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Old 07-13-2008, 01:03 AM

[perhaps... Thought he'd come back sometime at the beginning of this week... but yeah that worked out SOO well.... *sigh* Plus in the last few days he's disappeared completely... Hope he didn't do something less than intelligent and get himself killed in a race. [[I'll kick whatevers left of your a$$ if you did flames! just an FYI....]] heh anyways... I'm really thinking about going for the coma thing, just to piss him off if/when he gets back. :P ]

Allene smiled. "I'm tempted to let you try..." She sighed and removed her black shades. Noticing Levi talking to something on his shoulder. Allene couldn't see it but she could feel its presence. "Umm, did I miss something?" she asked, not really upset but a little concerned. Another thought flew into her mind one she had been meaning to ask for a while now, "Just curious, how old were you when you were turned?" She asked before she realized it was probably not the best time to ask, considering it was both a slightly personal question and there was soemthing magic and invisible on the poor boy's shoulder. "Its just you look so young..." she tried to explain, before she finally fell silent and merely waited for his reply to either of her questions.

Last edited by Simatar; 07-13-2008 at 01:11 AM..

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
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Old 07-13-2008, 01:07 AM

Levi sighed and waved his hand to the small dragon "i was sixteen" he huffed and nudged the small being, as he did this, it wrapped it's boney tail around his index finger and clung to it, spitting out small strands of fire, he shook his head. He knew Allene could feel the Dragon, but not everyone was in tune to see them "I'm a part of the Draconic Arts and am arguing with my small companion" he chuckled softly, feeling oddly embarrassed.

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Old 07-13-2008, 01:18 AM

Allene nodded. "Wow... that's pretty young. Did you ask or was it against your will?" She looked down, ruder by the second Allene... nice... "Heh, you don't have to answer that. I'm naturally very nosy. Hence I'm good at my job..." She nodded at his explination. "I see, I've heard of people who were part of that, but I've never actually met one." She smiled, "its a pleasure."

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
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Old 07-13-2008, 01:20 AM

He nodded his head and set the young creature back on his head, where it belonged. He sighed, and shook his head "it was against my will, you could call it a mugging gone wrong" he explained to her "i dont mind if you ask me these questions, i get them all of the time" he chuckled again before nervously scratching the back of his head

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Old 07-13-2008, 01:26 AM

Allene's expression went grim. "Yeah, mine was too." She patted the shoulder oposite the one he had previously been talking to. "My love interest of the time thought it was a nice way to 'put me under his thumb.' " she shook her head. "Oh well, so what would you like to do? We can go in or we can go out and do something." Somehow standing in the hall way made her uneasy, she really wanted to decide what they were going to do.

Kaelin Devereux
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Old 07-13-2008, 01:29 AM

Levi's heart sank as they stood in the hallway, his mind was clouded with memories of the brutal attack. He shivered and stared at her for a short moment before saying "i really dont mind, i'm just glad someone is willing to talk to me" he chuckled softly before staring at the ground. The small dragon disappeared in a small puff of smoke.

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Old 07-13-2008, 01:35 AM

Allene felt the sorrow the enveloped Levi. She couldn't help it, she stepped closer and hugged him again. "Well, you can talk to me any time." She released him, and stepped back. "I don't know why, but I feel like I've known you a long time... and we've only just met... Strange." she smiled and shrugged. "perhaps they are right, I am insane." she laughed.

Kaelin Devereux
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Old 07-13-2008, 01:37 AM

he chuckled and shook his head "wont worry about it, its like i've known you more than just a few hours" he could help but take in the moment. He hadnt known what to do, other than, explain it "lets go inside, if we're going to be friends, i would like to explain myself to you" he said with a nervous grin spread over his face.

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Old 07-13-2008, 01:42 AM

Allene nodded and fished out her kley and opened the door. she strode in and removed her gloves and long leather trench coat, dropped them over the coffee table. "Please make yourself at home. Can I get you anything? I've got all the usually beverages, and an asortment of different blood types, plus some thats been spiced rather nicely."

Kaelin Devereux
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Old 07-13-2008, 01:49 AM

"maybe later" he murmered while taking off his trentch coat, he sat down on a chair and looked over at her "when i was fifteen i fell in love with his fantastic young woman, she was eighteen and my brother's best friend. She always flirted with me and led me to believe that she liked me in the same sense, so, i asked her out and she accepted, everything was fine and well until she said it'd be so cool if we" he paused and took in a long breath "you know.. Had um" he blushed softly and hid his face behind his hands "relations, in the alley way next to the resteraunt, well, like a fool, i went along with this. Well, during, she bit me, and well you know the rest"

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Old 07-13-2008, 01:56 AM

Allene felt her skin take on an unusual warmth, and realized she too was blushing. "Seems our kind likes alleyways... " she looked down. "Well, I guess its only fair you know the details of my turning as well." she sighed and took a seat, "When I was 21 I fell in love with a young man, he looked to be about 18, but I soon found that he was actually 93 and a vampire. He was so charming..." she smiled alittle remembering him. "Anyways, I was a sorceress from a noble family, and well. As I my skills grew and I became known, he and I grew closer and closer, and well... He told me he had a surprise for me, and he led me outside to a back alley and well... We started making out ... and then... Well, he gave a different kind of kiss..." She sighed. "He's dead now, thank all that is merciful. He was phsycotic."

