over her. She didn't react when Tayla, who's pale eyes were red and full of tears, approached and sat beside her. Bo didn't do a thing when the older girl began to break, her sadness finally breaking through. All Bo could do was sit and stare at the ground before her.

Xiba was gone.

Devan nearly struck her. As Hannah spat at him, her words like stinging barbs, the vampire felt his body tense. It was a shock to see Jaffair step forward, knocking the girl to the ground. The sight of the elder vampire brought Devan back to reality. Jaffair wasn't ... right. He was nearly breaking his resolve to keep calm.

His red eyes met Jaffair's, and Devan nodded once. He would make sure Hannah was secure. He wanted the girl alive, and would step in Jaffair's way to keep her that way. Luckily, there was still an option. There wouldn't be one if he didn't move quickly.

Motioning for Caleb and his mate to approach, Devan relayed the orders. The vampire followed, though kept his distance. Gaze thoughtful, Devan once again thought of Hannah's lineage. Betrayal. They were taught that he'd betrayed them. Disgust welled in his mind, and he leaned against a nearby building as he watched the hunters close Hannah away in the prison hut.

Silver lined the place, so she wouldn't be touching anything. As a precaution, mountain ash (I am using a tv reference. xD) encircled the dwelling in a complete circle, untouchable to all within. Hannah wouldn't be escaping any time soon.

Devan slowly approached the prison, his red eyes lost in thought. Betrayal. He slowly shrugged off his coat and tossed it in upon Hannah, dimly aware of her very much unclothed form. "I chose another life," Devan muttered so quietly that only she could hear. "This one suits me more than killing others for survival." His red eyes finally met Hannah's, and he watched her calmly. "I betrayed them by choosing a life suited for peace, then?"

((And Harper will remain hidden for the time being. I'm sure the siblings were taught to keep their scent and presence away from others of their kind. ;)))
Es apologizes for any delays - she has just moved and is piecing things together again. If Es is behind on something, feel free to poke her.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 09-02-2013, 07:23 PM

Ivoyr's eyes never left Xiba's features as he spoke. Her hearing was honed into his life force that was slowing within his body. Every word that came from his lips was engraved into her mind, and as she smiled down at him, she took his hand as he reached out to her. Her tears had stopped, and her eyes conveyed the care and love she felt for him as he laid there. He was pain free and was going with a smile on his face. Having forgotten he was dying, she figured was better. He would think he was merely going to sleep, and enter a dream filled with angels and family long passed in the Medows of the Mother Moon.

A wider smile came to her lips as she leaned down and kissed his hand in hers. "Then rest... Dream of days of happiness. Things will be better when you wake." she breathed lovingly, and as his heart stopped, her breathing hitched. A tear ran down her cheek, and hit his as she leaned down and kissed his lips one more time, feeling the heat leave his body. Her tears came faster as she put his arms in the sign of the honnorary warrior and anger began to burn within her.

With a mournful scream her form shifted, her scream turning into a wail coming from her hybrid form. She grew two feet again, her skin a pale grey purple, her eyes the most electric blue imaginable. Her tail grew and had spikes traveling from the end to the base of her neck along her spine. Black scales grew and covered her essentials, and her claws and fangs grew to a frightening size. With a swift yank of power both spears were pulled from Xiba's body and with an angry cry she snapped them both in half with ease. Lifting his body she cradled it, her black tears running down her face as she walked forwards, people gasping and making way for her. Her eyes were fixed on the alter they put the dead on to honor warriors.

People watched in shock as such a hybrid was not acting in creating chaos, but in kindness. It was something unknown to all those present, except for Kiyomi's pack. It had people rooted to the spot as the specitcal happened before their very eyes. Kiyomi had been looking for Ivory, but now it wasn't hard to find her. Her heart was beating so fast she thought she might have a heart attack as she saw the terrible beast her daughter had become. When Devan flashed to her side she leaned against him heavily. Her wide eyes never leaving her little girl as she watched her. "Devan, what should we do?" she breathed in studering whisper.

Laying Xiba's form on the alter, Ivory ran her hands over his cheeks gently, making no marks as she adjusted him into the formal position for the burning ritual. Running a hand threw his hair, she blinked away her tears and knelt before his alter. "I sware to you and the mother moon.... I will be the angel you saw today. Whether it be the angel of healing or vengeance.... But I sware to you that those demons will pay!" she said and let another call up to the sky, full of mourning and promise.

Standing she needed to break something, do something to let out her anger. Seeing one of the boulders that the village had been working to move to expand the village she ran at it, and with her fists and claws, began to tare the rock apart into pebbles. Her screams of that of a holy avenger in a passionate anger. She wanted to kill those demons for what they had done. In that moemtn had she known about Hannah in the prision, she would have done everything in her power to destroy her.

Hannah hissed as she was thrown into her cell, knowing that it was practically impossible to break out, she stayed standing and began pacing in the center of the round room. Her eyes alway taking in new details that could help her escape, her mind twirling different ideas around on how to end the people just outside of her reach to keep herself calm. All the while she kept her mind open, so if her dear twin brother got close enough she could feel their connection and tell him everything she knew so she could be saved from these mongrels.

Stopping in her pacing she looked up at the door before Devan was there and hissed loudly. When the sound died she watched the coat being thrown and with movements fluid as water her hands turned to metal and the shirt was no more then shreds before it could even reach her. She would never accept such a dirty and betrayl filled piece of clothing even if her life depended on it. Staring at him with pure hate she waited for his words to stop before she snickered at him in disgust.

"You think this 'life' as you call it has caused peace?" she said and cackled in a way that made all were's skin crawl. "You broke the very coven that raised you in half, by choosing these stupid mongrels! You caused your most beloved to be captered and tourtured multipul times because of your stupidity! Your children will become slaves because of your actions!" she snarrled and laughed again. "You stupid bastard! You didn't choose peace, You made WAR!" she hissed and laughed more. "And you will live to see everyone you love be killed and enslaved before we end you. That is a promise." she said darkly as the door was shut. Hearing the scream from his daughter and hybrid, she smirked. "You can't stop Death when it chooses whom to take." she said, just loud enough for him to hear as he left to see what the commotion was.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 09-02-2013, 08:49 PM

Devan watched the metal that moved fluidly over the girl with interest. That was new. Pure-bred vampires were known to have unique powers and abilities, but ... that was new. He'd never seen such a thing. Devan said nothing as the peace offering was shredded, and Hannah glared back at him with enough hatred to melt through a wall of steel. It almost bothered him.

