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Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-16-2015, 11:56 PM

We've really needed some rain here. So what does it do? Literally rains all over town except where I live. Lol

Poor plants I had to get out and water them today. :P Scattered showers are just that. Scattered.

Amane is offline
Old 07-17-2015, 01:56 PM

I just want to go back to winter when it was cray if it stormed.

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-17-2015, 02:59 PM

I'm not a giant fan of winter, though as I get older I like it a bit more. Just not a whole lot. Lol

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-17-2015, 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by Veno View Post
Emma; Oh my gosh I know!! The things the body goes through - specially females. It's just like HOLY GUACAMOLE. Poor body. Lol

I cannot wait to get back to volunteering and when Finnley *my son* gets older, have him tag along. My mom use to take me all the time when I was younger. Granted things are a lot more strict now a days, but I'm sure there are certain places I could take him with me to.

I'm hoping the custody junk just doesn't get dragged out. I mean I'm not really worried about anything, it's not like I have any reason to worry about losing custody, and the father lives 3 hours away and hell hasn't seen his other child for going on 6 years I think. So I mean not too worried. But apparently he dragged out the custody junk with the other woman for months and months. Anyways. Personally I wish he would just sign over all his parental rights since he doesn't want anything to do with my son anyways - just wants to make shit hard and not have to pay child support anyways- and then he can just go on with his life.

My parents never talked to me any way other than adults. I mean of course some things had to be explained in more depth or in a way I would understand but it wasn't like "goo-goo" "ga-ga" "da-da" "ma-ma" junk. Then of course my mom worked with me a lot as a child. Before I even hit kindergarden I could read, write, knew my numbers and all sorts of things. That back then you were suppose to learn in kindergarden.
Agreed lol!

Oh I love that name! I've always loved Fynn and all variations <3

And I'm sure there are places you could take him too when he's older - like the homeless shelter or community center etc. :3

Oh wow. That's insaneeee. I really hope it doesn't turn out like that for you and you're able to make a fast and clean break! I know of a similar situation my cousin went through with an ex-boyfriend - luckily she never got pregnant with him mind you -- but he has like 6 kids all with different women and ended up going to jail because he didn't pay child support lol I really hate creeps like that! They end up getting what they deserve in the end though! :3

I was the same way! I knew my numbers, colors, alphabet, could count infinitely, how to read, how to tie my shoes, etc. all before preschool/kindergarten - I was reading chapter books in elementary because my Aunt ran the school library so I got to read whatever I wanted even though I wasn't technically age level for it lol it bothers me seeing kids in preschool who don't know their letters or numbers even - I feel like parents aren't as involved anymore. :(

---------- Post added 07-17-2015 at 01:52 PM ----------

Also sorry for being MIA - been on an Anime binge and haven't been chatting much (other than about Anime between episodes) because I watch in subs and can't type and watch at the same time lol!

bluerockman is offline
Old 07-17-2015, 05:59 PM

Sounds like when I game and go missing on all forums and IM tools. Some games just hate me trying to use other things, while others just suck me in so hard that I find it hard to come back.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-17-2015, 06:08 PM

That's exactly how I've been with Anime! I just watched the entire season of Ao Haru Ride (Blue Spring Ride) and omg. Seriously. The feels. I balled like a baby. AND THEN THEY ENDED SO HORRIBLY!! I know there are 2 OVAs but there had BETTER BE a second season. It just aired in the Spring or Summer of 2014 I think so it's not out if the question. If the don't come back with at least 12 more episodes, though I would be happier with 24 or 26, then I'm going to flip. YOU JUST CAN'T DO THAT TO SOMEONE AND THEN END IT WITH NOTHING RESOLVED OR HAPPENING!! No. Just. No.

-regains composure-
But yeah - I've also been watching a bunch of simulcasts and trying to finish up some series so it's been hard to pull myself away!

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-18-2015, 12:48 AM

At least people on here seem to like his name. I've gotten nothing but negativity about his name with everyone in my life. ^^ I have no idea how I even came up with the name it was never on my list of boy names. Haha

You actually can't bring a minor to volunteer places like that in the state of Florida. he would have to be 18 or older. It's kinds screwy that you have to be 18 or older to volunteer or be there with a volunteer. I mean I know legal wise it's smart but that's what's kinda wrong witht he world. It's all legalities this and legalites that.

