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Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-04-2012, 11:47 PM

Scarlett nodded and blew him a kiss. "I'll always come back for you. Always." She said, ducking and climbing down the side of the ship. But suddenly she heard Fenris enter, so she stayed. The woman didn't move at all in the water so that she could heart the men talking.

Scarlett bit her lip. What if she offered to give her live up for Joseph's? Without her they couldn't even get to the treasure. It was sealed in a cave, and the only way to get there was with her blood. Not Joseph's blood. The dark haired woman sighed softly. She would wait until Fenris was alone. Then she would wander up to him with her gun in hand, and offer her life for his.

She listened quietly. Hopefully Fenris would go into town, or just be alone anywhere, but she couldn't offer her life for Josephs in front of him. She knew Joseph would never approve. So she had to do it in secret.

Marquet eyed the woman as she spoke to him. "I want Fenris alone with him. Women like you are weak, and are vulnerable to love. You would cave for Laiden or Scarlett and set them free to be together." He said, his voice cold. "Why don't you just continue your duties up here? Though if you must put yourself in others business then you may be down there for five minutes. Starting now." He scoffed, taking his watch off his belt and looking at it. He gently tapped the front of it and grinned at her. "Time's running out."

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-05-2012, 05:14 PM

Codette narrowed her eyes. "So you want him to kill the boy. Fine. But don't assume you know a damn thing about meCaptain." The redhead spun on her heels and made her way below deck. She listened quietly at first. Just wanting to make sure that Fenris really didn't hurt Laiden.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-06-2012, 06:39 PM

The dark haired male rolled his eyes. "I didn't say I wanted Fenris to kill Laiden. There you go, twisting my words. Just as any woman does." He said in disgust. "Oh really? I don't know a damn thing about you? Well I know if you talk to me that way again I'll have your ass off this boat in seconds." He growled at her as she left. He would kill her if need be. Or just throw her off the side of the boat.. whatever he had to do if she kept annoying him. "I knew I shouldn't of let a woman on my ship." He muttered.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 02:08 AM

Fenris paused just outside the door. Raking a hand through his hair, the male closed his eyes. How had everything gotten so backwards? Anyone he'd trusted just . . . turned traitor. Laiden, Codette . . . the only person he'd ever known who was still decent (enough) was the captain. Marquet was still a long-time friend.

And Marquet wanted information. He wanted more than that: he wanted Scarlett. Fenris tensed, blocking out the thoughts that invaded his mind. He was good at that. He always had been. Just . . . do. Don't think about it. It hurts to think.

Laiden looked up when Fenris entered. Neither spoke. Neither moved. Blue eyes met gray, and Joseph finally opened his mouth to speak. Ferocity filled his tone as it dripped with accusation. "You're murdering her."

Fenris immediately shifted, his expression darkening. Any regret or hesitation he'd felt before entering was suddenly melting away. "There's a difference between kill and murder, boy."

"You are killing her for monetary gain. That's murder!"

The tall male growled, shoving one of the various stacked crates off of its lower support. It fell, splintering a few feet from the prisoner against the wall. "Murder is the killing of an innocent. She is not-"

"Who are you to say that?!" Laiden was standing now. He met his former friend's glare, one arm jerking against the chain that held him. The other hung limply by his side. No doubt it was swollen and bruised already. "Who named you judge?!"

Fenris shoved Joseph back, knocking him against the wood with a snarl. "I'm entitled to my opinions!"

"There's not a bad thing about Scar-"

He was interrupted by a backhand that knocked him to the ground. Or, it would have if the chain hadn't have kept him from hitting. Instead, it jerked on his wrist. He felt the metal dig into his hand and wrist as his weight slammed away from the wall. It wasn't long before he was on his knees, adjusting and trying to ignore the now blooming fire in his "good" wrist.

"Is she so good that you would turn against me, boy?!" Fenris shoved Laiden again, pinning him against the wall. It was no longer difficult to ignore the pain on the youth's face, nor the hatred in his blue eyes. "She must be heavenly!"

"She's better than you."

Joseph cried out as Fenris lifted him from the ground. The worn wood behind him creaked in protest, and Laiden grasped the man's wrist with his only hand. He was stunned as Fenris slammed him back, knocking the breath from him.

"The two of you are so alike," he gasped, gripping Fenris' wrist all the tighter as he was pulled away from the wall. He spat out his words as quickly as he could before being slammed against the wall again. "The only difference is the path she took and the decisions you've made."

Fenris hissed angrily, lowering Laiden to his feet abruptly. It made the teen stumble, but Fenris held him in place. Another backhand bloodied Joseph's nose. At this point, it was a miracle that he didn't look like a bloodied pulp. Everything was starting to hurt.

