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is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 01-19-2008, 01:54 AM

I hate wind chill. D: And wind. Wind screws everything up! Especially my hair. D<

What if it's snowed in? XD They have to cancel it, right? :o

Hold on, I'm confused. XD Does coffee-mate have any coffee in it or is it just flavouring? :o

So that's why you're always high and stuff. 8D

I only like Asian tea if it's plain.. because I am Asian. XD And I don't like flower teas. D:

You should warm up the tea and drink it. XD Have you tried warm coke before? :o

Mozzetti is offline
Old 01-19-2008, 02:01 AM

YEAH. Wind sucks. Doesn't mess up my hair. XD

I have short hair. lawl.

Yeah, we get snow days everyonce in a while. But not often. Our district sucks.. Because our dude never wants to cancel. XD

YEAH. I'm high on "sugar". lawls. I prefer crack!

Coffemate is flavoring you put in coffee. XD

I don't really like anything.. plain. ahahahah. But I'm not picky.

Yup, I've tried warm coke. Why? XD


is a cool kid.
Anoni is offline
Old 01-19-2008, 02:06 AM

If you gel/wax/glue it up, it won't affect it at all. XDDD Damn you short-haired person. D:

I guess it's better if you go to school, but it could get dangerous if the roads are snowed in and stuff. :o I'll never know what it feels like to have a snow day. XDDD

What about crack and sugar? :o You could mix it together. XDD
Ohh, coffeemate is flavouring. I thought it was concentrated coffee or something. *o*

Not warm coke, sorry, I mean.. heated coke? XD Is that the same? @w@


Mozzetti is offline
Old 01-19-2008, 02:13 AM

I hate gel. hahahha. I just leave my hair... normal? XD

it's never better to go to school! hahaha. The roads get SUPER slippery though. And with 2000+ kids driving.. there are always accidents. =P

I HATE winter. But snow days are fun. ;D
Does it even get.. cold where you live? XD

mix it and snort it. that's my motto. (:

Heated coke? Never done that. XD Have you? o;

YEAH! SHE DID. It's really cool. o;
Just wish it would work for me. xD

twizted child eve
twizted child eve is offline
Old 01-19-2008, 02:16 AM

Originally Posted by Anoni
@ Eve: I think I make more gold from fishing than posting these days. XD Ahh, the good ol' days where the only way to make gold was to post. :o Okay, they weren't so great. XDD

I'm going to make my kids play sports at the YMCA! Well, after I have kids. *cough* :lol:

I don't think I know all the names of the cheese I like. XDD There are so many. :o I pretty much like all the ones you've listed. ^^ Along with brie and camembert. I used to hate those because of the white stuff on the outside. XD Oh, and I like olde English cheese in my Subway subs XDD !
Aw. Hehe. I don't fish much. Dx I make my gold by posting still. xD

Awww. Yeah. It'd be fun for them probably.

I don't think I've had brie and camembert. I don't think I know what they are. xD

Mozzetti is offline
Old 01-19-2008, 03:50 AM

Sorry, left for a while. XD

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 01-19-2008, 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by Anoni

@ Creps: Hm, I wonder how much I've spent on commons! XD I never buy commons from the store because I'm a cheapass. :'D

You're mule is evil, don't buy a shirt for her! XD I think I traded off my mule's shirt a while back. *o* Oh well, he looks good enough in his gold boxers. XD I don't want to waste money dressing him up. :o I'd rather dress up my boyfriend's account. XD
Like the pink EGL corset? :o I thought it'd be sweet if I won that. XD I can't remember who got it, but I think it was a male. D: Do you have many girl items? XD I keep telling Mozz to change genders. 8D

I thought the wait was shorter for Gaia's Christmas event. :O I think the trick-or-treating thing screwed up for the Halloween event because there wasn't a wait time in the beginning. @w@
Ack, I hate trading on Gaia. It's so bothersome. XD I want to trade my hoards away to a mule but it's going to take a horribly long time. ;^; The trading system needs to be upgraded. :o 12 items per trade isn't much at all, and it sucks how the trade window only shows the first 800 items in your inventory. x.x;;

