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Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 08:35 PM

Originally Posted by CloudDreamer View Post
I just have to not over think it and I'll be fine.

Awww - yeah, I can see why driving would be better. I fly home whenever I go home for breaks, because it's much faster as I get so bored sitting for hours.

Make a list of pros/cons!
Yeah over thinking is never a good thing.

Yeah. I am so motion sickness. I don't vomit but I do get very nauseated
and have to eat mints and drink ginger ale to settle my stomach down.

Ooo that's a great idea!

CloudDreamer is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 08:36 PM

Originally Posted by Fuu-Chan View Post
Yeah over thinking is never a good thing.

Yeah. I am so motion sickness. I don't vomit but I do get very nauseated
and have to eat mints and drink ginger ale to settle my stomach down.

Ooo that's a great idea!
Yeah, it causes me to mess up more than I do when I just go with the flow and figure things out and if I make a mistake, don't stress over it, just move on.

Awww. That doesn't sound like fun at all! :)

That's what my plan of attack for this one part of this paper that I have to write that's due a week from tomorrow. a list of pros/cons. Not sure if it'll work, but we'll see.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by CloudDreamer View Post
Yeah, it causes me to mess up more than I do when I just go with the flow and figure things out and if I make a mistake, don't stress over it, just move on.

Awww. That doesn't sound like fun at all! :)

That's what my plan of attack for this one part of this paper that I have to write that's due a week from tomorrow. a list of pros/cons. Not sure if it'll work, but we'll see.
Yeah. I am the same way if I just go with the flow.
And say "whatever happens, happens." X3

It's not.
Not at all. But cars do not make me motion sickness.
Not unless my stupid relatives drive. x.x

I hope it works out for you then.

CloudDreamer is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 08:46 PM

Originally Posted by Fuu-Chan View Post
Yeah. I am the same way if I just go with the flow.
And say "whatever happens, happens." X3

It's not.
Not at all. But cars do not make me motion sickness.
Not unless my stupid relatives drive. x.x

I hope it works out for you then.
Yeah - now to make sure I know the information well enough that I don't throw myself off.

I sometimes get motion sick in cars - it depends on the road through for me.

Thanks, I hope so too.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by CloudDreamer View Post
Yeah - now to make sure I know the information well enough that I don't throw myself off.

I sometimes get motion sick in cars - it depends on the road through for me.

Thanks, I hope so too.
Sounds like a plan.

Yeah certain roads can make me sick as well.
or feel sick at least.

You're welcome.

CloudDreamer is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 08:48 PM

Originally Posted by Fuu-Chan View Post
Sounds like a plan.

Yeah certain roads can make me sick as well.
or feel sick at least.

You're welcome.
Yeah, it's never a full on sick - just nauseous.

And I also need to find the time to go through all of the kitchen stuff and pull out all that's mine as I don't trust my roommates with my stuff anymore - they just abuse it. And if they complain, I am going to tell them that they need to learn to take better care and respect people's things... which they clearly don't get.

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 08:53 PM

Yeah same here.

Good thinking!
I don't plan to ever have a roommate as I have just too many things that are either too close
to my heart or valuable to me by memory or fragility. so yeah.

CloudDreamer is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 08:58 PM

Fuu: But even that makes it just hard to want to go anywhere - although for me it rarely happens.

Yeah, I just have to clean off my desk, so I can put my microwave on there, the only thing of mine that'll be out in the kitchen is my food, and my brita water pitcher - as I like cold water, I'll just find a way to tape a note to the pitcher that says that it's mine and not to use it. Everything else, well... I'm fine with them using my forks/spoons... etc... but everything else will be brought into my room - they've mistreated my things way too many times... -.- They may not see it as a big deal but honestly it is. *sighs* I swear, I live with preschoolers instead of 18 and 21 year old college students... -.-
I usually don't have any issues at all with roommates... -.- But this year it went downhill... FAST!


HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:05 PM

HIM remembers what it was HIM was going to look for an enbalming course

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:09 PM

Originally Posted by CloudDreamer View Post
Fuu: But even that makes it just hard to want to go anywhere - although for me it rarely happens.

Yeah, I just have to clean off my desk, so I can put my microwave on there, the only thing of mine that'll be out in the kitchen is my food, and my brita water pitcher - as I like cold water, I'll just find a way to tape a note to the pitcher that says that it's mine and not to use it. Everything else, well... I'm fine with them using my forks/spoons... etc... but everything else will be brought into my room - they've mistreated my things way too many times... -.- They may not see it as a big deal but honestly it is. *sighs* I swear, I live with preschoolers instead of 18 and 21 year old college students... -.-
I usually don't have any issues at all with roommates... -.- But this year it went downhill... FAST!
Yeah I hardly get motion sickness in cars.

