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Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 09-07-2011, 08:32 AM

Alora noticed this and walked into Rei's room knowing her wouldn't mind her being in there and that she really didn't need any permission to be in there... Nicola was the only one that really needed permission to be in there and that was partly because of Alora though also because Rei didn't seem to like others being in his room other then her and sometimes Tyler... though Tyler now slept in her room most of the time, like her guardian if you will. "Love? You haven't went to bed? When did you get home?" she asked softly as she walked up to him and glanced at the computer a bit surprised at the numbers and the ages of the deaths... it was unusually large, especially for kids so young.

(oh I just read over that last page and saw that Tyler wasn't even home XP he wouldn't be home for like two more weeks so that's when Nicola was going to try and come between Alora and Rei XP )

Last edited by Sinsue Hoshigo; 09-07-2011 at 08:52 AM..

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Old 09-07-2011, 11:08 PM

(oops, I don't remember things very well lol)

Tyler would come once a week or even more if he could, he found no reason to stay away now. Rei on the other hand was actually still reading and was startled as he jumped a bit to Alora speaking. "Oh, uh, I dont know about 3am, I have to figure this out though, the more time wasted, the more time they have to chose their next spot and how this is all linked"

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 09-07-2011, 11:17 PM

(lol it's okay I understand X3 )

"wow... so this group is really causing a fuss... well you can't help if you're exhausted ya know? You should get at least a little sleep." Alora said softly as she leaned down and kissed him softly on the cheek and nuzzled her cheek against his softly and lovingly.

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Old 09-08-2011, 01:41 AM

"Maybe later, lets go get something eat, can't sleep if I am hungry" lately Nicola had been spoiling them alot, food wise, she even cleaned up the house, it was almost as if she was saying 'look at me, I am the best for being a housewife' Rei saved what he had found and turned off the computer knowing he wouldn't use it for quite some time. "Would you like to come with me while I work tonight?" Rei asked Alora as he looked towards her, he wondered if she had been bored just staying home all the time and thought she could use a night out.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 09-08-2011, 01:49 AM

Alora nodded some with a smile. "Okay then lets go." she smiled then started walking with Rei down the stairs. She worried about how Nicola had been acting though tried to ignore her as much as possible without seeming rude. "Sure, I wouldn't mind, it's been awhile since I've been out." she smiled some as they walked down the stairs and felt a bit of... well, aggravation at the girl. She had been fixing Rei dinner every night and what was Nicola doing? Honestly she had no clue and she really didn't care either.

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Old 09-09-2011, 04:02 PM

Nicola finished making things when Rei and Alora walked into the room "Well good morning sleeping beauties, sleep well?" Rei didn't do anything but shook his head "Nicola where did you get all the food?" he was suspicious and didn't know anything about her job. "I have a job Rei, duh" she spoke as if he didn't already know, which she didn't but she also didn't care. Rei pulled out a chair for Alora as he also sat down across from Tyler. "Tyler, thought you were going to be gone for a bit?" "Changed my mind Rei" "Ah okay, Nicola thanks for making everything" Rei spoke picking some eggs and bacon to put on his plate.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 09-09-2011, 08:40 PM

Alora frowned a bit at Nicola when she made that little comment and didn't like it at all. "Yes it all looks good." she said softly as she got a little bit of everything except for eggs... she didn't like them unless she was having an omelet or breakfast casserole. "It tastes pretty good Nicola." she said softly though felt the girl really wouldn't care about her remark about it... she seemed to be more interested in Rei then anything else really.

(so when are we gonna put it in that she starts really flirting with him? I really want to have Alora get into it with her X3 )

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Old 09-14-2011, 01:35 AM

(Okay we will do this now, sorry if its short a bit)

"So Rei, how has work been?" Nicola asked smiling while eating a bit of bacon, she normally didn't eat food this way and it was just to get his attention. "Oh, its okay, been long and boring I guess" he was lying and she knew it. "Do you think sometime I could come with?" "I dont think that would be a good idea" "why not?" "Because you need to stay hidden" "you let her go with you and she needs to stay hidden" "no one is going to recognize her over you" "Fine, since I'm sleeping in tonight, I want to sleep in your room" "no" is all he said, he didn't like her in his room, only the two, but, not her.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 09-14-2011, 01:46 AM

Alora bit her tongue as she heard Nicola talking and you could just tell from the look in her eyes that she had a hate for the girl right now. She was very attached to Rei at this point, no matter if he killed her and tried to get rid of her or not, she was still possessive and she did NOT like how Nicola seemed to just want to get in the way of the two.

