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Izumi is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:07 AM

Yah...except unfortunately I didn't make the best of the opportunity and do much sight seeing. I lead a pretty typical life, just being the 'odd one out'. I learned how to mask my accent well enough that people could tell I wasn't from around there, but that I wasn't being stared at or snarked behind my back for being the 'loud and obnoxious American'. I've heard my fair share of Bush jokes, and rattling about why the rest of the world hates America. It's enough to really make you feel Anti-American yourself....


LOL. Ha'weigh then. Speak a little bit of Geordie for me, like. :XP

Wow I'm really out of touch. I would pick it back up though. It took me awhile to attune my ear to it...they have such THICK accents...and even the heaviest of accents tended to throw me off...

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:10 AM

Psh, that's when you make jokes back at em! I'd just up and say it....then prove that I know more about their history than they do ;)

I mean whaaaaA?

I got that in Ireland at one point when I was there during that whole freedom fries bull.... and I met this really cool French couple and they at one point told me that they were nonplussed that I didn't hate them. I was like..... really? Seriously?

Ha. Naw, if I try and remember what my friends told me... I'll just sound like an idiot.

Izumi is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:11 AM

I'll have to start adding "Ace" and "mint" to my every day lingo now too. :XP

French people are not well liked in England...LOL...Never heard of the frogs? Of course English culture they take the piss out of EVERYONE...including themselves.


I still need to make another 300g before the end of this event so I can finish buying up the couple of commons for my avvie. I need to seriously stop selling my commons as I find myself at a loss to wear once I sell it all back. :P

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:16 AM

Well exactly! We do the same thing here too..... Especially within our own country...same can be said about any country. There is going to be fun tastic times with different regions..... I mean in England there is the North and the South...... and GB Wales and Scotland are usually the butt of many a joke :P

I'm from New England.... and even within New England.... people from Maine HATE people from Mass... cause they all flood Maine in the summer time as tourists.... And every one in Vermont thought I had to be an uber rich whatever cause I'm from Connecticut.

That'll be easy enough! the event ends....Sunday?

Izumi is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:20 AM

Yah. I just gotta hang in there and keep blabbering!

And I guess I was super sensitive with moving overseas and all. They were poking fun at MY identity, you know? I was born there and lived all of my life there before the move...and while I had things I wasn't 'OK' about America and their track record...I still considered myself as such, you know?

It's weird now as I tell people where I've been now and I don't know if they think I'm pulling their leg or if they're just that disenchanted with the idea but it's usually 'whatever' kinda thing.

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:24 AM

Speaking of... I need to make something and bake something for this event.. I think I will make my famous valentine cookies :D

That's true. And I get how that would happen. Stranger in a strange land, eh? I've wanted to live over there for a while now.... It's been a long time since I've visited England (and Scotland... oh I love me some Scotland) and I should before my friend is out of grad school there. Her boyfriend is getting his masters at Newcastle, but he's from they are either staying there or moving to Italy when they finish up. Either way, they better get ready for Woody to be knockin at their door!!

Plus, if I go anytime soon, I totally need too have a pint of ol rosie with Lav!!!!! (who poofed I think :( )

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:25 AM



(yeah lav is a yorkshire totally different lingo) xDD



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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:26 AM

lol. Yah it is! I totally love a yorkshire accent though! I really like most british accents I come across......

Izumi is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:27 AM

Oh wow!! Where is your friend from originally? The US?

Haha. Proper. Like Proper Mint? Or is that something only a Chav would say. :XD

Oh wow and hopefully I haven't like rubbed you about the over generalization of Englishness I've just done. :XD


LOL. I think you have it pretty well down there, 'Petal'. :XP

Ohhh actually is it just me or do you find it kinda degrading to be called petal or flower? Usually it was done by an older man but it almost felt like they were calling me 'little girl'.

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:28 AM

Especially the ones where I go...huh? come again?