We will just have to see how the custody thing deals out. I'll fill you in of course. And he's blowing up my phone lately about how "We need to be adults and talk about how we're going to handle this" Um dude you've known since november you're going to be a dad and just decided to contact me like 3 weeks ago. So don't go there. I'm handling it, you just don't wanna pay child support.

Parents for the most part aren't involved. I've seen way too many cases of it. And it just really upsets me. Like they don't take time because "that's what schoools for, not my job - hops back on video games or facebook- now I do have friends that lead totally social lives and are gamers and all that jazz and still have hands on with their kids so it's not like it can't be done. haha.

It's okay if you go MIA. I'll probably be doing that here soon anyways.

So I had my first little prego bitch fit. So every friday my dad and my cousin (he's 31 and lives with us - long story but he's not all there mentally) but they have steak every friday, well usually me and my mom cook up something together. Today she decided to go out to eat with friends and since tomorrow is grocery shopping day there is like NOTHING in the house that I'll eat or want to eat being prego (I have crazy adversions to a lot of foods instead of cravings) anyways there's just junk food. It's like everything I wanted, we were missing an ingredient for. Cereal sure. Milk? nope. Anyways since my dad wont let me drive my car (a 5 speed) to the store and pick up some things I couldn't just go pick up whatever I needed. Basically I turned into one of the before Snickers people on the commercials. They wont let me drive to go get anything, but wont go get it for me either. Like wtf is this prego suppose to eat? I know it's just my hormones going crazy but I threw a total tantrum and now i'm in my room because I can't find anything I want to eat for dinner.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 01:30 AM

Aww - that's horrible.. :( It's a gorgeous name!! From what I hear I think your family membes are just stick-in-the-muds. :(

Whoa really? That's so crazy - I wouldn't have guessed! It does youth good to be in the community and volunteer when they're supervised and old enough/behaved enough to be involved!

Lmao Wow - that's just messed up hun. He legit has no claim. I think he knows that too but it's too little too late - the courts will see right through him. Hopefully they won't deal with the BS and it'll be an open and shut case, especially given his prior history with it!

I completely agree - it's just parents not wanting to take responsibility for their kids and it's BS. Don't have kids if you don't want the responsibility. They're your responsibility to nurture and raise until they are 18 legally. But that shouldn't be your motivation. Ugh. Seriously just makes me sick.

I bet! I don't blame you on that one. They're literally keeping you from going to get it yourself, but refusing to get it for you. That's like saying you can take a bath but we're not turning the water on and it's shut off for the week. Like where is the logic. I've totally thrown fits like that before when I was on my time of the month and crazy hormonal - I've literally been in the same situation with nothing to eat or missing this or that with nothing but junk in the house and not being able to go. I don't own my own vehicle yet and so I use my Mom's and she even controls whether I can use my grandparents' vehicle or not because she'll call them and tell them not to let me use it if she's pisses after we've been arguing like that lol It's seriously one of the worst things to fight over because you just get hungrier and more angry as time goes on lol Especially being preggers though and being so close to term it'd not good to make you deal with that. :(

Amane is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 02:10 AM

When you don't your name but you're not confident enough to go by another one.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 02:24 AM

Aww - you don't like your name? How come? :(

Amane is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 02:38 AM

I'm sick of hearin' it.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 02:41 AM

Bwahaha Is it a common name I take it?

Amane is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 02:56 AM

Yes. And I was named it partly because it was popular! That's not how it works‼

Goodness. I think it should be a societal norm that children eventually name themselves as part of transitioning from obedience to free will.

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 03:08 AM

Lol!! Oh goodness - I had that in my high school - 4 Kaitlyns all spelled different ways, 2 Matthews, 3 Christophers etc - for a class of 52 it was mainly duplicates lol!

Have you tried going by your middle name? I've been tempted loads of times but I haven't actually moved so it's hard when everyone knows me lmao I love my middle name though - Danyelle :3

Amane is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 03:19 AM

I think my middle name's pretty, but I'm still not confident enough to tell people to call me it. Also, I don't want to tire of it.