Jeez sounds like they are very troublesome.
I'd just do what you feel you need to do.
I'd probably be doing the same thing as you are if I had roommates.
Especially troublesome roommates who mistreat your things.

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:10 PM

Lavi is spending all her gold again xD

But i now have temple of naias, basement dweller, midas touch, Crescent moon and fancy a cuppa, YAY!

Now i just need 5000 more and i'm done! DEERRRR

CloudDreamer is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by Fuu-Chan View Post
Yeah I hardly get motion sickness in cars.

Jeez sounds like they are very troublesome.
I'd just do what you feel you need to do.
I'd probably be doing the same thing as you are if I had roommates.
Especially troublesome roommates who mistreat your things.
That's a plus at least!!

They really are... and the only time lately that they talk to me is to berate me about things I don't do right... Like not putting tablecloths back on our table... -.-
Yeah... I've given them plenty of chances, and if they get on my case, I'll tell them they may not see it as mistreatment... but to me it is. And they need to learn to treat other people's things with respect.

I respect their things.... they need to respect mine.

I may leave things like the dish drainer out there, because without one there isn't one for the room and I do use that from time to time... but everything else, is being moved into my room... not sure how I'll have the space, but I'll make it work somehow.

Originally Posted by Lavinia View Post
Lavi is spending all her gold again xD

But i now have temple of naias, basement dweller, midas touch, Crescent moon and fancy a cuppa, YAY!

Now i just need 5000 more and i'm done! DEERRRR
Haha, oh dear, but yay for more things.

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:15 PM

haha, i'm just trying to get all the things so i can make loads of avatars instead of sticking to black and white items like i used to, i missed out on loads D=

CloudDreamer is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:16 PM

You can do it! And items you don't have and I happen to have, I'll let you borrow. ^_^ Until you can get them for yourself. :]

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:18 PM

Originally Posted by CloudDreamer View Post
That's a plus at least!!

They really are... and the only time lately that they talk to me is to berate me about things I don't do right... Like not putting tablecloths back on our table... -.-
Yeah... I've given them plenty of chances, and if they get on my case, I'll tell them they may not see it as mistreatment... but to me it is. And they need to learn to treat other people's things with respect.

I respect their things.... they need to respect mine.

I may leave things like the dish drainer out there, because without one there isn't one for the room and I do use that from time to time... but everything else, is being moved into my room... not sure how I'll have the space, but I'll make it work somehow.
Hehe yeah.

They sound like my relatives.

Yes they do.

Sounds like a plan.

Originally Posted by Lavinia View Post
Lavi is spending all her gold again xD

But i now have temple of naias, basement dweller, midas touch, Crescent moon and fancy a cuppa, YAY!

Now i just need 5000 more and i'm done! DEERRRR
I am adding everything in the shops in my cart
that are in the color of that pastel green/mint/pastel looking blue/pink and white
and then when I am done I will see which item to start buying first.


HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:22 PM

HIM's mostly gived up on items at the moment...Although HIM did buy the umichorm item

CloudDreamer is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by Fuu-Chan View Post
Hehe yeah.

They sound like my relatives.

Yes they do.

Sounds like a plan.
Yeah, what bothers me too is that they told me... TO MY FACE "We're all adults, we need to act like it" yet they think it's ok to act like this? *sighs* D: I swear, I do live with preschoolers... I know preschoolers who're better behaved than these two!


HIM_ROCK is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:25 PM

Just how is one supposed to act as an adult

Scarce Menewshan
MoodyBats is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by CloudDreamer View Post
Yeah, what bothers me too is that they told me... TO MY FACE "We're all adults, we need to act like it" yet they think it's ok to act like this? *sighs* D: I swear, I do live with preschoolers... I know preschoolers who're better behaved than these two!
Now this really sounds like my relatives.
I really hope you figure things out.
Or they stop acting like kids.

CloudDreamer is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:37 PM

HIM: First off... all I really want is for them to respect me and my things that I'm letting them use as they're in the common shared areas... THAT WOULD BE A WONDERFUL START..

Fuu: I highly doubt that they'll stop acting like children. I'll just have to take the first step and figure out how to rearrange my side of the bedroom so that all my things can go in there.

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:39 PM

Ugh, i wish i could kick them out and move in myself CLoud, i'd be good i swear!

I'm a good cook ;)

Imagination is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:39 PM

Welcome back Lavi

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:40 PM

Hey Magi, how you doing? =3

I'm poor again now, but i got some new items :D

Imagination is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:40 PM

Doin pretty good, just on Rift as usual :3

Queen Procrastinator!
Lavinia is offline
Old 12-04-2014, 09:41 PM

As perrr :P

I keep meaning to play the first darksiders but i haven't been to bed so i doubt i've got the energy, whats wrong with my body xD

On the plus side the opticians went well, i can still see yay!


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