She's from Pennsylvania. We went to The University of Vermont together

Izumi is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:29 AM

Wow so it must feel like a real romantic kinda relationship. I've had one, and I still find it to be alluring.... I'm a SUCKER for a southern accent. Think all prim and proper sounding like Hugh Grant. Ohhhhhh.....:drool:


I really want a pipette kinda prop on menewsha right now. I don't advocate smoking, but it would work with my avvie.

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:30 AM

xD izumi. i don't mind petal so much.

It's when i get "AYUP DUCK!" that i feel silly :shock:

And yeah, i like the southern accent.

I actually still have abit of one cause i moved down there to be with my ex. I was only there (Milton Keynes) 8 months but i worked in a call centre so it sort of stuck abit xDD

Izumi is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:31 AM

ok not a pipette...gosh what the heck do you call the cigarette on an extender??


Are you born yorkshire lass, then?

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:31 AM

ahaha. i know what you mean. cruella devil style? (probably spelt her name wrong)

it reminds me of when gaia tried to ban smoking items for avi's and gave up after loads of complaints xDDD


And yeah. Born and bred in Doncaster, South yorkshire. Back there now WITH ME MAAHH! (mum woody) xD

I call her mother goose though xD

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:32 AM

Those cigarette holders? I don't know the name beyond that, hahaha.

I love Scottish accents (sorry, i crossed over the border.... I had too) Like a nice melodic Glasgow or thick highland accent :drool:

Izumi is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:32 AM

And LOL to the 'ayup duck'. I haven't heard that one.


Oh come on. We have gore, shrunken heads, booze....a little smoking won't hurt. Nicotine would not be what I would be smoking in my pipe, but yah.

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:33 AM

Hmm i don't like glasgow so much, but Edinburgh is bareable!

my ex was on about wanting to live in wales one day. But im not massive on the welsh accent either D=

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:33 AM

Haha. I don't need a translation silly! I've heard (or read in this case) enough Yorkshire accents... You are talking to a BBCholic here.

maybe it's because I met a Glascowian who had the BEST voice ever... I just needed to dribble honey on his voice and eat it.... GAH

Izumi is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:33 AM

LOL. You don't call her Mam? I know some places it's Mum. Gosh there is SO much dialect differences it's mind numbing. I think I never did realize how different until I lived there!


I miss my hollyoaks dose. I never got into 'stendies, although the ex was a fan. That's one thing that floored me too...soap operas are SO big over there.

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:35 AM

Hey Izumi... it's the same here... we just have a wee bit more space inbetween our dialects and accents..but then again not really..... Boston and NYC aren't that far....

and don't get me started on Jersey O.o

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:35 AM

yeeah i call her mam. she doesn't like it though xD

So i call her mother goose just to take the piss teehee!

And true that woody!

Yeah izumi. You only have to travel like 30 miles and everybody has a total new set of lingo haha.

Like if i go to barnsley from here, which is i dunno...less than 20 miles? They say fate instead of fight, and leet, instead of light xD

Im much do they vary over states if ours changes every 20-30 miles xD


hehe. Emmerdale is the soap to watch for the yorkshire accents xD

I've been where they film that. Tis pretty! Smells like countryside though :shock:

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:37 AM

I call my mom mum all the time.... that or Lady.

Well... you should hear the Worcester accent vs the Boston accent. O.o I have friends in both cities and ...... it's scary. My friend Jenny calls a water fountain a bubblah


I like the smell of countryside. Even the narstier poo smells are ok.

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:40 AM


-Oy mate! Theres a bubblah over there innit!-

(loves mixing lingo xD )

Izumi is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:43 AM

I wouldn't be able to put a finger on the accent or the different parts, sadly...maybe a 'rough' idea. I know the welsh are always so sing songy and lovely to talk to. The scottish...well that's fairly easily to tell it's some sort of dialect of theirs. And Irish...yah. English dialects and the complexity of them still baffle me to this day. I was only getting down pat some of the Geordie lingo...maybe with a touch of Mack'em in there.

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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 02-18-2011, 05:43 AM

Hahaha. I'll let her know you appreciate her term :P

Yah.. I feel like Connecticut is like......DEVOID of an accent. I mean... I have an american one... but, other than that.... we try and stay neutral because we are wedged between two crazy accented places.......


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