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Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 03-22-2011, 07:08 PM

Chi looked away and sighed, petting Mitsuri. She ran her hand over her wrist and bit her lip. Wanting to say something, she instead closed her eyes and lay down, her stomach turning slightly. "I'm sorry ..."

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 03-22-2011, 11:36 PM

"Sorry for what?"

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 03-23-2011, 01:13 AM

"For not telling you," she looked to her wrist and uncovered it. "About this." Her eyes gazed into his, for she was truly sorry for keeping so much from him. "I feel as though I have been lying to you ... To the only man I've ever trusted so dearly ..." She felt her eyes water up, and she tried keeping them from falling, but she just ended up pulling her knees to her chest, and covering her face, sobbing. She was angry, tired, upset, and felt like an idiot.

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 03-25-2011, 04:12 AM

He saw her look up at him before closing in on herself and start crying. The only man she's trusted... he thought to himself in wonder, knowing that she didn't trust people all that often. As he was thinking this, his body moving closer to her's and starts softly rubbing her back.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 03-27-2011, 08:09 PM

Slowly, Chi regained her composure and wiped her face off. She looked to Naruto and smiled gently, before laying back and covering her face with the hospital blanket. "The Chunins are today..." she grumbled and sighed. "Can we leave? The smell of the hospital disgusts me..."

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 03-28-2011, 01:45 AM

Naruto chuckled lightly as he knew exactly what she meant. He still hated hospitals and sometimes wished that he still had the Kyuubi sealed within him. Sure it was a pain to deal with the blasted kitsune, but at least it healed him. Shaking his head lightly, he nodded. "Let's get out of here, I know exactly what you mean about the smell."

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 03-28-2011, 01:42 PM

Grabbing onto Naruto's shoulders, she wrapped her arms around his neck. "My legs are weak ..." she whispered, telling the truth. Her legs were tired, worn out, and if she walked, she'd be falling over everywhere. Blushing, she looked to him, waiting for him to pick her up. She was stubborn, and usually got her way, so this was going to be easy for her to get away with.

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 03-29-2011, 12:34 AM

(lol, why is that last statement so true?)

Blushing lightly as she hugged him, Naruto adjusted her lightly so that she was comfortable and that he legs wouldn't be a bother. Softly, he talked to her, "Only this one time, okay?" He asked before awaiting her response.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 03-29-2011, 01:04 AM

[[ All my characters are stubborn. ;D ]]

Chi nodded and smiled, resting her chin on his shoulder. 'It's fun ordering the top boss around ...' she thought, grinning softly as she began to fall asleep on him, her legs dangling.

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 03-29-2011, 01:15 AM

[[I was talking about the fact that how women can usually get their way]]

Naruto felt Chi slowly falling asleep on his back. Smiling lightly to himself, he signed Chi out of the hospital, and brought her to his house. He opened the door and laid her down on his bed before creating a clone, ordering the clone to keep an eye on her. He sighed before putting on a variation of his father's cloak and the Hokage hat before heading to the stadium.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 03-29-2011, 03:07 PM

[[Oh. Tch. We're just magical. xD]]

Chi felt herself being set on the bed. She knew Naruto made a clone, so there was no way she'd be able escape. As she lay there, she felt slightly uncomfortable. Sure, the clone was still a part of Naruto, but it was like a totally different person there, watching her. She turned over to look at the clone and huffed. "I better be able to walk in the next five minutes. Can you be a dear and quickly run to my place, just down the road, and get me a dress and my shoes?" she asked. She didn't plan on running away whilst he did so. She was far too weak to do that. But she was going to heal herself while he was gone, if he went.She needed to be at the Chunins to support all of her students.

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 03-30-2011, 10:13 PM

[[lol kk]]

"I don't mind doing that Chi-san, but are you sure you should be up and walking so soon? You did just come out of the hospital you know." The clone said, looking at her with concern in his eyes.

Last edited by Phoenix of the Immortal; 03-30-2011 at 10:20 PM..

