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dessertdesiert is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 05:44 AM

Ah, i guess i am just a prolific poster then :(

Shelly Gallina
Shelly Gallina is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 06:03 AM

*comes in and makes herself at home* Hello! I am the new Charity representative for Eggs for Fledglings!! You can call me Shelly, though I also answer to Boo.

Yay! E4G now has a charity mule!! ^_^ This is good!

I'm gonna be account hopping for a bit while I move all my eggs into their new basket. ^_^

And yes, you are a what I would call a prolific poster. I'm grateful for it though. *huggles* Who else am I gonna talk to in here? lol *huggles*

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 06:05 AM

Congrats on the mule :)

Shelly Gallina
Shelly Gallina is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 06:13 AM

Thank you. ^_^ Please pardon my current state of nakedness. I gotta get these eggs and such situated before I address my lack of clothing. lol. ^_^'

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 06:15 AM

-check inventory for clothes for mule-

Shelly Gallina
Shelly Gallina is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 06:23 AM

Thankies!! *huggles* This should keep me decent until I can get the stuff for the egg-cellent avi I have planned. Then, with your permission I will add these clothes to the charity's nest egg of prizes for events. Is that okay with you?

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 06:27 AM

Sure no problem :)

I wasn't wearing them and the robe I got in an event on one of the guessing boards xD

Shelly Gallina
Shelly Gallina is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 06:51 AM

Well I certainly appreciate them and I will ensure they find good homes once I'm done with them. Now that I have a mule for the charity I'll be able to build up a pile of non-egg goodies to be prizes for various things, as well as build the charity funds and keep them separate from my personal funds. ^_^

I'm too lazy to play the games much so I'll most likely only get whatever gold I can get from posting here but I think if I log Shelly in at least a couple times a week I should build up a decent stash of gold for the charity in a few months. ^_^

---------- Post added 11-18-2012 at 01:52 AM ----------

Most of the gold she has now is gonna go towards organizing her inventory. Those eggs are murder to manage if I don't put each color into a drawer of its own. It makes sending out the egg sets in trade much easier too. ^_^'

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 06:55 AM

Ah, i play games everyday on both of my accounts..

Shelly Gallina
Shelly Gallina is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 07:05 AM

I don't have the time nor the inclination to do so. I sometimes play a couple games of fangirls or mad gallop when I need some fast gold and sometimes I play chopper challenge for the fun of it but that is rare anymore. *shrugs* I earn most of my gold through chatting and the occasional contest.

---------- Post added 11-18-2012 at 02:08 AM ----------

Good thing I'm already dressed for it, it is way past my bedtime. I'll have to finish moving the eggies tomorrow. I gotta get up early in the morning and it is past two AM here. *huggles DD* Night! Thanks again for the clothes! *builds a nest in the corner and settles in with her pile of eggies and her new PJs. -_-zZ

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 07:10 AM

Ah ok :) Well if you ever need any help i will come to your rescue :)

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
Saravi Boo is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 07:19 AM

You are too kind. *huggles* I shouldn't need any gold help for the charity because it isn't really that expensive to run (due to the fact that most users are more than happy to send me eggies for free just to clear out their inventories, lol). ^_^ I may need you to help keep the thread alive over the week of thanksgiving though (which is this coming week O_O ). I'm gonna be gone from Tuesday night until Saturday sometime and my Grandmother does not have interwebs so I most likely won't be able to post much, if at all.

Can I count on you to reply to anyone who posts in here...and perhaps give the thread a nudge if it goes more than twelve or so hours without a post? ^_^'

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 11-18-2012, 10:19 AM

Sure, I am always willing to keep threadies alive :)

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
Saravi Boo is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 02:56 AM

*huggles* Thanks! ^_^

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 04:05 AM

Just tell me when you leave so i remember to come here to keep it active xD

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
Saravi Boo is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 05:10 AM

No problem. ^_^ I'm leaving Tuesday night after work so Tuesday lunchtime will be my last chance to get on as far as I know.

I'm still moving eggs. lol.

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 01:31 PM

Can't you move all the eggs at once?

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
Saravi Boo is offline
Old 11-19-2012, 05:18 PM

Nope, if I do then it mixes all the colors up and I have to sort them all over again. I am done now though. Now I just have to save up for her clothes. I need a couple thousand in the charity funds to dress her the way I want to. I need 1300 for the clothes alone plus I want to get her the Rainbows CI, Sunny Side Up CI, and some of the older Easter EIs (most of which run about 500g).

---------- Post added 11-19-2012 at 12:59 PM ----------

Here is the complete list of items Shelly needs to complete her outfit:

Blue and Yellow Giant Egg
Rainbows of Iris
Maytime the OldSchool Way
Down on the Farm
Sunny side up
Orchid Petals
Easter Basket
Purple Ruffled Spring Breeze Socks
Spring Breeze Dress purple/blue
Pink and Yellow Striped Eggie Earrings
Pink and Yellow Striped Eggie Necklace
Pastel Rainbow Stockings
Snow Bathing Shoes

I have to poke around and see what kind of deals I can make for the EIs and CIs. I can't afford to pay marketplace prices. O_o' Not to mention a lot of these items are not currently for sale on the marketplace. *shrugs* It'll come together eventually.

Last edited by Saravi Boo; 11-19-2012 at 06:00 PM..

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 11-20-2012, 12:38 AM

I think i can help you with the giant egg and the petals...

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
Saravi Boo is offline
Old 11-20-2012, 04:43 AM

Really? ^_^ That would be really awesome of you. How much do you want for them?

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 11-20-2012, 02:04 PM

I don't know.... what price would you buy them for?

---------- Post added 11-20-2012 at 09:07 AM ----------

I lied... i only have the egg... I am sorry but you can have that for whatever a fair price you think it's worth...

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
Saravi Boo is offline
Old 11-20-2012, 06:20 PM

Hmm...can I get back to you after Thanksgiving? ^_^' I don't know exactly what it is worth right now and I don't have time to do the research on it since I'm only on lunch.

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 11-20-2012, 06:23 PM

It's cool, I will just leave it in the trade so i don't accidentally sell it

Saravi Boo
Licking threads since 2010!
Saravi Boo is offline
Old 11-20-2012, 06:32 PM

Thank you! *huggles*

dessertdesiert is offline
Old 11-20-2012, 07:23 PM

No problem, Are you leaving for thanksgiving soon?


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