Kaelin Devereux
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Old 07-13-2008, 02:01 AM

He sighed softly and looked over at her with a kind expression set over his face, he was ashamed of himself, but, yet somewhat proud "you're the first person to actually have taken time to talk to me" he couldnt help but look down at both of his hands, he saw nothing but innocent blood trickling off of them.

Leviathan was a man of honor and dignity, but, remembering his past somehow brought about a deep depression. He found no love in what had happened, he had been used, and he knew it "That woman" he sighed "that turned me, was killed by a hunter on my birthday, i think it was my eighteenth" he shook his head after whipeing away a tear, hopeing she hadnt saw, he trembled.

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Old 07-13-2008, 02:12 AM

Allene couldn't help but want to hold him. He was still so young at heart. No one should be alone. she couldn't help wanting to chuckle at that thought. She had told everyone for years that she was alone and that it was best that way... yet here she sat, a vampire newly turned on her couch... newly turned by her... That made her heart sink... And a vampire nearly as old as her. "You know, I'm leaving here in a day or two. Whenever I get called to leave for another assignment... You could come with me if you wanted." She stood and walked to the couch and ajusted the blanket on Kirin so that it covered him better. She ran an affectionate hand through his hair. "This is Kirin and he might be coming as well, but thats only if he wakes up." she said a little bit of amusement in her voice. She turned and looked back at Levi. "I would really like it if you came too, you don't have to I mean... but I would like it."

Kaelin Devereux
not coming back, everything is O...
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Old 07-13-2008, 02:24 AM

Levi nodded and sighed softly, his eyes had closed and the cloak was back on him. He had adjusted the hood so his face was shadowed, noone had ever taken lightly to him, except now "you actually want me to come with you?" his voice seemed to be filled with excitement and yet doubt "are you sure?"

((sorry for taking so long, i was making a RP thread))

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Old 07-13-2008, 02:28 AM

Allene looked at him. She was unaccustomed to people having to be told she was serious. "Yes, of course I'm sure. But if you do not want to join me, you do not have to... I will understand it would not be the first time my company was refused." She looked at him, he was back in his cloak and looked as though he was about to leave. "Ah, I see have chased you off."

[Ah no problem. I'm slow today too. Btw whats the RP? I mean, if you don't mind me taking a look. I'm always in the market for a good RP lol, then again you probably would hate having to put up with me in more than one forum lol.]

Kaelin Devereux
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Old 07-13-2008, 02:36 AM

"no" he had his eyes closed, see, usually he never had a problem with his Draconic magick or abilities, but at this moment, they were threatening to eat him alive "it's not you" he growled and bit into his lower lip, sitting at the table still, soon enough, a rather large black dragon appeared near him, this was visible to anyone. it was hover behind him, watching him like a hawk


It's called Thurkear Clarastrix (Night Dragon) the name is in a Draconic Language i am accustomed to speaking at times))

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Old 07-13-2008, 02:50 AM

Allene jumped back, though she didn't cry out. She raised a hand and silver smoke seemed to flow from her hand. Then a long silver sword appeared in her grasp. "I may have lost my powers as a sorceress, but I didn't lose all my magic." She held her blade ready to strike. "Is it planning on killing either of us?" she asked not taking her eye off the large creature.

[[cool! I like it, and if you don't mind I might even join it. I truly adore dragons, I'm actually in the process of writing a book centered around dragons. Though, I don't know if I truly believe they existed.]]

Kaelin Devereux
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Old 07-13-2008, 03:03 AM

((just send me the PM lol ^_^))

he growled as the eyes of the black dragon soon became his "it's my so-called guardian" he trembled in pain "but i feel it's trying to kill me.." he howled and groaned from the erupting pain surging through his figure. THis was unbearable, even for a vampire

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Old 07-13-2008, 03:12 AM

Allene wasn't sure if she should kill it or not. Every muscle in her body and every instinct said to swing the blade and end it... but if it was his gaurdian... would killing it make it worse? Her jaw tightened and she stood still for several seconds as the dragon hovered and Levi cried out. With pure furry she threw down the blade, lodging it in the floor hilt pointed straight up. She rushed to Levi and kneeled in front of him. "Tell me what to do!" Her eyes were filled with fear and concern for him, but she couldn't help the emence desire to kill the beast that was inflicting so much pain on him.

