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Krendanya is offline
Old 10-14-2009, 03:47 PM

The Host does start out that way, but I thought twilight was boring at first too, it seems to take a bit of reading to really get into her writing, but the end result is good and the ending to The Host is a good one for the type of storyline it had.

My all time favorite books that I have read multiple times would be "The Wayfarer Redemption", its a series of six books (three that go together and then three more that go together and connect with the first three) by Sara Douglass. I have read almost all of her fantasy books and she is good. (Beware: Some adult content -not romance novel type but more than twilight had)

Also if you can wrap your mind around and put up with some political squandry that can get very confusing, I would suggest Elizabeth Haydon's "Rhapsody" Series. (Also some adult content, same as above). The story is amazing and well worth the read.

I have more suggestions (more Young reader or less) if anyone is curious.

falling up
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Old 10-17-2009, 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by Lady Mikazuki View Post
I love Cirque du Freak too!!!!:P I have not read all of them all yet. :( And there is a manga!!!! where do they sell that??? Also there making it into a movie.
I started with the 12th [last] book!!! I got the manga from borders...
Its a real breath taking story though it gets boring every once in a while!
which book are you currently reading? I know I was seriously furious when I watched the was depressing...Madam Octa is RED AND BLUE like spider man DX but i'm gonna watch the movie...weird huh?

JazzPunk is offline
Old 10-19-2009, 12:10 AM

The books im reading is Fearless. I'm only half way through but its really good. Its about a girl in a prison type school and tries to escape and find her parents.

Then the manga I also love Hana-Kimi, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Barajou no Kiss. They range from love to fighting to supernatural. They are awesome!

Now with pants!
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Old 10-21-2009, 04:12 AM

A couple of good books are Good Omens, by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman, Johannes Cabal the Necromancer (Dunno who it's by), and The Knife of Never Letting Go (dunno the author of this on either)

The first one is really really funny and awesome in everyway, its by my two favourite authors.

The second one is fantasy/ a little horror and its pretty funny too, in a morbid way.

The last one is more for teens, unlike the other two which are adult books, and is fantasy/si fi. It's about a kid on another planet who lives in a very sheltered town where everyone can hear everyone elses thoughts, and all the woman are mysteriously missing.

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Old 10-22-2009, 03:13 AM

If anyones interested in good mystery/suspense books i recomend anything by John Saul
i started with Black Creek Crossing and ive been hooked on his books ever since.
i think they're really good books if youre into novels or good mysteries=3

Another that might appeal to horror readers would be House by Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker.
its on the more of the twisted-make-you-figure-things-out kind of horror book but its really good too=3

Shadow Elm
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Old 10-22-2009, 04:30 AM

I would recommend three books not seen around much Shadowland by Peter Straub. Stage Fright by Garrett Boatman. and for those that like crime novels Predators by Daina Graziunas and Jim Starlin. Other then that I would say The Dark Tower Series by Stephen king. would give you an overview of them but i would do them little justice.

Shadow Elm
Shadow Elm is offline
Old 10-22-2009, 04:31 AM

black creek crossing huh? I just put that in my soon to read pile. I will get right on that then

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Old 10-22-2009, 10:03 PM

Yea its a good book
lol mi mom saw me talk about john saul she recomends Nathaniel also
but that one kinda starts off slow and starts to build up around the 6-7th chapter but its also a good read :)

The Celestrium
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Old 10-23-2009, 12:19 AM

I you like books with magic in them, you'll like books by Micheal Scott. the Alchemist, is the first in the trilogy and it focuses on Nicholas Flamel and in my opinion, these books are better than harry potter.

Remiem is offline
Old 10-23-2009, 03:57 AM

I keep a list of books that I wish to read handy when ever I go to the library, but I've noticed lately that my list has been dwindling, fast. I usually go online to search for more books I might enjoy, but I'm coming up empty. I enjoy mostly fantasy. I've always enjoyed books about the Fae, Werewolves, Shapshifters, or Vampires (though not so much vampires anymore, the hype is giving me backlash), but I'm not limited to just that. I also love horror books and I'm not very into non-fiction, but if the story is good, I might give it a try.

Does anyone have any idea's to add to my disappearing list?

Krendanya is offline
Old 10-23-2009, 04:20 AM

Try tamora pierces "The Song of the Lioness" its not fae, werewolves, shapeshifters or vampires but its awesome and an easy read.
Fyi, look for other threads for that kind of thing, they are everywhere. (No joke, there is a description of this series in one of them)
Good luck with your search ^_^

Syonara is offline
Old 10-23-2009, 04:49 AM

Humour, Adventure, Small bit of romance


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Old 10-23-2009, 02:06 PM

Laszlo: The Count Dracula
Dragonlance Chronicles
Star Wars: Bounty hunter wars
The Looking Glass wars
The Red Queen
The Last Unicorn
The Vampire Lestat
Anne Rice's Vampire Novels

I put the K in "Misspelling"

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Knerd is offline
Old 10-23-2009, 02:21 PM

Remiem, I've gone ahead and merged your thread with our Book Recommendations sticky. I'm sure that you'll find plenty of good suggestions in here. :yes:

Remiem is offline
Old 10-23-2009, 11:27 PM

Alright. ^^ Thank you. I'm already filling up my new list. :D

CrazyLady is offline
Old 10-24-2009, 02:26 AM

Mostly every thing i read is manga but i do read other books.

