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Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-28-2012, 01:15 AM

Just as Marquet finished his dinner it began to rain. At first it was just a mere drizzle so there was no need for the crew to get below deck, but then it started to all fall down at once. The pirate stood up and glanced at the crew as best he could through the rain. "I'll be in my quarters. We move tomorrow. I suppose you all go below deck and get some rest." He said, turning his back on them and heading up the steps until he was by the rudder. He stared at it for a moment, remembering that he had already had someone throw in the anchor hours before. And with that he went into his quarters for the night.

As the crew started to leave Scarlett started to cry. It was raining, so it's not like anyone could tell. The raindrops were sharp and cold on her now freezing skin. She had already been wet from swimming earlier, but now she was soaked to the bone. Her dark curls were flat against her face and her dress seemed to cling to the planks around her.

She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes to try and ignore the pain she was feeling. Hopefully she would die tonight. Then she would be of no use to the crew and they would have to throw her body overboard. Then no one would get the filthy treasure and she would die on her own terms, not theirs. She glanced up at the remaining pirates and sighed softly to herself. True, they could not tell she was crying, but they could see the sadness on her face. She quickly looked to the ground.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-28-2012, 03:38 AM

Fenris silently moved to help put dinner away. It was best to save as much food as possible, and no one liked water-logged bread in the morning. Once he was finished, he bid the captain a good night and returned to the table that was still sitting on deck. His gray eyes took in the sorry sight of Scarlett bound to the mast . . . and Laiden as he sat still.

The rain hid Scarlett's tears just as it soothed Laiden's pounding skull. Everything hurt. The bruises on his face were an angry purple and red now, and his arm was still tweaked. It hadn't been set. It would need to be . . . and now that it had been uncountable hours, it would be worse.

Somehow, he didn't care. Joseph let the rain pelt him as he stared at the table. He didn't look sad, he just looked . . . empty. The boy's dark hair clung to his features, making him look even worse. It wasn't long before he allowed his forehead to rest against the wooden surface before him.

Fenris approached. He nudged Laiden's good arm, hoping to rouse the boy. It didn't take much to find out that Joseph had lost consciousness. He finally just turned to the numbness inside, letting his weariness overtake him. "Back to the bunk for you, boy." That was one good thing about taking care of him. Laiden could potentially return to his usual self. Hopefully, he would.

With a glance back to Scarlett's soaked form, Fenris helped Joseph stand. The teen wavered uncertainly, and looked as though he were sleepwalking, but managed to keep his footing on the wet planks. "It will all be over soon," Fenris muttered. It was meant for Scarlett, but . . . Laiden as well. Everything would come to an end, be it happy or sad.

For once, he hoped it was good. This was becoming something twisted. Fenris turned his thoughts elsewhere as he lead Laiden down to the crew sleeping area. Laiden would once again be wearing a shackle on his good arm. It would be attached to none other than Fenris himself. And that was after the boy was fixed up.

It was minutes before a fresh set of clothing had been found for each of them. It was time to get changed and dry off . . . and take care of Joseph's arm. "This is going to hurt, boy." Laiden didn't respond. Not until a resounding, brutal crack filled his senses with fire.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-28-2012, 03:52 AM

Scarlett heard Fenris' words just barely as the rain pelted down on the ship. She gave a slight nod. Yes, She would be over soon. When she saw that Marquet had blew his candle out in his quarters, she was relieved. That meant that tonight he would leave her be. She closed her eyes and started to think of how she had hurt Laiden. She wanted so badly to tell him she had been lying.. But it would only hurt him more when she was killed.

She began to cry again, shivering in the cold rain that poured over her chained body. From the coldness of it all her body had gone numb, which Scarlett accepted greatly. With her body numb she could barely feel any of the pain. But alas, she could not sleep. Rain used to be so comforting to her but now it was what was keeping her awake. It was a constant reminder that 'Women like her' don't deserve sleep.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-28-2012, 05:44 AM

Codette nibbled the tinyest amount of fish. She payed the food so little attention that she didn't notice when it was moved. The rain fell, and poured, and seemed to cleanse Codettes mind. Coming to her senses, she watched as Fenris took Laiden to the bunks. The girl sat, drenched with rain until every pirate had left. "I don't know what to do Scarlett." The redhead could barely be heard over the rain. "I dont know how to help, how to make anything better. I don't even know whose side I'm on." Codette laid down on the bench and stared at the sky. After a few minutes she sighed. 'Everything was easier when Fenris hated me and I was a simple navigator and map maker.' She thought to herself.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 07-28-2012, 03:14 PM

((T___T Es doesn't want to say this, but she's going to be gone for a few days. D: I don't have time to post right now, either!! *cry* So sorry! I hope your camping trip goes well, Codette. <3 We won't move all too far without you. This means Es has a chance to get things moving in another thread. LOL))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 07-28-2012, 03:38 PM

((thats okay Es ^.^ *hugs* ))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 07-28-2012, 03:49 PM

((Kay, see you all when you get back (: ))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 08-08-2012, 07:25 PM

(I'm back baby! ^.^)

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-08-2012, 09:04 PM

((How was the trip? (: ))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 08-09-2012, 03:19 AM

(So much fun :) how where you while I was gone?)