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 03:31 AM

Emma; Yeah I'm not that worried about it. Lol They aren't exactly stick in the mud and my parents just wanted a more normal name. they say he will be picked on and teased. Lol news flash it doesn't matter what your name is, someone is going to pick on it. xD

That's what i say! We need to let our youth learn how to help out others.
But the court will see through his whatever it is, it's just going to be a pain in the ass throughout the next 18 years in and out of courts anytime I want to move or whatever. I'm hoping it wont be totally dragged out and through the mud.

I'm totally okay with everything though. Meditation has really helped cool my tits with shit. Lol I just sit in my floor, light some incense and just let my mind quiet and relax all the muscles in my body and whatnot. It's helped tremendously over the past year to just chill out. Lol

Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 03:59 AM

Originally Posted by Amane View Post
I think my middle name's pretty, but I'm still not confident enough to tell people to call me it. Also, I don't want to tire of it.
That's true too - you may end up coming to hate it in the end!

Originally Posted by Veno View Post
Emma; Yeah I'm not that worried about it. Lol They aren't exactly stick in the mud and my parents just wanted a more normal name. they say he will be picked on and teased. Lol news flash it doesn't matter what your name is, someone is going to pick on it. xD

That's what i say! We need to let our youth learn how to help out others.
But the court will see through his whatever it is, it's just going to be a pain in the ass throughout the next 18 years in and out of courts anytime I want to move or whatever. I'm hoping it wont be totally dragged out and through the mud.

I'm totally okay with everything though. Meditation has really helped cool my tits with shit. Lol I just sit in my floor, light some incense and just let my mind quiet and relax all the muscles in my body and whatnot. It's helped tremendously over the past year to just chill out. Lol
Ahh gotcha - that makes sense then! But yeah - even if you have a "normal" name there will still be something lol I think a lot of people are going to adore it though - so and there are cute nicknames too!

I'm thinking of you! Wish I could be of more help than just offering support but unfortunately so not my area of expertise - I did try law for a couple semesters though - it wasn't my thing lol I'd make a great lawyer, but studying law was just not my niche! Now health care - I can totally help you there lol! Well, sort of. I'm really only familiar with NY since that's where I live and go to school so all research was mainly NY based lol

Lol! I'm too impatient for meditation - I had to do it every class for a semester when I took philosophy - I loveddd the class - did really well in it - but I could NOT do meditation every class - I totally pretended lol My mind doesn't quit so it was hard!

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 04:20 AM

:) You've been totally supportive and a blast to talk with. So you just hush your face. Lol I'm going for ultrasound and x-ray tech. I can't wait. <3 Just gotta finish getting the school junk together.

I don't meditate every day but it does help calm me down and sometimes just some deep breathes. Like I just tell myself "is this going to matter tomorrow? Why get angry? what will that help?" then take about 10 deep breaths and usually i'm better. then just keep chilling myself out. lol

bluerockman is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 09:33 AM

I used to try meditation in my past. I usually couldn't sit still long enough to do it. I bore too easily. Nowatimes, though... I can probably do it, but mostly because I'm sleepy enough to just fall asleep in the process.

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 10:07 AM

It's hard to get through the this is boring and I can't get my brain to shut up phases in the beginning but after some time and practice it just becomes easier to quiet the mind and reach meditation. Its not for everyone. But I think,people should at least try. :)

Amane is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 11:44 AM

My mind's too active for meditation unless I got music. Even then, it's hard, but it's way easier than going totally blank. My mind just doesn't do that ever.

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 03:30 PM

Oh when I first started meditating it would take an hour, sometimes two to get my mind to quiet down, if it ever even did. But eventually it got easier.

Still I'm not that good at quieting my mind.

Amane is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 04:22 PM

Yeah, I can't sit for an hour. XD

Miss Mad Hatta
Veno is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 04:32 PM

During the nicer months out of the year I just go out to the beach or even in my back yard and just sit quietly with my eyes clothes and listen to the world, to nature. It's so lovely.

Amane is offline
Old 07-19-2015, 04:39 PM

Oh, yeah… that's another reason I can't. Paranoia.

The outdoors and I can't be friends in this weather. My bed is the go-to place for relaxation, or a floor where I played a lot when I was younger.


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