Antolia story
Half Prince
Dark Possesion (not manga also not for people under the age of 18)

Ouran High school hostclub
Sokora refugees
Wall flower

Tenderness(not a manga)


1/2 Prince
Sokora refugees
Drangonology(not a manga)

Gosebumps(not manga)

Honestly there are so much more if you tell me in pm what taste you prefere i can give you a good list. Unless its mystery im not really a fan, i can only recomend Harry Potter in that case.

PockyXPainties is offline
Old 10-24-2009, 02:54 PM

Personally, I would recomend the Night world series.
There are three books to the series, and each of them have three stories in them.
They All relate to magic, Or something unatural, But you wont be able to stop reading them!
I couldnt put the books down,
and the authors writing is great.
Id say the grade level is around 8th-12th
These Books Have Romance And thrills!

ANd an author Id recommend is Lurlene McDaniel
She Is such a deep writer.
Her stories all pretty much all sad and trigger emotions. You wont understand until you read them, But i havent met a person who did not like her books, even the boys at my school found themselfs choking up.
Some of them are romance others arnt, you just have to look.
I own a few of her many books.

Other Books i would recommend is The Book Crank, ANd glass.
they both go to gether, cranck is the first book, glass is the second. These litterally are a drug, and theres no happy ending , sorry to say. The author is Ellen Hopkins, these books i recomend the most out of all of these. But WARNING some of the content is not suitable for all. (drugs, sex, and Alchol.) And above all drugs, Yes thats where the titles come from. Ellen hopkins writes these stories from her daughters experience. You can usually find these two books at your school, or pubilic library. They are Very popular.
Well, hope I helped.

Last edited by PockyXPainties; 10-24-2009 at 03:03 PM..

arisofsky is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 01:35 AM

Elantris by Brandon Sanderson --> in fact, anything by him is fantastic and SOOOO different from any other fantasy book i've read.
The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind ---> excellent philisophical fantasy.
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare ---> awesome series

anything by James Rollins. He clearly does his research and twists crazy scientific discoveries/facts into a full blown adventure story. anyone interested should read his Sigma Force series. EXCELLENT BOOKS

Peeps and The Last Days by Scott Westerfield. ---very interesting take on vampires, good vs evil, etc

Last edited by arisofsky; 10-26-2009 at 01:41 AM..

Is a Happy Hooker! XD
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Old 10-26-2009, 02:22 AM

Anne Rice I love her stuff
Robert Jorden
Kushiel series
Faerie Wars..........I could probaly go on for like ever
Garth Nix, his stuff is awsome, on more than one book I lost sleep cause I just had to finish it, I love his Seven Keys series...I tihnk that's what it's called....Starts with Mister Monday
I could probaly litteraly go on for ever on all the books I've read or the authors I love
not to mention Tolkien, I'm working on getting his whole series, I had some before, but they either got stolen, or lost.

Ying is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 03:12 AM

I would highly recommend

Steven Erikson - Malazan, Book of the Fallen. I'm on the 6th book now.. it's such an entertaining stories, but quite a lot of characters to remember.

Also, Scott Lynch.. Locke Lamora series.. funny in a gentlemen way.. a very good read. Just finished the 2nd book.. can't wait for the 3rd one..

Patrick Rothfuss.. the Kingkiller Chronicle, this is my favorite, once I've read it.. I can't put the book down.. it is sooo good. The first one titled "The Name of the Wind". Now waiting for the 2nd, The Wise Man's Fear.

James Clemens - Godslayer series. Shadowfall and Hinterland. Waiting for the 3rd book.. sigh.. it's been so long.

Tom Lloyd - Twilight Reign series. interesting read as well.

Robin Hobb - The Farseer Trilogy, The Liveship Traders trilogy (I haven't read it yet, but I know it's good), and Tawny Man trilogy.

I love author that uses rhetoric in his/her writings. It's very entertaining. :)

Have fun reading!!

Styx-and-Stones is offline
Old 10-26-2009, 03:41 AM

We by Yezvgeny Zamyatin is a great read.

It's originally translated from Russian and has only recently been able to be in print there (it was banned from Russia, which is a good indication that its a pretty darn good read)

Anyways. We is about a mathmetician named D-503 who lives in the "One State", a combination of all the countries in the world, which is ruled by the Benefactor. By coincidence he meets a woman named I-330 and she makes him realize that he has a soul, a "sickness" as he calls it...

*Whew* Long post.

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Old 10-26-2009, 05:39 AM

I would recomend Old Magic by Marianne Curley

This book is about a young girl whose mother had abandoned her at her grandmothers and her grandmother is a witch. She's in highschool and not popular, but when a new kid comes to school, she falls for him over time, originally interested in him by a curse that is on him and his family and the fact that seriously horrid things keep happening around him. They go back in time to the medieval period and try to find the person who had placed the curse on his family and break it.

Earth Maiden Fallon
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Old 10-28-2009, 02:15 PM

If you're a christian, I suggest reading a book called In His Steps. It's really good. It's about a group of people that take a pledge to do nothing without first asking the question, what would Jesus do? And then acting accordingly. It shows how the choices they make change not only their lives, but the lives of others around them.

Tenshi is offline
Old 10-29-2009, 05:47 AM

I'm not afraid to admit, I LOVE to read! I do have specific books that I love, and favorite authors. I love James Patterson, Tami Hoag, Stephanie Meyer, L.J. Smith, J.K. Rowling, the list goes on I've always loved to read, but it seems I'm running out of books.

I love Mystery/horror/ scfi books, any suggestions for good books?

James Patterson:
All of the Cross Books.
All of the Womens Murder Club Books.
All of the Beach house books.

Tami Hoag:


Valka is offline
Old 10-29-2009, 05:51 PM

I suggest you, read Terry Pratchett books, Discworld ones.


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