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-09-2012, 03:28 AM

((Well I'm currently on my vacation <3 So it's been pretty fun as well. :3 ))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 08-09-2012, 02:51 PM

(awesome ^.^ I wonder when Es is done her break)

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 08-09-2012, 06:44 PM

((Hi everyone! I'm just gonna butt in here like I'm soo good at doing!! Wheeeeeeeee!!!!))

Seated atop the captain's quarters was a figure that had become nothing but a ghost to the crew. She stood out in the rain, watching over the girl on the mast. If anyone was going to free her, now would be the perfect time. They were docked after all. The display of betrayal... Meteel could see right threw it. Because she herself was a woman. Though most of her life was spent becoming the opposite sex. She was low on the roof, becoming just another part. Most would not notice her if they were not looking. But then again Meteel was not hiding as well as she could have been.

Her hair was tied back, all but two strands in which clung to her face from the rain. Her clothing was a shear and loose white, but underneath was a more bold fabric that cling to her features. Covering what needed to be covered. Her bottoms were a pair of shorts with the same shear fabric draped over. Followed by a pair of flat sandals. What made Meteel stick out was the amount of gold she wore. Like the west, her people showed wealth threw fancy stones and metals. She had decorative plates lining her chest to create a halter top. Bracelets, rings, and even the hilt of her sword was laced in gold. Of course, what she wore was her only wealth.

Everyone retired to their bunks and room. With the exception of their navigator. interested... Meteel thought to herself. Over the past few weeks she had heard whispers, Rumors if you will. There was a small band, more beside the boy trying to free the girl. Treasure meant nothing to Meteel. She was loyal to one though. And she would see fit he knew of every dirty secret. She just honestly hoped they could leave on schedule tomorrow. The longer they sat on ports, the more uneasy she became.

Slowly Meteel made her way down to the upper deck. In front of the door that lead to the Captains quarters. Getting closer to the words Codette spoke. Would she be caught? Probably. Meteel was not sneaking after all. But she stood just above the bench she rested on. Hearing the last line. Meteel was a trained assassin after all. But jump on it? No. Instead she continued down the stairs. Silent footsteps, but making her presence known.

"Miss Codette.. you shall catch a cold if you say out here longer." Meteel said to her. Her accent was a dead give away where she was from. Was Meteel trying to just get Codette to go away, of coarse! Night watch was far easier to do without a person who did not know who owned this ship hanging around.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 08-11-2012, 01:54 AM

Codette jerked and sat up at the sound of a voice. Looking around, her eyes narrowed on the female form. "Miss Mateel. Where have you been hiding?" The redhead didn't trust the other girl. Something about her shouted that she had more secrets then Scarlett, Codette, and Fenris combined. "I'm not to worried about falling ill. I'm pretty resilient."
Spinning her body to stand up beside the table she sighed. "Actually I don't mind the rain. Few people are foolish enough to spend time out in the rain. Less so if they know they wont be alone with their thoughts."

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 05:39 AM

"I have not been hiding. Everyone has simply failed to notice me." Meteel answered Codette's question. Stepping towards the side of the ship. Not too far from the girl before turning and leaning against the railing. Meteel went on to act as if Scarlett was just a part of the mast. Not a person there. But, so did most of the men on board. She chucked a bit when Codette mentioned she was resilient. Not chuckling at the woman, but more so at a funny thought. She paused a moment figuring out the translation in her mind. "Many believe ze(the) one cobra will not kill them, and zey(they) continue to believe after zeir(their) death." She said. Just a quote she ad obviously heard growing up. It was funny, the 'th' sound to Meteel was something she could never fully pronounce.

"You can zink(think) with all this noise?" She said raising an eyebrow, looking up to the sky for a bit. Of coarse the only sounds were the gentle rain, and the rocking of the waves. All calming, but not to Meteel. She was simply ready to continue on their way again. Not that most of the crew knew about her spoke contract with their Captain.

