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Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 07-09-2012, 01:04 AM


~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 07-10-2012, 10:10 PM

Gemini straightened up."are you ok Finx? what exactly happened in there?" she asked worriedly.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 07-11-2012, 02:47 PM

"Well hiko showed up and...well I had to kill him." Finx said clearly leaving something out. "i there something I'm missing?" Dracula asked "Nope." she wasn't a very good lier sometimes.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 07-11-2012, 05:37 PM

Jared looked around. "I think I get the big picture. Dracula, gemini, shut up and leave her alone. "he said.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 07-11-2012, 11:27 PM

"YOu think you get a lot of things." Finx said "And don't go telling them to shut up you shut up."

Gemini is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 02:42 AM

Gemini sighed."please, don't fight.while I don't enjoy being told to shut up, I wasn't going to press the issue.if Finx feels like not telling what happened, I'm not going to make her.sometimes people want to keep things to themselves." She said reasonably.usually she would have gotten angry that he told her to shut up, but right then she was tired, and very, very thirsty.she could feel the energy draining from her as the baby inside her moved and grew.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 03:13 AM

Jared sighed, and tossed Gemini a Blood Pack "here. you look like your ready to drop "He said.

Gemini is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 03:22 AM

Gemini caught the packet, a look of stark relief on her face."thank you." She breathed before draining the bag in one gulp."I've never been so thirsty...I had no idea carrying a vampire baby was so difficult." She said when she finished.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 04:35 AM

Jared handed her two more "Trust me. When you get raised with a Psychotic Brother, A Sister who used to freeze your ass for the hell of it, and Are in love with a girl who will chop off your Man-hood for giggles, you learn to be prepared for that sort of thing.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 06:04 PM

"i don't giggle I evil laugh." Finx protested smirking slightly. "Gigglings for little girls not for pychotic evil people."

((psst gem check out my signature picture.))

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 07-12-2012, 11:28 PM

"Who care's! you'd still chop off my ball's, and have fun doing so "He said.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 12:23 AM

"It's true I would enjoy that but I don't feel like it." Finx said dracula looked at her then looked around "No pigs flying, no fire raining down...wierd." finx rolled her eyes but that was it "Who are you?"

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 12:37 AM

Jared laughed, but then the sound of fighting was heard. Jared looked out the window. Nemisis was fighting what looked like Vampire-hunter's. it was a 5-1 fight.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 12:43 AM

"Hunters...finx are you hyberventilating?" Dracula asked worried she was in deed hyperventilating "All right you and gemini stay here out of sight. Gemini make sure she doesnt pass out. Come on jared lets go help wolf boy."

Gemini is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 03:09 AM

((I know, I saw're right, they're adorable!))
Gemini finished the two blood bags quickly, and turned to Finx."are...are you ok? Can we go sit down, maybe?" She asked.

Last edited by Gemini; 07-13-2012 at 03:53 AM..

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 05:17 PM

"He said they would be here but i didn't believe him I should have just let him..." Finx was clearly talking to herself.

((I know just want to dip them in my chocolate milk and eat them up.))

Gemini is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 05:40 PM

Gemini was getting concerned."Finx,what are you talking about? let who do what? who said who was coming?" she asked, making sure not to touch the girl,because that always led to pain.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 07-13-2012, 07:53 PM

Jared looked a gemini, before he left, and did a face-palm "Are you kidding me? If you can't even notice it now, when she made so clear.....It's no wonder you and my brother fight alot. You NEVER get the big picture! "he said, and sent out fire towards the hunter, and ran out.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 07-15-2012, 01:31 AM

"He really thinks he knows whats going on doesn't he." Finx stated glaring after jared "But he doesn't know anything."

Gemini is offline
Old 07-15-2012, 03:07 AM

Gemini bristled."how dare he insult my intelligence! that is the reason I fight with Markus, not because I don't understand, but because every male in that family is a chauvinist pig who thinks I'm unintelligent! He knows nothing." She hissed."what really is happening, Finx?"

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 07-16-2012, 01:14 AM

"It's not important now." finx said determination in her voice.

Gemini is offline
Old 07-18-2012, 02:24 AM

Gemini threw her hands in the air."fine! Since you're determined to shut everyone out and refuse help, I'll just leave it be until you do want help.I'm pregnant, anyway.I don't need the stress." She said, then doubled over in pain as the baby kicked."Gah! Strong little one..." she wheezed.

Most shy away from conflict. I e...
Andraus is offline
Old 07-18-2012, 02:59 AM

Jared came in, and shook ash off him. He then cast a heated look over a gemini. "It's a wonder why my Brother love's you. You two are Polar Opposite's. "He said. then got smacked by Nemisis

Nemisis growled "Look, Though I don't agree with her ethic's sometime's, i know she's trying to think what's best. Cool it. "He said.

Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 07-18-2012, 11:59 PM

Finx pushed jared out of her way as she helped dracula in "Not as young as i use to be." he wheezed "You should be more carefull if you die we all die." she scolded "yes mother. OW!" finx smacked him over the head.

Gemini is offline
Old 07-20-2012, 04:33 AM

((Andraus, I NEED TO KNOW where you got that moon in your avi!!!!))
Gemini started to laugh but it quickly turned into a gasp and a wheeze.clearly the child was acting up and it was hurting her."I think I need to lay down..." she wheezed.


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