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Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-17-2010, 02:36 AM

"It feels..." He stopped and bit hit his lip, thinking of the right way to phrase it. "It feels like something is touching her in the most sensitive of places lightly, but carressing, not teasing. And everything focuses in on it. Every nerve. Just the simple touch on my hand..." He smiled and pinched her arm quickly to cause a little bit of pain and then lifted her shirt but kept it below her chest so he could try and explain what it feels like to him. "Close your eyes." He said and leaned in, his fingers just barely touching th skin on her upper abs as his lips pressed softly, also barely making contact with her skin. "Like that..." He whispered and traced the fingers slowly over her skin. "Every nerve goes on high alert, and makes you feel everything, but... you don't feel the pinch anymore... It's amazing."

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Old 08-17-2010, 02:58 AM

Andy shuddered slightly as he caressed her gently. His touch still felt so good on her skin... He was right, she didn't feel the pinch on her arm anymore, all she could fell was his touch on her stomach.

"I'm still working on perfecting the phantom touch," she murmured as he caressed her. Gently, she stopped his hand. "Remember what happened last time you did that," she said, referring to the night they had sex.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-17-2010, 03:12 AM

He stopped and nodded. "Yeah... Sorry... I just... I can hear our future together, but I can't see it. I can't feel it. I've heardso much between us and I don't know... I know it doesn't make sense..." He lowered her shirt and moved to touch her chin, pulling her face towards his. "I want you, I can blame it on being a guy but the truth is... I just... I want you for everything you are. What we did was good, I firmly believe that. I don't regret any part about that night other than the fact we had an audience, although... they probably heard it before it happened..." He stopped and sighed. "I want you with me, sex, no sex, just friendly conversation, just a hand to hold, anything. It's what I want. It's not some trick to only have sex with you, it's not. You'd feel different if you'd heard everything we've been through, or well, are going to go through. You're beautiful, intelligent, quick witted." He sighed and shrugged. "I sound like a creeper and I don't know how to talk to you without giving off a bad vibe. I like you. I'm not trying to try too hard. I'm not. I'm just explaining why I think this is right. Trying too hard is pushing it... And when I start doing that... Well, I'll be a disgrace to myself..."

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Old 08-17-2010, 03:45 AM

Andy couldn't help but blush as he spoke. She'd never had anyone actually want her before, not like that. Nobody had ever said that to her before.

"You... you really think so?" she asked softly. She was a total romantic at heart, and he was hitting all the right places. Of course, she wouldn't exactly mind sleeping with him again, eventually... But that was a thought for another time. "Nobody's ever wanted me for me before..."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-17-2010, 03:54 AM

"I'm sure they have, they just wanted you for other reasons more." He said and kissed her slowly. "I'm not lying, either." He said and captured her lips, his body in pain but he didn't care. This moment was worth all the pain in the world. He slowly pulled back and licked his lips. "Yeah, I like you for every bit of you. Especially the taste of your lips." He said and then flushed. "Ignore the unintentional pun." He winked and turned off the telly then rolled back onto his back, groaning as the pain in his torso lessoned. "I hate hospital gowns, I don't have a backless one, but they make me feel... weird. The gave me scrub bottoms though; see?!" He wiggles his feet, the scrubs making a shuffling noise.

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Old 08-17-2010, 04:12 AM

Andy blushed more and returned the kiss. When he started to roll over again, she focused and gently liften him up so he wasn't rolling on anything particularly vital or painful.

"Let me help," she said softly, laying him carefully on his back. "It's easier that way." She pulled the blanket up gently, and rolled her eyes. "You and your hospital booties," she teased. "Should I ask if you can keep them?"

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-17-2010, 04:32 AM

"No!" He quickly started and then stopped. "Wait... would you?" He asked and smiled. "Thank you." He said to her for moving him easier. There was a knock on the door and he sighed. "Sit up." He whispered before quickly replying with a 'come in'. Within seconds a male look alike of Andy stood at the end of the bed. "Oh hi... you." He said and moved a pillow beneath his head.