Another backhand followed, and Laiden pulled back. Or, tried. Something in Fenris' grey eyes screamed of death. The room was suddenly all too frightening. He'd seen this side of him before, but . . . never directed at himself. Joseph fought back with his good arm, trying to shield his face. "Fenris!"

He knew what it was to be beaten. He didn't know what Fenris would do.

Another strike. And he was preparing for another. He hadn't snapped out of it, like he usually did when Laiden called his name. This time, he wasn't listening. "Fenris!" He was shoved back, and doubled over from another blow. This one was to his midsection. He couldn't speak.

"You know where she is. Tell me!"

He didn't have to pause to see the defiance in Joseph's hate-filled eyes. And neither of them had to guess about what Fenris would do. He would do what he always did: keep going until he got an answer.

((T____T That was almost too easy to write. How sad.))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-07-2012, 02:39 AM

Scarlett grimaced at the noises she heard until she couldn't take it anymore. She quickly climbed up the edge of the boat and hurled herself through the window before either of the men could react. When someone she loved was getting hurt, or she was angry, her rage clouded her thoughts until all she could do is fix things using her fists. She may have been much smaller than Fenris but from landing on him with such force they both fell to the ground.

"Don't you ever touch him again you hot-headed scum!" She growled, dropping the gun and then using all her force to slug Fenris in the nose, making it bleed just as Laiden's. She knew that once he gained what was happening he would take her down in seconds, so she grabbed the gun and shot at Joseph's chains. They broke under the shot in just a few seconds. "Joseph leave, now." She said, eying the window as she pinned Fenris down. "Kill me if you want but no money in this world could ever give you what your looking for! It will never give you someone that loves you, or a friend to replace the ones you lost. And for the rest of your life my blood will be on your hands. It will haunt you every night." She said, her emerald eyes staring down at him in pain.

She knew this would get her captured, but what did she have to live for anyways? She had no family, no one to live for other than Joseph, but she shouldn't of drug him into her problems anyways.

((Sorry, just I couldn't stand having her sit there and listen to Laiden being beat D: So I have Scarlett go badass and punch Fenris. xD ))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-25-2012, 10:52 PM


Codette looked in to the room, and gasped when Fenris punched Laiden. She half saw Scarlett enter the ship, and just as Scarlett laid a blow on Fenris, Codette moved forward. The redhead slid to put herself between Fenris and the raging woman. "Scarlett don't! Please." Codette didn't know what thoughts the girls words would spin in Fenris' head. She did know that Scarlett was doing what she could to hurt him.

The gunshot would not go unnoticed. They all were working on borrowed time, and time was running out. "What is your plan Scarlett? Let Laiden go free, get captured yourself, just so he can do exactly what you just did? Run away together, that worked really well last time. What ever your plan is, you better enact it fast... before I turn you in myself." The last sentence crushed the redheads heart, but there was no way, she would help the two escape again, not if it hurt Fenris like the first time did.

((I'm going camping from the 30th-7th, so if you guys just want to continue around Codette feel free.))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-26-2012, 12:15 AM

Scarlett delivered another blow to Fenris' face just as Codette spoke. She stood up, fist raised. "I don't care about my own life, I'm a lost cause. I care about Laiden's." She said, her eyes staring coldly into Codettes. "So chain me up and starve me all you want. But if he gets hurt again I'll kill whoever hurts him." She growled, smirking at Codette trying to be fierce. "Turn me in? Fine. But don't think I won't hurt you just as I did Fenris." She said, feeling a bit sad since this girl originally helped them. But, someone always betrayed you eventually.

"If you turn me in before Laiden gets out then I'll make sure to tell Marquet who let us escape. Are you willing to be beaten and killed just to make sure your little crush is safe and you'll eventually run off together?" She spat. "Women with fantasies like you disgust me. There is no happy endings Codette, None at all."She said, her anger shown clearly on her once emotionless face. "I've lived all my life in fear all because I was born a Blackbeard. And I've sat back and taken all the hits, the horrible names, and the abuse. But you will not do the same to him." She said, pointed at the beaten, broken male that had just been in chains. Her eyes tearful now, but she wouldn't dare cry. "Your not who I thought you were Codette. I hope Fenris does fall for you. That way you can see who he really is." She said, her voice numb sounding.

((Sorry Scar's flippin out on everyone D: lol I just thought that for once I'd have her do something. Plus I felt the need to have her get caught so the RP would get to a more awesome part.))

