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Kamikaze Kendra
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Old 01-13-2012, 09:18 PM

That probably comes with you being a natural redhead though... you likely have that fair skin that comes with it. My bestie isn't a ginger, but her dad is and she inherited that whole sensitive fair skin thing.

Aww! Thanks, Maria! :oops:

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 09:19 PM

lol yep - I have super sensitive skin XD I burn even on cloudy days. I burn even if I wear sunscreen XD But honestly - having a tan with the color hair I have would look awfuL! XD

Kamikaze Kendra
Music Guru

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Kamikaze Kendra is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 09:29 PM

That must be awful! I mean, I burn frequently... it just fades into a fairly okay tan. But to burn when it's cloudy? D: THE HORROR!

And you make a valid point. With your shade of red it's probably best if you aren't super tan. haha

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino View Post
@Sunoa - Wow - your hair was kinda similar to my color when you were younger! It does look browner now. But I know a lot of people who had their hair deepen in color as they grew older. My brothers both had red hair when they were babies and by the time they were 2 they were brown haired kids. XD I'm not blood related to them either (we're all adopted from different families) so it was weird when we were all that young and we all had red hair XDD My one brother is 4 weeks older than me - people thought we were twins when we were younger XD

I used to not be able to wear yellow without looking washed out. I still can't wear pastel yellow but that deeper yellow is fine XD I had to wear it - it was teh colors of my acapella choir in college XDDD

OMG I thought that was reall.....
Not quite as red, but definently lighter. Mainly in the sun. >< I wish it was still that color, though. I find it prettier. But who knows, maybe it wouldn't work so well on me now. :lol: But yes, much darker now. My roots are especially dark, since they've really not seen much sun at all. I ought to go out in the sun much more this summer to make up for it. lol And I know exactly what you mean. That seems to be most common in boys, too. Like my dad was a blonde when he was younger, but once he got to about middle school or so it had made its way to brown. And my two male cousins use to be blonde as kids, and then their hair both turned a solid brown, too.

Yeah, thats exactly it. It makes me look very washed out. And i'm anemic, so my skintone is slightly yellow-ish, so it just looks horrible. I dont even try to wear much of any yellow. Very little can I pull off. And never orange. D: Well, you can wear that yellow quite well, then. I bet green looks really good on you, also.

Haha. She is real. ^^ She's called a rubber boa. Very sweet little snake. So friendly. We call her Frenchy.

And i'm like that, too, usually. When it comes to tanning, I seem to burn half the time, and then the color peels off. -__-;; I hate that! But last summer I had a little bit of one, and the summer before that I actually had an awesome tan! But that was because we had been going on vacation, and it had been to sunny places. And we'd been consistently in the sun for a long time, so that made a difference. I was so excited! 8D

Originally Posted by Kamikaze Kendra View Post
@Suona - Aww! Thanks! I... don't usually tan very well either. But somehow I've managed to hold onto this one for almost a year. It's a pale tan, but it's stuck. The funniest part is that I still have the flip-flop line on my feet from Florida last spring. xD

And Patrick's hair was just... post-show crazy. Gotta love it. haha
You're very welcome. ^^ I generally dont hold a tan for long. ><;; Thats really neat that you've kept this one, though! :D And a year, at that. Very good that it has survived winter. Wow, really? That is pretty funny.


Its actually quite common to burn when its cloudy, especially if you've been outside for a long time. :yes: The rays are still getting to you, and its much easier not to notice when the sun isn't beating down on you and making you pay heed to it. So, its almost easier to burn that way. I find I burn like that if i'm not careful. I am more likely to have on sunblock when its a cloud-less and sunny day, but not so much when there are clouds about.

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 09:47 PM

Originally Posted by Suona View Post
Not quite as red, but definently lighter. Mainly in the sun. >< I wish it was still that color, though. I find it prettier. But who knows, maybe it wouldn't work so well on me now. :lol: But yes, much darker now. My roots are especially dark, since they've really not seen much sun at all. I ought to go out in the sun much more this summer to make up for it. lol And I know exactly what you mean. That seems to be most common in boys, too. Like my dad was a blonde when he was younger, but once he got to about middle school or so it had made its way to brown. And my two male cousins use to be blonde as kids, and then their hair both turned a solid brown, too.

