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Zilithandria Moonlight
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Old 02-18-2010, 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by M i r o View Post
@ Zilithandria; My text walls kill herr eyes. XD
You're welcome ~

I got it done by Sweetly25; I have others too. I actually had the money to trade for art when she opened up shop. XD I didn't even have to stalk the slots! But I rarely get art unless by 20% chance its from a freebie thread. A lot the artists on Menewsha are busy with RL or they have so much art debt to do they've closed their shops.

I'm debating on whether or not of starting a Art Request thread. *-*
It'll die and rot but at least I have somewhere to put my OC art on display. lulll

@ Xu; Nope! B )

You no loveth my text walls. ; a ;

This is the only new art I've drawn lately.
I should've blend it in more but I need a better white crayon to do that and I couldn't find my white eraser. D:

Ah, thanks for telling me!! :)
And nice art - keep up the good work!! :D

M i r o
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Old 02-18-2010, 08:56 PM

@ Suona; xDDD That made me laugh.
Today? Isn't it freezing outside? o _ o;

Aw. Well the former playboy bunnies that they made "The Girls Next Door" show with on E-channel. It was Kendra, Bridget, and Holly. Heffner traded them in for two dumbass ditzy twins that are both 19-20yrs old and have brains for a snail. And the other one is just ugly. They new ones are all ugly.--I know! It's crazy.

I guess your dad has a fetish for big boobs. That's so sweet! lmao I think your mom loves pleasing your dad more than worrying about it. I just hope your mom doesn't get hernia soon because of it.

That's understandable. My friend Megan doesn't like wearing makeup, makeup either. She just wears powder or foundation and thats it. But she's penecostal and likes to stay as plain and simple as possible with her face. Same thing with Erika--but she doesn't wear makeup at all unless its lipgloss.

All of them are -real- men except for Brad. Brad is just too into himself. But at least THEY know how to dress themselves. (Nawh, I have some movies that are my favorite by them) XD I love Hugh Jackman...amg. Hugh Laurie is cute for an old man and I'm grateful for House MD. (: Keanu Reaves movie: "Johnny" is the shiznite. Josh Hartnett is just a hearthrob. :drool: I miss him. My favorite movie with him in it is, Faculty. He did a slightly recent movie about Vampires but it was a piece of poop. Mel Gibson always had a nice butt while he was doing Leathal Weapon, Braveheart and etc. XD I feel bad for him for having a alcohol problem. Kevin Baken...have you watched TREMORS? His butt is so cute! lmao Nicolas Cage always takes care of himself, too. And he's more of a average guy next door that you wish to meet.

The reason why I picked Celeberities is because every guy around Indiana is dressing like wiggers, hobos, hookers, grandmas, greasey, etc. You're lucky to find a guy that actually takes care of himself without having other people to do it for him. Same thing with the other girls I've lived around. There's only a select few people who want to take care of themselves. Its sad, it really is. That's why the US always gets critized despite the obsesity problem.

However, if you live in Marion you have to dress like a gangster if you're a guy. The brown people there are the bad kind and will cut/slice/kick the shit out of you. Same thing in Anderson as well. You also have to watch your back around the Mexican and brown girls there if you're a white girl. Unless you can get accepted into their packed, because they'll get you. They'll really get you. I mean, there might be some that will befriend you and be nice to you. It's just the others that will hunt you down.

Their parents are just as nasty as their kids, though. I've actually met some of their parents whether they were coming to school or if I was actually hanging out with someone that would go over to their houses. --But its okay though. Half of the Cheerleader team got AIDS before school was over. They kept sleeping with everybody. And after that, most of them turned into Lesbians.

Oohohoho! The school was considering getting uniforms but we didn't get them. I mean, I'd like idea of it. But I know, I just couldn't stand wearing a damn skirt 24/7.

We also have drug testing. All the althetic and kids who drove to school, got tested. When they first enforced the drug testing--all the former Cheerleaders and other althetic people quit. Because they didn't want to give up popping pills, snorting crack, doing meth or whatever hard ass drugs they were doing. The other majority just settled smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. All the regular kids like me didn't get tested. But you know 50% of the kids that didn't get tested were druggies, too. They got caught anyway--they'd get stoned or wasted before they came to school. Or the morons would actually bring their stash to school with them or deal inside of the classrooms when the teacher wasn't there. OR the hick-jacks/rednecks that lived here would CHEW during class! I sat there while they did it, too. They were spitting their nastyness in empty tea bottles, it was disgusting. -_- We had a lot of lock-downs happen and police searches with their canines. A lot of them got busted, a lot of them were sent to rehab or jail. Some idiots actually smoked weed on the last day of school before graduation and they locked down the whole upstairs. They never found who it was, though. :/

*Its also the reason why we had cameras installed everywhere in the school, and the outside of the school. There were car checks as well. People cut class a lot to deal or skip school during the day. So we were survalanced more.

@ Zilithandria; You're welcome. :3 And thank you!

Last edited by M i r o; 02-18-2010 at 09:01 PM..

xuvrette is offline
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Old 02-18-2010, 09:06 PM

*crushed under the wall of text*

M i r o
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Old 02-18-2010, 09:07 PM

You make me laugh, Xu. :XD <333

blankgirl is offline
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Old 02-18-2010, 09:08 PM

wow wall of text... that i didnt read >.<;;

Liunesta is offline
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Old 02-18-2010, 10:11 PM

M i r o-That is a really good Avi.

Zilithandria Moonlight
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Old 02-18-2010, 10:40 PM

Hum dee dum... :shock:

Tweedledee? :?:

jupiter is offline
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Old 02-18-2010, 10:41 PM

High school is a time for people to act out. And it's what everyone does, admittedly or not. I can't say I agree with the dress-code of a lot of people that I went to school with, and sometimes I couldn't stand what they were wearing, but there wasn't a whole lot you could do. I used to wear the wonkiest things to school, but even I had a limit sometimes.

