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WherededIGo is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 02:48 PM

I love it when it goes fast. Its easier to play.
When it lags for me, it speeds up, slows and speeds up at random intervals, so its no fun and always gets me killed.

Yes I do celebrate Easter. DO you?

Yaunie13 is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:10 PM

Not anymore, really. Except for when my little brother's involved. Then maybe we decorate some eggs. And if my mom decides to cook, we might make an Easter pie or we might buy some peeps and other goodies.

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:12 PM

Good Morning (slowly becoming afternoon) everyone. How's it going?

Aerinn is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:14 PM

*receives a ping straight in the head* Heyyy! What gives!? :illgetu:

Juuust kidding~ :heart:
What's up, Wher?

Yaunie13 is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:14 PM

Hello, Sho ^^ I'm alright, how are you doing?

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:15 PM

I'm doing quite well thank you. Hoping to get to this egg collecting since I didn't get a chance to yesterday. o.o

Morning Aerinn

Yaunie13 is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:20 PM

I understand. I'm trying to get all of the EI's: I've gotten two. So I'm just posting and chatting my way to victory >.< It's been fun so far, though

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:22 PM

That's the way to do it right? Yeah, that's always the best part of events. It get you chatting with people. I'm really bad at getting myself to chat around the site when there isn't an event going on.

Aerinn is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:23 PM

Hello, Sho. :D

I got three of the four eggies in the Event Store last night. I'm super duper close to getting my last one. Like. Seriously. I'll probably get it in a few minutes. :sweat:

Yaunie13 is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:25 PM

Well, I'm only 10 posts away from getting my third so, I'm excited!

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:27 PM

Ack, I'm jealous. With this post I'm only up to 4 eggs. o.o;;;

Yaunie13 is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:29 PM

So then chat! Here I'll start off a topic: Have you played any video games recently?

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:31 PM

Let's see, the most recent video games I've played are Uncharted 3 and Skyrim.

Yaunie13 is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:32 PM

Cool! I've always wanted to check out Skyrim. Isn't it an MMO?

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:35 PM

It's unfortunately not, but I think it would make a really amazing MMO. It's just a one person fantasy RPG. I really love it for the open world, and the ability to choose sides and be whoever you want to be. For instance my character is an Elven mage who never gets into trouble, and my sister made a Khajit (that's a cat man) who is a thief and assassin. We also both picked to serve the opposing leaders in the game.

Yaunie13 is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 03:44 PM

Oh, I just heard it was similar to Final Fantasy XI and XIV. That's why I thought it was an MMO. They even have elven (called Elvaan on XI and on XIV it's called Elezen) and a cat lady (called a Mithra on XI and on XIV it's called Miquo'te).


Have you ever heard of the stupid fight between WoW and FFXI? I think people still fight about which one's better. Personally I don't think it should matter which one's better. They should just play whatever game they like and have fun. Some people are way to passionate and competitive about their games. I guess those are what they call 'hardcore gamers'



Momma to the Crazies!

llonka is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 04:01 PM

Hai!! just stopping by to say hello, think we are going to put up a mailbox. be back later! you can ping me again so i don't forget to come back. :lol:

Yaunie13 is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 04:06 PM

Hello, llonka

Aerinn is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 04:18 PM

I've heard a lot about Skyrim, but I'm bad with 360-degree-view-first-person games like that. It makes my head hurt. D:

The most recent game I've played is The World Ends With You (I know, it's kind of old, but I wanted to finish all the secret reports in it). I got Kid Icarus: Uprising last week but I don't have 3DS to play it yet, ironically...

Yaunie13 is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 04:36 PM


What do you mean? You have a 3DS game but no 3DS?


Just got my third egg, now I'm pushing for the 4th

Sho-Shonojo is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 04:57 PM

Oh, well Skyrim has an option to play in third person, you don't have to play it in first person.

The World Ends With You is a great game, my sister is obsessed with it. >_>

I really want a 3DS for the Zelda remake, but I'm waiting for them to come out with the inevitable 3DS lite.

Aerinn is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 07:26 PM

@Yaunie: Yep, I have a 3DS game but I don't have a 3DS. I preordered the game thinking it'd come in after I got myself a 3DS, but it came in before I did. :'D Amazon also gave me a code to get a free download of the retro Kid Icarus game with my preorder, so I should get a 3DS before the code expires... :sweat:

@Sho: Yeah, I guess, but I'm more of an Nintendo console user anyway. :sweat:

I love TWEWY! I played it in middle school and it made me change my view on life and stuff. :D
Haha, when the DS Lite came out I still used my DS Fat. I like chunky consoles because I know they won't break on me. :'D
The only reason I have a DS Lite now is because my DS Fat got water in it and finally stopped working. Lasted me 5 good years too. *sniffle* :cry:

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 08:44 PM

The world ends with you? What is that? *blinks*

Liquid Diamond
Ich bin die morgen stern!
Liquid Diamond is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 08:46 PM

Its a video game for the DS =3

Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 04-07-2012, 08:47 PM

DIA! :O You just pop out of nowhere! :glomp: Happy easter ^^


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