The Hermes Moon evolved again! :o I have no idea what it is though. XD It's some little white four legged creature with gold wings on it's head. @w@ I still can't guess what it'll turn into. XD
The WTF hats are funny. XD I love how you can make really retarded avatars on Gaia. 8D <3 I had fun opening all those OMG boxes as well. XD

I sorta feel sorry for him now.. XDD But I'm sure he'd be welcome back if he decided to act a little more mature and less greedy. @w@ A few more people entered for the gown, but I can't remember who ended up winning it. :o I didn't win anything again, but that's okay. XD <3 Channah donated everyone 1k! That's so nice. ;^; <333

If you think they're tainted, just pretend that they've been disinfected already because they're in your hands now. 8D That was a random but funny story! XDDD The scream masks look so funny. *o* Did you try licking the mask? Maybe that tastes like chocolate covered strawberries as well! 8D

There's no sniping rule for the auctions, right? :o Like if there's a bid in the last minute, the auctions will be extended by a few minutes or whatever? Although if there was a rule like that, the bids would just keep piling in. x.x;;

I hate suspense as well! :lol: *vein pops* XD

It's nice to know that I'm not the only person who thinks that then. XD And yeah, I did see that. :o That was totally random and uncalled for. XD For both Mozz and Galy. I was thinking of stepping in and saying something, but they had already handled the situation themselves. XD I can't go back in that thread anymore because I've been blacklisted, yay. 8D Along with Mozz because he defended me in the thread. XD But whatever, that issue's over. I'm happy as long as they both stay away from me and stop harassing my friends. P:
Lolzz, I always do for some reason XD I don't have the patience to wait for commons I like haha. During events I buy the event commons even if I don't like them XD

Lol awww poor mule XD I'll make sure to tell her you said that >_> <_< lolol
And ohh yeah, gold looks good by itself XD Doesn't your mule have a crown though? o: or is it ghosted? xD
Yeah, that would've been sweet xD purple puma got it.
The only female item I have are the panties xD I have lots of unisex items though so I still dress up sometimes xD Strangely enough though, ALL my shirts are male only. Actually, now that I think about it I don't think there are any unisex shirts xD;;

Hmm, maybe xD I wasn't there for the beginning of the halloween event, but I'm pretty sure it was 30 seconds, and a minute at xmas xD
The trading system sucks really badly over there... xD especially when you do multiple item trades for big items, wayyy too easy to get scammed .____.

And ohh, I like the new masks XD The hermes moon thing is strange o_____o looks like a kitty or something... xD The orindae looks retarded, though they'll probably make it something awesome at the end and I'll wish I'd have bought one now. But I won't because I'm stupid xD
Yeah haha, tons of funny items there XD I like the skeleton too. I love the pyramid head form on the WTF hat. I didn't get too many OMG boxes though. I lost so much money on those xD

Heh yeah, but I don't see that happening anytime soon XD
Uhh *goes to check* Seito won it, that's good, I was semi rooting for her xD
And yeah! I know XDD I was so surprised <33

Haha yeah, I have disinfecting powers...? xDD
Lol, uhhh that's okay, now that I think about it I'd rather not know what it tastes like xD

And yeah, but only as in you can't enter the auctions after that rule. But you can change what you're bidding on P:
Yeah,I think then it'd get too crazy xD A lot of people bid too late this time around o.o

XD at least it open tomorrow /curious
Er wait... we were talking about the boxes right? xD; I forget xD;;

Yeah, I saw that when mozz stuck up for you. I'm glad he did xD
and haha, galy seems to be able to know how to take care of herself xD
Hrmm... oh well, guess it doesn't matter that much.