[[It'll take me a while to design a character to use in there, I might end up sending you a PM tomorrow if thats okay. :D ]]

Kaelin Devereux
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Old 07-13-2008, 04:33 AM

((hey, i dont mind! i'm a patient gal!^_^))

"end it.. please" he cried softly, he had tried several times before this to end the beast's tyrannical hold over himself, but, had failed miserably. He winced heavily and growled angrily, he hadnt known what to do but allow the tears of frustration and agony slide down each side of his face

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Old 07-13-2008, 01:24 PM

[Cool cool! I dunno why I just have to take my time in building a character before I jump into an RP, I just... I guess I just have to get to know them beforeI play them lol]

Allene didn't need to hear anymore than that. In seconds she had her sword back in hand and she smiled up at the beast, her eyes turning silver and her fangs fully extending. "Lets dance." with that her hair began to float around her and bolts of purple lightning corsed long the length of her blade. She all but flew at the creature. Tearing and slicing at its flesh, it let out a monstrous cry and whirled around at her. She ducked and rolled over the floar. This is going to go over soooo well with the neighbors... It landed over her and pinned her to the ground. "You son of a--" it bit down on her shoulder. She heard something crack and then a searing pain corsed threw her body. She bit down and didn't let out the scream she wanted to. She kicked it in the stomache and it loosened its hold enough for her to wrench herself free. She jumped to her feet and switched her sword to her other undamaged arm. "Come and GET it!" she mocked. It charged at her and she didn't move, then at the last possible second she stepped to the side and dug her blade into his skull. It collapsed and weezed several times, smoke and something that smelled like sulfer wafted from the wound. It was dead... she thought. She didn't even bother to claim her sword, it was already disappating. Magicked metals never lasted long, not when they were made from no real substance. "I think its dead..." She panted. She glanced at Levi and Kirn, GOD!! EVen threw that he is still sleeping. "Are you alright?" She was more concerned about him than her own wounds, they would heal. But whatever magical bond there was between him and the beast... that was more serious.

Kaelin Devereux
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Old 07-14-2008, 05:04 AM

((lol that's exactly what i do!! n_n no worries at all!))

Levi growled and stood to his feet in a weak manner "only one way to kill this beast.." he panted and slit it's throat, there lay a black-beating heart. He grabbed it, and which this he dropped to his knees, feeling pain erupting from his chest.
His hand, like a vice, tore it from it's host, he invaluntarily trembled and stared down at the motionless beast. Before Levi had known what to do, his body relaxed and he was on the floor barely breathing, with the heart in his hand, his fingers were dripping with what looked to be a thick, black substance. This was the blood of the beast. His eyes slowly closed as his grip released on the object, he let out a soft sigh and rolled to his side. He wasnt asleep, nor did he die, he had never felt such a relief before, he needed to relax and soak the moment in.

Last edited by Kaelin Devereux; 07-14-2008 at 06:34 AM..

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Old 07-14-2008, 07:24 AM

Allene drooped forward slightly. She was an alright figher, she knew she wasn't the best. She had always been a better Sorceress... So much for that... She sighed and walked over to the phone and dialed room service. "I need a very large clean up, and perhaps a disposal team. Yes, thank you." She hung up. She turned around to face Levi she wasn't sure if he was a sleep or not but she spoke anyways. "I'm going to go change and tend this wound. There'll be a cleaning team in her shortly to take of ... the mess. You can lay down on the bed while they work if you wish, I'll just be in the bathroom." She sighed and left the room. Once inside the bathroom she closed the door and turned a special key that put a protection spell over the room. She turned and look at herself in the mirror. A nasty sight stared back, her shoulder was bloody and it had dripped all the way down to her waist, her hair was all out of sorts and there were various rips in her clothing. "Very nice..." she said sarcastically. She pulled off her clothes and stepped into the shower, after a quick scrubbing she dried and put on a robe. She stepped out of the bathroom and without even really seeing she went to the walked in closet where she also closed the door with the magicked key and changed. Once she was done she stepped out and began to look for Levi.

Kaelin Devereux
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Old 07-14-2008, 02:31 PM

he had made his way to the bed, now curled into a small ball, he sighed, he had taken off his cloak and shirt as wel as his boots and grapling style gloves. He rolled over ontop of the covers, his eyes were closed and body relaxed, he looked adorable, he opened his left eye and looked over at her "you okay..?" his voice seemed soft yet curious along with worried. He knew she was injured and felt horrible about it, his body still, unfortunately felt weak.

He rolled to his back and stared up at the ceiling, his exposed torso was riddled with scars and . He led an abusive childhood up until he had been turned, he sighed softly. Hopeing she'd take no notice to this.

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Old 07-14-2008, 11:05 PM

Allene looked at Levi a little startled. She hadn't expected him to be to an extent undressed. Though she smiled, it wasn't that it bothered her just that it was unexpected. "I'm alright. A pint should heal it." She said reassuringly. She stepped to the door and cracked it open. Several people in hasmat suits were cleaning the room, the corpse had been removed and a bloody stain remained on the carpet. god, it wasn't like it was toxic when it was trying to rip my arm off...She rolled her eyes and shut the door. People were so overly protective these days. "How about you? You doing any better?" She leaned back against the door and slid down. She was so tired... and she so deprately wanted Kirin to wake up... She ran a hand threw her wet hair, and closed her eyes. With her minds hand she reached for Kirin, trying to feel if he was even dreaming. Though she kept her attention on Levi as she searched.

Last edited by Simatar; 07-14-2008 at 11:19 PM..


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