(OW! I HAS AN IDEA! X3 What if that night while Rei's gone Nicola like does something to Alora that either puts her to sleep or gets her out of the way for while? X3 )

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Old 09-18-2011, 03:57 AM

(okay, if you wish to control Nicola at all go ahead)

"Whatever, I will soon get what I want anyways" Nicola smirked standing up, walking over to Tyler patting him on the head and left to go outside for a walk, or so to make others think that. Tyler had dog ears still and they just drooped down "Well that was fun" Rei sighed at his comment.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 09-18-2011, 05:38 AM

(kk thanks... hm... I'm trying to think of what to do XP is she the type to be real sadistic at all?)

Alora let out a dark hiss after Nicola had left and it was clear that she really did not like the girl. "I'm sorry Tyler, no offense to your 'friendship' with her or whatever but I can't stand that girl..." she was actually trying to hold back her anger at this point and just really couldn't help but had her for how she acted towards her and how she acted around Rei and all... it bugged and bothered her... she just hated it fully.

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Old 09-28-2011, 04:14 AM

(she can be, as long as she can get what she wants, she will do anything, I never created an actual character of her)

Rei placed his head on the table, he was starting to get a migraine, good thing he moved his food out of the way before anything else, he started to wonder why he just didn't kill her off fully. Not the first time, he meant more of now, more than anything else, he had the power to. Was he going soft? Before falling for Alora, he had been picking up souls without bothering to sleep very much but an hour or two a day and the rest would be research, reading to stay awake, or even hunting more minus night.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 09-28-2011, 06:40 AM

(mkay X3 shall put it in for later then... is starting to think now... unless you want to be her when it happens? Ow and how are you?)

"Are you okay love?" Alora asked softly and worriedly as she placed her hand on Rei's shoulder and looked at him hoping that he was okay though had a feeling he was also irritated at the girl... she was annoying and way hard to deal with and Alora knew that Rei had also been getting irritated with her because of how she had been acting... it wasn't hard for her to tell anymore when he was upset.

Last edited by Sinsue Hoshigo; 09-28-2011 at 06:48 AM..

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Old 09-28-2011, 06:41 PM

(I'm good here, I'm in a wonderful mood today, thank you dream)

"Yea, I just have work to do, excuse me" Rei stood up kissing Alora as Tyler spoke "ew trying to eat" and laughing as a joke. He grabbed a large cup of coffee and then headed up to his room to do more research, he was determined to sit there for hours until it was time to work. He kept scanning sites, all that he could that would link him to these girls are why they were doing this all.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 09-29-2011, 09:45 AM

(that's good to hear X3 )

Alora smiled happily as she kissed Rei back then smirked at Tyler some. "Ow in that case we should just completely make out in front of you just because you mentioned it." she smirked some before she started to clean the dishes and put things away nice and neatly, she always liked to keep a clean house but Nicola(I think I spelled her name wrong XP ) had been taking over all her work that she did at night so it kinda bugged her.

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Old 09-29-2011, 11:35 PM

(Nah you got it)

Rei stayed on the computer for hours drinking nothing but coffee all day and then researching, he still found out nothing about the girls, there were some guys too and he wanted to look more into it. Maybe he could get Nicola or Alora to pose as a school girl to get into the school and figure out where these girls are originating from.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 09-29-2011, 11:40 PM

(uh.... is there any way that you could me Nicola? Maybe have her come in later when Rei leaves or something? I'm kinda stumped right now XP )

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Old 10-02-2011, 11:02 PM

(Yea sorry, if this is short, sorry again)

While Rei was on his computer as hours can pass, Nicola returned dressed almost like Alora, just a more expensive style. Rei was about to go out to work "Alora, are you ready?" Rei asked walking to find his girlfriend and was stopped by Nicola "Uh whats with the outfit, going clubbing?" Rei asked Nicola "Nope, didn't think I could, I just thought I could look nicer than the girl next door" though she spoke of that as if talking about Alora herself.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 10-02-2011, 11:14 PM

"Yeah, just fixen my hair!" Alora called from her room as she finished tying her hair up in a nice black ponytail. She walked down the stares though was then stopped when she saw Nicola. She hissed darkly at the girl and walked to Rei. "Why the heck are you dressed like me? I swear you may be worse then Selena." she hissed noticing the similarities that Nicola's clothes had to her normal clothes... and most of her clothes were like partying clothes since she had always been invited to parties.

