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BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-01-2013, 08:06 PM

"I don't give a damn what the weather is like I want those agents here now! I've got a handful of cowboys, to deal with this place....." Michael stated aggressively " I don't care if the chopper goes down, send another if it does. I don't get paid enough to deal with this crap!....... He changed his tone sounding very political "May I remind you what the consequences would be if this town was to fail?....... Yes I'm sure you are....yes.....yes.... Well briefed, hmm hmm. Michael sounded almost patronising "and have you been briefed on my folder?...... Of course, so you are still going to tell me the agents aren't on their way?...... I thought so, you do that" he hung up the old black phone with a click. He slowly walked over to the window, and placed his hands before his back, he raised himself up on his toes slightly and back down. " this ruddy storm, Archie, I hope it eases up soon, I have a bad feeling about this, and that mess the other night across town, it's going to be a nightmare to keep that under wraps"
" yes mayor" spoke Archie, an old greying and slightly crooked, with a small tight beard, he wore old ripped jeans, and a checked shirt beneath an old sleeveless suede jacket lined with some type of soft animal fur. A gold star pinned on his chest, a crow engraved in its centre.
well until those agents get here I want every cop back on duty, if not out on the streets, then at the station cleaning their guns, and counting ammo. Just say it's because of this damn storm or whatever"
"Already on it replied Archie in a gruff voice"
"And your new lad, what was it Randy?"
"that's it, Randolph Smyth, I read the report... Both reports as a matter of fact. Has he been briefed yet of our, erm situation here?"
"Not fully, but I think he knows enough to handle himself"
"well Archie maybe before, before our current situation, get a call out, get him to contact me"
"Sure, no problem"
"well take care of yourself Sherif, I have to go deal with this problem with the trash collectors, as if were not a dumping ground already!"
Michael walked out of his office with Archie, and said their farewells, Archie was a good guy and cared for this town, more than Michael did anyway, who longed for his home back in California with his family, it'd been two months since he'd been back. But Michael knew himself well enough, and would admit he was stubborn, and he'd keep this town running, the alternative was definitely grim. He checked his phone as he walked through the corridor, one email, 'your request has been received' from the company.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 12-03-2013, 06:17 PM

Kasimir had produced his own umbrella from wherever it had been put when they entered the cozy establishment, now he passed it off to Randy. For a few moments the blonde German seemed uncharacteristically serious, Lilith, the name of the mother of all vampires, that was the thought that first entered the thief's mind. Only there because of his close association with vampires he supposed. Lilith was not a very common name, but it wasn't exactly a rare name either. Kasimir didn't think she was the Mother, but he also didn't think she was exactly human.

That smile was on his lips, and the amusement was dancing in his eyes again. "Police cars are uncomfortable, you definitely don't want to ride in it, and neither do I." The words were spoken with a light tone. Also, hadn't she asked his name before bouncing off to retrieve her umbrella? Kasimir was in step with her when she strode out the door with her umbrella, he stood closer to her. "My name's Kasimir." The words were spoken softly near her ear and then he glanced at Randy, that smile still on Kasimir's lips.

][bad post is bad >.<][

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 06:07 AM

(( MEH! Don't give me that KRY XD... this post is bad! :3... it's short.. lol *moment of silence* *giggles at Lilith's last spoken part* ))

"Aw.. no.. not really.. but it does have a certain appeal to it." She replied to them bother as she grinned. Lilith just loved how he whispered in her ear it was delightful, she wanted his voice to whisper many things... and not just whisper either. "Hmm, that's a very unique name you have." She left a pause before continuing "I suppose we will enjoy each other company a bit longer as we walk then? Best to leave soon before this weather gets any worse, and even if it does.. nothing is wrong with getting wet."

Rebecca looked kind of cute when started blushing alittle bit. She is this great and never felt fulfilled? Reminds me of those geniuses I met in my lifetime that were bored because they were really fulfilled in anything that they do. He thought as she kept talking which led to her to frown for the next bit of speech. "I guess we'll just have to fix that won't we?"

Aiden noted she started clasping her hands together. Just what was she thinking right now? In any case he had her right where he wanted her to be with him, relationship wise, and trust wasn't issue which was a good thing. It would make things alot easier for him. All that was left to do was to just upon this path and always be there for her to protect her.

"I couldn't help but notice you look absolutely happy when I showed you the violin, why is that?"

(( Poppet you know how I have the strike in my post? it's like you know how in movies or songs there is two voice talking at the same time ? Imagine that! :3 ))

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 07:15 AM

((All of your posts are amazing! ))

Sapphire eyes met Aiden's. What did he mean by that? There wasn't time to put much thought into it, as he was already asking her another question, referring to the violin. Instantly she lit up again. She loved the violin. The sounds it made were something from a beautiful dream.

"I've always loved the violin," she said, smiling finally. "And the piano. I think they're both beautiful. I'd have loved to have learned to play one, or both," she said with a chuckle. She became thoughtful. "I also wanted to learn French." It seemed that she'd spent too much time on dance to learn anything else.

She wondered then something about Aiden. "When did you learn to play the violin?" she asked, so curiously. Perhaps there were many things he could do, that many vampires could do even. Ahh, what Becca would learn with an eternity to do as she pleased. These human lifespans just weren't long enough to accomplish all dreams dreamt.

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-04-2013, 11:15 PM

(( Pfft! XD ))

He was the one to be in thought now as he thought about when he learned to play the violin. "It's just one of my many 'talents' I picked up along the way after," he gestured to himself, "And that's not the only thing, since I do love music I also learned the piano.. there is just something about how so many different combinations of keys can make so many different and similar sounds. Especially if only one key is changed to something else. I find it very intriguing. And unfortunately I do not have a piano in my possession but lucky for you I do have a violin currently. And you wish to learn the language of love? Interesting." Aiden couldn't help but grin at that. Everyone had their own reasons he would suppose.

He raised the violin up between them, and used the hand that still have the bow in it to point out different parts of the violin such as the neck, fingerboard, chin rest and tuning pegs. Aiden went into great detail when he started pointing out the names and important things to know about the violin. "It's important to tune your violin or it will pretty much sound like nails on a chalk board, so you should use these tuning pegs, and if need be these Fine Tuners, other don't touch those. Give me a second, take this?" He placed the violin in her hands before he went off into the closet to grab one of those type of chairs you'd usually see by pianos and place it behind Rebecca. "It's going to take some time so why don't you take a sit?"