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 07-26-2012 at 12:23 AM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-26-2012, 12:27 AM

With complete confidence in herself, Codette nodded. "Yes. I was completely ready to be turned in when it was first revealed that you two had disapeared. I was fully prepared to be beaten, starved, and raped. But it didn't happen. I'm not sure why Fenris didn't speak up, but if you tell, I will accept my fate."
The girl looked over Scarlett. "You know, I did feel sad for you. Thats why I helped you. You made Laiden happy, and in you I saw many of the same scars I wear inside. Blows, abuse. I've been beaten, disowned, raped, and left for dead. People keep you in their sights because they fear you. People forgot I existed because I was 'useless'." Fenris would be able to see her body shake slightly at the memorys she tried hard to surpress. "No one is useless. No one has just one side. I pray that he does so he can see who I really am!" Codette was beginning to sound desperate. "You're not the same either Scarlett. Neither is Laiden. Everyone has secrets and things to hide, things they can't remember and things they wish they could forget. But I believe in looking past that! I will find a happy ending. I will be happy someday. And I really wish you can forget hatred to be happy as well." Her energy spent in her outburst, Codette slouched weakly. She looked over to Laiden, closed her eyes and looked away. This would be their only chance to get away. Simply because she had no energy to stop it. But part of her almost wished they would be caught.

((No, this is awesome! Code's getting a little defensive as well))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-26-2012, 12:33 AM

((I'll wait for Es to catch up since Scar punched Fenris twice xD Gotta let him react before I have Scarlett talk anymore. Though I give props to Codette. Saying she would accept her fate in all. Though Scar would never turn her in >.< She's just in a bit of a rage right now and says/does things she shouldn't :P ))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-26-2012, 12:55 AM

(oh I totally understand. It's like Codette trying to turn Scarlett in. She really doesn't want to. she'd be more likely to push Scar out a window *laughs* It would crush her chances with Fenris, but to her it would be the right thing. Though thats probably the most talk based post I've ever given in any rp ^.^')

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-26-2012, 01:00 AM

^___^ Edited!

((lol, no worries, Codette! Es was just thinking she needed to reply to this one. . . . ))

The window. There was a flurry of movement that Laiden couldn't focus on it thoroughly. All he knew was how he was suddenly released. He fell back against the wall, stunned and frozen as blood slowly dripped from his lip and pale features. Scarlett. He could see Scarlett. He blinked, and then . . . realized what was happening.
"You shouldn't be here, Scar!" His words were slightly slurred. His mouth felt numb. Joseph watched as Scarlett slugged Fenris. It made him want to laugh - and cry - at the same time.

Fenris had quite the opposite reaction. The moment he was knocked down, the male snarled. He tried to shove the woman back, but he suffered a rather nasty punch in the face. Blinking in surprise, Fenris growled. And then flinched. The sound of gunfire and the shattering of metal made the male struggle to regain his orient - but he was punched again.

With a animalistic snarl, he spat blood away from him and focused on Scarlett. Her words and hands managed to keep him pinned as Joseph fell to his knees and fought to stand.

"Kill me if you want but no money in this world could ever give you what your looking for! It will never give you someone that loves you, or a friend to replace the ones you lost. And for the rest of your life my blood will be on your hands. It will haunt you every night."

There was a moment of stunned silence before Fenris reacted. While Scarlet spoke with Codette, he moved. His rage was different now - less steady. The dark-skinned male shoved Scarlett off of him, standing with the expression of murder. The third blow made it all worse. Fenris' pale markings seemed to glisten in the dim light - but his eyes radiated the fire of hell.

That was when he realized Codette had stepped between them. Fenris hissed, but didn't push her aside. Instead, he reached up to wipe blood away from his nose - just as Laiden did. It was when Codette mentioned Scarlett's fast-acting plan that his eyes shot open wide. What? Again. She was just going to let them go. Again.

"The boys stays." He attempted to step around Codette. "The girl goes to Marquet." His hands were shaking again. It was the mixture of adrenaline, rage, and . . . whatever Scarlett had said. With a sneer, he motioned toward Joseph. "You wouldn't be able to carry him out."

When Scarlett's tears fell, her anger showing clearly for the first time . . . he paused. His gray eyes flickered over to the boy he'd once protected. Laiden. Scarlett. They were . . . kids. Just kids.

Laiden, trying his best to recover his footing while his head continued to spin, eyed Fenris with a weary hatred. His blue eyes moved on to Codette, filled with thankfulness, and then went to Scarlett. This time sadness etched into his features. What kind of situation had they gotten themselves into?

Fenris saw Codette begin to tremble. Both women bore their scars - figuratively. He fell silent, seeming to step down a bit. The broad-shouldered male frowned, fighting the sudden urge to protect the redhead before him. Why was his reaction to Codette so drastically contrasting to his reaction with Scarlett?

