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Laynnie is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 02:29 PM

i am currently writing a book. i've spoken to publishers and everything. i don't think they'll like it very much though. then again, it's not as mainstream as most fantasy books, so who knows?? :)

Terra. is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 05:01 PM

I would love to write my own book. I've tried before, but I tend to have writers block when it comes to how to begin :/

XxDailyDreamxX is offline
Old 08-05-2009, 05:13 PM

I am curently writing a book. I started when I was 11

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Old 08-06-2009, 12:17 AM

Yes, I do but they always end up being short stories.

Super Secret Ninja Pirate Love C...
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Old 08-06-2009, 02:11 AM

Bumbling_Jitter- there's nothing wrong with short stories... lots of writers write strictly short stories.

BruceLinder is offline
Old 08-06-2009, 06:49 PM

I'd love to be an author. Maybe not completely famous, but to at least have a career off it. I think it'd be great. I have hard time finishing stories to maybe I shouldn't be an author. So confusing!

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Nolori is offline
Old 08-06-2009, 08:10 PM

I have one entirely done. It needs some serious editing, but I want to finish the rest of the series (first drafts only, of course) before I start on that. There's some six books left, but I've started on two and and am almost done with one. So I'm not too worried about it.

I do, however, have one short story that is getting sent out to magazines now. I really hope it gets accepted somewhere. =D

My dream of 'riches and fame' really end at "Do I have to work in customer service to support myself? I don't want to work in customer service". Haha.

Good luck to everyone writing right now! It's a tough ol' world out there, but so long as you're doing what you love it'll work out one way or another.

Eriyu is offline
Old 08-09-2009, 10:28 PM

I'd positively love to! I can hardly think of a better job than being an author (though I know it's not just a career path you can set out upon like that). I love to write, and I love to come up with characters and worlds... my problem is that rarely can I think of a decent plotline for these characters and worlds I create... That's my problem with a vampire story I'm writing now...

Also, I have a teensy problem that even when I like something as I'm writing it, afterwards, I usually can't bear to ever look at it again. :sweat: The one exception, the one piece I've written that I still love, is a poem I wrote last year. :)

Last edited by Eriyu; 08-09-2009 at 10:31 PM..

Agent HEY-LEE is offline
Old 08-09-2009, 10:43 PM

Yep! ^^
I highly doubt I'll win any awards though lol.. :sweat:
I just have a couple of ideas bouncing around in my head and I think a few people will like them, if not make them think a little.

Silver_Twilight16 is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 01:12 AM

Wow...hmm..I do think of writing a book... I like to write...but I never finish my ideas sometimes. But somewhere along the road I'll find my calling

white2fire is offline
Old 08-11-2009, 04:10 AM

I would love to write a book. I probably wouldn't get any awards for it though. I've actually started a bunch but I procrastinate so much that I wind up never finishing them.
I keep making different characters though. Maybe once I get a few definite characters I can create a book (or short story) about them. I rather enjoy role playing so it might be a lot of fun to write that way.

Sir Gibberish M Beard
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Old 08-12-2009, 01:22 AM

I fantasize about writing a book, but I doubt I'd ever get anything done. I'm just too all over the place with my thoughts and plans. While some parts of the book work fine in writing, other parts I'm currently only able to express through drawings or animation. Regardless, I'm trying to write a series that can hopefully surpass Twilight in terms of popularity. Twilight may be vaguely intriguing at times, but it just isn't very well written. From what I've noticed about other series too, it seems that most people (especially teenagers) don't like things very complex or intricate. I want to see if I can change that. :]

Silberne Katze
Silberne Katze is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 01:52 AM

No, I'm not creative enough. I did actually plan to once, then realized I didn't have a plot.

Darkness_Embraced is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 03:10 AM

I'm not dreaming of writing a book, i am. I'm almost done writing it, then i need to type it and check for spelling and grammar errors then i need to find a publisher... i've been dreaming of this for awhile, so im happy its almost done ^___^

Cambo.Aney is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:04 AM

I love to write. It has been one of my passions since I was very very young, like when I was 7-8 years old. (I still remember, somewhat, the first attempt to write a story.) That and reading fueled my imagination so that any ideas I developed I would immediately write them down in a empty notebook. I would love to write as a full-time job or at least get something published, if I could just finish at least one of them.
Since I have been ten, I've probably written down over 70 story ideas and rough drafts. Some I lost. Most are in notebooks under my bed, some more are in my head, some on the computer, and some on a jump drive of mine.
I love writing so much. Just letting the words slip out onto the paper, and with your own hand. It's like creating a new world, a new universe. You're like a parent who is slowly raising these children to fruition. I'm probably going to major in English and write full-time someday, if only I could meet deadlines.
I think I could win a few awards if I put my mind to it. If not, maybe I could at least be a #1 New York Times bestseller.
I am inspired everyday by what is around me and what is available to me. I will never stop writing because of it. It's the greatest thing in the world!

