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Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 09-05-2013, 07:06 PM

Whoops. Didn't realize I was on PM when I posted that. My bad.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-05-2013, 07:26 PM

Originally Posted by xuvrette View Post
I lufflez Miroro for finding all these tuts! <3
Well, I've searched them out years ago xD
Took many many wasted hours on DA to find good artists like them.

Anime coloring you'll find anywhere. But they are so close to realism without the whole smudgy scratchy brush technique, it's just like "AWWWWWHHHH" sound affect. Or Eureka!

They're the main artists that I'm trying to perfect my coloring with. I just never start out coloring my drawings with black & white, which is pretty much my problem. lul

I'm going to try it out on the art request of a phoenix that I'm doing for Annaboo.
Originally Posted by Seiki Nova View Post
A lot of them >>

I was trying to get them all one store at a time, but then the stores were split up and so many new items have been added since I kind of stopped trying to collect them, that now it would be like starting all over again.

I know! I was shocked about the win. This makes it my fifth win overall.
That was pretty vague, rofl

Oh... well, at least the Marketplace will separate the colors for you. Then again, I don't know how you sort out all your items you have so far and know what ones you don't have. Unless there's a new update of items, that is. But I find that very difficult.

Pfff, well, confuggles!

---------- Post added 09-05-2013 at 03:28 PM ----------

Originally Posted by Seiki Nova View Post
Whoops. Didn't realize I was on PM when I posted that. My bad.
Hahaha! You poor thing xP

Slytherin Pride! ^_^
dragoness129 is offline
Old 09-05-2013, 07:36 PM

-peeks in from the shadows-
So busy with school work. I will be posting when I can.

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 09-05-2013, 10:36 PM

Okay, so I have around 7100-7200 commons. There's probably a good 4000+ items that I don't own, easily.

xuvrette is offline
Old 09-05-2013, 11:17 PM

Black and white? What do you mean by they start with black and white? *tilts head*

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-06-2013, 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by dragoness129 View Post
-peeks in from the shadows-
So busy with school work. I will be posting when I can.
Hiya, Draggon! :D It's been a while!
That's okay, no rush. It'd good to hear from you again!

Originally Posted by Seiki Nova View Post
Okay, so I have around 7100-7200 commons. There's probably a good 4000+ items that I don't own, easily.
Homg...! I don't particularly like all the items in the shops and I never use all of them but geez, that still makes me a bit jealous. loololl I can't imagine how much gold you saved up to get all of them either.

Originally Posted by xuvrette View Post
Black and white? What do you mean by they start with black and white? *tilts head*
They only color in B&W as they are coloring in their drawings. They don't use real colors until they're done. That's how they have the realistic affect to their drawings, the wet skin, the correct eyelashes & hair and more depth. I don't do that. I layer 20+ layers of colors on top of each other.

But I'm going to test coloring in B&W before using real colors this time.

xuvrette is offline
Old 09-06-2013, 03:19 PM

Black and white as in... they figure out the shadow and highlight first?

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 09-06-2013, 03:50 PM

I tried to do a sellback when I only had around 3000-4000 items and it was something close to two million gold. So it's been a lot of saving haha. I used to make sure I bought every single event common while they were half off so I could save gold and then I became less and less active so that didn't really work out as well.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-06-2013, 04:24 PM

@ Xu; Yeah, sorry. I tend to describe things backwards.
Basically, yes, they get their shadows and highlights colored in the right places with b&w colors before they use real colors.

The eye tutorial on tincek is the best example of that. It's a video tutorial, not a graphic one.
Which I find verrrry helpful!

@ Seiki; ...2M gold? I did that sellback thing too once and only came up with 70K.
I don't think I could ever reach passed that. You're one hard money maker, Kiki. xD

Well, that's understandable. I think we have 40% of the majority of Menewsha trafficking during the Events now. That is the best time to stock pile on commons since they are 50% their regular prices. I can see how that may affect a common hoarder, lol

uhm, I think we're going to have another event soon. I don't know what one, though.

xuvrette is offline
Old 09-06-2013, 06:37 PM

I have use that shadowhighlight separated from colour method.
But I did it differently in terms of sequence... I put in the base colour, then I use one layer for shadow and another layer for highlight. XD
For me, I make that a lazy method.