There's a time and place for everything. I believe that the biggest problems women and young girls face is that they don't know how to dress. Of course it's easy to be appealing to men (lets face it, it's easy), but I always assumed that girls dressed up for other girls. To show off, or show up. If you're showing the "girls", don't show all of your leg. If you show a lot of leg, put the girls away for that particular outfit.

And I suppose a lot of it has to do with parenting. My mother was firm about not letting us wear makeup until high school, dating until 16, and she knew what clothes we owned because she was the one that bought them for us. She was a great mom, and taught us (my sister and I) very well in my opinion. My sister will wear very short skirts with tights, and sometimes it irks me that her top is also a bit low, but she'll add a cardigan and some boots and it's not too bad. Everything is pretty stylish, not necessarily meant to show off her body.

A friend's mother had the idea that we only have our youthful bodies for so long, so you should show it off. And her daughter has been in-and-out of rehab for overpartying and getting into trouble. You see these women in offices who dress inappropriately, or act inappropriately. It's as if no one ever stopped them or corrected that behavior, told them that it's not okay to have a peek-a-boo bra at the office.

Another part of it is just silly trends. We have a boy staying with us, who is completely broke and whines about how he wants clothing from Abercrombie. Heaven forbid he realize that this chain does not support the gay community, something he is a part of, or that they are cheap and expensive, something he cannot afford.

Covet is offline
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Old 02-18-2010, 10:47 PM

hello, I like your art. How does one go about getting a freebie? I like the hospital items too, but they could be done in a little more detail I guess. Like the syringe, its kinda plain. But I'm going for a pink one anyway. Maybe the medicine one. If I had ages to work on it I would also get one of the nurse uniforms. But, it takes a long long time to get stuff on here. Anyway your art is wonderful, thanks for your service!

jupiter is offline
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Old 02-18-2010, 10:49 PM

Hello, Covet. n___n
I like your username.

I have saved quite a few avatars, but haven't had the chance to really get to working on drawing any. I've been so busy studying for upcoming exams and trying to take care of the household with everyone being sick.

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Old 02-18-2010, 10:51 PM

*wanders in* Hello all~

Zilithandria Moonlight
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Old 02-18-2010, 10:52 PM

Hey, Sabiir, nice pet. Where'd you get him/her? :shock:

mewmew07 is offline
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Old 02-18-2010, 11:08 PM

Originally Posted by M i r o View Post
@ Zilithandria; My text walls kill herr eyes. XD
You're welcome ~

I got it done by Sweetly25; I have others too. I actually had the money to trade for art when she opened up shop. XD I didn't even have to stalk the slots! But I rarely get art unless by 20% chance its from a freebie thread. A lot the artists on Menewsha are busy with RL or they have so much art debt to do they've closed their shops.

I'm debating on whether or not of starting a Art Request thread. *-*
It'll die and rot but at least I have somewhere to put my OC art on display. lulll

@ Xu; Nope! B )

You no loveth my text walls. ; a ;

This is the only new art I've drawn lately.
I should've blend it in more but I need a better white crayon to do that and I couldn't find my white eraser. D:

Sorry if this is a really old post, but your art is FANTASTIC!

jupiter is offline
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Old 02-18-2010, 11:15 PM

Mmhm, I like how smooth it is.

mewmew07 is offline
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Old 02-18-2010, 11:19 PM

Oh, hello paper!

Done any freebies since I have been gone?

jupiter is offline
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Old 02-18-2010, 11:25 PM

Sadly, no, I have not.
I plan on doing everything today though. I want to crack down and concentrate, so I'll lock the doors.

Until then, I'll just wait for class to come and go.~

How are you? Enjoying the event?

mewmew07 is offline
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Old 02-18-2010, 11:28 PM

That's cool. Can't wait to see a huge flood of them in here.

I am good. The event is ok. I got a whole set so I am just earning the hearts to trade for envelopes to get items from the event shop.

Do you know when the event will end?

Zilithandria Moonlight
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:13 AM

What's the topic of the moment? :?:

M i r o
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:39 AM

@ Crane; Yes, I do believe it has everything to do with the parents.
But sometimes it can do with everything that the kids hanging out with other kids.

Its good that you have a mother like that and I'm glad I do too. I don't understand why those kinds of parents want to destroy their kids future. It was fine when you could party back in the 80's or whatever but its not now. Everyone realizes sooner or later but its rather later than it should be. ):

Does the boy not know how to shop? How'd he end up in your possesion?

@ Mewmew; Thank you! XD
I decided I wanted to draw something for Lina since I was bored.
I might draw somemore later. I wish I could find a tablet that suited me... but until I do, I'm stuck with drawing art traditionally. :3

@ Liunesta; Thank you. :) I changed my outfit again, though. lol

jupiter is offline
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:48 AM

I like to draw traditionally. It's different from what I do digitally.
I think I like it a bit more, actually. There's not as much freedom, or creativity, but everything just seems so much more refined.

I use more common sense when I draw in person.

M i r o
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Old 02-19-2010, 12:58 AM

You have different styles, though, Crane. And each one is really cute, pretty or deviously awesome. xD

Really? Is there no tablet that will* work like a pencil and paper?
I really like the freedom of scribbling and doing messy pencil lines, then erasing as I go.

And I can blend in the colors that I want because I have them right in front of me.
Pixels are the only things I've mastered doing with the mouse and Photoshop besides photo editing.

jupiter is offline
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Old 02-19-2010, 01:04 AM

In pencil, everything is a bit more elongated, a bit more "realistic".
Although, there is this one digital piece...oooh, it's blowing even my socks off, hahaha.


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