Yeah, thats exactly it. It makes me look very washed out. And i'm anemic, so my skintone is slightly yellow-ish, so it just looks horrible. I dont even try to wear much of any yellow. Very little can I pull off. And never orange. D: Well, you can wear that yellow quite well, then. I bet green looks really good on you, also.

Haha. She is real. ^^ She's called a rubber boa. Very sweet little snake. So friendly. We call her Frenchy.

And i'm like that, too, usually. When it comes to tanning, I seem to burn half the time, and then the color peels off. -__-;; I hate that! But last summer I had a little bit of one, and the summer before that I actually had an awesome tan! But that was because we had been going on vacation, and it had been to sunny places. And we'd been consistently in the sun for a long time, so that made a difference. I was so excited! 8D
Oh shoot - when you said rubber boa - I thought you meant in fake XDDD How crazy that she is wrapped so perfectly around your hair!

My boyfriend's hair used to be that bleack blonde color when he was really young. It's more...dirty blonde now XD If we end up having kids together at some point in ours lives...we're going to have red or blonde haired babies XD I'm a red head and he has blonde in his family XD (which he is totally fine with - he's so funny - he's so protective about a daughter that isn't even a fetus yet - already knows that he wanted a blonde haired girl who wears pigtails. He knows what he's going to name her, etc XDD He's too cute...he's going to be the best dad ever when he finally has a kid XD)

You're anemic? I've been told by many people that I have anemic tendencies... XD Seriously - over the past few years people from friends, bosses, and my boyfriend say I have anemic symptoms. But I've never been tested because it's not that bad XD

(I'm actually getting help for hives right now - I have had hives for 8 months now that won't go away. I don't know what I'm allergic to. I can't figure it out. I'm getting a patch test done. But I'm told that the sensitive/fair skin doesn't help stuff like that eitehr XD) WHOA - weird coincidence - I JUST got a call from my doctor while typing this. They did a biopsy on some of the effected area a week or so ago....she said it was contact dermatitis which is caused by an allergic I guess I just need to take that patch test to find out what is cauing it...

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 03:04 AM

@ Maria - Haha. Yeah, I thought that might be a little confusing. ><;; But thats the type of snake she is. Ah, yes. She crawled up there on her own, too. She was on my neck, and then I suddenly couldn't feel her anymore and my mom said she'd curled up in my hair. :lol: So, she took a picture.

My boyfriend's hair is a dirty-blonde right now, too. I'm not really sure how light it was when he was a kid, though. I haven't seen any pictures of him when he was younger, now that I think of it. Haha. But he'd mentioned before that its gotten darker, so he was probably blonde as a kid. Aaw. That sounds very cute. ^^ Mine just goes off about how he thinks he should get me pregnant because he thinks we'd have a cute kid. :roll: He's joking, though. I wouldn't let him do that. lol

Yup, sure am. I got told for the longest time that I was probably anemic, and never believed it. Only found out because of a very unpleasant experience. Had been on my period, and was suffering from extremely painful cramps. Took a shower, hoping the heat would help, and I got unbelievably dizzy and couldn't stay standing and my vision kept blacking out. I was in so much pain and so disorientated and confused. I just started bawling and gradually was able to make my way out of the shower and find my towel and call my mom at work. She rushed home, and she said when she saw me I looked like a ghost. o_o Went straight to the doctor and they did blood tests to figure out what was up. Results came back that I was pretty anemic. My biggest symptom I use to have was eating ice. I would eat it constantly. I craved it so bad and honestly almost always was eating it. It drove people insane. I couldn't go long without having some. But the very first day that I started taking iron, my cravings immediately stopped and I haven't eaten it since. Amazing turn-around.