"I left quietly, and calmly." Devan's gaze hardened, though he couldn't stop the guilt from pricking him. "My father and brother could have continued the coven without me. I wasn't needed there." Granted, he was first-born among the coven, and it was completely unexpected... Nayin had been furious. Doubtless, it was he that had planted this hatred within Hannah. Nayin, and of course, Elizabeth.

Shuddering lightly when he heard about how his "beloved" had been tortured for his actions, Devan bore his fangs. "The war was there, whether I created a bridge between the races or not!" Then came Hannah's laugh ... and those words. That taunting promise was as defiant as could be ... and it made his entire body feel cold.

The door shut, echoing with the finality of Hannah's words.

"You can't stop Death when it chooses whom to take."

Devan's attention jerked toward the cry that came from the clearing. It sounded ... familiar, yet foreign. He was a blur of motion as he came to Kiyomi's side, his crimson gaze focused on the source of the commotion. "Ivory." The vampire stared, unsure what to think. He'd never seen .... that. Whatever Ivory had become, it was nothing he'd seen before.

He almost started in surprise when Kiyomi leaned against him, and he supported her easily. A cool hand flashed up to grab hers, and Devan looked back to where Ivory lay Xiba to rest. "I ..." he hesitated, unsure what to say. What could they do? What should they do? Their daughter had transformed into something unheard of. Though her control seemed remarkable, who knew how long it would last.

As though in response to his thoughts, Ivory ran at the boulder, tearing it to shreds. Devan's red eyes were wide, but he kept his calm demeanor as best he could. No use worrying the others. Instead of responding to Kiyomi, the vampire finally pulled away from her. His steps carried him closer to Ivory, and he regarded her new form warily.

"Ivory." Devan called to her softly, leaving a few feet between them as the girl finished destroying the rock. "Come to me," he said gently, offering a hand cautiously. He wanted to make sure his daughter was alright - at least physically. Upon seeing Xiba's body, he'd known what had brought her to change. The vampires, the death of a close friend ... it was a trigger.

Still, something about Ivory's aura was different. He conveyed as much to his wife, using their mental link to do so.

Tavyn sat still, watching in startled silence as Ivory went through her transformation. The redhead continued to watch as she took her fury out on the boulder, tearing through it as though it were mere clay and rotting wood. The youth closed his eyes when he heard Devan's voice, and lowered his gaze.

Let them speak. He didn't need to listen in.

Watching as the clan began to tend to Xiba's body, and begin preparations for the ceremony, Tavyn sat in worried silence. He was worried for Ivory, but wasn't about to approach her with Devan there. She'd transformed. She'd finally transformed. Ivory, a little girl a few years younger than himself, had become something new that day. It was the first time they'd truly seen such change. It wouldn't be the last.


The cry brought Harper down into a defensive crouch, baring his fangs and falling completely still. Hidden, the vampire waited before realizing the sound had merely carried the few miles that he'd put between him and the camp. The sorrow and pain that filled that sound brought a smile to his lips.

He'd succeeded. The young warrior was dead. Harper's telekinetics had worked - he'd crushed the boy. He'd always loved the sound it made....

Harper looked up, ready to speak. Hannah wasn't there. A fresh sense of loneliness settled over him. The youth concentrated, seeking the familiar touch of his sister's mind. It was vague, but there. Just there at the edge of his mind. "Hannah!" The link was weak, hardly able to convey his emotion properly. "You're alive!"

Though he suspected the clan would take her in and try to use her, Harper was still worried for Hannah's safety. He longed to have her beside him, safe and protected once again. "They haven't followed me. What's keeping them busy?"

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 09-02-2013, 09:31 PM

Ivory's anger slowly dimisnished as she realized the boulder was no more. Staring at it while the black tears still ran down her face, the hybrid sniffled and then registered a voice. Not any voice, but her father's. Turning slowly to see him reaching out to her, the young one felt the need to be held in his cooling arms, to be told everything would be alright. "Daddy..." she sniffled and slowly walked towards him, her form slowly shrinking a foot when her cawed hand was put in his. She was more her normal height now, but she wasn't calm enough to fully change back.

Stepping closer, the young girl reached out grasping his shirt in her free hand like she always did when she was upset. "I'm sorry... He asked me too... I didn't wanna see.... He was hurting..." she choked and then clung to his form as she cried into him. Kiyomi swiftly was by them in a second, one arm on Devan's and her other hand ontop of Ivory's head. "Its alright Ivy..." she breathed softly. Stroking the shining black hair of her daughter she reached out with her mind and entered her daughter's. Pulling the information from her memories she felt shocked as she relayed the memories to Devan.

Their daughter, at 5 years old, had ended Xiba's suffering. With no knowledge of exactly how to do it, she had saved him a gruesome death. Looking into Devan's eyes she felt pain in her heart. They took the childrens' childhood... They have been forced to grow up already... The alpha thought painfully and shook her head and kissed the top of Ivory's head. "Its alright Ivy..." she breathed and met those bright blue eyes of the hybrid before her. It was still he rdaughter, no matter what form. "You did perfectly... You helped him Ivory. He is happy and free. You saved him." she breathed and cupped her little girl's cheek. "I didn't do bad?" ivory choked and Kiyomi smiled softly and shook her head. "No baby... You did beautifully." she breathed and watched her young one shrink down to her proper size. Her mutations slowly began to fade and disappear, leaving her little girl nude and normal once again. Though she was covered in grime and a bit of blood from the fight, she was almost unharmed. Pulling her up into her arms, the mother accepted her daughter tightly and Devan's arms wrapped around them too.

"I love you Ivory... Daddy and I both love you so very much." kiyomi breathed into her black hair as she felt a few tears leave her own eyes. "I love you too mommy, daddy." Ivory said softly and sniffled as she clung to them tightly.

Hannah was surprised as she felt her brother's mind and was more then happy to feel his presence once again. "the hybrid transformed again... It caused shock so you are going to be left alone." she replied smoothly. Her emotions of relief and happiness to feel him were obvious in their connection as they enjoyed the connection again. Sending him her memories and all the details of where she was and how she was kept she looked out the small window and bore her fangs. "Keep your distance, the hunters know you will come for me, but when you do, be careful. This prison is one of the most advanced for being in a shit hole of a place." she replayed to him before purring in their connection. "I love you dear one."

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
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Old 09-03-2013, 01:46 AM

“I know,” Devan gently stroked his daughter’s back as she clung to him, slowly changing to resemble her original form. He could hear the pain in Ivory’s voice, and knew that she had changed so much in that moment of freeing Xiba. Ivory would never forget it. She would never forget taking her friend’s life – she couldn’t. It would be branded on her mind for the rest of her days, though the pain might dull.

