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Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 03:23 AM

Hey Tae. No not every single tail is outlined in gold. Just random ones interspersed throughout have the gold edging. It's completely random and up to you how that they are laid out but it doesn't have to be everyone..

Amaitae is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 03:49 AM

i did more real painting today wings ^^; check my dA account to see. i'm just about done with the underpainting and i'm gonna start adding flesh tone tomorrow, depending on how quickly the oil dries.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 04:29 AM

Did you post it on DA? cuz it's not showing up under my alerts or anything.

Amaitae is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 01:54 PM

yea, it's just an updated file of Adam. Same deviation, so there's no alert.

Wings of Writing
Wings of Writing is offline
Old 08-11-2011, 04:43 PM

Oh okay. Just saw it. It looks nice.

Amaitae is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 02:27 PM

Update: I'm on my last day of work before returning to my college town. I've been busy wrapping stuff up at work the last week or so, which is the reason for the slow going.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 08-17-2011, 06:40 PM

That's quite alright, take your time ^^ Oh, and I couldn't help but notice you had spelled my name wrong a couple times. It's fine really but I just wanted to point out the irony of what you spelled: KageShiro means "White shadow"

Oh, and before I forget, I love your Malon cosplay ^^ it's a good use for the new event item.

Amaitae is offline
Old 08-23-2011, 05:58 PM

oh, shoot, i swore i saw an r and thought that's what it meant XD I'll go fix that. And thank you! I'm glad someone noticed it.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 08-23-2011, 11:22 PM

Lol, it's fine ^^ A couple of people have made that mistake before. And you're welcome! I like it a lot, you don't see characters other than Link and Zelda cosplayed online very often.

SqueakyMachine is offline
Old 08-26-2011, 07:20 PM

Hi! Just popping in to say hello and how's it going? We had a fuzzy poster for our dorm with a bird on it so me and Rae colored it like a 'tiel. :)

Edit, later on in time but didn't want to double post:

Squeeeeeeee!!! A classmate had an african gray at an outdoor event today and she let me pet him!!! *hearts* She said he was the nicest to me that he'd been the whole time. Maybe because I didn't freak out when he hissed a little. He was perfectly fine with me after that. (I petted his beak and head a little). Why are people scared of birds?

Last edited by SqueakyMachine; 08-29-2011 at 11:24 PM..

Amaitae is offline
Old 09-02-2011, 12:48 AM

d'awwww, how cute ^o^

KageShio: your drawing is finally on it's way to being done. Sorry it took so long ^^; Classes started up again and now I have Friday and most of the weekend to get it done :) Here's a thumbnail of it. It's also on the first post, if you wanna find it easier next time.

Click on thumbnail for full view

There hasn't been a lot of coloring done on it yet (I got tired...) but let me know what you think of the lineart at least.

Warning: Unrestrained Audiophile
KageShio is offline
Old 09-02-2011, 01:05 AM

I like it very, very much ^^ and yet again, don't worry about the time, you don't have to rush or anything. Anyway, It's wonderful, and my only critique would be that his nose is a bit too large.

Amaitae is offline
Old 09-02-2011, 03:07 AM

Alright, awesome :) I'll move the nose around next time I work on it

A Celestial Sprite🌙
Celestrya is offline
Old 09-21-2011, 07:00 PM

Wow! Amazing art! =3

*stalks thread*

Amaitae is offline
Old 09-23-2011, 02:52 AM

Thank you ^_^


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