Oh dear. That sounds very unpleasant. D:
Thats awesome that they got back to you, though. :yes: Hopefully once you get that done you can figure out what exactly is causing it to happen. I hope you can get it done soon. C:


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 04:07 PM

i just stopped by to see what was going on and wow... those are very long posts. i like it. you dont see that frequently on mene in the avatar chat forum.

but i hope that its nothing too serious maria and that you will be fine. i hate having problems... specially when the doctors dont know what it is either. i had dizzy spells and pain recently and the doctors dont know what it is. i dont think its anything serious but i know what it feels like to worry about it being something serious and having to wait for results.

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by Suona View Post
@ Maria - Haha. Yeah, I thought that might be a little confusing. ><;; But thats the type of snake she is. Ah, yes. She crawled up there on her own, too. She was on my neck, and then I suddenly couldn't feel her anymore and my mom said she'd curled up in my hair. :lol: So, she took a picture.

My boyfriend's hair is a dirty-blonde right now, too. I'm not really sure how light it was when he was a kid, though. I haven't seen any pictures of him when he was younger, now that I think of it. Haha. But he'd mentioned before that its gotten darker, so he was probably blonde as a kid. Aaw. That sounds very cute. ^^ Mine just goes off about how he thinks he should get me pregnant because he thinks we'd have a cute kid. :roll: He's joking, though. I wouldn't let him do that. lol

Yup, sure am. I got told for the longest time that I was probably anemic, and never believed it. Only found out because of a very unpleasant experience. Had been on my period, and was suffering from extremely painful cramps. Took a shower, hoping the heat would help, and I got unbelievably dizzy and couldn't stay standing and my vision kept blacking out. I was in so much pain and so disorientated and confused. I just started bawling and gradually was able to make my way out of the shower and find my towel and call my mom at work. She rushed home, and she said when she saw me I looked like a ghost. o_o Went straight to the doctor and they did blood tests to figure out what was up. Results came back that I was pretty anemic. My biggest symptom I use to have was eating ice. I would eat it constantly. I craved it so bad and honestly almost always was eating it. It drove people insane. I couldn't go long without having some. But the very first day that I started taking iron, my cravings immediately stopped and I haven't eaten it since. Amazing turn-around.

Oh dear. That sounds very unpleasant. D:
Thats awesome that they got back to you, though. :yes: Hopefully once you get that done you can figure out what exactly is causing it to happen. I hope you can get it done soon. C:
The snake is cute though! I really thought it was a fake snake that's how perfect it look! lol And you got a very cool picture out of her in your hair lol

I want kids someday but definitely not now. I can barely support myself right now, there is NO way I could support a kid. If I got pregnant right now, I would cry. My boyfriend wants his little girl so badly but he also wants to wait because he can't support a child either. We both need better jobs before we'd consider it AND we're both the type who has to be married before we'll have kids. He wants to know that she's the right woman to have a kid with before he has one.

It's crazy though - you know you are getting old when a friend who is literally ONE day older than you just found out she is pregnant. She got married last year and now she's expecting her first kid. I just can't get over that. I'm excited for her but that scares the crap out of me! It was different when you found out some high school friends of yours were knocked up right out of high school. It's totally different when you've all graduated college and they're all starting to get married and have children. D: *so old* XDDD

Holy crap that's a crazy experience! I'm glad they figured it out and that the iron helped you immediately! See, my period only lasts like 3 days and I've never had bad bad cramps. BUT that's weird because I eat a LOT of ice...I love eating ice - it's just so yummy. The biggest reason people think I'm anemic though is that I get dizzy spells sometimes. Like, so dizzy the room is spinning and I have to sit down because I feel like I'm going to puke. But then the next day I'm okay again. I get dizzy at work a lot these days but I push through it. Luckily I have a LOT of energy (people always comment about how energized I can be) even if I am dizzy I just use that energy to push through it. I went home from work once because I couldn't even stand I was so dizzy - I can't do that again. I don't want them to think I don't care about my job and that I'm just using them to earn a paycheck. I need the hours. D:

Yeah, I looked up "dermatitis" and it's basically what we were theorizing before - I have an allergy to something at work that i keep coming in contact with and it's causing me to break out into hives. So nothing new from that phone call. Hopefully we can find what I'm allergic to with the patch test.

