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[L] is offline
Old 06-24-2008, 11:11 PM

Really? O_o

Ithir is offline
Old 06-24-2008, 11:15 PM

Yea. I decided against trying it and stuck to fried rice and cheese wontons.

Han-pan is offline
Old 06-24-2008, 11:55 PM


And L, it depends what kind of farm you're thinking of. Free range farms are becoming more and more commonplace these days :)

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[L] is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 12:13 AM

I'm not talking about farms,

I'm talking about factory type warhouse places >_<

Han-pan is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 01:08 AM

A factory farm. Where they raise the animal in captivity for the sole purpose of killing it for meat. Yeah you don't find those in the boondocks =P

Rika Crab
Paprika is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 01:10 AM

Buffalo is actually very good D:

Ithir is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 01:20 AM

But when I can choose rice and won tons, odds are I'm eating that. xD

Han-pan is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 01:24 AM

Hahah nice job ^^

Srsly though. There's sooo much flavor in it <3 I think I'd prefer a buffalo steak to a regular cow :3

Ithir is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 01:32 AM

Maybe if I go to the farmer's market ever again.

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[L] is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 01:56 AM

Lol ^_^;

Yumm .. meat. poor things though TT__TT.

Han-pan is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 02:01 AM

Yeah I don't think about it. I need meat. I would not survive if I became an herbivore o.O

Ithir is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 02:09 AM

haha, yea. xD

And Daggy has a cute outfit now!

Han-pan is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 02:13 AM

Lol wheeyay! :D But I'm poor now ;---; Lol. I just need the necklace for the outfit and then I am gooood to go ^^ Lol. Soo many pretties :

Srsly, I had a science teacher who had me have this seething distaste for vegetarians. I can't help it, and it's hilarious that it's her fault :XD

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[L] is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 02:51 AM

Cute outfit pan :)

Ithir is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 03:00 AM

Well, you can't have much more gold to save for it...

Your science teacher? .__O

Rika Crab
Paprika is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 03:08 AM

I dont understand vegitarians D:

/likes her steak red n bloody

make it moo! XD

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sukishine is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 03:11 AM

]That's really strange Han-pan. >.>
That's like deciding not to like music because someone that irritates you like music as well. x__x;

I think a more fair way to decide to eat meat is if you could kill the animal yourself and I would not be able to. A guy once told me that, but he could kill and clean them, not necessarily enjoy it, but he did it and he partly justified himself eating animals. I can't tell anyone not to eat meat's their personal decision but I just wish people would educate themselves more. If it dropped health risks why wouldn't people stop eating it? I guess it's as addictive as smoking for some people.
I'm not saying I wouldn't eat meat if it kept me from starving to death, but when I have better and healthier choices why in the world would I selfishly choose to eat an innocent life? No one else in my family is vegetarian or vegan and I don't judge them because people just start to exclude you more if you do that, but I have made them accept the way I eat and that I'm not changing just because they want me to. I don't know any vegetarians IRL. -__-
I wish more people would understand and respect the decisions of others. I don't tell people to be a vegetarian, but a lot of other people say I should eat gets really annoying. They should respect the morals of others.
But everyone thinks I go to the extreme because I eat mostly raw fruits and greens/vegetables so they think I'm not being healthy by not being "balanced" even though they eat a bunch of junk food. I think their energy levels speak for themselves. xD
Sorry, if I seem to have an angry tone....I just gotta defend the vegetarians out there. ^^;

Zweres is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 03:14 AM

/visits Ithir

Hey Ithir, how are you?

Rika Crab
Paprika is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 03:39 AM

Meat actually IS healthy, it has a lot of things people need >_> its just a matter of how you prepare it o_O;;

Thats like saying its not healthy for a Lion to eat meat XD;; its something we're meant to do <3

Its just with vitamins and whatnot people can get by without eating it now /nods

anthony996 is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 03:45 AM

*hides from the bowls of punch!* i hate a bowl of punch! They hurt me!

Han-pan is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 03:45 AM

I hope you come in to see my response ^^

The reason that I have such an insane problem with it has nothing to do with your moral choice to not eat meat. I can respect that. What I cannot respect is when a teacher addresses a class of 13 year old children and tells them to not eat meat because it's like sticking a puppy in a cage to force it to stay small during its growth period.
Now I understand that factory farms do things like this and I do not condone that in any way/shape/form. However, when you make a 13 year old girl CRY and then turn around and tell the class that you are NOT telling them to give up meat and ignore her sitting out in the hallway sobbing her eyes out because she's thinking of her dog in a cage three times too small for it, you are an irresponsible, self-righteous SNOB.
That's why I have a problem with it. My friend Elaina is VERY sensitive to things like that and kids at that age are VERY impressionable and malleable. It's easy to tell them to do shit and they'll listen to you like a dog to a person with a treat. You don't have to be master to give them a treat.

If that makes any sense anyhoo ^^;;
If the first thing that I know about you is that you're a vegetarian, because of what happened in the past with the only vegetarians I knew, I have a harder time letting you create your own impression of yourself to me. That's what I meant by that.

Rika Crab
Paprika is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 03:47 AM

I dislike people that do things because someone told them to or its the cool thing ._. like vegetarianism D:

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[L] is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 03:52 AM

*Nods nods and reads*

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sukishine is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 03:58 AM

@Paprika: I"m definitely not saying that. Any type of cat needs meat. That's science.
Humans don't need meat and that's science. There have been many studies on it and most doctors agree that cutting out meat lowers risk of many diseases. That doesn't mean people can't be healthy if they eat meat...just probably not at their optimum health.
I don't take vitamins either. I get any nutrients I need from fruits and vegetables.
The only thing meat contains that people need is protein and B12 and I get plenty of protein from fruits and veggies and if you eat enough dark leafy greens the b12 is supplied too.
I have done a bit of research. ^^;;

@Han-pan: I understand what you mean then. That's not right what your teacher said. She should have shown both sides to the situation and in an appropriate manner. Thirteens years old can be quite persuadable as well so it's something that should be a personal motivation at that age.

Han-pan is offline
Old 06-25-2008, 04:22 AM

Suki: I completely respect your decision, but it's something I couldn't live with mostly because of her. Even though her intention was to turn people towards vegetarianism, she actually angered people and steered more of us away from it because parents would find out and would get really upset. For me, personally, it seemed like a personal renegade and just has stuck with me that I just can't get beyond it. :(
But more power to you, girl :) You do your thing, I'll do mine ^^ :D


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