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 08:07 PM

Codette laughed softly. "Fair enough." She closed her eyes against the rain. "Yes, but I'm not stupid enough to take on a Cobra. This is a little rain. With the right precautions I'll be fine." The redhead walked towards the shrouds. Wrapping her arms around the netted rope, she kept herself steady. "Theres no noise. A little rain and everyone runs for cover." she shook her head. "The rain has never bothered me." Codette looked over to Mateel. "But by the sounds of it, you find the noise bothersome?" She raised a graceful eyebrow.

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 08-12-2012, 08:42 PM

"It rarely rains in ze(the) desert... Just wind." Meteel explained slightly. She was a very resilient person. Able to live in the desert without food or water for days. Oddly enough, she caught a few colds being out in the rain. It was a difference in climate that caused this. "I believe I am going to head in for ze night. A pleasure speaking with you." Meteel said. She was lying of coarse, but threw her heavy accent, many would not notice. In truth she was just going to return to her watch spot. She walked below deck, and climbed back out of the porthole. Staying hidden she watched the deck for the night. Completely out of sight.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 08-13-2012, 05:26 AM

Fenris looked over at Laiden again. Due to their current predicament of being chained together, the boy was sleeping on the floor beside Fenris' bunk. With his back turned to Fenris, the room remained tense. The sounds of the crew as they took of wet clothes and talked loudly filled their ears. Fenris' gray eyes stayed on the teen as the noise began to die a good half an hour later. The rain was pouring by that time, drowning out most words anyway.

Leaning down, the dark-skinned male sighed. He hesitated before reaching down and resting his hand on Laiden's head. Judging by the lack of response, the boy was asleep. "I never should have come with Julian." His whisper lacked the usual steadfast anger or confidence that they usually conveyed. "This ship will be the death of you." And my humanity. Or what was left of it.

Fenris slowly lifted his hand away from Joseph's head. "We shouldn't be here."


When Fenris' bunk creaked under his weight, Laiden opened his eyes. The dampness of the air and the thundering of the rain made him shiver. Scarlett was out in that. Even if she had been using him, she didn't deserve that.

His blue eyes stared into the darkness. Joseph desperately wanted to believe that Scarlett was lying. He wanted to believe that she needed his help again, that she'd been truly in love with him. So . . . that was a lie? Another sting bit him. Bitterness welled up in the back of his throat.

I love you, Joseph.

Lies. All of it was a lie. If his arm hadn't been sore, Laiden would have rolled over. How could he stop thinking about this? Scarlett had been the one thing on his mind ever since he stepped foot onto the ship. She'd changed him, even if she'd been using him. Joseph remembered what it was like to have a friend - besides Fenris.

He'd grown. He'd improved. And then he'd been discarded like an ink-blotched paper. Laiden frowned at the dark. She showed me the map.

Puppy love?

Was that what it all was?


Fenris watched Laiden's still form. It wasn't long before the tell-tale sign of restlessness caught his attention. Silly boy. Gray eyes closed. It didn't matter. Scarlett was captured. They would find the treasure - and they would get the map. In the morning . . . he would get the map from Joseph. He felt . . . bad about hurting the boy, but . . . perhaps the child would give up what they needed after what Scarlett had said.

With his arm near the edge of his bunk, Fenris finally felt sleep tug at him.

((And they're both sleeping. ))

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-13-2012, 12:47 PM

((I'll wait till everyone else goes to sleep before I make a morning post :3 ))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 08-13-2012, 08:37 PM

Codette smiled as Mateel left. The woman was unnerving, but she was just a woman. Her smile slipped away as she gazed on Scarlett. How to, or if she could still help the girl, Codette was unsure. With an angry sigh at herself she spun away and headed below deck. She looked at the sleeping crew as she passed, her eyes finding and settling on Fenris and Laiden. She went to her bunk and quickly changed to avoid getting sick. Plain, mid-calf leather trousers and a white peasants top went on. Her corset dripping over an edge. She hoped it would dry by morning. Sitting in her cot, she curled her body into a ball, remembering she had given her blanket to Scarlett when the girl was inprisioned. Knowing restlessness and nightmares awaited her, Codette slowly drifted to a peace-less sleep.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 08-13-2012, 08:50 PM

Julian slowly awoke from his slumber and peered around his quarters. The sun was just starting to come into his windows. Now would be the time to wake up the crew. He stood up and stretched, yawning softly and then slipping on some black pants and a long sleeved white shirt. He then slipped on his boots and headed out the door.

" He called, standing by the rudder. He looked over at Scarlett looked very pale and was still soaked to the bone from last nights storm. "Tonight I'll move you back to the cell. You've gotten your punishment." He stated, watching as she slowly looked up at him. She looked very weak so he would have someone tend to her once everyone was up.