Instead of move, Fenris stood still. He did nothing as he heard movement from Laiden's side of the room.

The teen had gathered what strength he could. He looked as though he'd been mauled by an animal, but . . . he pretty much had. "Don't turn her in," he said hoarsely. "They'll let us go." It almost sounded like a plea - but when he saw the strange look in Fenris' eyes, he knew he was right. "Now. Go."

He didn't know how much longer he could stay on his feet. It was going to be quite the challenge to get off the ship, let alone somewhere safe. Joseph's blue eyes moved from Fenris to Codette. He met her gaze for a few moments before smiling slightly. It was the best he could do, at that moment. His face hurt.

Fenris growled, wiping the slow flow of blood from his lip. "Go," he growled, looking ready to take back the word even as it left his lips. The gunshot would bring others. They wouldn't get far if they didn't leave now.

Last edited by Esmme; 07-26-2012 at 01:12 AM..

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-26-2012, 01:17 AM

((Woah, must edit my post now! I didn't see Esmme's edited post! But here's my plot twist post >:3))

Scarlett put the gun in her pocket and went over to Fenris, placing a kiss on his cheek. Not to start a fight, but as a way of begging for forgiveness. "Thank you." She said, going over to Laiden and taking his good arm to lead him to the window. "You have to go first so that I can help you out." She said, helping him slip through the window. She leaned through the window, holding his good arm until he was gently lowered into the water."Swim over to the dock and grab onto one of the boards." She said as she started to climb through the window. The dock was only a few feet away, so he could make it even if he only had one arm.

The dark haired woman looked back to say thank you again to both Codette and Fenris only to see Marquet charging at her. The dark haired woman shrieked as she was pulled against the window. She had been halfway out. One leg had been out, one arm, and her head but when Marquet tried to pull her back in her shoulder crushed against the side of the boat. She cried out again in pain as he continued to yank her back inside. "Laiden go! Please go!" She yelled as Marquet grabbed her hair and pulled her inside despite her kicks and punches. Once he pulled her in she was slammed to the floor. It all happened so fast that she didn't even notice he had grabbed the gun from her side. In an instant she saw him raising the blunt end of the gun above her face. And then it all went dark.

Marquet had been sitting on a barrel by the rudder of the ship when he suddenly heard a gun shot. He jumped up and ran down the steps, throwing open the door to the hold and almost tripping down the stairs with how fast he was going. He quickly glanced around the room and saw Fenris was bleeding, Codette was next to him, and Scarlett was climbing out the window. He charged at the window and grabbed her arm that was still inside. "You think you can get away so easily?!" He yelled, yanking at her arm harder as she screamed. He then grabbed her soft, dark curls and pulled her in by her hair. "Fenris get her cell ready!" He ordered, slamming her down onto the floor. He smirked when he saw the gun on her side and ripped it off its makeshift holder. He then slammed the end of it into her head. Not hard enough to kill her, but hard enough to knock her out. He jumped up by the window and saw the boy in the water. "I suggest you go grab him Fenris." He said, throwing Scarlett over his shoulder. "From now on Scarlett will be in my care. Joseph will be in yours." He said, his eyes dark.

"Did she knock you out Fenris? If she hurt you I'll be sure to let you take a swing at her."
He said, thinking that the whole reason she had almost gotten out was because she had a gun, and that she had hit Fenris. He then looked to Codette. "Are you alright Codette? Excuse me for not asking sooner, just I saw Fenris was injured.." He said, sighing as he moved Scarlett onto his other shoulder. "I'm sorry this got so out of control. I'll make sure to keep her locked up in my quarters from now on." He said, flashing one of his charming smiles.

((Now everyone has seen Maruqets evil side.))

Last edited by Katie Scarlett Divine; 07-26-2012 at 02:10 AM..

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-26-2012, 02:29 AM

Codette took deep breaths. The anger in the room was dissipating. Codette had turned to check on Fenris' wounds when she saw Marquet charging into the room. She let out a gasp, and watched helplessly as Scarlett was caught. Looking back at Fenris, Codette brushed some blood off of his cheek and stood up. Hoping Marquet didn't see it, she turned to look at him. "No, I'm uninjured. Just taken by surprise." It wasn't a lie. Marquet could take it as she was a coward that sat there and let them escape, or that both females were about the same strength, but a gun put favors in Scarletts corner. She didn't care either way what Marquet thought about her.
She was a little worried about Fenris. It seemed Scarlett laid a few good blows on him, before Codette came between them.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-26-2012, 04:52 AM

Nodding, Laiden gave Scarlett's hand a brief squeeze. She would follow him out. Of course she would. When he met the water, Joseph managed to use his good arm to keep himself afloat. When he broke the ocean's surface, he saw Scarlett begin to follow . . . and then she yelped. She was pulled back inside.