"Hi you too. What's your name?" Andy's little brother asked. "Rupert? George? Tom?"

"Nathaniel. You're... Jason. Correct?" The male nodded and Nathaniel poked Andy in the side. "Where's the introductions? Sheesh, we're doing all the hard work." He only said this so he would know what his 'label' was. Boyfriend? Roommate? Friend...?

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Old 08-17-2010, 04:52 AM

Andy helped him sit up as the door opened. Jason was next to her before she could blink, though it didn't startle her like it used to. She was used to it by now.

"But you were both doing so wonderfully on your own," she teased. Regardless, she started introductions. "Nathaniel, my brother Jason-Alexander. Jason, my boyfriend Nathaniel." Jason raised an eyebrow.

"When did the status quo change?" he asked.

"None of your business," Andy replied tartly. Jason looked at her for a moment, then shrugged and turned to Nathaniel again.

"So you're the baby-daddy, then?" he asked. Andy blushed, mortified.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-17-2010, 04:59 AM

"Oh hush up." He muttered to Andy and slid his hand into hers. Boyfriend, light touching was okay then. He rolled his eyes and then frowned. "Status quo? What, good girl is too good for criminology major. Sheesh, thanks a heap. or is this about the telekinetic-psychic leap. Really, I'm confused." He said and grinned. "And baby-daddy, how old are you, ten?" He rolled his eyes. "Father of the child, yes. Baby-daddy, I'd say not." Aniel leaned back down and closed his eyes. "I can not believe that this guy is the best man. Really?! Baby daddy?!" He said and looked at Andy, amused. "You taught him nothing growing up, did you?"

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Old 08-17-2010, 05:12 AM

"Hey, don't look at me," Andy said, holding up her hands. "Once he turned ten, I couldn't catch him to beat any sense into him, and I didn't have the skill yet to get him off the floor." When Jason stuck his tongue out at her, she waved a hand at him and he yelped as he lifted six inches off the floor. "Now, however, I have no such issues."

"Come on, Andy, you know I didn't mean it!" Jason whined, flailing. "Lemmedownlemmedownlemmedown!" He squirmed a bit before Andy finally let him back down. "Geeze, when'd you get to be such a bitch?" Andy raised an eyebrow.

"I like to think that being pregnant gives me a bit of an excuse," she pointed out.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-17-2010, 05:19 AM

"You're just a few days in, sweetie. You don't get to be a bitch for another couple weeks." He said and then grinned. "It was the dark green on that calendar. Didn't you see?" He teased. "You get to be a bitch because you're smart." He decided to play with her little brother. "And beautiful..." He said and squeezed her hand. "And absolutely perfect." He was totally mushing it up for Jason. He wanted him to learn not to mess with him. Or Andy. Because if Andy got pissed, who knew what the pregnancy hormones would bring back up in a few months. "How's your da?"

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Old 08-17-2010, 05:33 AM

"Stop disproving my excuses," Andy pouted. She knew he was hamming it up, and she couldn't resist getting in on it. Jason pretended to gag.

"Ugh, you two are disgusting," he said. "God, it's bad enough knowing that you two got it on at least once..."

"Jason, shut up," Andy said, blushing a little. Jason smirked a little.

"Ah, sweet revenge," he said. "Anyways, dad is fine, they're just waiting on his release papers."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-17-2010, 05:50 AM

"Watch what you say. You'll be babysitting in the future. You gotta earn best man." He said and smirked. He then put a bandaged arm around Andy and kissed her cheek quickly. "You need to go and say goodbye to your dad. I'll see you in a minute." He said and then licked his lower lip, nibbling it slowly. "Have a good day, Jason. And like I said, you'll be babysitting. Oh and for your information... It was only once. Don't ruin any chances I have of it happening again. Out of my room. Shoo." He said and turned on the TV.