As Kiyomi joined them, the vampire’s gaze flickered to her. This was so new. They were learning to handle half breeds as a new project. This was going to be quite the challenge if Ivory was already changing. She was 5!

Memories came pouring into Devan’s mind. He took them in, examined them, and set them aside with a sore heart. She shouldn’t be forced to do this. Kiyomi was right – the vampires had successfully taken away the childhood of their pack. Tayla, Nori, Tavyn, Ivory … all of them were sullied now. No longer could they float through life as young children, but with the experience that would transform them into something much older. At the age of 5, Ivory had already matured beyond her age. It would only become a greater stretch in the years to come.

Devan slowly tore his eyes away from Kiyomi’s pain-filled gaze. He was angry. So, so angry. This pain was NOTHING Ivory should have dealt with. The scene flashed through his mind again. Ivory had eased Xiba’s suffering like a professional vampire! She’d set her venom to work smoothly, and controlled herself with an iron will that many of his kind didn’t have. She was different, this little half-breed. His daughter, Ivory, was something special.

“You did what most could not,” Devan agreed with Kiyomi, wrapping his arms about the both of them. Ivory looked herself now, though was as bare as the day she was born. “We’ll always love you, Ivy. You’ve made us proud, baby girl.”

The vampire gently pulled away and pulled off his shirt, waiting for Kiyomi to release Ivory before gently tugging it over her head. Kneeling, Devan met her eyes steadily. There was something different in those blue eyes. Something had changed. Smoothing tears away from his daughter’s cheek, Devan leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Carefully taking Ivory’s hand, he waited for Kiyomi to do the same. Together, they led their daughter toward their hut, avoiding as much of the destruction as possible. When they arrived at their room, Devan swiftly went about finding some clothes for Ivory.

Harper felt completely relieved and elated when he heard his sister. Nearly going weak, the vampire knelt so he could concentrate solely on the link between them. Within moments, he received as much information as possible about where Hannah was being kept. He grit his teeth as he envisioned the prison, his hands curling into fists as he looked in the camp’s direction.

Hearing Hannah’s warning, Harper lowered his head and closed his eyes, looking reverent. He shivered as he heard her purr, and nearly sent one of his own in return.

"I love you, too. I’ve always loved you."

When his green eyes lifted, scanning the distant forms of huts and tents, Harper’s anger flared once again. It echoed through their fading link. It was difficult to keep the mental connection open without explicit concentration, and Harper’s emotions were getting in the way.

"I will free you, sister. I promise you."

He hesitated, slowly calming himself.

"When should I come? They’re aware now, but busy and confused. They’re hurt. Should I come now?"

Harper paused, then continued.

"Would it be better to wait until they think I’ve run away?"

Seer Of the Future
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Old 09-04-2013, 11:48 PM

Things went by with a sad silence in the home as Kiyomi brought Ivory into the bathing area of the hut. The wooden tub that was formed by the master carvers of the village. It looked like an egg on the long side had been cut in half and hallowed out. Having a younger member of the village run to get warm water from the springs, the mother then moved to grab the soaps, and towles and wash clothes. Moving to pull Ivory into a gentle hug, she smiled down at her daughter. "Do you wanna take a bath with mommy and daddy? Like at home?" she offered softly, trying to get her little girl to smile brightly. That was Ivory's favorite kind of bath, bathing with her parents, splashing and just having fun in the water. It was like swimming just in warm water with bubbles instead of the usual clear cool water.

Looking up at her mother, the little raven haired girl blinked and then nodded. But no smile came to her lips. The big wooden tub was certainly big enough for all of them to fit in, and probably two more if they really wanted. "Okay lets get daddy's shirt off then and get ready." Kiyomi said and guided her daughter out of the shirt and to the stool infront of their mirror. Pulling a brush through the messy waves of that smooth shining black hair made the little kit usually purr. She enjoyed having her hair brushed, just like her mother, but no purr came from her. She just kept staring at the blood on her face in the mirror. It seemed impossible for her to feel happy right now.

When the water was delivered and poured into the bath, it had steam rising from it and Kiyomi moved to undress herself as she watched Devan pick up their little girl and settle her into the water. Once kiyomi swiftly pulled the brush through her long hair she too got into the water. When all three were sitting there, the bath went by faster then normal. Barely any splashing was done, because when Ivory began to start smiling, she broke down crying swiftly afterwords.

The little hybrid was then dressed for bed and once asleep, Kiyomi sat down on their own bed in her night gown and began braiding her hair in deep thought. Just what were they going to do? And how could they try and mend this to the best of their abilities? She found herself frustrated when she couldn't think of any solutions.

((I will post hannah next time))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
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Old 10-25-2013, 03:32 AM

Things were uncharacteristically silent as the bath was prepared. There was no customary purring, no laughter, no words. Nothing. There was nothing.

Devan lifted Ivory, setting her into the warm water. It wasn't long before all of them were there. It seemed like moments before Ivory broke down in tears, ending whatever joy might have come from the bath.

The vampire watched his wife braid her hair in the silence, listening to the gentle flutter of pulses about him. Wearing just a pair of dark pants, Devan waited patiently for himself to dry off.

"I know what you're thinking." Devan's red eyes moved to Ivory, who was sleeping lightly. There was a long moment of silence before his mental voice flickered into her mind once again. "We will ask the others for their suggestions. And we will get her through this."

Their pack had suffered before. This was the first time a child had been attacked, but they would find a way to get life back on track again. They had to.

Unable to speak further, Devan stood, stretching. Lithe as a panther, he stepped past his wife, sitting behind her and taking her shoulders. Without a word, his cool fingers began to massage Kiyomi's shoulders and back. It was thoughtful, slow, and deliberate, as though he was trying to ease the tension from the Were's form.

It was a long while later before his hands found their way around Kiyomi's middle, pulling her with him until they could lay down. "We'll have to speak with Jaffair in the morning," he whispered, sending another glance in Ivory's direction. "Until then, do your best to sleep. You could use the rest, love."

((T_T Sorry for the incredibly long absence ... again. I'm such a derp-face.))

Seer Of the Future
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Old 10-25-2013, 05:05 AM

((Its alright, i'm just so over joyed you've responded! It just made my day!))