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 12-05-2013, 06:40 AM

What were his other "talents", she wondered. But not entirely sure she'd want to know. And he could play the piano, too. Of course. Becca was jealous. It wasn't like she was ninety and unable to learn those things. But how was one supposed to work, eat, sleep, have a life, take care of the family and home and still learn to play two instruments, a language, and more recently decided, a self defense class. It didn't seem possible. Not for a human anyway.

Becca grimaced at his "language of love" comment. She did want to learn it, not because she thought she'd ever actually use it, but because it was terribly romantic. She only hoped she wasn't so transparent and cliche in her desire to learn it, that Aiden would think poorly of her. Though she couldn't figure exactly why she'd care what he thought. But she did, there was no denying that.

He held up the violin, and began teaching. At first Becca was surprised. He wanted to spend the time to teach Becca something like this? He was talking so quickly that she had to push those thoughts from her mind and focus. It was easy enough for Becca. She'd always been a straight A student. She soaked up information and never had to be told twice.

As he spoke, she nodded, listening carefully and storing the information away. Tune it right, or nails on chalkboard. She got it. She was thinking intently, waiting for the next bit of information when he offered her the violin. She took it gently and turned to watch him walk back into the closet, returning with a small stool-like chair.

It would take a while? Becca looked towards a window. Of course it would. People didn't just pick up on an instrument in ten minutes. Besides, the weather hadn't changed. What had it been, two hours, going on three since Becca left home this morning? If the rain didn't let up, the whole town would wash away...

When Aiden offered her the chair, she sat. "Aye, my Lord," she said in an old accent with a cunning smile, "I thank thee, for thou art the master of music and I be not more than your lowly apprentice." She remembered learning about that era in school, she'd loved it. And well, if the dress fits...

Becca's sapphire eyes sparkled with amusement when they met Aiden's. For seeming to be such a closed off and reserved person creature, he was strangely fun to be around. When else did a girl meet someone in a tomb in the middle of a cemetery and find herself standing in a tower of his home only a day later, wearing a Renaissance dress and dancing to the sound of his playing a violin? It was unimaginable, unreal. Yet here she was, taken with and amused by the man of mystery none the less.

Last edited by p o p p e t ♥; 12-05-2013 at 06:43 AM..

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 12-05-2013, 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by p o p p e t ♥ View Post
Charming. Onyx was absolutely charming, in a way that she didn't seem to mean to be. Matt laughed. She was funny. And it was obvious she didn't want to talk about her family. He wouldn't force her to. Though he hoped she could open up to him, at some point.

He'd already shoveled most of his food into his mouth, basically inhaling it. He checked his watch to see the time. He still had many hours until his meeting with Officer Randolph tonight. He wanted to do some research of his own between now and then.

"When we're done, I'd like to check some things out in the library. If Becca isn't back by then, you wanna come?" Matt was hoping Onyx would say yes. It wasn't a date, at all. But, he'd still feel turned down if she said no. Besides, he wasn't big on reading. Perhaps Onyx could help him out.

He finished off a pancake and the rest of his eggs. "Sure wish I had some orange juice," he grumbled. He wasn't really upset, just more making a joke at Becca's expense.
She had eagerly agreed to accompany him in the library, sharing that the old librarian was so used to seeing her there that she could as well be something belonging in the building's inventory. In fact, the girl admitted that she often volunteered to help out, when the old lady wasn't feeling so great. Although at times it seemed like printed books was a dying species (that's how Onyx said it), with some help from Becca, she had organized a fundraiser for library so it could buy new books and it had been quite the success.

Rest of breakfast and their trip was spent in chattering about their favorite books (if Matt had any), events in the town - sometimes funny, other times not so much. Onyx found it easy to talk with Matt, easier than any guy she had met. In the Becca & Onyx duo, blonde one was with all the boy experience. Still, being friends with one couldn't be all that different, could it? She used word 'friends' on purpose in her thoughts. She observed him, sometimes openly, sometimes with corner of her eyes, trying to notice any signs of boredom or disinterest and change subject to something more entertaining if they were there (or she imagined seeing them there).

"... And that is why Lizzie doesn't want to hear anything about elves anymore!" she finished story of some costume-gone-wrong as they stopped in front of the library (at least her car was there, at Becca's house, although she didn't like to drive). The laugh died suddenly then. "Oh god, I think I saw Lizzie at the party yesterday, too. Maybe... maybe she was among all those bodies. I, I have to text her later this evening." Onyx shook her head, as if in disbelief. And it all really hadn't settled in - from all the things to happen at Farefield, this was surely one of the worst.

Then she mentally picked herself up. "But for now, it's library time!" Back to her smiling self, Onyx led the way to the doors and then into the old building. Soon, they were greeted by an elderly lady with white hair. She rose her eyes from a thick, old book and smile spread on her face. "Ah, hello there, Onyx. And is that fresh blood I see?" she observed Matt. "Indeed it is. Although not all unfamiliar to the town... Good, good," the lady chuckled and Onyx shifted slightly uncomfortably. "Come on, aunt Rowen, don't make the man think that we all are total wackos here!" she laughed and turned to Matt, "So, what did you want to check?"

Rowen Barberry was friend of her grandmother's and really like an aunt to her, the two elderly ladies were probably reason why she had gotten so attached to books in the first place.

Whatever Matt picked, they soon became engrossed in books and Onyx really knew where to look to find what was needed. Hours passed quickly and it wasn't until about 2 more hours in library until she realized how late it was already. Suddenly alarmed, she excused herself and rushed out to call Rebecca... The phone rang, but no one picked it up (how could she, when the phone was in another room and Aiden's music occupied her mind and ears?) and dark haired girl felt something knot in her stomach. Slowly, she came back in and sat down beside Matt. "Becca's not picking up. I sure hope it's because she's on the road or something."

She again shook her head. "Other days I wouldn't pay it that much attention, but after yesterday, I think I'm turning into worrywart... I will try again in few minutes." Onyx tried to focus on the book for now.

OO C: It's your town, I let you create the library. *totally not lazy* But the librarian's mine! Maybe? I can totally edit this out, if you want. *considers making a temporary profile for the librarian, however*

Last edited by sadrain; 12-06-2013 at 01:57 PM..