Seiki Nova
Wishing on Shooting Stars
Seiki Nova is offline
Old 09-07-2013, 03:14 AM

I'm fairly certain the next one is Halloween. I'm already saving.

xuvrette is offline
Old 09-07-2013, 06:36 AM



Kent is offline
Old 09-07-2013, 04:23 PM

I think there might be a Celes Paradi, but probably not.

xuvrette is offline
Old 09-07-2013, 04:59 PM

It is already September... like one and a half month away from Halloween...?

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-08-2013, 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by xuvrette View Post
I have use that shadowhighlight separated from colour method.
But I did it differently in terms of sequence... I put in the base colour, then I use one layer for shadow and another layer for highlight. XD
For me, I make that a lazy method.
I do that too, with colors XD
The Marker tool in Sai helps gradient shading, which is aweeesome

loololl The lazy method is usually the best method

Originally Posted by Seiki Nova View Post
I'm fairly certain the next one is Halloween. I'm already saving.
Oh, probably. And woo! See, there you go! You might get what you want this time

Originally Posted by xuvrette View Post
You no likey Halloween?

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
I think there might be a Celes Paradi, but probably not.
I was going to guess that but I think the last event we had was to replace the Celes Paradi event, flying on an Airship to some desert island thingy.

xuvrette is offline
Old 09-08-2013, 03:53 PM

I don't like horror and bloody mess...

I like sparkles, elegance!

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-08-2013, 05:18 PM

Well, it doesn't have to be horror/bloody. People just tend to be morbid.
And sparkles are EPIC!

For Halloween from small to teenage wise... I dressed up as: The Pink Ranger, a Full White Bunny Costume, a Pixie, Meg (from Disney Hercules movie), a red devil w/ a black cape, a vampire thingy, a hot-pink posh scene punk and a purple fairy. That's about it. Trick-r-treating hasn't been the same since I was little. I stopped once I was 16? Maybe 15.

I didn't enjoy it anymore and you don't really get much of anything either because I started to experience people just trying to bake things rather than giving candy away. And when they did give candy away, you were only allowed like, 1 candy bar. And it wasn't a big candy bar, it's those mini ones they sell in Halloween Candy bags. One time I did get that special Halloween Popcorn that you can buy at SamsClub, lul. More or less, I only enjoy getting redhot popcorn balls my mother makes, that's about it. I don't particularly like chocolate anymore.

But I did have to tape a "sorry, we're not giving away candy" signs on our front door to keep people/kids from punching it every year instead of knocking, for candy. And it used to be if you have your front porch light on, then people would know that they're giving away candy. If you didn't, you're not. I guess that went out the window because people will come even if you don't have decorations, etc etc. xD It's quite annoying.

xuvrette is offline
Old 09-08-2013, 05:23 PM

...*blinks blinks*
I have no idea what is Halloween until I am around... 15 or 16. -__-;;

So glad there is no... 'beggars' here...

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-08-2013, 05:26 PM

awww! XD
Did you ever go with anyone to do Halloween?

Seriously? No one begs for candy? You're lucky! D:

I think because little kids are restricted to trick-r-treating during daylight hours because of all the kidnapping, their bedtimes and nonsense, that's why the porch light thing isn't full-proof anymore. At nighttime, it's just the teenagers and the drunks going around banging for candy.

If I have kids, I'm going to just throw a Halloween Party for friends/family. No alcohol, though.
That way, I can control the candy intake. Or at least, take them around the family and distribute candy and Halloween goodies.

xuvrette is offline
Old 09-08-2013, 06:41 PM

Halloween is rather exclusive to Western...
Asian don't do it.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-08-2013, 10:33 PM

Oh, well I always thought they have a different thing they do. @@;
Like we have valentines day but you have white day. Right?

xuvrette is offline
Old 09-09-2013, 04:11 AM

Same for White day, I know about Valentine day before White Day, White day is also pretty rare.

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-09-2013, 03:19 PM

Oh, wow. Then when they display it in mangas/anime, it's just hyping it up? xD

xuvrette is offline
Old 09-09-2013, 03:26 PM

I don't recall ANY anime mention anything about Halloween... O__O

M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 09-09-2013, 04:01 PM

I meant White Day, since you said it's rare.

But there are manga/animes that have Halloween in them, not all of them but they do.
Usually they only show Christmas or White Day, though.


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