Kiyomi watched as Devan moved and then found him behind her form. Like he used to after she had spent a late night doing papers or paper work for the pack, he would join her on the bed, and use those magic fingers to rub out the knots in her muscles. It caused her to relax, and her mind to slow and think more clearly. Now wasn't the time to go into a paniked mode, their little girl needed calm level headed parents. Sighing softly as Devan came closer and wrapped his arms around her middle, a gentle purr came from her body. Laying back on the bed with him, she turned so she could look into those eyes. He was right, they wouldn't do this alone, they would consult with the pack. Her mother and father were here to give her guidance. Jaffair was here to offer logical options from his long exsistance. If any pack could get through this, it was theirs. "I just pray that we can stop this from ever happening again..." she breathed and closed her eyes.

Kiyomi hadn't been sleeping longer then an hour when Ivory stirred. When she awoke, she was in a cold sweat, having relived the recent events in her dreams. Getting up, the young girl got a drink of water and looked in the mirror for a second, seeing the blood on her lips again. Shaking her head she ran over to her parents bed and launched herself on her mother and father's forms. Waking with a start, Kiyomi looked down at Ivory as she burrowed herself between them and smiled softly.

"Can I sleep with you?" Ivory asked, peaking up at them meekly, her hair ruffled from forcing herself nearly head first between them. Smiling a bit wider, Kiyomi nodded. "Of course Ivy. You know you always can." she purred, rubbing her nose against her baby's. For a little moment, a soft purr came from Ivory, but it was only for about two seconds. The little girl then clung to her mother's night gown as she felt her father's arms wrap around her little form. "Get some sleep." Kiyomi breathed and kissed her little one's forehead and laid her head back down to watch her beautiful baby slowly start to fall asleep again. It took herself longer to sleep though, having worry that their baby would wake with fear again, but luckily no such thing happened.

Hannah thought about the options as she paced within the confound cage. "I don't think now. They are too riled up. They will do something crazy like immediately kill me if they even sense you coming. That's what the guards have been saying at least." she said and then grinned evily. "Gather mother and papa's support camp... I will give them your location. When they come to end you and our mother, you will have an ambush ready..." she said and then knew the next part would make him probably disagree. "I will have to forgo torture before giving the location though. I can't just give it to them or they wont believe me." she said softly, knowing he wouldn't have it. "Unless you can think of another idea. I will do anything you say dear one." she purred softly, knowing sometimes he was much more inventive with his ideas. Most of the time he had them and she just helped them come to life, but she had had more time to think then he had. Being in a small cage and all. There wasn't much else she could do, honestly.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
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Old 11-01-2013, 11:57 PM

Devan's cool fingers stroked over Kiyomi's hair, toying with it gently as she slept. His thoughts dwelt on her words. Could they stop this from ever happening again? They were a strong pack, which meant they would always be targeted by the enemy. No matter what they did, they would leave behind a fresh trail of friends and enemies alike. There would always be a risk for them, even in absolute peace.

The vampire closed his eyes, wishing that he could fall into the same thoughtless dreams and sleep as his family. It was difficult to listen to the quickening heartbeat of his daughter, but he didn't want to wake her. Ivory needed her rest, as fitful as it was. Devan's eyes opened as Ivory's breath caught, and she began to shift in her sleep. He listened to his child's whimpering breaths, and closed his eyes as anger tore through him.

She shouldn't have to deal with this.

Devan was silent as Ivory went to get a drink. His anger faded with the sound of the girl's bare feet approaching. The vampire's glowing eyes lingered on the girl as she burrowed between her parents. He hummed in agreement when Kiyomi allowed the child to sleep with them.

It wasn't too long before Ivory drifted off again, and Devan's red eyes lingered on Kiyomi. He observed the worry in her eyes, and knew that this was just what Elizabeth, if not the twins themselves, had planned. If they weren't careful, their family and pack could fall apart from the inside out. Tormented nightmares and insecurities had crumbled households before. It wouldn't be surprising if their own was destroyed as well.

Devan held tightly to his family, forcing thoughts of the other vampires from mind. You will not watch us fall.

Harper felt a tug on his anger when his twin mentioned the Weres doing something as crazy as killing her if they sensed him. The youth visibly had to calm himself before he could hear the rest of what Hannah was saying.

"I will go to them." His thoughts were clear, though emotion still poured through the mental bond. An ambush was perfect. It would be expected, but ... they wouldn't know the details of it all. The ambush would have to have two parts: the expected, and the unexpected.

Harper's pale eyes flickered back to the Were camp, his seething frustration and anger rushing through the link once again. "They cannot...!" Emotion clouded the link, the distance making it impossible to uphold it. Harper was forced to look down, refocus, and control himself before reconnecting to his sister's mind. The very thought of someone hurting her....

"I can think of no other plan," he said grudgingly, wishing he could nuzzle his sister when she purred at him. Harper even found himself going through the motion of doing so. "The thought of them touching you at all makes me sick." The youth's face was a mask of rage, and he had to force himself to calm once again before losing their link.

"I will go to the camp. We will set up an ambush, and you will reveal our place to them." Harper repeated the plan, and took a large breath to control himself. "I should go. Mother will be pleased with our victory, and will get the others angry enough to tear out hearts when the mongrels arrive."

A smile flickered over his pale face as Harper stood, gazing back at the encampment for a few more moments. He was shaking.

"Hannah." He couldn't think of anything else to say, but the mental tone with which he spoke conveyed it all. Apology. Love. Care. Hatred. The link lasted a few seconds longer before Harper forced himself to turn away.

The youth arrived in his mother's support encampment a good hour later, looking furious and ready to kill. An ambush would be planned, and it would serve them well.

They would lessen the number of enemies in the Were pack. And they would do it ruthlessly.

((O_O Should someone die? A couple/few someones? T__T And ... what will be the final outcome? Someone gets taken by the vamps? Oh, mai. So many things could happen here.))

Seer Of the Future
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Old 11-02-2013, 12:10 AM

((Well I am not 100% sure. I was thinking through our plan and thinking just what we could do. I believe that Bo should go back with the pack to Japan, and then the affection between Nori and Bo can blossom. Tayla and Zaylin are the other younger couple, I think they shouldn't really truely blossom until they are teenagers, and Zaylin visits the pack with a friend maybe. XD

As for Ivory and Tayvn. They obviously will become closer, but Ivory will become an assasin instead of a peace maker, she will turn into a most dangerous weapon since this tragety has struck. I almost think that Tayla should become alpha when they get older, but that's way down the road... I believe that Moonbeam and Senri should die in the ambush. Its time for them to go into paradise.