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-05-2013, 04:28 PM

Michael stood out on the field his arms wrapping around his coat tighter, the rain had start to ease off, but it the wind still had a chill to it. He gazed up as growing closer by the second was a black sleek helicopter, it's dull thud breaking through the howl of the wind it slowed as it made to land, it's side door abruptly pulled open before it touched down. In the doorway crouched four men, all clean shaven, all wearing black suits. One of them quickly tucked a silver crucifix away beneath his shirt. Just The instant the helicopter touched down the men all jumped out into the soft grass, and crouched as they made their way towards Michael. He held his hand out, the men stood up straight as they cleared the down draft of the helicopter. All ignored Michaels hand. A crew member threw out an old heavy brown trunk from the craft.

"Welcome to Farefield" Michael greeted them

"Your request for assistance has been approved mr mayor, but your lack of ability to keep the town under control has concerned the company, you know how important this town is mr mayor, I'm afraid we are taking control, as soon as it is possible you will be reassigned"

Michael seemed furious

"Don't be such a pencil pusher! You do well to remind yourself who your speaking to! Your here for pest control and that will be it, don't push me agent, it wouldn't be in your best interest"

The agent paused for a second, he looked around at the other men, and signalled them to follow, they grabbed the trunk and made towards a small building near by.

All the men and Micael stood around a table with several suitcases open, a laptop and scattered papers spread around. The trunk sat in the corner of the room, empty.

"So do you,understand the plan agent? You're not to engage without surveying targets first, some as you know full well we wish to continue their business, myself and one of your agents will visit this new trader in town, you will investigate the house and the surrounding area, several were killed there so take care agent. The others can stake out the town and library,... Right what are you waiting for?"

The men stepped out the door and made their way towards the outskirts if the town.
Michael and one agent got into a black car while the others walked. Michael got into the drivers side, and buckled up. They silently drove into town and made their way past buildings, the rain had turned to drizzle by the time they pulled up to the store. They both stepped out. Micael looked towards the building, he didn't have a bad feeling but it wasn't a good one either. He usually had enough information on everyone that moved to Farefield, but this Peter, his files were somewhat incomplete. Michael always liked to know what he was getting himself into.

It had been many years since the company secretly came up with its plan, Farefield was a Mecca for the supernatural forces, something to do with lay lines, or ancient indian burial grounds, he didn't pay that much attention to why. But the company decided it was a place where they may 'allow' some of the more unsavoury creatures live and practices to continue, that way they could monitor them and follow them when or if they ever left Farefield, and be dealt with as accordingly, or pest control as Michael called it.

He placed his foot on the first step it creaked slightly, nothing unusual with these old wooden buildings, but it was the shiver down his spine that made him pause. He glanced quickly around to see the agent pull out a small dagger, edged with silver it's handle an ornamental cross. In the other hand he held a rosary. They reached the door and Michael knocked on the door, and waited, there was no,answer. He pushed the door open slowly, it opened smoothly, and a small bell rang gently as he stepped across the threshold followed closely by the agent.

"Hello? Mr Shakar"

Michael tried to sound as friendly as he could

"Why good day to you gentlemen, how may I help you?"

An older man had appeared behind a desk, where had he come from, Michael was sure he had not been there before, he knew something was up, but as he looked around the room he saw this mans reflection in the many glass and metal objects on the shelves. Not a vampire then he thought to himself, something else then? Michael seemed to almost relax.

"Yes good day, I'm Michael Gantry the mayor, I... Erm am employed by the company, it seems you actually requested through them to be moved here? But our files are incomplete on you?"

The old man stroked his chin and turned his side to the two men

"Hmm yes the company, well I am here by my own device, and I know about your little regime you have going on, well I'm sorry gentlemen I do no plan on following your rules, I suggest you report back to the company to leave me well alone"

With that the man cocked his head and looked at Michael, he could see this mans eyes... No he was no man, something else, how could this be he had a reflection? Michael glanced around at the objects in the room, he was no ordinary tradesman either, some of these were very dark objects

The agent spoke "don't presume mister that the company will leave you alone, you will submit to us, now come with me or I'll have no choice but to dispose of you"

The agent stepped towards the man with his dagger


Michael just had the chance to say, he leapt towards the agent, not quick enough. The agents arm that held the dagger shot back towards himself, towards his face the blade shot into his eye socket, the eyeball popping, and then ooze seeping from the wound, the agent seem to freeze for half a second before dropping to the floor in a heap

"Oh crap

Michael was quick, very quick in a split second he had pulled out the dagger and launched himself with surprising speed and agility at the man, who seemed almost surprised himself. Michael grabbed the mans head with his left hand, and with his right he shoved hard with all his might pushing the dagger deep into the mans rib age, with a crack. He twisted and pushed again he's hand disappearing into the chest cavity, a small fleck of silver appeared out the back of the mans jacket.
Michael was holding the mans weight just as he was about to let go he felt the man move, he lifted his head up, he's face was so close to Michaels, they were nose to nose, he could see the wrinkles and small pock marks on his face. The mans eyes opened, completely black, he began to chuckle, a dark rattle. Michaels blood ran cold.

Outside the shop door slowly swung closed with a soft click, then there was almost silence.... The rain stopped finally, a small spear of sunlight broke through onto the porch. Then suddenly the frosted glass of the store was blasted with something red from inside, it dripped slowly down. Blood crept onto the porch from beneath the door.

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 12-07-2013, 03:50 AM

Aiden was surprised and started to laugh but covered it up with a cough. Bringing forth his accent, "Don't think so lowly of yourself m'lady." Aiden crouched down next to her on left side, then he gave her the bow "This is the bow and obviously you play the violin with this, but you can pluck the strings if you like." Aiden proceeded to touch various place on the four different strings. "The high on the string you are the lower the notes will sound. The lower on the strings the higher it will sound. This particular note right here," Aiden pointed to the E that was on the third string string last note from the bottom. "Will be the first note you play in the first song I will teach you. It's a pretty easy one, so you should be able to play it." Then he showed her the second note followed by the third, which was in order, a D third from the bottom on the third string, then C third note from the bottom on the first string. Aiden handed her the bow, "Rest your chin ontop of the chin plate, your going to hold the violin in your hand, and the bow in the right." He positioned his hand in front of him as if he had a violin of his own, air violin if you will. "Make sure to hold the bow like so.. and you're going to move it like this.." He made gestures until she gave him a nod to let him know she got it.