I thought it was the cleaner we use at the store so I started wearing gloves all the time...whenever I clean something I wear gloves. But it just kept getting worse so they thought it was the gloves I was wearing. So the store bought me nitrate gloves, which didn't help. Then they bought me non-powdered latex gloves, which didn't help. the powdered latex gloves didn't help either except irritate the hives on my I'm back to the nitrates since they irritated them the least. So then we were back to thinking it was a cleanser. Until the first night I closed the floors behind the counter (I work in a fast food 3-in-1 restaurant - kfc, taco bell, pizza hut experss. This started when I was only on front counter/pizza hut...then I switched to taco bell food line and it continued...etc...I know pretty much every position now)....I went home that night and I had crazy hives ALL over my feet and my ankles. D: So some people theorized it might be water since the floor cleaner is totally different then the cleaner we use on other things....but I don't get hives when I shower so i don't think it's that.

It's just annoying D: I hope they find out what I'm allergic to so I can just avoid it until I get a better job D:

Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
i just stopped by to see what was going on and wow... those are very long posts. i like it. you dont see that frequently on mene in the avatar chat forum.

but i hope that its nothing too serious maria and that you will be fine. i hate having problems... specially when the doctors dont know what it is either. i had dizzy spells and pain recently and the doctors dont know what it is. i dont think its anything serious but i know what it feels like to worry about it being something serious and having to wait for results.
Lol BSW - we keep turning our posts into long stories XDD It's rather fun - and you end up making a lot of gold from it :)

I really hate having hives. I've never been allergic to anything but your basic seasonal pollen allergies and I'm allergic to peach fuzz. (Which I know sounds weird - but you know on peaches how they have fuzz on the outside? If I eat a whole peach my throat swells up and feels like it's on fire. But if I eat canned peaches which have no fuzz....I'm perfectly fine. XDDD ) So I really don't know what it could be :(

I hope your dizzy spells and pain have let up! especially because the doctor couldn't figure out what caused it! That sucks!


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by Maria-Minamino View Post

Lol BSW - we keep turning our posts into long stories XDD It's rather fun - and you end up making a lot of gold from it :)

I really hate having hives. I've never been allergic to anything but your basic seasonal pollen allergies and I'm allergic to peach fuzz. (Which I know sounds weird - but you know on peaches how they have fuzz on the outside? If I eat a whole peach my throat swells up and feels like it's on fire. But if I eat canned peaches which have no fuzz....I'm perfectly fine. XDDD ) So I really don't know what it could be :(

I hope your dizzy spells and pain have let up! especially because the doctor couldn't figure out what caused it! That sucks!

yay long posts and yay for earning gold! lol

im not allergc to anything so i totally cant relate to you one that one.. other then the not knowing what it is and waiting for test results.

the dizzy spells have let up i suppose... but they are spells that hit randomly and cannot be predicted. once it was after a bath while i was putting away the dishes i washed before my bath. the next time it was after zumba. so i have no idea. and neither do the doctors. the pain they explained as a precordial catch which apparently isnt anything serious... i just have to breath through it and it will go away. i was in a panic though when i didnt know what it was... i thought i was having a stroke or a heart attack! lol. im relieved to know its not anything serious, but confused as i do not know what causes the dizzy spell.

i hope your doctors find out what your allergic to and that its something you can easily avoid. i had a roommate who was allergic to green peppers and it was fairly easy for her to avoid that, but i have known of people who are allergic to soy and that would be a pain to avoid. its in so much processed food now, its insane!

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 07:51 PM

@ bsw - Yay long posts! o 3o
I love 'em. Rylynne and I use to have them all over the place. I miss that crazy gal. :'(

Bah. I hate getting dizzy. Such an unpleasant feeling. D:

@ Maria - Mhmm. They're a very neat type of snake. I like boa's. :) Yes, I like how it turned out. :yes:

Definently. I am in no situation to be ready to have kids at all. I'm only 20, and just getting ready to transfer to a Uni to finally go towards getting my degree. And then from there, hopefully finding a good job in my career choice to help support myself. I dont know if him and I will stay together long enough for that, because we're soo different, but we've worked things out for now. We're only 4 months in, so we're no where close to discussing having kids. He already told me when we first met that he never wants to get married, and I dont think i'd be willing to have kids with anyone if I weren't married to them. Plus, I dont really want to have kids, anyway.