He wasn't touching her anymore. And then the sounds came all at once.

"Jason-Jason stop! Jason!!" A woman gasped and then screamed. "HONEY! Your son is running!"



"Why, did he break something. Just clean it up and I'll buy a new one tomorr-"


Nathaniel pulled out of the memory and blinked. "He had an interesting coming out moment. Not gay wise or anything... The fast thing."

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Old 08-17-2010, 06:01 AM

"Yeah, it was... something," Andy agreed, grinning. "For the record, I tried to catch him. It didn't work." Jason made a face when Nathaniel mentioned sleeping with Andy.

"Oh god, stop," he groaned. "I don't want to think about my frigid sister getting some. That's just wrong on so many levels..."

"Then stop thinking about it," Andy said, blushing again. She didn't protest being frigid, though. It was probably true. Waving a hand at the door, she pointed out to the hallway. She didn't have to tell Jason to leave the room.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-17-2010, 06:08 AM

"Sorry, I had to fuck with him. It was a deep, in set urge. You know you liked it." He said and then pulled her to him with his semi-good hand. He kissed her and licked his lips. "Nnnnn I like 'boyfriend'. It's better than the 'prospective date'. Even if it's not what we are, thank you." He said and yawned. "I'm way too tired and I barely ate any of my fruit. So you go talk. I'll eat and sleep. You can come back in and lay down with me if you want. Or you can play on your computer. They have wifi." He said and yawned, grabbing the fruit bowl and picking out all the best looking fruit first. For some reason, fruit reminded him of Andy's kisses. Sweet and strangely healthy. Andy kind of make him feel healthy in a 'you won't drink, smoke, or cuss around me' type of way. Although... he could probably get away with cussing until the child grew ears.

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Old 08-17-2010, 06:42 AM

Andy followed her brother out the door. He kept himself to a normal human pace since the halls were a bit more crowded than before, but it still didn't take them long to find their parents. She could tell immediately that her dad looked a lot better, and she was glad.

"There you are, squirt," her dad said as they got closer. It was his pet name for her, when she was younger, and it made her feel a lot better to hear him use it. It let her know that he wasn't angry anymore. "I was starting to think you wouldn't show."

"Yeah, well... pay attention in a few months, I'll be showing a lot more then," Andy said, jabbing playfully at his unintended pun.

"So you're going to keep it, then?" he asked. Andy hesitated slightly, but nodded.

"Yeah," she replied.

"There's still time to change your mind."

"I'm not."

"Alright. And this guy of yours, is he going to at least try to chip in a little?"

"Actually..." Andy said slowly, "he offered to pay for everything." Her dad blinked.


"Nathaniel offered to cover all of the expenses," Andy repeated. "Everything. He even offered to pay for an apartment so that I can move out of the dorms over winter break, before housing kicks me out, and to cover my tuition until I graduate."

"That's... generous of him," her dad said. She could hear the doubt in his voice.

"I know it's a lot more than we expected," she said, "and it's a lot more than we're used to. But it'll make things a lot easier on all of us, especially since you and mom won't have to stretch our finances any thinner to pay for college AND a new baby."

"We'll see," her dad said. "Anyways, I need to get going. The race is starting soon, and I want to be in my favorite chair for it." He held out his arms, and Andy hugged him. "Make sure he treats you right, squirt."

"I wouldn't let him do otherwise," Andy replied. "Take it easy, dad."

"Yeah, yeah," her dad said. After they exchanged their good-byes, Andy made her way back to Nathaniel's room.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-17-2010, 06:53 AM

Aniel finally let a nurse come in, and she grinned. "Did you enjoy your closed door time?" He nodded and finished the last apple slice in the salad and grinned. "Yeah, thanks for not coming in." She nodded and smiled a genuine, down to Earth smile. He took her hand and grinned. "You're a good nurse, what's your name?"