I also think that Haruhe gets seriously injured, and has to fight the injury to save her child/children. She and caleb will be a cute set of parents. I also think that Morgana should take Ivory more under her wing, since shes a hybrid, and help train her. She should be the first child the woman gets herself attached to in the pack. As for the immediate attack, I'm not 100% sure. ))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
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Old 11-05-2013, 01:58 PM

((Alright then. So.... in the upcoming scene, I will have Harper approach his mother's support camp. He will rally the people, and plan an ambush, then wait for his sister to send the Weres on over.

A battle occurs, and in this ambush Senri and Moonbeam perish. Is this the same battle where Haruhe gets hurt?

After they finish the fight (we'll have to let it play out a bit), the Weres return to Jaffair's camp. When they recover, it's time to head home. They take Bo with them, and Morrigan begins to warm up to Ivory.

Does this sound good, or am I missing something? xD))

Devan was still as his family slept. His wife and daughter were so precious to him, and already Elizabeth had gone through great lengths to destroy them. She was right. He could remember the torture that Kiyomi had gone through. Now Ivory had lost her childhood to the horrors of death.

The vampire tried his best to stay still, but it was mere hours after Ivory and Kiyomi fell asleep when he gently disentangled himself from their sleeping forms. He slipped through the shadows easily, making his way to Hannah's cell. When he arrived, there was a cold look in his eyes.

"You know where the others are." His statement was quiet, but carried easily through the night air. Devan looked very much like the vampire he used to be before Moonbeam came along to soften the edges of his personality. In that moment, he resembled what the world feared. "You're going to tell me."

The cell door opened silently, and when Devan stepped in his glowing eyes locked on the girl. He hadn't grabbed a shirt, but that didn't detract from the cold anger in his gaze. It wasn't like he was a docile creature - Devan had been raised by some of the worst vampires out there. With experience like that under his belt, there was no mistaking the look in his eyes. He knew how to deal damage - painful, but not destructive.

Stepping up to Hannah, Devan slowly sat cross-legged before her. Motioning for the girl to sit before him, the male hissed quietly. "Do as I say." It would be hours before anyone realized he was missing. He planned on having what he wanted by then.

Seer Of the Future
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Old 11-06-2013, 05:55 AM

Hannah looked up from where she was standing looking out the solitary window in the place, and her gaze was cold as she heard Devan approaching. Turning to face the male, she could see the great shift in his personality. He would torture her, even if it went against his previous ideas. He would do this for the vile hybrids he called family. Giving a soft hiss at him as he opened the door, she didn't make a break for it. She wasn't stupid, she knew she couldn't get out.

Smirking as she watched him, the young pure blood lifted her chin and gave a sinister chuckle. Her true voice emerging from her throat. It sounded as if a sultry twenty year old was speaking through the small body, but such was the way of vampires. The female was truly far older then her body showed. "Oh we must do it your way? Very well. I expected this from the elder vampire, but from noble Devan? This is a surprise." she said sarcastically and sat down in front of the man she swore to have watch his family die by her hand. She would make him suffer. Sitting casually and crossing her legs, not caring that she was naked, she twisted a finger in her golden orange hair, purposefully to piss him off while looking uninterested.

She figured if she was going to get tortured, she may as well get the pleasure of pissing everyone off who was to hurt her. "You do realize that I'm not going to tell you. That's my family. You betrayed them multipul occasions, I will not help you do it again." she hissed with venom in her voice as her eyes hardened and shot daggers at the male before her. Hannah was always bold and defiant, she had given Nero more trouble than even Elizabeth liked at times. The young girl would give hell to anyone she dispised, or dified, and Devan was no exception.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
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Old 11-06-2013, 02:13 PM

Devan didn't seem effected by the defiant words, or how Hannah was bold enough to mock him despite the oncoming pain she would endure. Instead, a mental barrier slid into place, and he did his best to ignore both the words and venom they dripped with. "We'll see," Devan said calmly, holding Hannah's gaze.

He knocked Hannah's hand away from playing with her hair with a motion that would have immediately bruised one of the Weres. "You know what information I'm looking for. Elizabeth wouldn't have sent you out here without a place to return to." This encampment could very well be the one that had been giving Jaffair's pack some difficulties all this time.

Devan lashed out again, this time catching her wrist. He worked hard at keeping the disgust off of his face as claws sank into Hannah's wrist, embedding themselves deeply under her skin. Turning his glowing eyes to Hannah's once again, he twisted her wrist to further sink his claws in. There would be no getting out of that grip. "Your defiance will only cause you grief, Hannah."

Of course, his mind went to what the girl had mentioned. He'd betrayed his family. Many times, at that. His hand flicked up with such force, he could have left a small crater in the boulder that Ivory had demolished. It was an open-handed blow, not a slap that sent sound ringing throughout the room, but a solid blow to the side of Hannah's head. It would have immediately set a Were's ears to ringing, IF they'd managed to stay conscious.

"Don't be a fool, girl."

((Oooo, Nero. I forgot his name! haha, nice memory there.))

Seer Of the Future
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Old 11-06-2013, 03:42 PM

As Devan's first blow landed, the pure blooded girl didn't so much as flinch. Watching his face as she felt his hand dig into her wrist, she did her very best to not let the metal in her blood attack him. Not yet. His words were spoken with harshness, causing a giggle to come from the girl's throat and a grin matching the evil grin of her mother was placed on her red lips. "Really? I believe I will take my chances." she shot back at him with venom in a sweet voice. This recieved a smack to the head, it didn't draw blood, but it certainly did smart. Bearing her fangs, the pupils in her eyes shifted as her anger flared. Her metal in her blood was begining to boil. "Fool?" she whispered, her pupils growing, causing her eyes to be engulfed in a black abyss. Suddenly she let go of the clamp on the metal. It rushed out of her wound like burning lava, running over Devan's skin like the heat of the sun, and turning into needles and burrying itself into his arm. As he wrenched away in shock, the girl cackled. "One must not get to cocky. Metal bites." she hissed and was about to launch herself at him when the door swung open.

Her scream pierced through the night as Jaffair stood there, his eyes of green suddenly an intense orange. His gaze locked on the girl as she writhed on the floor. Never before had the elder vampire revealed his powers, now the terror could be seen. "You will speak girl. Or you will suffer." he hissed, and pressed down further. Hannah's screams intensified, and suddenly she went still. Paralized in the moment of her writhing and suffering, Jaffair turned his gaze to Devan. "She will still be in the pain for the next few hours." he explained as his eyes returned to normal. "Return then and see if she will talk, if not I will hit her with more pain." he said and then looked down at the small girl with disgust.