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 12:03 AM

Chi grinned and sat up, hiding the fact she was in utter pain with an even bigger grin. "Of course, Naruto-san!" she said, chipper. "Now, please, gather my items?"

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 12:34 AM

The clone glared at her lightly as she tried hiding her pain from him, but left, doing as she asked of him.

Music soothes the savage beast ;...
Slide is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 03:11 AM

Mayu smiled. "Sure, I wouldn't mind!" she replied before she got ready to leave. As she walked out, Mayu waved to Tenten and went to walk around the village. I little more exploring wouldn't hurt.

(( Sorry guys~ I got sidetracked.... ))

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 03:42 AM

((that's okay.))

Tenten waved back to her. I wonder where Neji-kun went... she thought to herself before heading back inside to clean up and shut down the machinery needed to create weapons before locking up.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 03-31-2011, 01:36 PM

When the clone was gone, she used all of her strength to create a soft purple glow around her entire body. She felt herself being healed, and her body grow strong. When the healing process was over, she stood up and cheered, forgetting the fact she was still in the damned hospital johnny that they put her in before she fell asleep.

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 01:36 AM

[[you do realize how easy it is to make Jiraiya see that, don't you? or Kakashi?]]

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 04-01-2011, 05:00 PM

[[What? xD]]

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 07:40 AM

[[Nevermind. It must be my inner pervert talking again. Hold on for one second...*goes into his mindscape to beat his perverted side senseless then drops him into a Yaoi pit* Alright]]

The clone came back in through the window. "you know, if Ero-sannin saw you like that, he'd be writing notes for his, and I use the term loosely, literature." He said, causing Chi to blush (sorry about this), "Anyways, I sealed your dresser up in here. Later on, after you and the boss get back from Wave or sometime between the Chunin Exams, we'll all help you move your stuff over here" he explained before handing her the scroll, leaving the room, but staying just next to the door so that she could get dressed in peace.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 04-02-2011, 10:24 PM

Her mouth dropped. "I'm moving in!?"she cried out, staring at the door which the clone exited from, in horror. Slowly, she sunk to the floor, her mouth still agape, and her eye twitching. 'Great, THIS is going to help my situation!' she thought, the slowly opened the scroll. Releasing her dresser, she got out a light blue dress, and blue sandals. When she was dressed, she looked around. "We're getting curtains!"

[[His? o.o I thought you were a chick....?]]

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 04-03-2011, 09:03 PM

[[you have fallen for my trap infidel! BWAHAHAHAHA *cough cough* haha]]

the clone chuckled lightly to himself as he heard her cry out in surprise. It's the only way the boss can keep an eye on you he thought to himself, before hearing her exclaim about getting curtains. The only thing he could say to that was "oh dear" and the boss would so make me go shopping with her...

[[no offense to any ladies, I promise!]]

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 04-04-2011, 09:05 PM


Whining, Chi stormed out of the room. She looked at the clone and cocked her head, her eyes sparkling. "Your life is going to be hell ..." she grinned wide and jumped on the clone's back, kicking at his sides like a horse would. "GO, GO, GO!" she screamed, giggling loudly. Leaning down, she whispered softly in his ear, "Remember, you don't want me mad ..."

Phoenix of the Immortal
Phoenix of the Immortal is offline
Old 04-06-2011, 03:37 AM

((*innocently whistles Byakuya~True Light* Nothing!))

"And I could disappear whenever I want..." The clone responded.

Zetsumei Bara.
Zetsumei Bara. is offline
Old 04-09-2011, 03:39 PM

"That just means trouble for the real Hokage-sama," she grinned wider, putting emphasis on 'Hokage-sama,' knowing Naruto hated when she called him that. "And besides, you can be recreated by a simple jutsu. If I get mad, I will surely disappear, but no one would want to use Granny Chiyo's secret jutsu to revive me ..." She was talking about dying, she knew it was going to happen soon, if she continued being so angry. She knew no one would throw away their own life to save the young Jounin-turned-Hokage's assistant.


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