"No!" Joseph knew he wouldn't be able to tread water for long, so he made his way toward the dock. It was endless. It was an endless, vicious cycle of being captured, seeing one another beaten and pulled away, and never being free. As long as they had one another, they would be prisoners. Laiden wouldn't leave without Scarlett, and she wouldn't leave without him.

Fenris blinked, felt the kiss on his cheek, and immediately growled in annoyance. He turned the other cheek as Scarlett pushed Laiden out to safety, and then began to follow. It was the flash of blond hair that caught his attention. Fenris might have had a bit of mercy, but he wasn't ready to stand against Marquet.

There was a flurry of movement. Scarlett was on the floor moments later, a bruise forming on her head. She was unconscious. Somehow, it made Fenris' gray eyes fill with . . . pity. Every chance she got was stunted. Everything hinged on her, yet she wasn't willing to go alone. With Laiden, she would never escape. Two people were easier to catch than one.

The broad-shouldered male watched in silence as Scarlett was lifted. He didn't even reply when Marquet told him to go after Laiden. When Codette's warm finger brushed against his cheek, wiping away the smallest bit of blood, Fenris lifted a pale brow. Just before Marquet turned to them, the redhead's fingers fell away from him. Something about that brief touch made Fenris pause. Hadn't Scarlett mentioned something about a crush?

"I'm fine," Fenris said both to the captain and his woman friend. Honestly, a few hits from a woman (no matter how enraged) wouldn't keep him out of the fight for long. Sure, his face hurt like hell - but Scarlett was far from a man. Still, the worst wounds she had dealt were through words.

"No money in this world could ever give you what your looking for!"

Shaking his head, Fenris wiped away the last of the blood that teased his lip. "I'll get the boy." With that, he turned and headed for the door. He didn't want to see any more of Scarlett. She was caught. Marquet had her. Isn't that what he'd wanted?

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-26-2012, 05:19 AM

Marquet nodded at the two. "I'll go put her in my quarters and then we'll be on the way. I suggest you two come up to the deck for dinner. The cook caught enough fish for the group and set up a table on deck for anyone." He said, smiling. "Oh, and if you get the map ending out of the girl or Laiden that would be great. I'd do it myself but I have to do some paperwork for the governor. He asked to see a few important documents and such.." He said, giving a nod to the two. "If you get it out of them by tonight then we'll be setting sail tomorrow morning."He said, heading up the stairs. "Oh and when you get Joseph bring him to dinner. Though tie him to you." He called as he exited.

Once Marquet got to his quarters he thought about where to put her. "Hmm.." He wondered, then gave a devilish grin. Why not tie her to the mast so everyone can look at her with disgust? Plus it looked as if it would be storming sometime tonight from the way the clouds appeared. He left his quarters and then wandered down to the main deck. "Grab me some chains from the hold will you?" He asked a fellow crew member as he sat Scarlett's limp body up against the map. Once the older pirate gave him the chains he hammered the chains into place so that she was on her knees with her wrists chained above her head. It made her look defeated, which Marquet enjoyed.

"Everyone, take a good look at the girl who thought she could escape me." He chuckled, watching as everyone stared at her. There was silence except for a few of the more violent men who began to laugh as well. "I'm ordering you to treat her with no respect. She doesn't deserve it." He stated, nudging her with his boot just as she started to awaken in her chains. "Welcome to the real world Doll face." He said, leaning down and giving her a rough kiss on the lips. He gently pushed back some of her curls and sighed at the blood trickling from her forehead. "Such a shame we have to kill someone so lovely." He said, then smiled. "But so worth the treasures we'll find." He said, turning and leaving her to go and sit at the table that was just across from her. He had asked the cook to set the table up here so that they could all eat in front of her.

Scarlett slowly awoke from her daze, though her head hurt so bad that everything was a blur. All she heard was Marquets voice and then someone kissing her. By the time her eyes latched onto him kissing her she just sat there. She couldn't do anything anyways. The woman shook her head gently to try and get her brain functioning again. Did Laiden get out? If not then she would have to get him to stop loving her. As long as he did he would be a threat to the other pirates. And as long as he wanted her alive then he would never be able to leave. She had to somehow yell at him, or just stop talking to him all together.

She slowly lifted her head from its hung over position and gazed at the people eating in front of her. They were all laughing at her and pointing at her head. What was wrong with it? Their voices echoed through out her head as they pointed at her in doubles. Everything seemed dream like and slow motion. How hard had he hit her? She squeezed her eyes shut until her heart beat quit pounding in her aching head and then opened them again. Fenris had tried to save them. Why? Well there was no point asking why, she should just be thankful he tried. And she would forever be in his debt. Even if it hadn't gone as planned.