Never before had Jaffair revealed his vampiric nature to hurt and torture and kill. He had always been quite, gentle, and patient. But having seen all the pain this little pure blood had inflicted, caused the same mindset of Devan to fall onto him. They would end their problem, at the root of it all, once and for all. Leading Devan outside of the cage he closed the door and then gently took his friend's burnt and needle covered hand. "I wondered if she had a natural mechenism like that. With her being able to control metal, I wondered if it naturally came to her aid if she was injured... I found wounds similar to this on Tayvn when he was being healed by Moonbeam. Many pure bloods have a natural defense such as that, I just did not believe someone would beat me to see it first." he said and then let out a small smile.

"Get healed, and then return to your family. I will take care of the girl." he said and then let his friend go. "In the morning we will gather, and I will share all I know of pure bloods... I must break my oath to save this pack." he breathed and seeing the confusion on Devan's face he smiled grimly. "I will have to show you what it truly means to be a pure blood, and I swore to Natale that I would never again use those powers and influence if I was to stay with the pack.... It is a bitter moment that I will have to go through for the sake of this pack." he said and straightened, looking like the confident elder he was. "Get some rest my friend, we have enough to deal with in the morning." he said and turned and headed back towards his own hut where his family was. Hannah wouldn't be unparalyzed for a few hours, he would see to her then.

((Omg I think I scared myself with how scarey Jaffair can be. Paralyzing people while they are in pain. Scary! *shudders* ))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
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Old 11-10-2013, 05:21 PM

Devan's glowing eyes held Hannah's gaze as her powers lashed out at him. He'd been expecting something to happen. He just hadn't counted on the fact that it would burn so badly. He jerked his hand back, fighting to keep his expression neutral as he prepared to meet the girl's charge. If they were to fight, then so be it.

As his niece collapsed in pain, her scream shattering the night calm, Devan stood. He struggled to keep the surprise from his face. Jaffair's powers were unknown to him. Seeing them in such force was ... frightening. Devan nodded when the elder vampire told him to return later. Honestly, he felt sick just thinking of the pain in Hannah's voice.

It felt strange walking beside Jaffair. As they stood together, Devan thought over what he'd seen. This man was powerful. More powerful than he let on. When Jaffair carefully took his hand, Devan sucked in a quick breath. He'd been ignoring the searing pain. Suddenly, with the sense of danger gone, it was worse than before. The scorched skin burned like hell itself. Those needles....

Devan shuddered, but nodded at Jaffair. "Thank you." He wasn't sure what else to say. When he was told to go, the dark-haired male hesitated. "We do what we must," he said, acknowledging Jaffair's breaking of his own oath. It would be a story to ask for another time, perhaps when things were less sensitive.

As he moved away from Hannah's cell, Devan turned his eyes to his hand. It looked horrible. And it was beginning to hurt in full now that he had nothing else to focus on. Mentally bolstering himself, Devan grit his teeth and turned toward the healer's hut. He didn't want to wake Moonbeam at this time of night. Perhaps someone else could help him.

Devan entered the hut quietly, not wanting to disturb anyone inside. His red eyes immediately caught on Tavyn's cold gaze. So THIS was where he was staying. Tavyn hadn't returned to his room in Devan and Kiyomi's hut that night. They hadn't put much thought into it, but it was good to know that the boy was safe and sound.

There was something ... off about Tavyn's blue gaze. Something in it reminded him of the way Ivory looked. It was colder, harder, and less carefree. Tavyn had lost his childhood that day.

Devan clamped his teeth down suddenly as the metal burning in his skin seemed to surge with pain. The longer the exposure, the more painful it was. "Is the healer in?" he asked Tavyn through clenched fangs. The red-headed boy did nothing, but he did nod once.

((Whichever healer you think fits here, go ahead. It could be Moonbeam, or whoever you want. LOL, just thought I'd prolong it.... xD))

Harper sat back, doing his best not to look worried. Hannah's first blow from Jaffair's powers had sent a flicker of agony through the severed mind link. It wasn't comforting. Perhaps that meant the Were's would be coming. Perhaps it meant they were just hurting his sister.

Unable to sit still, the youth stood and began to pace. The plans were made, and the ambush was ready. There were two ambushes - one was to be expected by the Weres, and the other was to truly catch them.

When the Weres arrived, there would be a few of them remaining in the camp. They would be "surprised," and fight back. As the battle started, the first ambush would be set in motion. Then, there would be a lot more vampires in the battle. They would start to "lose," and retreat farther back toward the den they'd recently formed underneath the camp. The original purpose had been to hide from the sun. Now, it was to be a grave.

The second ambush would blow the entrance to the cave once the Weres were too far down, sealing them in the darkness and cutting off their air. They would be forced to fight toward the surface. They would also be forced to fight the vampires who they'd pursued. And the vampires didn't need air.

Harper himself planned on killing some of the enemy pack. He didn't avoid the fight - he wanted to be right in the middle of it. Besides ... he was the one to collapse the cavern. His mental abilities would be the best way to seal them all into the grave. Oh, how he longed to hear them scream. Their final laboring breaths would be sweet to his ears.

Harper continued to pace. Waiting had never been his strong suit.

Seer Of the Future
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Old 11-11-2013, 05:30 AM

Moonbeam stepped into the area of the hut as Devan spoke to Tayvn. The young one hadn't felt right going back to sharing a hut with Ivory, so he had come here. The grandmother and great alpha was always a soothing soul to look to. The woman had sat and shared some tea with the young boy and listened to his words that he offered, and offered what comfort she could. After all, she and Fang were orphaned at such a young age she knew what it felt like to be forced to grow up. It was obvious that the little boy blamed himself for the pain Ivory had gone through. He was so much like his father. He attached himself to the one person he truly loved and cared about and believed that he should protect them from anything. Ivory had always been that special someone to Tayvn, and Moonbeam had told Kiyomi and Devan on more then one account that even their children could have deeper bonds then any werewolf soul mates. They both were hybrids, and something about that seemed to intensify their connection so well that the grandmother had pointed out once when they were still young babies that when one moved, the other moved in perfect unison, not doing the same thing, but moving to be closer and more in tune with what the other was doing.