He then continued to tell her the last few notes she will be playing in this phrase which was E and G. He told exactly where the placement of the notes were a few times to make sure she had it. "You're going to place your fingers down in the spots I showed you as you run the bow across. Each swing of the bow is a different note. I want you to play it in this order: E D C D E E E D D D E G G"

(( Mary Had a Little Lamb ))

Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 12-07-2013 at 08:47 PM..

Hidden Cupcake
\ (•◡•) /
Hidden Cupcake is offline
Old 12-09-2013, 08:05 AM

The beast, a wolf of enormous size, blasted itself through the woods. Scratches covered its fur, branches snapping at its scarred muzzle. Blood seeped between the pads of its paws, scratches and cuts lacing up its legs. Many of the cuts were curved. Like bite marks.

Pain flashed over its face, an unidentifiable noise filling its ears as blood flooded its nose. It stumbled, slipping over mud and leaves slicked with rain water. Eventually the wolf caught its bearings and turned, dashing off in another direction, past trees that grew and grew in age, so deep into the woods the branches knit so tightly the rain did not touch here.

Behind the beast, a small figure covered in mud and leaves slipped silently back into the ground, a white tooth grin splitting its dirty and small face.

The beast continued its mad fleeing, spurred by the occasional sharp nip at its legs. Its course was altered constantly, led by panicked instinct and the occasional scratch on its muzzle and rump, drawing blood and shearing fur constantly. Both ends were soon a bloody mess.

The blood loss and disorientation soon got to the large wolf, stumbling and tripping over its own blood slicked paws. It rolled, sliding down a hill and back into the rain as it settled into a field. Vines creeped everywhere, red as fresh blood.

The wolf laid and panted, the repressed mind of Audrey crawling out of back of the bloody recesses of her own mind. She was already falling unconscious, the wounds and the cold and the sheer exhaustion working their toll on her heavily. Her ears twitched at the sound of movement though, the sound of heavy footsteps sliding through wet grass toward her.

Before her mind and vision went dark all she could see was blood red leaves, broad shoulders, and the branching arc of antlers.

Beneath his mask, Vincent Fletcher smiled toothily.

((Three days. THREE. DAYS. AUGH! How does one post take me three days! You think I'm kidding. I'm not. Anyway yeah. Audrey's story stuff. I'll get a profile done for him as quick as I can. Shouldn't take me too long.))

Last edited by Hidden Cupcake; 12-09-2013 at 02:03 PM..


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 12-11-2013, 09:45 PM

A trail of blood, ran from beneath a houses porch, across the lawn, and down the sidewalk, all the way to the back room of a run down store recently re opened full of old curiosities and artefacts. Beneath the porch something moved, a low rattle of someone breathing could be heard. Suddenly a hand grabbed out from beneath the porch, tugged onto the tough grass and dragged the beat up bloodied body that it was attached to out from beneath. Michael called out


feebly, his free hand now grasping at the slowly ebbing stump. He had wrapped his jacket around it as best he could. He didn't know how much time had past since entering Peters store, it was either only a few minutes as the light was still the same, or a whole day, in which he was sure he would have been dead.

How he had gotten away he couldn't quite remember, though the words 'play dead' kept ringing around in his skull 'play dead'... He remembered waking up, his eyes opening to see the dead agent next to him, but apart from the lifeless body he was completely alone, he had crawled to the front door, but that was locked, so he dragged himself out the rear, not before trying a phone, which he got no dial tone, his own cell phone was smashed in his pocket.

He didn't know where he was going towards, but at one point he had thought he saw Peter returning once he was outside, and crawled to the nearest dark spot he could find. And waited, passing in and out of consciousness.

Finally his eyes snapped open, and he knew he had to move or die, besides he was pissed! 'This is my town, no one does this to me and gets away with it!'

\ (•◡•) /
numerica is offline
Old 12-12-2013, 12:39 PM

Randolph nodded in response to Lilith statement. "No, nothing wrong with getting wet. So far as I know, none of us is the wicked witch of the west, so we won't melt." He gave a polite smile, as he stepped outside, making no effort to stay beneath the umbrella. He pointed out the direction they needed to go to get to the only antique shop he knew of in town. "I believe we need to head that way."

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 12-30-2013, 10:17 PM

((Forgive me if it takes a post or two to remember my characters! Sorry for the long wait everyone!))

Becca accepted the bow from Aiden who was now crouched at her left, and watched as he proceeded to point out various strings and describe various notes. When he instructed her on how to hold the violin, by somewhat playing an air violin, Becca refrained from smiling. It was silly looking, and besides, she knew how to hold a violin, she'd seen it done. She wasn't sheltered.

The violin took its position and Becca nodded. He rambled off the notes he wanted her to play. Was that the whole song? It was an awfully short song. He was underestimating her. Well, let the estimating begin. Becca played the first note, E, and then the second and third, D C. She played them fine, slower than she might have had she known what the song would be.

By the fourth and fifth notes, Becca recognized the song. She picked up the tempo and finished it off; E G G. It wasn't the entire song, of course, but it was obvious. She assumed that by repeating the notes, she'd get the whole song, and if there were any other notes, they probably weren't too different or difficult.

Still, she stopped, only playing the notes she was told to play. While starting slow, and having some notes a little shakier than others, she hadn't played half bad, for holding a violin for the first time. She removed the violin from under her chin and smiled. "Mary Had a Little Lamb huh? What shall we learn next? The Itsy Bitsy Spider perhaps?"

Her voice dripped with a playful sarcasm as Sapphire eyes watched Aiden, and she smiled. Her stomach growled loudly. Even human ears would have heard it. "Oh," she said, realizing her hunger for the first time. "I guess, I haven't eaten today." She recalled another detail of the day that had slipped her mind. "I was supposed to pick up orange juice for breakfast," she said. "Matt and Onyx are probably starting to worry." The rain had indeed begun to let up. Of course, Onyx and Matt had already left for the library, but Becca wouldn't have known that.


((The librarian is all yours rain! Lol you can make her a profile if you want! I also added a couple of things into this post about Onyx's truck and when Matt got to town, just to be sure you knew! :) ))

Matt was stuffed by the time they were ready to go. The rain was still pouring as they stepped out onto the porch of his parent's home, and Onyx was lucky that Matt had known that before they closed and locked the door. He popped open an umbrella and gave Onyx the make the best of this smile.