Oh man, I know. So many people are pregnant these days, too! Like everyone from my school is getting knocked up, and then getting married, and some not even getting married. Half of them aren't even with the dads anymore. Luckily none of my close friends have had that happen yet, and I hope it doesn't happen anytime soon. Way too young for marriage and kids.

Yeah, it was very scary. I was terrified. Even with the iron, I still get dizzy spells from time to time. I am not as tired anymore, though, and like I said, dont eat ice anymore. You do have the symptoms of an anemic, though. I'd suggest just trying some iron tablets and see if that helps with the dizzyness. I use to get it really really bad before, too. I'd have to sit down all the time, or I'd fall after I started walking because my brain would like shut off for a second and my vision would black out. Its a really unpleasant feeling. So, I can understand the dizzyness. I really do suggest trying iron, then. Maybe for like a week.

Yikes. That sounds terrible and so confusing. I can imagine that would be so frustrating.
Yeah, hopefully they'll figure it out very soon and have it all worked out.

The Pings Goddess
Nuruhanj is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 07:58 PM

wtf is going on here??? OO
so many posts

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Suona is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 08:02 PM

We're conversing. ^^

How are you, Nuru?

Maria-Minamino is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 08:32 PM

Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
yay long posts and yay for earning gold! lol

im not allergc to anything so i totally cant relate to you one that one.. other then the not knowing what it is and waiting for test results.

the dizzy spells have let up i suppose... but they are spells that hit randomly and cannot be predicted. once it was after a bath while i was putting away the dishes i washed before my bath. the next time it was after zumba. so i have no idea. and neither do the doctors. the pain they explained as a precordial catch which apparently isnt anything serious... i just have to breath through it and it will go away. i was in a panic though when i didnt know what it was... i thought i was having a stroke or a heart attack! lol. im relieved to know its not anything serious, but confused as i do not know what causes the dizzy spell.

i hope your doctors find out what your allergic to and that its something you can easily avoid. i had a roommate who was allergic to green peppers and it was fairly easy for her to avoid that, but i have known of people who are allergic to soy and that would be a pain to avoid. its in so much processed food now, its insane!
I wonder if it has anything to do with blood sugar levels? I'm not saying you are diabetic but maybe you hadn't eaten right those days or something so your body might have been a bit wacky. Or dehydration? I don't know....I'm not a doctor XD (Although one of my best friends in studying to be one - when she gets her liscence - she's the only doctor I'm ever going to lol - I hatehatehate doctors! XDDD)

I had to look up what a precordial catch was - but how crazy! I would be so scared that I would be having a heart attack and freak out about it! At least it isn't really life threatening and happens occasionally.

I'm pretty sure it's something at my work place. It started right after I start this job in May....and it's been happening ever since. Plus - it gets worse when I'm at work - like my feet and ankles all of a sudden getting them...

But I'm not sure what it could be. I worked at a Taco Bell a few years ago when I was 18....and I was perfectly okay there. So I think it's something from KFC or the pizza hut...but I'm thinking more KFC because we only sell personal pan pizzas and bread sticks and not even that often so I'm not around pizzas a lot XD

I'll definitely be anxiously awaiting the results of the patch test. I'm sure I'll post in all up on here when I finally know what it is! XD

Originally Posted by Suona View Post
@ bsw - Yay long posts! o 3o
I love 'em. Rylynne and I use to have them all over the place. I miss that crazy gal. :'(

Bah. I hate getting dizzy. Such an unpleasant feeling. D:

@ Maria - Mhmm. They're a very neat type of snake. I like boa's. :) Yes, I like how it turned out. :yes:

Definently. I am in no situation to be ready to have kids at all. I'm only 20, and just getting ready to transfer to a Uni to finally go towards getting my degree. And then from there, hopefully finding a good job in my career choice to help support myself. I dont know if him and I will stay together long enough for that, because we're soo different, but we've worked things out for now. We're only 4 months in, so we're no where close to discussing having kids. He already told me when we first met that he never wants to get married, and I dont think i'd be willing to have kids with anyone if I weren't married to them. Plus, I dont really want to have kids, anyway.