Now was no different. Tayvn's parents weren't here, but they were on the flight over, unable to stay home since news of their son getting hurt. Markous had called Moonbeam's phone, and had taken off with Lana as soon as he could. Tayvn was waiting for his parents, and seeking comfort. The grandmother smiled and then her eyes traveled to Devan's injury. "So Jaffair was right about her... I have never known a wolf or vampire that can manipulate metal." she said thoughtfully and patted Tayvn's head. "Go see your Grandfather, he's sitting by the fire with the other elders, I am sure they would like some company." Moonbeam said gently, before motioning for Devan to sit on one of the cots avalible. Sitting on a stool infront of him, she looked over his burns and then touched his hand. As the soothing sensation and glow formed over his hand, she skillfully began pulling the needles out, one by one.

"So you tried to get her to speak." she said, knowing in her voice as she worked on his hand. The needles were small, but luckily her powers made them glow so she wouldn't miss one. "Jaffair had visited me just before to tell me he had the same idea... I don't like it, but I also don't like that they are still out there." she breathed and sighed. It was very hard on the woman's heart to think of such young children, so warped and twisted already. "I don't think she will speak in response to force, but she may... You know as well as I do, vampires are harsh in the way of raising and training their kind.... Being Elizabeth's daughter, I can only imagine how much she is truly trained for this." she said thoughtfully and pulled out the last needle.

"I believe though the pain is necessary... But she wont speak to those who give it, or to those that have inflicted her with pain." she said and then closed her eyes as she began to fully heal the burns. "I believe she would respond to Tayla, positively." she said suddenly and opened her eyes to look directly into his. Her eyes still full of that light, that wisdom, and understanding. "Tayla is a logical and straight forward girl... She's also around the same age, and she's a young healer.... I believe she could connect with Hannah, and make her speak... And even give us more information then we expect... That little one has a gift..." she breathed and sat back as she finished healing. "She may not speak much, but Tayla hand picks her words carefully and she has a good mind. She can make Hannah talk, but only after she's been worn down." Moonbeam said and stood, grabbing her cup of tea and pouring more liquid into the cup. Sitting back down she gazed into Devan's eyes and sighed heavily.

"Jaffair is not a bad man, and is still the same man you knew." she said softly and took a drink of her tea. "He is pureblood as Hannah is, and caused more pain and suffering then she probably has yet, but he is truly a good man." she said and smiled softly. "He gave up all the power and anger and pain for this village, and ever since he has been a blessing...." she added and then took a breath, she was leading up to her next idea. "I know Hannah and her brother have caused pain, most of it to the little ones. But they are young and I believe they can change.... It is my wish that we could spare them from the destruction, and try to have them become a part of this pack...." Moonbeam explained, and waited, knowing that Devan would surely be against it. But she would hear out his side as she always did, and state hers. And ultimately, it was Kiyomi's decision as alpha, but the old alpha always gave imput whenever she deemed necessary.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 11-23-2013, 04:52 PM

As Tavyn numbly left his chair, Devan frowned worriedly. He might have been clashing with the boy recently, but he was still both a part of his pack and his daughter's best friend. Devan watched Tavyn leave the room with a strange expression. It seemed like the pain the vampires was causing was spreading at an alarming rate. Mental, emotion, physical ... every kind of pain was crashing over the pack.

He sat when bidden. Devan's eyes fixed on the door, and he prepared to ignore the pain of Moonbeam's work. That simple first touch brought such relief, that the vampire's demeanor immediately shifted. Each time the healer removed a needle there was a light sting, but it was a mere irritation compared to the former agony. Crimson eyes moved to Moonbeam's face as she worked. For the briefest of moments, he recalled often he'd watched that face. Before Kiyomi, there was Moonbeam. He could still see the beauty in her features, and the love in her eyes.

Devan was partially distracted by his thoughts of the past when Moonbeam spoke. "She is just as stubborn as the rest of my family," he said, a grim smile finding its way to his lips. "Hannah is like her mother." His glowing eyes widened when he heard Moonbeam's implications leading up to her suggestion. Throwing Tayla in there with the vampire? It surely felt like throwing her into a cage with a mad lion.

Her logic was sound. The vampires trained their children to be creatures of pain and violence - they knew how to respond to torture and force. Would Hannah react differently to Tayla, a gentle soul?

Devan frowned, but Moonbeam's healing eased him so completely that he let out a soft sigh of relief. He watched in silence as the woman retrieved her cup of tea. "Perhaps," Devan said quietly, not sounding convinced. He met Moonbeam's gaze when she looked at him, and a blossom of care and warmth flit through his mind - and promptly into Moonbeam's. It had been what felt like forever since he'd mentally bonded with her. The reunion was sweet, and gentle. How long had it been since Devan had sat down to speak with Moonbeam alone?

"You changed me," the vampire breathed, gently reaching out to brush a stray hair from her face. Devan hesitated, slowly lowering his hand. "But I was struggling. I was on the line between good and evil." Devan watched Moonbeam drink before speaking again. "Some creatures aren't meant to change." His words were gentle, and held no bitterness. He was speaking to an old, good friend.

Devan shook his head. "These vampires are many years beyond their age. They might look like children, but they aren't. They hold no innocence to appeal to." Neither had he, but Devan didn't bring that up. He shook his head again, keeping his gentle demeanor. "I don't trust them to change unless Elizabeth does. She never will. As long as they have a link back to my family, they will never be loyal to a pack." His voice hardened, and an image of Elizabeth and Rafe, her former husband, flickered into Moonbeam's mind. This time, though, it was unbidden. Devan sighed quietly.

"You will never be able to trust a creature with split alliances." Moonbeam was right - Devan was very much against this idea.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 11-23-2013, 09:27 PM

Moonbeam listened to Devan's words as he spoke of Elizabeth changing, and then smiled softly. His touch was always sweet, as he was one of her oldest friends. She really did miss sitting and just speaking with Devan on a relaxed and rational level. Even the times when she had purposefully pushed his buttons to make him explode a little, just for him to realize that she did and cause them both a good laugh. Such thoughts nearly made her laugh herself at that very moment. It was something wonderful that peace and serenity could be found at the hardest of times.

Listening carefully, the woman nodded, taking into account his words and thinking to herself. Their mental bond was always strong, but the beautiful sweet feelings of old friendship was something they rarely got to share now a days, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing, it just meant life was moving and alive. Moonbeam really did wish they had more time like this though, but every one wishes for more time.