(hm... so is Nicola going to make a move to get rid of Alora the next day or night when Rei is either out or asleep or something?)

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Old 10-04-2011, 01:47 AM

(Probably when he is out the next night, an idea just popped in my head after reading that, so he wouldn't be around)

"It is not a crime to look good, little girl" Nicola spoke with disgust in her voice, Rei simply rolled his eyes "Nicola, just stop it, Alora are you ready?" Rei knew he asked this already but wanted this to end "This isn't over" Nicola spoke as a threat to Alora "And as long as I am around, you will not do anything to her" Rei threatened back not realizing the loop hole she could use then and there. "Whatever, have fun on your boring little walk" Nicola spoke throwing her hands up in the air like she gave up, for the time being that is.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 10-04-2011, 03:20 AM

(what idea?)

Alora growled darkly at her and was about to make a come-back when she heard Rei and he stopped her. She sighed softly and nodded some turning to him and the door and waited. "Yeah I'm ready..." she said softly as she took in a deep breath then let it out softly as she waited for her boyfriend and hoped that their night would be better then her days here had been... even though it just meant she would have to watch him take souls... it didn't really bother her anymore really.

(hope this doesn't suck XP )

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Old 10-31-2011, 01:44 AM

(I forget my idea for now...)

"we'll keep an eye out but for now I figured we could go out for some actual dating time" Rei spoke as he had dressed normal that night. He wore black pants, not the raggy or dirty ones, a dark red t-shirt to match and a black thin jacket over the red shirt. "If we find something important along the way then I will take care of it" only if it was important though.

Nicola had already started conjuring up the guys that wanted to harm Rei before, sure Nicola had helped out with Alora and Rei along with Tyler then. But, now she wanted them to go after Alora and to kill her off, once and for all. "Come to me, come to me..." she began to chant, she made sure tyler was upstairs soaking in the bath before starting any of this.

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 10-31-2011, 02:18 AM

(I just thought of something, maybe the guys that Nicola is calling to come up and almost kill Alora but just end up putting her in a coma or something because like Tyler or Rei comes up or something?)

"Oh... Okay I like that idea allot more." Alora smiled brightly as she leaned against Rei and snuggled against him some seeming happy at the thought of going out with him... it was kinda hard allot of the time since normally he was either busy or something came up like right at the last second that one of them had to take care of if not both of them. "So love, where are we headed?" she smiled brightly and you could tell this made her very happy to actually be able to spend time with him.

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Old 11-05-2011, 06:57 PM

"Well, I might go around the city a lot, but, I don't know the places which are good to go to. Why don't you chose, we can go somewhere to eat, hang out, take a walk, see a movie, shopping...anything you want" Rei wasn't keen on shopping unless it was for Alora. And he still hadn't given her anything to show that she was important.

Rei would feel better once he did, it would give her something to think about when she would be waiting for him to return from work. Rei placed his arm around her and awaited her response. It felt right to be near her and that wasn't a bad thing. Or was a it bad thing to be so close to a mortal who died and came back?

(Did we ever kill off the demon chick from earlier that tried to kill Tyler and Alora? Also, take this where you wish, if we didn't kill her off or they thought they won but didn't, maybe the villains join up later on in the story)

Sinsue Hoshigo
It's better to have loved and lo...
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Old 11-05-2011, 09:15 PM

Alora smiled some as she thought a bit thinking on what they would both like. "Hm... what about going to get something to eat and a movie? I know you don't much like going shopping and I think a movie and dinner would be allot nicer." she smiled easily and was really happy to be spending time with him since she really didn't get to often unless she went with him to work but that wasn't really allot of fun or really getting to spend real time with him. "If we do that then which would you like to do first? Eat or go watch a movie?" she asked with a smile and hoped that he liked that idea.

(they didn't get to kill her and I like that idea X3 so what if they try to kill Alora but only managed to put her in a coma because Rei came to find them before they could kill her though it had turned out that it only seemed to be the other girl that was trying to kill her?)


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