She didn't seem to mind walking, but it wasn't like they had a choice. He'd only flown into town last night and didn't have a rental car yet. His parents were gone in a car, Becca had taken the Bronco since her car was at Onyx's and Onyx's car was still parked somewhere on the street of the party they'd gone to. Now, little did they know, the Bronco was totalled.

In the time it took Onyx and Matt to walk to the library, Matt had somehow forgotten about the rain that surrounded them and pounded down on the umbrella. Onyx's voice, her stories, the way she carried herself... it all drew him into the Onyx bubble. Nothing really existed outside of the bubble while she talked. He loved her storied. She was funny. He loved funny.

When they arrived at the library, Onyx bubble popped. The library, right. They made their way inside the somewhat small, yet two story historical looking building. Matt shook off the umbrella and left it by the door. The rain scent disappeared and was immediately overcome by the smell of books. Loads of books.

While the building was well lit, it wasn't an overbearing fluorescent color. In fact, the corners of the library seemed almost dark and eerie. If Matt had to guess, he would assume there was some kind of creepy basement attached to this building, maybe an attic, and he didn't want anything to do with either of them.

He greeted the librarian with a genuine smile. Ah, they were related. Matt could actually totally see that. And Onyx was writing a book, he'd remembered. He couldn't help but grin at Onyx. He disregarded her question and took her hand, heading towards the half of the library labeled non-fiction. "I think you're a total wacko," he said quietly, joking, as he tugged her towards a table.

Not long after that, Matt was returning to the table with an armful of books. Vampires and werewolves galore. And a few other things he threw in on witches. Officer Randolph had mentioned them, so they were a real thing, too, right? Well, Matt was going to find out.

Onyx disappeared to call Becca, returning too soon. Matt looked concerned when Onyx said his sister hadn't answered. He looked at his watch. "Yeah it's hard not to say this is typical Becca, but I agree with you. This town isn't safe." If Onyx didn't get ahold of Becca soon, Matt was going to go looking for her, and he'd start with the camp.

He returned his attention to a book he was reading. "So vampires and werewolves naturally hate each other, for, whatever reasons. And while they both feed on, people," he choked, "Werewolves are happy with any meat. It's vampires that prey mostly on humans." Matt was merely thinking out loud. He had to. The more he read the words, the more ridiculous they seemed. He needed to hear them.

"I'm getting a lot of information," he continued in thought, "Some of it is contradictory though." He thought for a moment. "I'm more interested in how to kill them, then how they like to sleep though." Sapphire eyes snapped up to Onyx realizing what he'd said aloud. If Onyx told his sister that he was going to go out on his own trying to kill these things, she'd tie him up and send him back to Arizona herself. His sister couldn't know.

Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 12-30-2013, 11:13 PM

Faintest blush had crept to her cheeks when he took her hand, however she didn't pull it away - normally she would, but now the girl didn't even want to do that. She only hoped he wouldn't notice that - what exactly, she couldn't put in words, there was just so much bubbling inside of her at this moment, most of it rather unfamiliar.

At his joke, Onyx had scoffed albeit playfully and then shrugged with a grin. "I'll take it as compliment! Even axe murderers are boring if they're not total wackos. Do you even get to see total wackos in Portland?" she joked back, but then settled down in one of the chairs. They were old, but when she leaned back, the firm wood behind her back gave her sense of security like sometimes familiar things did.

Now, all of these recent feelings seemed to be already fading, worry for her best friend taking prominent position. But she peered over Matt's shoulder to read along with him, not realizing that she was slightly invading his personal space. None of this was new to her, but now that it could be true, the meaning behind words made her uneasy. Reading Twilight or True Blood and living in world like that were two different things.

At the man's last commentary, she tilted her head to the side, pondering out loud along with him: "If you know how they sleep, you can try to find their resting place and slay it while it rests..." then her voice trailed off and she quickly pulled away, eyes wide. You... you aren't going to hunt those things are you!?" She was airhead and ditzy at times, but could count 2 + 2.

"It's too dangerous!" she said firmly. "You didn't see what they can do, but I did. It's not a game," Onyx's hands clenched in her lap, eyes intense on him, mouth already opening to say something more, but then her cellphone buzzed and her gaze was averted. "We'll finish talking about this after," she told him as she got up, secretly relieved because what had been forming on her tongue had been awfully cheesy, among the lines 'I don't want to see you in danger'.

The librarian waved at her, before she got too far from table, cell-phone buzzing in Onyx's hand: "feel free to use your cellphone inside today. You won't be disturbing anyone." Onyx smiled and nodded gratefully, answering the call. For a moment, she was still, listening, and then her eyes went wide. "Carn! This isn't your usual number! ... What? How did you-- Oh my gosh! Really? You're coming!?" The girl squealed, nearly jumping in sudden surge of excitement (now earning a sterner look from elder lady). Whoever was on the other end of line was someone extremely close to her. They talked for a moment more and then she slid phone back in her pocket, rushing to the librarian's table, exchanging few words and smiles with her, before Onyx returned to Matt's table, plopping down into the chair, eyes sparkling.

"I can't believe he's coming," she spoke happily, but then sighed and turned more serious, "I really wish he could've come different time, though, not with all this craziness going on... But he probably wouldn't then." The girl seemed to think out-loud more than share with Matt, but the thought of craziness brought her back to previous subject and she looked at blonde man. "Are you seriously considering going out to kill those beasts? No avoiding answers, be honest with me."

Last edited by sadrain; 12-30-2013 at 11:15 PM..

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 01-04-2014, 02:55 AM

Lilith smiled at his wicked witch of the west comment. She looked off in the direction he pointed, gauging the distance. It wasn't terribly too far. Which was great, she was starting to get antsy. "Great! Shall we head off boys?" Lilith took a few steps first, and stopped to see if they were 'escorting' her, when they started to walk and catch up to where she, she continued on her way towards the Antique store. The group conversed in small chit chat but it wasn't anything memorable to Lilith. Once they reached the Antique store she thanked them and walked inside. Although it seemed as spotless as a store could be she smelled blood and death, and it excited her. I wonder what happened here.. and it was recent as well. she thought to herself as she looked around.