Scarlett had just fallen asleep when she heard Marquets cabinet door open. She slowly looked up at him, her eyes seeing double from how sick she felt. She was shivering, and her head was pounding horribly bad. At Marquets words of moving her down to the cell she nodded slowly. "Than- thank you." She whispered, coughing. Everything seemed to spin and the sun was just too bright today. What was wrong with her? How bad had she been hit on the head?

I am the kinda person that runs ...
Triquetra is offline
Old 08-13-2012, 09:07 PM

Alan was seated in a tavern. In front of him was a line about fifteen long. News had gotten out that there was a doctor in town, and of coarse everyone jumped at the chance to be scene and helped. The most common was the nutrution. Alan could not perform any complicated things, so advice was all he was charging for. And boy had he filled pockets already. So much so, he bought a round of drinks for the bar, and that did not cost much at all. Today though, he was to try something different. He had been invited to joined on board a ship. They had no doctor, and recently almost lost someone important.

His line got down and was done before he was able to pack up and head towards the docks. On a piece of paper was the name of the ship he was to serve on. Looking up, he admired the beauty. Though smaller than he though, it was still a beauty. Alan was dressed sharply. Nothing over the top, but it was obvious he was educated. And being a doctor more people would rather have his help than his money. Every once in a while he would be mugged, but normally he was give them a small bag of coin to ease their greed. The rest he would hide.

He stepped on board the ship, seeing the crew waking for the first time that morning. His hair was on the longer side, but well groomed. In his hand was a very large bag. It held both his medical tools, and everything else he needed. His shiet was long sleeved and loose fitting. But a brown vest clung to his body and defined his lean form. A simple pair of brown pants and leather shoes completed his simple outfit. Alan was handsome.


Meteel joined everyone on the deck. Although she had been up all night, it had not even bothered her. She seemed well-rested. Her clothing was dry already. Slowly she made her way past the captain, stopping for a brief second. "Nothing to report Sir." And with that she stepped away to the side.

See you later, Cole. "How do you...
Esmme is offline
Old 09-20-2012, 06:49 PM

Fenris was, as always, looking rather moody that morning. At his side, Laiden stood in silence. They both looked bothered by one another's presence, which was a rare sight. Recently, though. . . .

Grey eyes locked on the shore for a while. The crew was getting up, readying the ship, and preparing for the next step of their journey. Julian's voice made Fenris sigh. Was he making the right choices? It sure didn't feel like it.

As the doctor, Alan, stepped on board, Fenris shook his head. He'd told himself that he would have Joseph checked. His dislocated shoulder was back in place, but . . . well, it was best if he was checked.

"Doctor," Fenris' gruff voice was louder than the chatter of the crew (for once). The silver-haired male caught Alan's attention as he stepped closer. Joseph, chained at the wrist, had no choice but to follow. "Can I have a moment of your time?"


Laiden felt the tug of the cuff, and followed it numbly. His blue eyes slowly made their way to Scarlett. She was slumped against the mast, looking too weak to move. The sight made his throat tighten, despite what she'd said to him.

"Your not needed anymore, I- I don't need you anymore."

The memory echoed in his mind uncontrollably. She'd been kidding. Lying. She had to. Joseph took a step toward the dark-haired girl, and felt a tug at his good wrist. No, he couldn't go anywhere without Fenris. He sent a final glance to Scarlett before allowing himself to be pulled along after Fenris.

Katie Scarlett Divine
"Life never favored weakness. On...
Katie Scarlett Divine is offline
Old 09-22-2012, 01:36 AM

Her vision blurred, but she could still make out Josephs appearance clearly. "Joseph!" She said excitedly, then bit her tongue. NO, Scarlett. Let him live. Her mind screamed. She looked away as he was tugged along. Why couldn't she just be like every other girl and be with whoever you choose, and live for as long as your supposed too. Why did she have to be that one girl that would be killed in just a few weeks?

((Sorry its short >.< ))

The One and Only

Codette is offline
Old 09-22-2012, 07:30 AM

Codette was awake and in a terrible mood. Her corset was still damp, as was her hair, and she feared she had developed the beginning of a flu. "Don't get sick Codette. Sickness on a boat means death." She muttered to herself. Taking a risk, Codette decided to just tie her hair up, and go up on deck without her corset. Her white shirt billowed about her in the wind.

Looking over, Codette noticed a man coming on board. They refereed to him as doctor. interesting. she thought, tying knots. Codette was curious as to what Fenris was asking the doctor, and she hoped he'd get a chance to look at Laiden and Scarlett. This two.needed aid. The redhead caught herself watching Fenris carefully. After everything that happened, perhaps she should keep her distance for a bit.

((Es! I love your siggy! With Fenris and Codette ^.^))


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