Oh man, I know. So many people are pregnant these days, too! Like everyone from my school is getting knocked up, and then getting married, and some not even getting married. Half of them aren't even with the dads anymore. Luckily none of my close friends have had that happen yet, and I hope it doesn't happen anytime soon. Way too young for marriage and kids.

Yeah, it was very scary. I was terrified. Even with the iron, I still get dizzy spells from time to time. I am not as tired anymore, though, and like I said, dont eat ice anymore. You do have the symptoms of an anemic, though. I'd suggest just trying some iron tablets and see if that helps with the dizzyness. I use to get it really really bad before, too. I'd have to sit down all the time, or I'd fall after I started walking because my brain would like shut off for a second and my vision would black out. Its a really unpleasant feeling. So, I can understand the dizzyness. I really do suggest trying iron, then. Maybe for like a week.

Yikes. That sounds terrible and so confusing. I can imagine that would be so frustrating.
Yeah, hopefully they'll figure it out very soon and have it all worked out.
I like posting long posts but it's easier to post a few words and press okay after a while lol XDDD But this is awesome :D

Yeah, I'm 22 and I just graduated college in May. I earned my degree in music education, I want to teach music in schools....but because of the economy, music positions are the first to go. There aren't many open positions and all of them are being filled by the teachers who got cut from other schools due to budget problems.

So I'm working my butt off in fast food until I can find something better. I'm not even really sure i want to teach anymore. My last semester I taught full time under the supervision of a real teacher in a real middle school. And I hated it. I really really couldn't stand it. It was so time consuming and just not as rewarding as I had wanted it to be. Music is my passion...but teaching is definitely not my passion. So I dont' know. I think I want to stick to elementary music if I do teach...I'll try it out a year or two and if I don't like it, I'll find something else to do I guess.

But until I find some sort of better job, teaching or whatever, there is no way I could afford kids XDDD I don't want them for another few years yet! XDDD Like...26 or 27 would be a good tiem XD

My boyfriend and I have been together only 7 months so we're still beginning too. Although at month 8, he'll officially be my longest relationship ever (which is rather sad) XD I really do love him though. We're very different but very similar at the same time. We work nicely together. I hope it works out :D

Maybe I will try iron tablets. Can you get them at the drug store just over the counter? Or would you need a prescription for them? It's just weird that so many unconnected people in my life the past few years have made a comment that I have anemic symptoms. That would be just another thing wrong with me D: XDDD

Well, the patch test starts Jan. 23...I get the patches taken off Jan. 25....and they look at the results Jan. 27th XD It's like a week long process (where I can't shower D: ugh....can't wet my back the whole time) I'll know, hopefully, the 27th :D FINALLY XD

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 09:06 PM

@ Maria - Just a quick note, it'd probably be easier to not quote the person from before each time. That way it doesn't add that extra text to have to scroll down through the page for other people.

Yeah, I know what you mean. I like having nice converations, though. And that doesn't really happen with the short little posts.

Oh man. Yeah, that'd be a really hard one to get into right now. It sounds like a great job to have, but definently lacking in availability. :( Its sad that they're taking away all the music and art from schools. :<

Aaw. I'm sorry to hear that. Yes, teaching is tough buisness. I work with an afterschool program and teach the kids sometimes. They're terrible, and they only get worse as they get older. I couldn't stand it when I'd get stuck with the 6th-8th grade class. Man, they are horrible. Monsters, for sure. They're so disrespectful and rude. Doesn't help that their usual afterschool program teacher just lets them do whatever they want and doesn't follow any of the rules. :roll: So annoying. But elementrary is definently better. They're still pretty bad sometimes, but muuuch better than middle schoolers.