She let her head hang over again, letting her dark curls fall over her face. Her arms ached from being raised above her and behind her head, and because of the way the chains were placed all she could do was kneel in what seemed to be a defeated position. Which was exactly how she felt: Defeated.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-26-2012, 06:15 AM

Codette didn't say a word. She mearly watched Marquet take Scarlett top side. She couldn't follow. After everything, she couldn't eat in front of the girl, even if she was hungry. Codette thought about what happened. Fenris had told them to go. The girl wondered why, but she knew better then to ask. Her next thought was what would've happened in that room had Scarlett made it out. With Fenris' personality they wouldn't talk. No, Codette decided, they probably would've just gone off without a word. Nibbling on her lower lip she looked at Fenris. "You should probably go fetch Laiden before the Captain catches on to what really happened down here." The redhead lowered her eyes and headed towards the cots.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-27-2012, 12:51 AM

Fenris slowly nodded. He knew he should. He'd paused beside the door, listening to the captain's words as they echoed down from the main deck. "He won't know." But Marquet could easily find out. His stoic features darkened as he thought of going after Laiden. The boy had, hopefully, made it to the dock. It was almost funny, really, how Scarlett and Laiden kept taking turns saving one another. In the end, it just meant that neither would escape.

With a sigh, the pale-haired male wiped his face clear of the blood that was left. He followed Codette toward the bunks, and then passed her on his way topside. "Are you okay?" he asked hesitantly, pausing uncertainly just before he prepared to leave. Fenris' gray eyes lingered on her, and he frowned slightly before shaking his head.

Why should he care?

Worry shredded through him. Laiden. Alone. In the water. He never was a very strong swimmer. And now he only had one arm. . . .

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-27-2012, 01:55 AM

Codette nodded, but she didn't believe him. Marquet was smart, eventually he'd figure everything out. The redhead sighed, she was tired of lies and deceit. She was an adventurer. This was beyond her comfort. She didn't hear Fenris follow her until he spoke. Looking back at him she smiled lightly. "Yes. I'm alright. You were the one that got hit." Codette realized Fenris heard everything she told Scarlett. Embarrassment should've flushed her face red, but it didn't. Having him know her past was more of a comfort. It was one more thing she didn't have to pretend was okay. The girl sat down on her bunk and untied her hair. The wild curls hung limply, mirroring her energy. "I hope Laidens alright."

( I just realized Codette has never called Joseph, Joseph. It's always Laiden.)

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-27-2012, 02:13 AM

((Scar calls him both. Lol and Marquet usually just calls him Fenris' pet or Joseph. ))

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-27-2012, 03:02 AM

Fenris was completely silent when Codette mentioned Laiden. He wasn't sure if he was ready to get the boy or not. Still . . . he supposed it would be a comfort to know that he was alive. The male's gray eyes narrowed as he stepped toward the door in silence. Apparently he wasn't ready to talk to the redhead. Just knowing that she was fine made him appear . . . well, more settled.

He looked back just before he left. Fenris then turned and headed past the rest of the crew as they set up their dinner. He glanced down at the water as he crossed toward land. It wouldn't take much to find Joseph. The boy was hurt. He wouldn't get far.


The cold water had shocked him out of any daze he'd been in. The teen slowly lifted his good hand, wiping away the last bit of saltwater and blood that stung his lip. Laiden's blue eyes were locked on the ship. He wouldn't leave without her. She wouldn't leave without him. Scarlett was as good as dead.

Joseph stared balefully down at the water that lapped at his bare feet. The dock was a low one, meant for lifeboats as they moored in. He didn't want to leave. He'd rather have Fenris drag him back.

As if on cue, he heard quiet footsteps behind him. It wasn't hard to recognize the gait he'd become so familiar with. "You let us go." It wasn't an accusation, but merely a statement.

Fenris watched Laiden's back as the youth leaned against the stone that ran alongside the dock. "It was temporary."

Joseph grimly closed his eyes and sighed. "I suppose." Without fighting, the dark-haired teen forced himself to stand. He looked tired, but . . . well, decent. Besides the fact that his left arm was limp and there was a lovely bruise along both sides of his face . . . Laiden looked normal. "Let's go."

They got back to the ship within five minutes of Fenris leaving. As they walked on board, Laiden froze. He saw Scarlett. With a slight glance toward Fenris, he started heading her way. His "guardian" didn't stop him. Instead, Fenris crossed his arms and looked impatient. He was good at that.

