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Vix Viral
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Old 10-27-2011, 06:39 PM

Good luck!

Dottie Mae Evans
*~It's all good~*
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Old 10-28-2011, 01:42 AM

Originally Posted by Rhumbullion View Post
It isn't on my list yet because there are lots of things that are not. :P If you're offering, I will take it.

Burger King is my favorite Menewshan. :D I keep meaning to stop by your charity, but I have not been on much in the past few weeks. I just started a math class. >.< I spend far too much time studying and doing math.
Thank you. :) I am sure Burger King will love the comment.

Also I don't run a charity, you must be thinking of one of the links in my signature. I can recommend some good charities though. :D!

The Rebel Prodigy
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Old 10-28-2011, 05:42 PM

Oh. Probably. I r am a dork. Math makes me fail in English I guess. :P Hahaha

Also! My review went well! :D I am not losing my job!

Vix Viral
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Old 10-28-2011, 10:04 PM

You were in danger of losing it? :o

The Rebel Prodigy
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Old 10-29-2011, 03:08 AM

I thought I was because if you remember (if I told you?) I had a really shitty week the WEEK before the reviews. I broke down into tears at Paul's house thinking I was gonna get fired. But apparently, I got top scores. I feel less stressed about it. Woo!

Vix Viral
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Old 10-29-2011, 03:11 AM

I remember you saying that everyone was being stupid and walking all over you.

The Rebel Prodigy
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Old 10-29-2011, 03:41 AM

Something like that. What it comes down to is that my boss is easily blinded by the shineyness of being flattered by her cohorts. I lack tact, as I have said to you multiple times, so I don't understand how to do that kind of politicking.

Vix Viral
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Old 10-29-2011, 03:44 AM

I've never had that kind of a problem. My co-workers/bosses have always liked me. Hell, I'm friends with my old managers from my last job on facebook and visit them every once in a while.

The Rebel Prodigy
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Old 10-29-2011, 03:48 AM

Oh my coworkers and bosses LOVE me. I get everything done, and I do it right, incredibly well, the first time. My work ethic is the envy of entire nations. I am personable enough, as well! It isn't like I come in, do what they want me to, and grumble about it all day.

I do my job very well, and I get along with most people, but unlike everyone else I do not fake anything. You know when I don't want to talk to you because I ignore your existence entirely. So I can't sit there and butter you up when I don't mean the words I am saying. My other coworkers have this ability. I do not. I will recognize good work when I see it, and I will say something, but if the compliment is not deserved, I keep my mouth shut.

Vix Viral
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Old 10-29-2011, 03:50 AM

You, in general, are the envy of entire nations, my dear!

Yeah, I'm like that too unless I prepare myself mentally to hide everything but sometimes, shit just doesn't work. Though the only time that happened was when I got the news that my cousin died while I was on my break. My managers gave me lots of hugs and sent me home early when I had agreed to stay late.

The Rebel Prodigy
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Old 10-29-2011, 03:55 AM

:oops: Oh you. Flattery will get you everywhere, you know!

I have been like that at old jobs. Just shut everything up and say very little about myself. But at a job like this, it helps when your coworkers know you a little bit. It brings a better understanding to the table when they see you dole out some discipline to the kids. Since we all have different upbringings and backgrounds, we all handle situations differently. This is what makes our Staff so great, but at the same time, when someone doesn't like you (yes, things get that petty here), they will undermine you any way they can.

Vix Viral
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Old 10-29-2011, 03:58 AM

I never saw a point in being out to get your co-workers. You can easily avoid them and it's just work, you go home every day. The only time it pisses me off is when it's a superior like at the temp job I had. She assumed we had all been there for months when it hadn't even been a week and had experience. Sorry lady but I was told I was going to be doing something else entirely.

The Rebel Prodigy
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Old 10-31-2011, 06:03 PM

Happy Halloween, Vixy Wixy!

The Rebel Prodigy
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Old 11-03-2011, 05:50 PM

Doo doo doo...

Vix Viral
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Old 11-04-2011, 02:15 PM

*sleeps on Rhombus*

The Rebel Prodigy
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Old 11-04-2011, 05:28 PM

Yesterday was Paul's birthday. for what should be obvious reasons, everything from the hip down does not want to work today... *falls back asleep* :sleep: (I wish)

The Rebel Prodigy
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Old 11-11-2011, 07:03 PM

My quest list needs updating!


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Old 11-20-2011, 01:47 PM

I got a kitten. 'blinks' she's cute.. she's a terror to .. she loves driving my roomate up the wall. at the moment. im panicing because i forgot the cookies for coffee time at church. and i've only had three hours of sleep so my losing me for today figure i'll go over tomarrow.

The Rebel Prodigy
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Old 11-20-2011, 10:12 PM

Ooooh! Kittins! *squeezes the luff out of it* I LUV KITTEEZ!

Anyhow. Hi. Cookies is cookies, you'll be okay. You were up early!


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Old 11-21-2011, 03:25 AM

yeah.. and i went to bed late haha. i got home, and passed out about four lol.


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