Thats good to be planning ahead with it, though. I think that not nearly enough people are taking that into consideration or realizing what a giant responsiblity it is to have children. Hey, if you're ready, you can be a good parent, and you can handle it, then power to you for creating life that you can support and raise well. But if you're young and not ready, then I just would stress so hard that people do whatever they can to prevent it so that an accident doesn't happen. Kids are great, but they change a lot of things in someones life. Its nicer if you're prepared for them, I think. For you, and them. :yes:

Aaw. Thats great. ^^ My current boyfriend is already my longest relationship. D: But i've only ever dated 2 guys before him, and they both just weren't much of a good idea. I'm stubborn about dating people, though. There are plenty of people that are interested, but i'm not interested in any of them. I'm very picky with who i'll date. But it had been years since I dated someone, and it just felt like it was the right time to give relationships another shot, and he seemed like a good one to choose. We've been seeing each other since we met. Haha. But my first relationship was 3 and a half months and I ended it because it just didn't feel right and I was thinking of him as just a friend and we hardly ever saw each other anyway. And my second boyfriend was just rough. We were close for a long time before we started dating, but we didn't start until I was staying in dorms all summer except for weekends, so I never got to see him, and it was a religion mix complication, and his brother made him break up with me after a month and a half. :/ That one was really rough on me. Kind of detered me from relationships for that long time.

I hope it works out for you two, also. ^^ It sounds great. My bf and I do have a lot in common, too, but we have some big differences, too. Big things to me, but he doesn't think they're that big. We've been able to spend more time together lately, though, which is really nice. Hopefully we'll get to go out and do stuff together more often. We're both usually totally broke, so its hard. ><;;

Yup. They're just over the counter. I know what you mean. I'd had tons of people tell me that I was anemic, many people in which I hardly knew, too. It'd be worth a shot to give it a try. Feeling better is worth it, really. And yeah, I have so many things wrong with me, too, its just rediculous. -___-;; And i'm like the only one in the family that does. My brother doesn't have anyhing wrong with him, and neither does my mom. My dad has acid reflux, but so do I. :roll:

Aaw, but that wont be for awhile yet. :(
Hopefully the time passes quickly and they dont get any worse in the meantime. :hug: I wish you the best of luck with it, and hope that it gives you the results you need to help fix the problem.

The Pings Goddess
Nuruhanj is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 09:11 PM

ah ok Suona XD
I'm ok thanks and what about you?

¿ʇəʎ ʇɹ...
Suona is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 09:44 PM

I'm pretty good. Just being lazy, though.

I ought to go out and get some yardwork done and take a shower before I head over to the bf's.


bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 01-14-2012, 11:43 PM

holy crap i just accidentally deleted my whole response....

anyways... I hope your not allergic to anything that is too serious.... but i await your results like you do. so your not alone!

Last edited by bloodstainedwings; 01-14-2012 at 11:46 PM..

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YamaNeko is offline
Old 01-15-2012, 06:34 AM

I think Liztress's pick is awesome. Hers is by far my favorite admin pick. My two favorite colors, so perfectly balanced and put together, yet I the outfit gives a character from the imagination that I can only wish I could come up with something like that. ^-^ Just thought I'd stop by and express my visual appreciation.

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Mak...

fireprincess is offline
Old 01-15-2012, 05:56 PM

Congrats Liztress!
I really like how you used Bertie :)

The Pings Goddess
Nuruhanj is offline
Old 01-15-2012, 06:02 PM

hi all and congrats Liz

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 01-15-2012, 07:23 PM

Wow! Everyone in here looks amazing!!!

The Pings Goddess
Nuruhanj is offline
Old 01-15-2012, 07:29 PM

except me, Crim XD

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 01-15-2012, 07:31 PM

It's certainly different but I like it!
I love oddball avi's^.^

The Pings Goddess
Nuruhanj is offline
Old 01-15-2012, 08:17 PM

ahah XD thanks XD

Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 01-15-2012, 08:19 PM

No problem:)


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