"I don't have long," Joseph knelt near Scarlett, reaching up to tuck a curl behind her ear. He didn't care who saw - everyone knew about "them" now. "But we'll find a way out of this. They have to sleep. I can get Fenris to help again." He sounded hopeful, hushed . . . and looked worried. Scarlett's forehead was bruised and cut. "Scar . . . are you okay?"

((And Fenris calls him everything. :XD Such as: boy, Joseph, Laiden, idiot, fool. . . . ))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-27-2012, 03:23 AM

Scarlett looked up at him in a dazed motion. "It's not like it matters how I feel, Laiden." She said, frowning slightly. "I'm going to be killed in a week anyways." She said, resisting the urge to cry. She already looked weak enough. She shook her head gently and gave him a quick kiss. "I'm not getting out of here Laiden. Let's just face that." She said, biting her lip. She knew what she had to do. "But you will. Once I'm dead you'll be let out of here in a matter of minutes.." She said, knowing that her saying this wouldn't get him to stop loving her. So she would have to go to more drastic measures.

She took a deep breath. "As fun as our little puppy love was, I was just using you to escape." She uttered, trying to make her eyes look cold and emotionless. "I knew you'd be easier than Fenris to let me out. And I was right." She said, pursing her lips as she felt her heart aching. "I wanted to live a few more days, and you gave me that. Now there's nothing more you can do for me." She paused, looking down at the floorboards. "Your not needed anymore, I- I don't need you anymore." She said, her body shaking as she spoke. "You should've left when I told you too." She said, fighting back her tears and looking up at him with her emotionless mask. And with that she knew her words would create a wall between them. She could see it on his face that her words had hurt him. And as much as she wanted to plead for forgiveness and tell him it was a lie, she didn't. For now he was free of her. She looked up at Fenris, blood trickling down her blanched face. He would most likely know that she was lying. So her look was as if to say to let Joseph believe her.

((I almost cried :C ))

Marquet smirked as the two loverbirds talked, when suddenly he was drawn to the conversation. She used him? "Fenris, release the male from his chains. He's free to work as one of the crew." He said, eying the boy. "But he shall be under your watch constantly Fenris. This is his 2nd, and last chance." He warned, taking a bite of the fish that the cook had made and then sipping on some wine.

He eyed Joseph. "If you'd like Boy you can take a swing at her for messing with your mind. Women are cruel creatures." He said, glaring at the girl. "They lie for what they want. They're like Sirens. Singing to you and then taking your soul." He muttered, sipping more of his wine. "Nothing good comes from them other than children and a clean house. Right men?" He asked, chuckling as a few others joined in his laughter.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-27-2012, 04:17 AM

"A couple of minutes?" He looked a bit hurt. "Do you really think you mean that little to me?" Laiden fell silent, his expression cold, and his body completely still. As though he was frozen in time, the boy met Scarlett's gaze steadily. He knew that deep in those green eyes of hers, he would see the truth.

That truth was beyond what he wanted to witness. Something in Scarlett's emerald gaze was cold and unwavering. He didn't want to believe her. "Am I not strong enough for you?" he asked, his voice hushed and equally emotionless. "Is it because you were caught again?" Sadness. Anger. He believed they were one and the same. He didn't even reach out to wipe away the line of blood that slowly made its way down her cheek. Joseph wouldn't let himself.

Fenris saw the look Scarlett gave him. He easily interjected . . . especially after he heard the captain's voice. "She used you." His gray eyes filled with disgust - which was real, but . . . not truly directed at Scarlett. This time, it was directed at the words Marquet had said. "You will never be enough for her. She wants to get out of here, and she will lie until she has you right where she needs you."

The tall male stepped up and pulled Laiden to his feet. The action was surprisingly gentle, even when he took the clasp off of the teen's wrist. "Then she'll leave you." Fenris eyed the boy's bruised features, stepping in front of him and pushing him toward the table. "You know that. You've always known that."

Laiden flinched slightly. It was hard to see, but the pain was there. It was a deep pain. His mother had left him - and then, when she'd returned, both her and her husband were murdered by raiders. That was when Fenris came. Maybe he'd been wrong to turn on Fenris so quickly. . . .

The youth stared at Scarlett for a moment before allowing himself to be pushed toward the table. Marquet's words made him writhe inside. Women. They weren't all cruel. Look at Codette. She'd-

Betrayed Fenris.

Laiden stared at the cup that was pushed toward him by another crew member. How could he drink? He'd never done so before. He'd never wanted to before. The teen ignored the wine, looking instead at the man sitting across the table from him. Fenris.


Fenris took his place at the table. He didn't question why Scarlett wanted to ditch the boy. He never would. He already knew. If either one of them were to get out alive, they needed to not have contact. They needed to hate one another.