"But my dear friend, change is the very thing that is always true to those of the living." she said and as she was fond of doing she grabbed her little tea set and set it down on the little table near them. "Your brother and you grew up together under your father." she explained, setting out two cups and a tea pot. "When you removed yourself from the picture, he became different, we will say this sugar bowl." she said and replaced the cup with the sugar bowl. "You also changed as you came in contact with me, as I changed with being in contact with you." she explained and switched the Devan cup out with the creamer cup. "Your father also changed, and became this cup." she explained and smiled. Visuals were something she loved playing with. "Then you add love. And things change again." she said and added a cube of sugar to each container. "They still have empty space in their hearts, but because of that love, they acted upon it and changed. You and your father reunited and we made the pack and coven come to peace. Your brother and Elizabeth rejected that love and turned it to hatred." she explained and then took the two smallest cups and filled them with tea. "But even though these little twins are already full of such knowledge and hatred, there is still a little room. Just with a touch of love and kindess..." she breathed and poured a bit of cream into each cup, causing the color to lighten, and turn colors. "They will change." she said and sat down.

"People change and adapt every day, it may be small and hardly noticable, but they do. Such is the way of life." she explained and then chuckled. "I actually just explained this to Tayvn, just in a bit of a different context." she explained and smiled softly. "They are young physically, but even with their advanced minds, they can change. They just may need prodding more then you did." she said and tapped his nose playfully and laughed lightly.

Calming down a little bit, and smiling brightly she then sighed. "You changed, Jaffair changed, and even your father changed. You all also had many more years of stuborness under your belts and you all changed. These little ones have had less time to develope such hate, and love could reverse it." she explained and then chuckled. "They are not completely bad apples yet."

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 01:44 AM

Devan flexed his hand, listening quietly as Moonbeam told her story. The visuals were charming, and really did make Devan see it ... but he didn't like the thought of bringing the two youth into the pack. Sighing, the vampire nodded. "I suppose they can still change." He jerked back in surprise when Moonbeam's finger tapped his nose, his lightning-quick reflexes allowing him to grab her hand before she could pull away.

As was customary, he nipped at her fingertips before releasing her. Their playful moments were still there, for which he was thankful. Devan really did miss this.

"I suppose." He was a vampire who detested his own kind, really. He wasn't proud of what he was, and he didn't even trust himself. How could he trust others with less control and civility to enter his pack? This pack was his family, and he treasured each of them. Letting the viper into the nest was the last thing he wanted to do.

Devan sighed quietly and stood. "I should head back. Kiyomi and Ivory were asleep when I left." He didn't want either of them worrying if they should wake.

Just as he was about to leave, Devan became a blur of movement. As was also customary with their playful bouts, the vampire ended up catching Moonbeam's arm and holding it in his mouth. He didn't bite, and it was a "lesser" blow, but it still counted. Usually he aimed for more vital areas. They were worth more in a playful match, sparring, and real life.

"Tell Senri I stopped by." He hesitated before releasing Moonbeam's arm. "I miss talking with you." Not Senri, really. He liked him well enough now, but they'd never been the best of friends.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 08:08 AM

Moonbeam laughed as she was attacked at her arm and playfully ruffled the vampire's hair as she looked at her with a gleam in his eyes. She truly did miss these types of moments with Devan, just messing around, and having fun. Their trust ran so deep with one another he didn't even have to remind himself that he could hurt her. He just trusted himself in her presence, as she trusted herself in his. It was beautiful really, if anyone who wished for hope between their races saw such acts of affection and love they would probably weep in happiness. Chuckling as he moved towards the door, she waved her hand at him and stuck out her tongue. "Of course. Don't wake the little one. Kiyomi may be awake, but not worried. I told her you were here." she said and then winked. "Wait to mention the needles in the morning." she whispered with a smile, her gaze knowing as she patted his back and looked towards the fire where her husband and Tavyn were prodding the embers with sticks and writing words in the air. "One day Devan... Maybe when I am not here, but it will happen. Peace will be won, maybe in small steps, but I believe it will be won." she breathed and looked up at him. "The seeds have been sown, the farmers have been picked out lovingly to take care of the crop, and the young plants are finally starting to be nourished by such love." she breathed and chuckled. "Keep tending to my garden, Devan. I will make it rain on you if you don't and I'm in the sky." Moonbeam teased and then bid her friend a farewell. She always teased her family of making it storm if she ever was gone and not pleased with them. She used to always tickle her children and make the noises of thunder and chase them around the house when they were young. Even with the grandchildren as well. It was a common joke within the pack. Often times if it did rain it was either Kei's fault, or they would joke that Moonbeam was in a bad mood. It was nice that such light hearted things could still make people smile in the darkest of times.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 08:24 AM

Moonbeam's playful attitude made Devan grin. Ah, the good old days. He was so happy where he was, he'd nearly forgotten what it was like to spend time with Moonbeam. His red eyes filled with contentment as the woman mentioned Kiyomi. "Good." He was glad she'd informed Kiyomi of his whereabouts. It was comforting to know that Moonbeam cared so much about the little things such as informing others to ease fears.

Devan's grin widened, and he laughed as he stepped away from Moonbeam. "I'll be tending the garden as long as I exist," he said, bowing extravagantly. "If we're good, we might be able to make it flourish in time for you to see the fruit." With a final farewell, the vampire headed back to his own hut.

When he entered, he mentally bonded with Kiyomi once again. "How is she?" Devan had remembered to wash his hands to rid himself of the final traces of Hannah's scent before coming back to his wife. Carefully laying down with his girls once again, Devan impulsively buried his face in Kiyomi's neck and inhaled deeply. He nipped at her before settling down as much as he could. That little playful bout with Moonbeam had him ready to continue. Perhaps another time, though. The girls needed their sleep.

Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 08:38 AM

Kiyomi was awake and stroking their daughter's hair as Devan returned. Her smile was fond as she saw him looking happy, and rather calm. She had been thinking the worst, but it seemed that her mother was right and there was nothing to worry about. Purring gently as her husband burried his face into her neck, the woman cradled him close and kissed his head. She grew fond of such loving nature that he showed her, and she she was nipped she giggled softly and nipped his ear as he turned to their little girl. Looking down at their sweet little girl she smiled softly. "Ah she finally has entered deep sleep. The nightmares have gone for the night, I figured out how to lock them away." she said softly and clasped hands with her husband. The cool feel of his fingers in between her's always made her feel whole and safe. "She will get better, as will the children. I will do my best to lock away the night mares for all of them each night so then they can sleep. I think it will be the best thing to help them heal." she said gently and then ran a hand through her hair. "Did you and mother have another tussle?" she asked teasingly and kissed his nose. "It seems you always get this squirly if she or I get you romping around like the rest of us." she teased and kissed him gently on the lips. "Who won?" she asked lightly and laid back down within his cool arms, their daughter cradled between them. It was nice to see he could be cheered up by her mother, a happier Devan always lifted Kiyomi's spirits.


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