Last edited by Cambo.Aney; 08-12-2009 at 04:07 AM..

lol wut
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Old 08-12-2009, 04:37 AM

I myself love to write. But I always find myself so busy or so aggravated with something else by the time I sit down at the computer my brain is dead. I've never been able to finish a story or a book, I always get a few chapters in and then lose it :sarcasm:


tamurilmarie is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:39 AM

I'd quite love to finish writing a book, i've written about 16 or 17 chapters in a story, finished the story in my mind and haven't continued it. I've really been working on it on and off for 5 years but have stopped because i think i already finished the story in my mind and really i need to rewrite most of it before i continue it.

No i don't think i'll become famous, but I would absolutely love to get my book published, i had a goal to get one published before i was 20, whether it was self published or not, but considering i turned 20 12ish days ago i don't think thats going to happen 0.o

freed_arrest is offline
Old 08-12-2009, 04:47 PM

I actually do plan on making that my career, an author. I'm writing a story right now that's (so far) 15 pages long about a boy who's trapped within his dreams and needs to save that world if he plans on saving himself from insanity.

I'd love to become famous, or at least make one book that's more successful than the 'Twilight' series.

Joey Kitsune
Joey Kitsune is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 09:34 PM

I've written several books; my dream is to publish at least one of them. My gf is an author too, and I tend to think she's superior to me at the written word. I think we could do a lot for each other's literary ventures. It's also a dream of mine to have at least one of my published books made into an audio book.

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Saiyouri is offline
Old 08-13-2009, 10:23 PM

I dream that someday I will be able to actually write a entire book. I wrote one with alot of poems in it. Its one on the enviroment. Like all the bad things happening in this world accompanied by a poem on the chapter that I had a specific subject on. I.e. the world decaying from all the polution accompanied by a poem of the deteroating world from what is going into our waters and things of the such. I also tried to write a fiction ghost story taking place in England. I couldn't even get past 50 pages and the thing is finished. After 7 to 10 years or so working on it. And over 4 revised copies. I just gave up. I so dream of actually making a complete one.

Pikapi Pikachu
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Old 08-14-2009, 12:28 AM

Well, I've got a couple of ideas which I've started (adopted from the NanoWrimo adopt-a-plot forum), which I hope to turn into novels one day ^_^ I've already got plans for a sequel for the second idea I adopted, even though I've barely made inroads into the first one! Good thing I've got a long weekend; I should be able to make some dents!

zosma is offline
Old 08-16-2009, 01:17 AM

Hmmmmm, I wouldn't call it my dream job, more of a side goal or hobby. XD I love writing, it's so fun. If you're good enough, you can create anything and make it believable. it can suck me into it, soo ill spends hours daydreaming and writing about it. it even can creep into my dreams.

Any awards? I personally find my writing style very mediocore, but according to quite a few people, my writing's decent. I think if i got any awards, it would be minor ones. Nothing like top ten in national book lists. though that would be awesomely amazing~! :B

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Nikolas is offline
Old 10-07-2009, 09:20 PM

I have been writing since I was 16 years old. My sophmore english teacher told me I have what it takes to become a fantastic and interesting writer of my time. Yes, I have dreamed constantly since 16 of writing a best selling novel (or several) and they become movies.
At this point in time, I am writing 4/5 stories at the same time, remembering all the characters and each of the stories plot and storyline. Just a gift from God I assume.
I want to write because it's fun and to create a world that is imagined in my head onto paper that people would enjoy reading about within a book.
To have the ability to write comes with great responsibility because people want your stories to be accurate with no flaws. However, all great writers have their flaws in their stories. Writing is a way to give back to the world, to allow others to enjoy your writing, that's what I have learned.

Miss Macabre
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Old 10-08-2009, 05:26 AM

I'm sort of heading down that careerpath myself, actually. I'm not sure if I'd win any awards, or that a whole lot of people will like my writing, but it's still a dream of mine.
I've got a story I'm working on at the moment that's just reached twenty chapters. I really want to get it published when it's done.

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Old 10-08-2009, 06:24 AM

Hmm, i would love to write a book some day since i try to now but suck at it T_T. i wouldn't want to make it big first like some authers but make it big latter like a few years or i am dead to win those book awards.


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