Aiden watched her play, and he could tell she would recognize the song once she started to play. And it wasn't long before she started to speed up and then finally finish the song. She wasn't that bad at all, sure she could some work but hey it shouldn't be a problem. With eyes dancing with amusement, a sly smile spread across his face, "Oh, you'll learn more than that." Aiden liked that she could play around with him and be more or less self even knowing what he was. It was strangely a relief to him.

Although the sly smile was gone and replaced with a knowing grin, his eyes were still dancing with amusement from her sarcasm earlier. "Shall we go pick up some orange juice and go to your house? You did offer, unless you're resending it?" He was talking about when she offered he could tag along for the breakfast, just incase she had forgotten like she forgotten she hadn't ate yet. Which was understandable, she's been through quite abit. Aiden stood up from his crouched position, placing two fingers in his mouth he whistled. "I'll have Sasha bring your clothes, they should be dry by now." Aiden walked over to the walk-in closet to go put on his clothes but turned around to Rebecca. "I'm going to loan the violin to you, so you can learn itsy bitsty spider" He grinned mischievously before walking into the closet to change.


Sasha ears perked when he heard a whistle from upstairs. He was calling her, the woman he brought home must be wanting to leave. The large dire wolf went over the chair that had Rebecca's clothes draped across it, she moved close enough to the chair so she touching it, reached her head around and dragged the clothes onto her back with her mouth. Once they were upon her back she trotted to and up the stairs. She peeked into each room, not quite sure where he might be. Until she came upon the room where they were, which pretty much was nothing but a storage space for Aiden.

Sasha came trotting over to Rebecca, but she slowed down she got closer to her. She stood a good arms length away from her. She bowed her upper body until it was in the "play" position so that the clothes would slide off and fall to the floor infront of her. She nudged the clothes alittle bit closer, then looked up Rebecca for a bit, before trotting off back down stairs.


Once Aiden slipped out of his clothes his mother had made him and put back where it belonged he put on the clothes he had on earlier. On his way out he noticed his crest he gave Rebecca was on a stand next to the antique floor mirror. He grabbed it and looked at it for awhile before deciding to slip it onto his right hand's ring finger. Aiden stepped out, noticing the clothes on the floor. He must have just missed Sasha, no matter he'll see her again soon. "You can change in there." He walked over to Rebecca and reached out for the Violin and the bow.

Last edited by PrincessKasumi; 01-04-2014 at 08:24 AM..

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 01-04-2014, 08:59 AM

Kasimir moved alongside Lilith as they made their way down the street to the antique shop. They chatted a bit, but it was mostly unimportant chatter. Kasimir seemed to be rather good at mindless chatter when he set his mind to it. When they reached the store and Lilith thanked them, Kas gave her a smile as she entered the store. Once she was in, he grabbed Randy by the shoulders and pressed him against the antique shop wall, next to the door. "I guess you're gonna run off to play copper now, aren't ya? That's fine. If you do decide you want to hook up, you know where I'm staying." Kasimir pressed his body hard against Randy's, one hand on the man's shoulder and the other on Randy's hip.

Kasimir leaned in close. Leaning in until his lips touched the officer's in a sweet, teasing kiss. It was a kiss meant to be quick but fill the other with a want for more. He ground his hips against the other male for a moment, then as quick as a cat he jumped away and darted into the shop. Green eyes were glittering with amusement and thinly veiled excitement. He half hoped Randy to come in after him, but didn't really expect that the other man would.

\ (•◡•) /
numerica is offline
Old 01-04-2014, 03:45 PM

Randolph's mind wasn't really engaged in the conversation, although he managed to keep up with the meaningless small talk. Lost in his own thoughts, he smiled absently at Lilith as she entered the store. He was totally unprepared for Kasimir to push him against the wall, and he just barely restrained the instinct to respond with violence. He opened his mouth to respond to Kas' statement, but before her could Kas was pressing up against him, and he found himself blushing, his body responding to Kasimir's close presence. Even before he had time to really process that, Kas gave him a quick kiss, and ground his hips against Randolph's, then hurried into the shop.

As the door closed behind Kasimir sending a bit of the air from inside the shop towards Randolph, he caught a whiff of a familiar coppery scent. Instantly on high alert, he put his hand on his gun, and used the other to open the door. He quickly scanned the area, and saw only Lilith and Kasimir, nothing suspicious. Not taking his hand off his gun, he stepped in, and took a deep breath through his nose. Definitely the scent of blood. He quickly walked around the shop, but could find nothing to cause the scent. He considered looking in the back rooms, but didn't really have an excuse. He could just see defending his actions to his Captain, by explaining he had smelled blood. A thought occurred to him. “Do either of you smell something?


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 01-04-2014, 11:27 PM

He stood I his back store room, a large chunk of raw meat in his hand, he had it half wrapped in butchers paper. He was just about to drop it onto an open chest freezer, when he sensed something a presence He'd not felt since.... Something strong and familiar. He stopped, and something creeped across his face, his lips moving slightly, and a tooth showing as he did so, it would have almost been a smile if it wasn't for him then running his teeth along his teeth behind his lips. Peter turned and went to slowly walk through the doorway hidden behind long strips of cloth.

Only moments before Peter had walked back into the room, and had found one dead body, and one limb, minus the rest of the body. He had almost been annoyed with himself, the man was definitely dead before Peter had left the room, but that was the problem with these feeble human bodies, it was easy to underestimate them, as they were all so different and they could on rare occasions heal from severe wounds. Peter had tried to rid himself of some inconveniences, but it had appeared it was only one that he had succeeded in doing,mand the other was probably bleeding to death somewhere, if not he would finish the task at a later date, he had more important things to deal with, things that wouldn't have time for him to go chasing an insignificant human.

He had set to work using surprising agility and speed, as well as a few vials of liquid that he poured onto the clotting blood that began to dissolve it. The body of the suited man he had dragged into the back room, and placed into a strange box, elongated easily seven foot long, shiny plastic surface, it had sealed itself with a hiss, when it was closed. The body less arm Peter had began to 'prepare' when he had felt that prescense.