Mozzetti is offline
Old 01-20-2008, 04:23 AM


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hope is offline
Old 01-20-2008, 06:30 PM

revives for you. :D

stay gold
Caroline is offline
Old 01-20-2008, 06:35 PM

Anoni ||
Awh. :<
I don't keep track of how much items are unless I want to buy something. xD; The crowns' prices are pretty varied in the auctions. You never know if they are going to go for 1.5k or 4k.

How much do you earn from fishing every day now? I haven't even tried it yet. I was saving for the V-Day belt when the game came out and I didn't want to lose gold when I was starting out, but now that I've won the belt, I should start fishing. :B

Lmaooo oh yeah, toilet paper is wayy sexy. I made it through about forty seconds of 2girls1cup. It's scary. D;

I think I always liked socks, haha. I refused to wear matching socks when I was little; I would always have two different brightly coloured socks on. XD Thanks again for the fishnets. <33 You are made of magic!

2222g of my total gold is reserved to pay for the belt I won. Still haven't received a trade for it yet. o.o; I'll need maybe 1k more for the Valentine's outfit I made, but that's still a while off so I'll probably spend it on other stuff. I bought the limited edition cake just now. :P Are you saving for anything?

Mozz ||

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 01-23-2008, 03:45 PM

*kicks thread* xD

stay gold
Caroline is offline
Old 01-24-2008, 11:43 AM


*sticks a band-aid on the thread in the spot where Creps kicked it*


Mozzetti is offline
Old 01-24-2008, 09:40 PM

Creps, you aren't wearing any red?!!?!?!

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 01-24-2008, 09:47 PM

nope P: I got tired of always having red and that spiky hair XD *points to siggy*

today is a very eventful day o.o

Mozzetti is offline
Old 01-24-2008, 10:00 PM

Ahh.. I see. =P

I can never find any hair styles that I like. D:

I was just about to make a new avatar with some of the new items.. And then I went to buy them at the store and remembered I didn't have any gold. hahahah. : DD

Why is today eventful? o _____o;;

stay gold
Caroline is offline
Old 01-25-2008, 04:28 PM

Geeez Creps, what a rebel! :B

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 01-25-2008, 07:27 PM

Mozz- Yeah, the male hairs here are kinda... weird D:
This one and the spiky one are the only ones I find decent xD

Lolol, nice xDDD
I'm only buying three of the new items lol, enough to make one outfit. A lot of them are really awesome XD Wpiffy avatar by the way o:

*punches caro* XD

stay gold
Caroline is offline
Old 01-26-2008, 07:58 AM

*DIES* D: D:

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 01-26-2008, 12:14 PM

T_____T *uses phoenix down on caro* xD

Rabbiteen is offline
Old 01-27-2008, 01:46 PM

I've been reborn as a mule from the flames! 8)

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 01-27-2008, 01:55 PM

XD *eats rabbit* your mule is hawt o:

Rabbiteen is offline
Old 01-27-2008, 02:13 PM

Thankss. ;D
My avi isn't wearing pants lolol. I am too poor on this account to buy bottoms and I didn't feel like spending the gold on my main that I'm saving for a Valentine's Day outfit. :'D

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 01-27-2008, 02:17 PM

XD That's okay lol, it's not really noticable xDD

I don't have any money saved up for vday, and I won't for a while xD Oh well lulz.

Why aren't you on your main anyway? o:

Rabbiteen is offline
Old 01-27-2008, 02:20 PM

You can probably still make a good outfit for V-Day though. I don't have that many red items. P:
I was fishing on this account, and I want to get it back up to 200g before I log out so I can buy bait tomorrow without having to donate from my main.

Ewww I accidentally used my main's posting style in that last post. It doesn't matchhh XD

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 01-27-2008, 02:30 PM

Haha yeah, like half my inventory is red items XD
I think so far I've only had one outfit that didn't have red in it P:

I put all my savings on my mule so I never have to worry about that XD

Lolz, I always use the same posting style... I can't be bothered to change for every outfit P:


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