"Lucinda. Lucinda Barquinne." He nodded and then she left after writing something on the charts. He asked for a different nurse who was walking by to come in. He grabbed his wallet and she looked confused. "Make sure this gets to Lucinda Barquinne. Tell her it was from... an annoying patient." He slid 400 dollars into her hand, all the cash he had. The nurse stared and Nathaniel grinned. "I get that look a lot. Could you just do it?" The nurse nodded and left the room as Nathaniel finally curled back up under the covers.

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Old 08-17-2010, 07:01 AM

Andy leaned in the doorway as he gave the nurse the cash. She didn't blame the poor woman for looking at him like he was insane.

"You know that normal people can't afford to do that, right?" she asked as she stepped aside to let the nurse leave the room. "Most normal people don't carry hundreds of dollars in cash on their person any any given time? Ringing any bells?" She sat down on the bed next to him and made herself comfortable. "She looked vaguely like she got smacked with a fish or something. I don't think she knew what to do."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-17-2010, 07:11 AM

"I told her what to do. I don't... I don't understand money. I know you learn valuable lessons working for it, and it's not like I haven't learned lessons like that. But my 40 dollars is 400 to everyone else. Oh well, I suppose Lucinda will be having a good night." He said and yawned quietly. "Now shhh... It's nap time. They changed my medication... and I think it's-" He yawned once more. "-kicking in." He grinned, kissed her and pulled one of her arms around him. "Thank you for... the uhh... Yaawwwwn fruit salad." He whispered and closed his eyes.

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Old 08-17-2010, 07:16 AM

"Our kid's going to be lucky," Andy said as she snuggled in next to him. "He or she is going to have a disgustingly rich dad, and he's probably going to spoil them rotten." She let him put his arm around her, making sure not to let him hurt himself. "I'll be lucky if the kid even knows who I am, with a father like that." She turned off the TV with a thought and had the curtain partially pull itself around the bed. "Go on to sleep, I know you need it."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-17-2010, 04:36 PM

"Hey! I am not 'disgustingly' rich. I'm handsomely wealthy." He smiled and kissed her cheek gently before nodding. Off to bed it was then. He closed his eyes, bit his lip and fell asleep quickly.


Two hours later Nathaniel's eyes opened and he moved, feeling for the pillow because it had moved out from under his head. Everything was light and white, he was blinded by the brightness of it all. HE gave a small groan as he searched deftly with his fingers.

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Old 08-17-2010, 05:00 PM

Andy drifted in and out of sleep for a while, so she was mostly awake anyways when Nathaniel started searching for the pillow. She glanced around for it and blushed slightly when she realized that she'd stolen it at some point while they were asleep.

"Sorry," she said softly as she gave it back to him.

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-17-2010, 05:20 PM

"No...It's fine. But here, this'll be more comfortable." He said and then scooted upwards on the bed and then moved her so she used his chest as a pillow. He threaded his fingers through her hair and smiled. "You're not a cover hog are you, because pillows are one thing, if you steal my cover... well this just won't work out." He teased and yawned. "You won't ever not come to my distress. I like that..."

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Old 08-17-2010, 05:40 PM

"We can always just get another blanket," Andy pointed out. "Besides, I'm going to be sleeping in my own bed when we get back." She shifted position a bit, cuddling closer and resting her head on his chest carefully. "I plan on keeping my own bed through this entire thing. Speaking of, I'm going to need to head back soon... I have classes tomorrow, even if you're not going."

Loving The Peaceful Crash of Hea...
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Old 08-17-2010, 05:47 PM

"Alright, no problem." He would admit to that being a little disheartening. He nodded, moved a little and helped her sit up. "Ökay then, you go back, I stay here, and I'll call for a car to be dropped off for when I'm released. You go to school and I should be home by tomorrow night." He said and sat up. "I understand where you're coming from, and I get it. Just know the offer stands that you can sleep in my bed whenever you like. And that is the male part of me speaking. Sorry, but if you wanna date me, you gotta remember I'm still a guy."


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