"Yes indeed, I can smell something" Peter appeared silently through the door, his voice quiet and almost feeble. He took in the three people that had entered into the store, two men and a female. He saw the two men both blonde one perhaps slightly taller than the other. All of them had strong auras emanating from them, one fresh and new, one had just the hint of vampire, the last the female, she was almost overpowering, and that he knew well, but hadn't felt for a while. The first man was plainly a police officer, but Peter sensed something off with him that was obviously new, he felt an internal struggle within him, and the sense of...wolf. The second man with green keen eyes, he had recently been near a vampire but what these two were doing with this lady he was not sure of. The lady, he knew indeed.

"I had purchased a rather large piece of pork, and was just cutting it up" Peter held the lump of meat up he peered towards the officer "but some darnedest dog, some wolf of a creature ran off with half of it" he then smiled a grin and glanced at the other man "creatures of the night these feral dogs hey? So who do I owe pleasantries to? Are you interested in buying or selling?"

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 01-05-2014, 05:11 AM

Kasimir had been rather pleased with Randy's reaction, and he was musing over it when the other entered almost right behind him. His heart jumped a little, half hoping the man would jump his bones right then and there in this shop. That didn't happen, as he didn't really expect it too. Instead, the officer seemed rather intent on looking around, with his hand on his gun. A fact that did not slip by Kasimir. Those observant green eyes of his hardly missed things, but they were still filled with amusement. For a while Kasimir didn't see anyone else in the shop but Randy and Lilith and while neither of them were looking directly towards him, a small trinket found it's way to his pocket.

Kasimir mumbled something softly in German with a dark scowl crossing his features as Randy asked them if they smelled anything. That wolf nose of the officer must have picked up on something and that was why he'd come in. Not to chase the German around for a romp. Then a man spoke from a door way, Kasimir flashed that man a cheeky grin and a wink. "It's an antique store, they always stink." That dark scowl returned to his features as his attention shifted back to Randy. "You're supposed to be chasing me around, not the scent of pork chops." That dark scowl turned to a very convincing, hurtful pout. "You really are a bad boyfriend. Always putting work before me, and now pork chops." Those green eyes danced with amusement, while that pout remained on his face. It was a contradiction of expressions.

\ (•◡•) /
numerica is offline
Old 01-05-2014, 06:27 AM

Randolph startled a little as the old man appeared seemingly out of nowhere. He saw the piece of meat in the man's hand, and frowned. While he couldn't discount it being pork, why would he have brought it out with him to greet customer's instead of leaving it on the cutting board? He didn't miss the slight emphasis on the word 'wolf', and his frown deepened. Further more, something about the man's scent was off, and he didn't like it. It annoyed him even more that he seemed to already be depending so much on his sense of smell.

He was distracted from his thoughts by Kas's chiding. He sighed, taking in the amusement in Kas's eyes, and shook his head. “I was just concerned for your safety, I thought I smelled...” He stopped and glanced at the old man. “Err, you know what, never mind.” Turning to the old man, he asked “A wolf? You're lucky it took the pork chop instead of attacking you. Last night there was a viscous attack by a pack of wolves.” He paused. “Was your door open?

Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 01-05-2014, 10:49 AM

Lilith looked over her shoulder when Randolph spoke up about smelling something. She noticed he had his hand on his gun. Before she could indeed reply to his comment, a deep voice answered in her place. She looked towards the direction the voice came in and her eyes widen. How had she not noticed him? Has he been here this how time? She's been looking for him for a long time except recently. What do you think he's thinking? a voice rang through her mind as she looked down towards the ground before looking back up.

Her crimson eyes darted towards a lump of meat he was holding. She looked at longer than she should have. She knew what Peter was implying when he said those things to Kasimir and Randolph but she said nothing, only listened and stared at Peter in disbelief and relief. Though she still had her shades on, he knew her like the back of his hand. "Just..looking." She answered Peter's questions. Lilith turned her attention to Kasimir's face to watch as it changed in a variety of emotions, he was quite the expert, she grinned.

Lilith looked back towards Peter, and a sly grin spread across her face when Randolpah mention a viscous attack, but quickly disappeared just as it quickly came. "Oh.. I heard about that, think the wolves came here?"


BrotherOfDarkness is offline
Old 01-05-2014, 11:16 PM

There they were in this store, it had been a while since he had seen them last but now their scent was overwhelming, but they had brought guests, one seemed to be a sly quick minded, and quick fingered one, the other the wolf inquisitive, but how dangerous, Peter did not fear for himself, a human and a newly created lycanthrope would not be able to cause him injury, but they could cause problems for his plans.
Peter kept a grin on his face, and his fingers clasped and arched together. He seemed to ignore the remark regarding antique stores smelling, such things would not insult Peter, besides if that's what they expected from his store more the better the disguise.
He answered the officer first "my door? Ah well at my age, I intend to forget simple things" he stepped forward a few steps gingerly displaying the image of a frail man. "But oh yes that would be indeed terrible to be attacked or bitten" he shook his head and his voice sounded croaky as if showing slight fear at the thought. But then smiled again and chuckled slightly, a forced quick laugh "reminds me of something I read once about werewolf bites, I think it was in an old manuscript I have about cures or some nonsense ha! It's all mumbo jumbo right?" He's grin was one sided and he held a very quick pause before then looking at Lilith "so have the ladies perhaps found what they were looking for?"

\ (•◡•) /
numerica is offline
Old 01-06-2014, 12:11 AM

Randolph didn't quite buy the old man's displayed frailty. Something about the way he made a show of it seemed off, and he knew from experience, witches only got more dangerous as they got older, with more practice and more knowledge. He reminded himself that he had no evidence that the man was supernatural at all, but he also trusted his instincts, and it was better to be paranoid and wrong then complacent and dead.

His whole body tensed as the man brought up having read about werewolves in an old manuscript. It took a second for him to catch the word 'cures'. Without quite thinking about it he blurted out. “Cures?! Do you remember if it was anything beyond the old superstition about killing the werewolf that bit you before the next full moon?” , hope and eagerness clear in his voice. He belatedly processed the rest of the man's statement, and realized he daren't appear too interested. The man could be a supernatural creature trying to feel him out, and if not, he was hardly going to share the information with a crazy man. “Err, sorry to interrupt, it just that studying the superstitions regarding the supernatural is something of a hobby of mine.

Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 01-06-2014, 06:59 PM

Kasimir had grinned when Randy said he was concerned for his safety and soon Kasimir moved up behind Randolph and threw his arms around the officer, hugging him from behind when he had his little eager outburst. An amused grin on Kasimir's lips as he placed his chin on Randy's shoulder and watched the old man with his amusement filled green eyes. Kasimir turned his head towards Randy's ear, and his lips brushed against it softly as he whispered quietly. "Careful, lover." Then Kasimir was pulling away from Randy, moving to stand beside the officer. For a few moments he glanced at Lilith, then those green eyes were watching the frail old man for a few moments.

Bright smile was flashed and then the German was turning and moving away, something had caught his green eyes. He was still mostly observing the others as he moved off to look at whatever trinket had caught his eye. It didn't seem special, it was just shiny, but Kasimir was a sucker for shiny things.

p o p p e t ♥
a whisper in the wind

p o p p e t ♥ is offline
Old 01-06-2014, 10:06 PM

Becca nodded. Of course he was still invited for breakfast, though Becca was interested in learning whether he ate people food or not. She was pretty sure he couldn't survive on it, but could vampires still eat human food?

No sooner than he'd whistled for Sash and disappeared, the large wolf was entering the room with Becca's clothes. The animal was smart. Smarter than any other animal Becca had ever known or heard of. Well, maybe not smarter than a monkey. No, maybe smarter still, just not as small or people-like.

The wolf had dropped Becca's clothes on the floor while she'd been comparing her to a monkey. "Thanks," Becca said quietly after the wolf. Sasha could hear her at least, and understand her, right? Who knew. The animal was as much of a mystery to her as Aiden was.

She picked up the clothes just as Aiden spoke. She turned around to see he'd already changed. How he could change so fast was beyond Becca. She was jealous though. What any girl would give to be able to get ready that fast. Heck, what any boyfriend would give for their girl to get ready that fast. The thought was humoring.

"Okay, thanks," Becca replied as she handed the violin back to Aiden gently. She stood there for a moment, captivated by his multi-colored eyes. So different, and mysterious. Something secret lingered behind them. Many secrets, probably. And what else? Becca wanted to know. And she was still standing there, right.

Becca hurried off into the closet. She wanted to be as quick as Aiden, and for a moment, she almost accepted the personal challenge. But, she decided not to chance ripping the dress his mother had made. She'd work on being fast later, in her own clothes, where no one would see her being a weirdo.

Once the dress was hung nicely in its original spot, Becca ran her fingers over the fabric. What it must have been like to live in a simpler time, a slower time... Becca imagined living long ago. Were the people more respectful, kinder? Somehow she believed so. She liked the idea of Aiden's time, though he'd lived through so many. She wanted to hear about them all.

Another few minutes later and she was back in her old ripped jeans and blue long sleeved shirt that matched her eyes. She stood in front of the tall mirror in the closet watching herself. Sapphire eyes assessed the appearance of the other girl, and she felt like she was watching someone else.

Who was that girl with the long wavy light brown hair staring back at her now? That wasn't her freshly done hair, or her freshly moisturized skin. Where was her sly and flirtatious smile, or her know it all attitude? This girl was a stranger. Not the person she was yesterday at this time, no. Someone else. But who? She didn't know anymore, but she was excited to find out. Maybe scared, too.

She'd been in here for too long. Rebecca made her way out of the closet to find Aiden.

((He doesn't have to be there waiting for her. He can be, it's up to you Princess K. I just didn't want to say he was gone if you had other plans!))


She'd almost not noticed, but Matt wasn't quite that lucky, then there she was trying to tell him what he could and couldn't do. He frowned and opened his mouth as she did, it would seem they were in for an arguing match, but then her cell phone was ringing.

She'd stood to leave, but the librarian stopped her. There wasn't anyone else in here today. Everyone else had been smart enough to stay in out of the rain, and out of the madness this town was slipping in to. He wanted to continue reading, but he couldn't help but hear her conversation. He wasn't trying to, at first.

Who was she squealing over on the phone? Who was Carn? Matt couldn't hear the person's words on the other end, but that deep voice didn't sound like a girlfriend. Matt knew Onyx was an only child, then who...

The girl had returned, eyes sparkling like some love sick school girl in a bad movie. So it wasn't a cousin either. Hmpf. He opened his mouth again, to comment on her dear friend Yarn's trip to visit, but she was already back to the more important stuff, if he didn't say so himself.

He brushed Barn and his coming aside, for now. With a half annoyed grunt, Matt responded. He hadn't planned on lying to her, or anyone else, he was always honest. Well, if you asked the question, Matt would answer it anyway. "Yes," he said firmly, still some kind of annoyed by her phone conversation for some reason.

He sighed and ran his fingers through his short light brown, sometimes blonde looking hair. "I don't know what Becca told you about our family, especially since neither of us probably believed any of it until yesterday." He set his book aside and lowered his voice. He didn't know the librarian, and he didn't need the whole town thinking he was crazy.

"Our ancestors, even our great great grandparents, were, hunters. At some point, they acquired this gem, a ruby. Apparently it holds the power to either reverse the vampire curse, or wipe them all off the planet entirely." Matt sat back in his chair now, thinking.

"I don't know why, if my family hunted these creatures, they wouldn't use it to wipe them all out." He was in thought again. "Maybe they never figured out how." That was it, he was sure. "I'm going to continue the family legacy." Sapphire eyes found Onyx's again. "I don't want Becca to have any part in it. And I don't want her to know about it either Onyx, she's trouble. She doesn't mean to be, I know, but," he sighed, "Just please, don't say anything to her. I want to be the one to do it, if the need comes."

After a moment of eye contact, Matt reached for another book. "I'm training with a police officer tonight, who knows how to kill vampires, and werewolves. In the mean time, I want to know what the ruby does, and how to use it. That's what we need to find out." He stopped then.

Becca wore the necklace around like it was some piece of costume jewelry. He frowned. Could Becca be in trouble? Did the vampire race even know of the jewel or its power? "Onyx, how many books will your aunt over there let us check out? We need to find Becca."

((Rain, you should know that the book Becca gave Onyx, that she thought would help her write her book, is actually a grimoire that should have spells and things like that in it, as well as the locations to all of the other grimoires. There should be information about the gem in one of the other books, and the spell to undo the curse will be in another, and the spell to kill off all vampires will be in another.

The one she has, should also tell her about the other stone, the one that cures or ends werewolves. The other grimoires will have the proper spells in them as well. I have all the information to all of that stuff when we need it, it's just a lot to type out now!))


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