"His last chance," Fenris repeated. "I'll be sure to keep him from trouble." He met Laiden's gaze for a while. The boy looked tired. Very tired. "He'll have to try harder than this."

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-27-2012, 04:34 AM

Scarlett looked down at the ground, closing her eyes in thanks. Fenris had gone along with it. It was painful, but it worked. Laiden was given a second chance and was promised freedom if he wasn't attached to her. The girl slowly raised her head and eyed the table as everyone ate. She didn't need food. She would rather starve to death anyways. There was no use fighting now.

Her emerald eyes caught the few glares that Marquet sent her way. "Men are quite cruel as well.." She mumbled, but made sure that Marquet did not hear. He would hit her if she sassed him. She closed her eyes and looked back down at the cracked planks she sat on. At Laiden's words she thought for a moment.

"Am I not strong enough for you?"

They danced around her head. She couldn't think of a reply. She simply stared. "There's no use trying to save something that can't be saved." She said as he went towards the table. She then closed her eyes, let her head hang, and tried to drown out all the people judging her. The silence lasted only a few moments and then Marquet forced her to look at him. "Right, Marquet." She sighed.

Marquet smirked at Laiden. "Drink boy, It will make you forget all about that temptress." He said, downing his cup of wine. He stood, slamming his cup down on the table and then heading over to Scarlett. "Don't worry Boy, I hit her on the head hard enough for the two of us." He said, nudging her knee with his foot in a slight kick. "Right Scar?" He teased. When she didn't respond he grabbed her chin and made her look at him. "Don't ignore me." He growled. When she sighed he released her chin and let her fall back in her hung over position. "I refuse to pity you. I'm doing man kind a favor by getting rid of a woman that refuses to know her place." He muttered, turning away from her. He walked back over to the table and sat down. "I hope it storms tonight." He scoffed, looking up at the sky.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-27-2012, 06:18 AM

Codette could hear noise on deck. Shouts, jeers, laughter. Something inside her shuddered at a similar memory. "Men are cruel." She whispered. "And women are weak." Her mother told her those words when she was young. Before she found out how cruel both sides could be. Taking a deep breath, the redhead ran her fingers through her hair and attempted to give it life again. Standing up she walked with a proud stride upstairs wondering if any of their comments would be at her. After all she was just another woman, weak, tempting, with no place outside a home.
The light blinded her for a moment, then she watched the scene front of her. Scarlett trying to tell Laiden he meant nothing to her. Marquet attempting to expose Scarlett for the harlot he believed her to be. The crew enjoying the show...but Fenris... Something in his eyes didn't sit the way they normally did when he agreed with Marquet. Codette sat down at the far end of the table, as far from Marquet, Laiden and Fenris as she could get.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-28-2012, 12:56 AM

Laiden, sadly, had not heard Scarlett's last words. He was distracted by Marquet's snicker. The captain's cruel words made the teen frown. He didn't like the fact that Scarlett had been hit, no matter what she'd said. When Marquet stood, heading over to the Blackbeard, Joseph couldn't help but feel anxious. It wasn't like he could just disengage his feelings for her - they were just a little bruised and battered at that moment.

"I hope it storms tonight."

Blue eyes drifted away from Scarlett's weak form, resting on the table before him. He was too tired to sit the way he usually did - perched on the edge of his chair with his feet pulled up under him. That was the first hint to Fenris that the boy was feeling unusual.

Fenris looked over at Codette, ignoring the second wave of jeers that were directed at the redhead. Something in the way Fenris looked at the man who'd started it made everyone fall silent. The subject was swiftly moved from women to the food. The pale-haired male sighed inwardly. Surely Laiden would turn away from Scarlett. It was just puppy love.

As Marquet returned to the table, the dark-skinned male tried turning his thoughts elsewhere. "The wine will help with the pain," he growled harshly, pushing a cup in Laiden's direction. "Drink."

Joseph didn't so much as blink. He stared at the cup, and then turned his azure eyes elsewhere. Anywhere but Fenris, the wine, the captain . . . or Scarlett. It ended up being Codette. She sat at the farthest end of the table. Numb. It looked like the redhead was trying to give off the same feeling that Laiden himself was feeling.

"Boy," Fenris took Laiden's good hand and put a cup into it. "Drink."

Joseph obeyed. It wasn't stubborn, full of defiance, or anything. Fenris knew that Laiden didn't care for the taste of alcohol. That didn't matter. He lifted the cup to his lips and drank. Other than blinking quickly, he had no reaction to the taste. Joseph didn't stop until the wine was gone.

"Good boy."


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